We started with a list of abnormal domains as spelled out ...

Supplemental Material

Table S1: Sample demographic characteristics 2

Table S2: Facet correlations 3

Figure S1: Facet-level Item Information Curves (IICs) 4

Figure S2: Facet-level Test Information Curves (TICs) 5

Appendix A: Full measure, Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) v1.0 6

Appendix B: Scoring documentation for PID-5 v1.0 19

Appendix C: Facet-level IRT parameters 25

Table S1. Sample demographic characteristics, weighted to be representative of the target population (i.e., clinically-selected versus population-representative).

| | |Round 1 |Round 2 |Round 3 |

|Selection criteria |Reported having seen a therapist |Population-Representative |

|N |762 |366 |264 |

|Sex | | | | |

| |Male |41.2% |42.2% |49.1% |

| |Female |58.8% |57.8% |50.9% |

|Age | | | |

| |18-29 |17.7% |19.4% |22.1% |

| |30-44 |30.4% |30.0% |26.4% |

| |45-59 |33.7% |32.0% |27.0% |

| |60+ |18.1% |18.6% |24.5% |

|Race/Ethnicity | | | |

| |White, Non-Hispanic |73.2% |70.1% |70.6% |

| |Black, Non-Hispanic |9.0% |9.3% |11.6% |

| |Other, Non-Hispanic |4.7% |2.2% |2.5% |

| |Hispanic |11.3% |13.3% |13.0% |

| |2+ Races, Non-Hispanic |1.6% |5.1% |2.2% |

|Education | | | |

| |Less than high school |9.4% |10.8% |11.9% |

| |High school |24.6% |25.1% |31.8% |

| |Some college |32.7% |32.5% |28.4% |

| |Bachelor’s degree or higher |33.3% |31.6% |27.9% |

Table S2. Facet correlations (based on IRT-derived factor scores, parameters given in the Supplement). Correlations among facets within the selected samples (Rounds 1 and 2, N = 1128) are below the diagonal; correlations from the representative sample (Round 3, N = 264) are above the diagonal. Correlations stronger than 0.5 are emphasized in bold font.

|  |

|This is a list of things different people might say about themselves. We are interested in how you would describe yourself. There are no |

|right or wrong answers. So you can describe yourself as honestly as possible, we will keep your responses confidential. We'd like you to |

|take your time and read each statement carefully, selecting the response that best describes you. |

|Item | |Very False|Sometimes or |Sometimes or |Very True |

| | |or Often |Somewhat False |Somewhat True |or Often |

| | |False | | |True |

|1 |I don't get as much pleasure out of things as others seem to. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|2 |Plenty of people are out to get me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|3 |People would describe me as reckless. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|4 |I feel like I act totally on impulse. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|5 |I often have ideas that are too unusual to explain to anyone. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|6 |I lose track of conversations because other things catch my attention. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|7 |I avoid risky situations. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|8 |When it comes to my emotions, people tell me I'm a "cold fish". |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|9 |I change what I do depending on what others want. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|10 |I prefer not to get too close to people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|11 |I often get into physical fights. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|12 |I dread being without someone to love me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|13 |Being rude and unfriendly is just a part of who I am. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|14 |I do things to make sure people notice me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|15 |I usually do what others think I should do. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|16 |I usually do things on impulse without thinking about what might happen as a|0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |result. | | | | |

|17 |Even though I know better, I can't stop making rash decisions. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|18 |My emotions sometimes change for no good reason. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|19 |I really don't care if I make other people suffer. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|20 |I keep to myself. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|21 |I often say things that others find odd or strange. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|22 |I always do things on the spur of the moment. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|23 |Nothing seems to interest me very much. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|24 |Other people seem to think my behavior is weird. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|25 |People have told me that I think about things in a really strange way. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|26 |I almost never enjoy life. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|27 |I often feel like nothing I do really matters. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|28 |I snap at people when they do little things that irritate me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|29 |I can't concentrate on anything. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|30 |I'm an energetic person. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|31 |Others see me as irresponsible. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|32 |I can be mean when I need to be. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|33 |My thoughts often go off in odd or unusual directions. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|34 |I've been told that I spend too much time making sure things are exactly in |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |place. | | | | |

