Reading, Math, 4th Writing, 5th Science

|Ivy Hawn Lesson Plans –N. Renzoni |

|Subject: Reading/LA Grade: 2 Time: 8:00 to 9:30 Length: 90 min Date: January 9 - 13 |

|Standard(s)/Benchmark(s) Addressed: |Learning Goal(s): |

| |Reading focus standards: |

|Students will: | |

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|LAFS.2.L.1.1e |Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told). |

| |Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot |

|LAFS.2.RL.3.7 |Describe how words and phrases (regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythym and meaning in a story, poem, or song |

|LAFS.2.RL.2.4 | |

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|ESE/ESOL Accommodations: teacher and |Differentiated Instructional Strategies: |Engaging Student Activity: |

|peer assistance, repetition, visuals | | |

| |Students will go to RTI groups based on beginning-of-year | |

| |levels. |Play video for students before the start of the lessons |

|Materials: included in lesson below | | |

|Higher Order Level Question(s): see | | |

|below | | |

|21st Century Skills to Increase Rigor: |Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels: |

| |Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 |

|Critical Thinking and Problem Solving |-Recall elements and details -Identify and summarize the major events -Support ideas with details and -Conduct a project that requires |

| |specifying |

| |of story structure. of a narrative examples. |

|Collaboration and Leadership |a problem, designing, and conducting an |

| |-Conduct basic math calculations. -Use context clues to identify the meaning -Use an appropriate voice to the experiment, analyzing its data, and |

| |-Label locations on a map. of unfamiliar words. purpose and audience. |

|Agility, Flexibility, and Adaptability |reporting results/solutions. |

| |-Represent in words or diagrams -Solve routine multiple-step problems. -Identify research questions and -Apply math model to illuminate a |

| |problem. |

|Initiative and Entrepreneurialism |a scientific concept/relationship. -Describe the cause/effect of an event. design investigations for a scientific -Analyze and synthesize information|

| |from |

| |-Perform routine procedures -Identify patterns in events or behaviors. problem. multiple |

|Effective Oral and Written |sources. |

|communication |like measuring length or -Formulate a routine problem given data -Develop a scientific model for a -Describe and illustrate how |

| |common |

| |punctuation marks. and conditions. complex situation. |

|Accessing and Analyzing Information |themes are found across texts from |

| |-Describe the features -Organize, represent, and interpret data. -Determine the author’s purpose and different cultures. |

| |of a place or people. describe how it affects the story. |

|Curiosity and Imagination |-Design a math model to inform and solve |

| |-Apply a concept in other contexts. a practical or abstract situation. |

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|Teamwork | |

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|Lesson Activity/Experiences: |

|Monday: |

|SIPPS: Challenge Level Lesson 43 |

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|Reading: View the video under engaging student activity and read through the story with students; read poems in the poem book I’m All Right with students; note examples of rythym and rhyme while reading; examine |

|how illustrations help us understand the text. Teacher will call out various words from the pages and invite students to provide the rhyming word from the next line. Each student who gets a word right can get a |

|piece of candy. |

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|Higher-order questions (use today or at various points during the week to aid comprehension): |

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|Page 6: Why did the author include the same exact line at the beginning and end of this poem? How is this like using a topic/conclusion sentence when we write? |

|Page 8: The narrator is suggesting holding hands to help solve a problem. Sometimes being affectionate helps people know we care (when someone gives you a hug when you’re hurt or a high five when you do a good |

|job). What is a time in your life that someone showed affection to help you? Also, who is suggesting holding hands: the girl or the boy? How does the girl’s body language show us she is probably ready to stop |

|fighting? How does the illustration of the boy show that he might not be ready to get along yet? |

|Page 10: The boy doesn’t seem to change his mind about winning by the end of this poem; he still just wants to win even though other people tell him to be a good sport. Is this bad? Should he only want the other |

|kid to win? |

|Page 14: Look at the girl’s face, the other students’ faces, and the teacher’s face. How does this illustration show that the way people feel about her drawing is different than what she might have expected? |

|Page 15: The boy says he didn’t do his homework, but it was worse that he didn’t try. How is worse to not try than to not do something? |

|Page 16: What does the narrator mean when he says he’ll “have a rotten day”? Is anything rotting? |

|Page 16: Why would it be better to tell the truth if he’s going to get in trouble for it? |

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|Grammar: Review the definition of verbs and explain that often to form the past tense in verbs, we add –ed (jump ( jumped, look ( looked, etc). Some verbs are called irregular, and we change the way they are |

|written when we form the past tense (sit ( sat, hide ( hid). Using the Mimio, draw a giant circle map, writing “past tense verbs” in the middle, and brainstorming with students what verbs are past tense/letting |

|students write words in the circle if possible. |

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|Tuesday |

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|Reading: Pair students together to take turns reading the poem to each other; return to whole group setting and practice reading the story while clapping in order to hear the “beat;” guide students in listing what |

|extra details the pictures supply that the text does not (eg, in “It’s Not Fair,” the picture shows us that they are having a conflict over food, which the text does not tell us fully). |

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|Grammar: Brainstorm irregular verbs; have students work in pairs to fill in a flow map of irregular verbs, writing the present tense on one side and past tense on the other side. |

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|Wednesday: |

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|SIPPS: Challenge Level Lesson 44 |

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|Reading: Pair students together to take turns reading the poem to each other; return to whole group setting and practice reading the story while clapping in order to hear the “beat;” discuss the |

|characters/setting/plot in the book and lead students to realize this poetry book is full of many different little stories with their own characters/settings/mini plots. Have students complete a story elements |

|organizer using only one poem of their choice. |

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|Grammar: Irregular Verbs Around the World: All students will sit in a circle; teacher will pick two students sitting next to each other to stand up first. Teacher will say an irregular verb in present tense (break,|

|blow, hide) and the first student who says the correct past tense form (broke, blew, hid) gets to keep playing. The other sits back down. The correct student then goes against the next student in order in the |

|circle and the teacher says a new irregular verb. Whoever gets it right moves on again. The goal of the game is to make it all the way around the circle without having to sit down; anyone who does can get a piece |

|of candy as a prize. |

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|Thursday: |

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|Reading: Invite small groups of 3-4 students to come and read the poem chorally together for the whole group; review rythym and rhyme throughout the story; have students draw their favorite picture from the story |

|and write a paragraph explaining how the picture is tied to the text and also supplies details that add to the text. |

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|Grammar: Irregular Verb Mimio memory/concentration game |

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|Friday: |

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|SIPPS: Challenge Level Lesson 45 |

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|Grammar quiz (formative); reading story skills quiz (summative) |

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