|35 |I avoid risky sports and activities. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|36 |I can have trouble telling the difference between dreams and waking life. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|37 |Sometimes I get this weird feeling that parts of my body feel like they're |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |dead or not really me. | | | | |

|38 |I am easily angered. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|39 |I have no limits when it comes to doing dangerous things. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|40 |To be honest, I'm just more important than other people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|41 |I make up stories about things that happened that are totally untrue. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|42 |People often talk about me doing things I don't remember at all. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|43 |I do things so that people just have to admire me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|44 |It's weird, but sometimes ordinary objects seem to be a different shape than|0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |usual. | | | | |

|45 |I don't have very long-lasting emotional reactions to things. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|46 |It is hard for me to stop an activity, even when it’s time to do so. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|47 |I'm not good at planning ahead. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|48 |I do a lot of things that others consider risky. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|49 |People tell me that I focus too much on minor details. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|50 |I worry a lot about being alone. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|51 | I've missed out on things because I was busy trying to get something I was |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |doing exactly right. | | | | |

|52 |My thoughts often don’t make sense to others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|53 |I often make up things about myself to help me get what I want. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|54 |It doesn't really bother me to see other people get hurt. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|55 |People often look at me as if I'd said something really weird. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|56 |People don't realize that I'm flattering them to get something. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|57 |I’d rather be in a bad relationship than be alone. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|58 |I usually think before I act. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|59 |I often see vivid dream-like images when I’m falling asleep or waking up. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|60 |I keep approaching things the same way, even when it isn’t working. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|61 |I'm very dissatisfied with myself. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|62 |I have much stronger emotional reactions than almost everyone else. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|63 |I do what other people tell me to do. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|64 |I can't stand being left alone, even for a few hours. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|65 |I have outstanding qualities that few others possess. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|66 |The future looks really hopeless to me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|67 |I like to take risks. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|68 |I can't achieve goals because other things capture my attention. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|69 |When I want to do something, I don't let the possibility that it might be |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |risky stop me. | | | | |

|70 |Others seem to think I'm quite odd or unusual. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|71 |My thoughts are strange and unpredictable. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|72 |I don't care about other people's feelings. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|73 |You need to step on some toes to get what you want in life. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|74 |I love getting the attention of other people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|75 |I go out of my way to avoid any kind of group activity. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|76 |I can be sneaky if it means getting what I want. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|77 |Sometimes when I look at a familiar object, it's somehow like I'm seeing it |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |for the first time. | | | | |

|78 |It is hard for me to shift from one activity to another. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|79 |I worry a lot about terrible things that might happen. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|80 |I have trouble changing how I'm doing something even if what I'm doing isn't|0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |going well. | | | | |

|81 |The world would be better off if I were dead. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|82 |I keep my distance from people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|83 |I often can't control what I think about. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|84 |I don't get emotional. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|85 |I resent being told what to do, even by people in charge. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|86 |I'm so ashamed by how I've let people down in lots of little ways. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|87 |I avoid anything that might be even a little bit dangerous. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|88 |I have trouble pursuing specific goals even for short periods of time. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|89 |I prefer to keep romance out of my life. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|90 |I would never harm another person. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|91 |I don't show emotions strongly. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|92 |I have a very short temper. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|93 |I often worry that something bad will happen due to mistakes I made in the |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |past. | | | | |

|94 |I have some unusual abilities, like sometimes knowing exactly what someone |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |is thinking. | | | | |

|95 |I get very nervous when I think about the future. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|96 |I rarely worry about things. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|97 |I enjoy being in love. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|98 |I prefer to play it safe rather than take unnecessary chances. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|99 |I sometimes have heard things that others couldn’t hear. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|100 |I get fixated on certain things and can’t stop. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|101 |People tell me it's difficult to know what I'm feeling. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|102 |I am a highly emotional person. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|103 |Others would take advantage of me if they could. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|104 |I often feel like a failure. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|105 |If something I do isn't absolutely perfect, it's simply not acceptable. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|106 |I often have unusual experiences, such as sensing the presence of someone |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |who isn't actually there. | | | | |

|107 |I'm good at making people do what I want them to do. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|108 |I break off relationships if they start to get close. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|109 |I’m always worrying about something. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|110 |I worry about almost everything. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|111 |I like standing out in a crowd. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|112 |I don't mind a little risk now and then. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|113 |My behavior is often bold and grabs peoples' attention. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|114 |I'm better than almost everyone else. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|115 |People complain about my need to have everything all arranged. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|116 |I always make sure I get back at people who wrong me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|117 |I'm always on my guard for someone trying to trick or harm me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|118 |I have trouble keeping my mind focused on what needs to be done. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|119 |I talk about suicide a lot. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|120 |I'm just not very interested in having sexual relationships. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|121 |I get stuck on things a lot. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|122 |I get emotional easily, often for very little reason. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|123 |Even though it drives other people crazy, I insist on absolute perfection in|0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |everything I do. | | | | |

|124 |I almost never feel happy about my day-to-day activities. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|125 |Sweet-talking others helps me get what I want. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|126 |Sometimes you need to exaggerate to get ahead. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|127 |I fear being alone in life more than anything else. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|128 |I get stuck on one way of doing things, even when it's clear it won't work. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|129 |I'm often pretty careless with my own and others' things. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|130 |I am a very anxious person. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|131 |People are basically trustworthy. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|132 |I am easily distracted. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|133 |It seems like I'm always getting a “raw deal” from others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|134 |I don't hesitate to cheat if it gets me ahead. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|135 |I check things several times to make sure they are perfect. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|136 |I don’t like spending time with others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|137 |I feel compelled to go on with things even when it makes little sense to do |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |so. | | | | |

|138 |I never know where my emotions will go from moment to moment. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|139 |I have seen things that weren’t really there. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|140 |It is important to me that things are done in a certain way. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|141 |I always expect the worst to happen. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|142 |I try to tell the truth even when it's hard. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|143 |I believe that some people can move things with their minds. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|144 |I can't focus on things for very long. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|145 |I steer clear of romantic relationships. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|146 |I'm not interested in making friends. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|147 |I say as little as possible when dealing with people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|148 |I'm useless as a person. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|149 |I'll do just about anything to keep someone from abandoning me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|150 |Sometimes I can influence other people just by sending my thoughts to them. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|151 |Life looks pretty bleak to me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|152 |I think about things in odd ways that don't make sense to most people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|153 |I don’t care if my actions hurt others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|154 |Sometimes I feel "controlled" by thoughts that belong to someone else. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|155 |I really live life to the fullest. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|156 |I make promises that I don't really intend to keep. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|157 |Nothing seems to make me feel good. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|158 |I get irritated easily by all sorts of things. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|159 |I do what I want regardless of how unsafe it might be. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|160 |I often forget to pay my bills. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|161 |I don’t like to get too close to people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|162 |I'm good at conning people. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|163 |Everything seems pointless to me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|164 |I never take risks. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|165 |I get emotional over every little thing. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|166 |It's no big deal if I hurt other peoples' feelings. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|167 |I never show emotions to others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|168 |I often feel just miserable. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|169 |I have no worth as a person. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|170 |I am usually pretty hostile. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|171 |I've skipped town to avoid responsibilities. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|172 |I've been told more than once that I have a number of odd quirks or habits. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|173 |I like being a person who gets noticed. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|174 |I'm always fearful or on edge about bad things that might happen. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|175 |I never want to be alone. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|176 |I keep trying to make things perfect, even when I've gotten them as good as |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |they're likely to get. | | | | |

|177 |I rarely feel that people I know are trying to take advantage of me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|178 |I know I'll commit suicide sooner or later. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|179 |I've achieved far more than almost anyone I know. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|180 |I can certainly turn on the charm if I need to get my way. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|181 |My emotions are unpredictable. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|182 |I don't deal with people unless I have to. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|183 |I don’t care about other peoples’ problems. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|184 |I don't react much to things that seem to make others emotional. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|185 |I have several habits that others find eccentric or strange. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|186 |I avoid social events. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|187 |I deserve special treatment. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|188 |It makes me really angry when people insult me in even a minor way. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|189 |I rarely get enthusiastic about anything. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|190 |I suspect that even my so-called “friends” betray me a lot. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|191 |I crave attention. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|192 |Sometimes I think someone else is removing thoughts from my head. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|193 |I have periods in which I feel disconnected from the world or from myself. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|194 |I often see unusual connections between things that most people miss. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|195 |I don't think about getting hurt when I'm doing things that might be |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |dangerous. | | | | |

|196 |I simply won't put up with things being out of their proper places. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|197 |I often have to deal with people who are less important than me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|198 |I sometimes hit people to remind them who's in charge |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|199 |I get pulled off-task by even minor distractions. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|200 |I enjoy making people in control look stupid. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|201 |I just skip appointments or meetings if I'm not in the mood. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|202 |I try to do what others want me to do. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|203 |I prefer being alone to having a close romantic partner. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|204 |I am very impulsive. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|205 |I often have thoughts that make sense to me but that other people say are |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |strange. | | | | |

|206 |I use people to get what I want. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|207 |I don't see the point in feeling guilty about things I've done that have |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |hurt other people. | | | | |

|208 |Most of the time I don't see the point in being friendly. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|209 |I've had some really weird experiences that are very difficult to explain. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|210 |I follow through on commitments. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|211 |I like to draw attention to myself. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|212 |I feel guilty much of the time. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|213 |I often "zone out" and then suddenly come to and realize that a lot of time |0 |1 |2 |3 |

| |has passed. | | | | |

|214 |Lying comes easily to me. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|215 |I hate to take chances. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|216 |I'm nasty and short to anybody who deserves it. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|217 |Things around me often feel unreal, or more real than usual. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|218 |I'll stretch the truth if it's to my advantage. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|219 |It is easy for me to take advantage of others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

|220 |I have a strict way of doing things. |0 |1 |2 |3 |

Appendix B: Scoring documentation for PID-5 v1.0

|Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (scoring) |

| | |

|A. |The following items should be reverse-scored (i.e 0 -> 3, 1 -> 2, 2 ->1, 3 ->0): |

| |7, 30, 35, 58, 87, 90, 96, 97, 98, 131, 142, 155, 164, 177, 210, 215 |

| |These item are marked (R) in the following list. |

| | |

|B. |Items are assigned to facets as shown below. |

| |Facet scores are averaged responses across all answered items assigned to that facet. |

| | |

| |Item |Facet Name / Item Text |

|  |  |Anhedonia |

| |1 |I don't get as much pleasure out of things as others seem to. |

| |23 |Nothing seems to interest me very much. |

| |26 |I almost never enjoy life. |

|(R) |30 |I'm an energetic person. |

| |124 |I almost never feel happy about my day-to-day activities. |

|(R) |155 |I really live life to the fullest. |

| |157 |Nothing seems to make me feel good. |

| |189 |I rarely get enthusiastic about anything. |

|  |  |Anxiousness |

| |79 |I worry a lot about terrible things that might happen. |

| |93 |I often worry that something bad will happen due to mistakes I made in the past. |

| |95 |I get very nervous when I think about the future. |

|(R) |96 |I rarely worry about things. |

| |109 |I’m always worrying about something. |

| |110 |I worry about almost everything. |

| |130 |I am a very anxious person. |

| |141 |I always expect the worst to happen. |

| |174 |I'm always fearful or on edge about bad things that might happen. |

|  |  |Attention Seeking |

| |14 |I do things to make sure people notice me. |

| |43 |I do things so that people just have to admire me. |

| |74 |I love getting the attention of other people. |

| |111 |I like standing out in a crowd. |

| |113 |My behavior is often bold and grabs peoples' attention. |

| |173 |I like being a person who gets noticed. |

| |191 |I crave attention. |

| |211 |I like to draw attention to myself. |

|  |  |Callousness |

| |11 |I often get into physical fights. |

| |13 |Being rude and unfriendly is just a part of who I am. |

| |19 |I really don't care if I make other people suffer. |

| |54 |It doesn't really bother me to see other people get hurt. |

| |72 |I don't care about other people's feelings. |

| |73 |You need to step on some toes to get what you want in life. |

|(R) |90 |I would never harm another person. |

| |153 |I don’t care if my actions hurt others. |

| |166 |It's no big deal if I hurt other peoples' feelings. |

| |183 |I don’t care about other peoples’ problems. |

| |198 |I sometimes hit people to remind them who's in charge |

| |200 |I enjoy making people in control look stupid. |

| |207 |I don't see the point in feeling guilty about things I've done that have hurt other people. |

| |208 |Most of the time I don't see the point in being friendly. |

|  |  |Deceitfulness |

| |41 |I make up stories about things that happened that are totally untrue. |

| |53 |I often make up things about myself to help me get what I want. |

| |56 |People don't realize that I'm flattering them to get something. |

| |76 |I can be sneaky if it means getting what I want. |

| |126 |Sometimes you need to exaggerate to get ahead. |

| |134 |I don't hesitate to cheat if it gets me ahead. |

|(R) |142 |I try to tell the truth even when it's hard. |

| |206 |I use people to get what I want. |

| |214 |Lying comes easily to me. |

| |218 |I'll stretch the truth if it's to my advantage. |

|  |  |Depressivity |

| |27 |I often feel like nothing I do really matters. |

| |61 |I'm very dissatisfied with myself. |

| |66 |The future looks really hopeless to me. |

| |81 |The world would be better off if I were dead. |

| |86 |I'm so ashamed by how I've let people down in lots of little ways. |

| |104 |I often feel like a failure. |

| |119 |I talk about suicide a lot. |

| |148 |I'm useless as a person. |

| |151 |Life looks pretty bleak to me. |

| |163 |Everything seems pointless to me. |

| |168 |I often feel just miserable. |

| |169 |I have no worth as a person. |

| |178 |I know I'll commit suicide sooner or later. |

| |212 |I feel guilty much of the time. |

|  |  |Distractibility |

| |6 |I lose track of conversations because other things catch my attention. |

| |29 |I can't concentrate on anything. |

| |47 |I'm not good at planning ahead. |

| |68 |I can't achieve goals because other things capture my attention. |

| |88 |I have trouble pursuing specific goals even for short periods of time. |

| |118 |I have trouble keeping my mind focused on what needs to be done. |

| |132 |I am easily distracted. |

| |144 |I can't focus on things for very long. |

| |199 |I get pulled off-task by even minor distractions. |

|  |  |Eccentricity |

| |5 |I often have ideas that are too unusual to explain to anyone. |

| |21 |I often say things that others find odd or strange. |

| |24 |Other people seem to think my behavior is weird. |

| |25 |People have told me that I think about things in a really strange way. |

| |33 |My thoughts often go off in odd or unusual directions. |

| |52 |My thoughts often don’t make sense to others. |

| |55 |People often look at me as if I'd said something really weird. |

| |70 |Others seem to think I'm quite odd or unusual. |

| |71 |My thoughts are strange and unpredictable. |

| |152 |I think about things in odd ways that don't make sense to most people. |

| |172 |I've been told more than once that I have a number of odd quirks or habits. |

| |185 |I have several habits that others find eccentric or strange. |

| |205 |I often have thoughts that make sense to me but that other people say are strange. |

|  |  |Emotional lability |

| |18 |My emotions sometimes change for no good reason. |

| |62 |I have much stronger emotional reactions than almost everyone else. |

| |102 |I am a highly emotional person. |

| |122 |I get emotional easily, often for very little reason. |

| |138 |I never know where my emotions will go from moment to moment. |

| |165 |I get emotional over every little thing. |

| |181 |My emotions are unpredictable. |

|  |  |Grandiosity |

| |40 |To be honest, I'm just more important than other people. |

| |65 |I have outstanding qualities that few others possess. |

| |114 |I'm better than almost everyone else. |

| |179 |I've achieved far more than almost anyone I know. |

| |187 |I deserve special treatment. |

| |197 |I often have to deal with people who are less important than me. |

|  |  |Hostility |

| |28 |I snap at people when they do little things that irritate me. |

| |32 |I can be mean when I need to be. |

| |38 |I am easily angered. |

| |85 |I resent being told what to do, even by people in charge. |

| |92 |I have a very short temper. |

| |116 |I always make sure I get back at people who wrong me. |

| |158 |I get irritated easily by all sorts of things. |

| |170 |I am usually pretty hostile. |

| |188 |It makes me really angry when people insult me in even a minor way. |

| |216 |I'm nasty and short to anybody who deserves it. |

|  |  |Impulsivity |

| |4 |I feel like I act totally on impulse. |

| |16 |I usually do things on impulse without thinking about what might happen as a result. |

| |17 |Even though I know better, I can't stop making rash decisions. |

| |22 |I always do things on the spur of the moment. |

|(R) |58 |I usually think before I act. |

| |204 |I am very impulsive. |

|  |  |Intimacy Avoidance |

| |89 |I prefer to keep romance out of my life. |

|(R) |97 |I enjoy being in love. |

| |108 |I break off relationships if they start to get close. |

| |120 |I'm just not very interested in having sexual relationships. |

| |145 |I steer clear of romantic relationships. |

| |203 |I prefer being alone to having a close romantic partner. |

|  |  |Irresponsibility |

| |31 |Others see me as irresponsible. |

| |129 |I'm often pretty careless with my own and others' things. |

| |156 |I make promises that I don't really intend to keep. |

| |160 |I often forget to pay my bills. |

| |171 |I've skipped town to avoid responsibilities. |

| |201 |I just skip appointments or meetings if I'm not in the mood. |

|(R) |210 |I follow through on commitments. |

|  |  |Manipulativeness |

| |107 |I'm good at making people do what I want them to do. |

| |125 |Sweet-talking others helps me get what I want. |

| |162 |I'm good at conning people. |

| |180 |I can certainly turn on the charm if I need to get my way. |

| |219 |It is easy for me to take advantage of others. |

|  |  |Perceptual Dysregulation |

| |36 |I can have trouble telling the difference between dreams and waking life. |

| |37 |Sometimes I get this weird feeling that parts of my body feel like they're dead or not really me. |

| |42 |People often talk about me doing things I don't remember at all. |

| |44 |It's weird, but sometimes ordinary objects seem to be a different shape than usual. |

| |59 |I often see vivid dream-like images when I’m falling asleep or waking up. |

| |77 |Sometimes when I look at a familiar object, it's somehow like I'm seeing it for the first time. |

| |83 |I often can't control what I think about. |

| |154 |Sometimes I feel "controlled" by thoughts that belong to someone else. |

| |192 |Sometimes I think someone else is removing thoughts from my head. |

| |193 |I have periods in which I feel disconnected from the world or from myself. |

| |213 |I often "zone out" and then suddenly come to and realize that a lot of time has passed. |

| |217 |Things around me often feel unreal, or more real than usual. |

|  |  |Perseveration |

| |46 |It is hard for me to stop an activity, even when it’s time to do so. |

| |51 | I've missed out on things because I was busy trying to get something I was doing exactly right. |

| |60 |I keep approaching things the same way, even when it isn’t working. |

| |78 |It is hard for me to shift from one activity to another. |

| |80 |I have trouble changing how I'm doing something even if what I'm doing isn't going well. |

| |100 |I get fixated on certain things and can’t stop. |

| |121 |I get stuck on things a lot. |

| |128 |I get stuck on one way of doing things, even when it's clear it won't work. |

| |137 |I feel compelled to go on with things even when it makes little sense to do so. |

|  |  |Restricted affectivity |

| |8 |When it comes to my emotions, people tell me I'm a "cold fish". |

| |45 |I don't have very long-lasting emotional reactions to things. |

| |84 |I don't get emotional. |

| |91 |I don't show emotions strongly. |

| |101 |People tell me it's difficult to know what I'm feeling. |

| |167 |I never show emotions to others. |

| |184 |I don't react much to things that seem to make others emotional. |

|  |  |Rigid Perfectionism |

| |34 |I've been told that I spend too much time making sure things are exactly in place. |

| |49 |People tell me that I focus too much on minor details. |

| |105 |If something I do isn't absolutely perfect, it's simply not acceptable. |

| |115 |People complain about my need to have everything all arranged. |

| |123 |Even though it drives other people crazy, I insist on absolute perfection in everything I do. |

| |135 |I check things several times to make sure they are perfect. |

| |140 |It is important to me that things are done in a certain way. |

| |176 |I keep trying to make things perfect, even when I've gotten them as good as they're likely to get. |

| |196 |I simply won't put up with things being out of their proper places. |

| |220 |I have a strict way of doing things. |

|  |  |Risk Taking |

| |3 |People would describe me as reckless. |

|(R) |7 |I avoid risky situations. |

|(R) |35 |I avoid risky sports and activities. |

| |39 |I have no limits when it comes to doing dangerous things. |

| |48 |I do a lot of things that others consider risky. |

| |67 |I like to take risks. |

| |69 |When I want to do something, I don't let the possibility that it might be risky stop me. |

|(R) |87 |I avoid anything that might be even a little bit dangerous. |

|(R) |98 |I prefer to play it safe rather than take unnecessary chances. |

| |112 |I don't mind a little risk now and then. |

| |159 |I do what I want regardless of how unsafe it might be. |

|(R) |164 |I never take risks. |

| |195 |I don't think about getting hurt when I'm doing things that might be dangerous. |

|(R) |215 |I hate to take chances. |

|  |  |Separation insecurity |

| |12 |I dread being without someone to love me. |

| |50 |I worry a lot about being alone. |

| |57 |I’d rather be in a bad relationship than be alone. |

| |64 |I can't stand being left alone, even for a few hours. |

| |127 |I fear being alone in life more than anything else. |

| |149 |I'll do just about anything to keep someone from abandoning me. |

| |175 |I never want to be alone. |

|  |  |Submissiveness |

| |9 |I change what I do depending on what others want. |

| |15 |I usually do what others think I should do. |

| |63 |I do what other people tell me to do. |

| |202 |I try to do what others want me to do. |

|  |  |Suspiciousness |

| |2 |Plenty of people are out to get me. |

| |103 |Others would take advantage of me if they could. |

| |117 |I'm always on my guard for someone trying to trick or harm me. |

|(R) |131 |People are basically trustworthy. |

| |133 |It seems like I'm always getting a “raw deal” from others. |

|(R) |177 |I rarely feel that people I know are trying to take advantage of me. |

| |190 |I suspect that even my so-called “friends” betray me a lot. |

|  |  |Unusual Beliefs & Experiences |

| |94 |I have some unusual abilities, like sometimes knowing exactly what someone is thinking. |

| |99 |I sometimes have heard things that others couldn’t hear. |

| |106 |I often have unusual experiences, such as sensing the presence of someone who isn't actually there. |

| |139 |I have seen things that weren’t really there. |

| |143 |I believe that some people can move things with their minds. |

| |150 |Sometimes I can influence other people just by sending my thoughts to them. |

| |194 |I often see unusual connections between things that most people miss. |

| |209 |I've had some really weird experiences that are very difficult to explain. |

|  |  |Withdrawal |

| |10 |I prefer not to get too close to people. |

| |20 |I keep to myself. |

| |75 |I go out of my way to avoid any kind of group activity. |

| |82 |I keep my distance from people. |

| |136 |I don’t like spending time with others. |

| |146 |I'm not interested in making friends. |

| |147 |I say as little as possible when dealing with people. |

| |161 |I don’t like to get too close to people. |

| |182 |I don't deal with people unless I have to. |

| |186 |I avoid social events. |

Appendix C: Parameter estimates for facet-level 2-PL IRT models

To take advantage of both the selected and representative samples, parameters were estimated using a multi-group model in Mplus, with the MLR estimation option. In the representative sample (Round 3), latent traits were constrained to a standard normal distribution (that is, with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1). The item parameter estimates in the selected samples (Rounds 1 and 2) were constrained equal to those in the representative sample, but the trait means and variances were allowed to deviate from 0 and 1, respectively. Standardized loadings in the right-most column are standardized to the representative sample distribution.

| |(R) = REVERSE-SCORED | |IRT / Samejima's Metric |Loading |

Item | |Text |IIC color |a |b1 |b2 |b3 |(stnd) | |  |  |Anhedonia |  |  |  |  |  |  | |1 | |I don't get as much pleasure out of things as others seem to. |Purple |2.051 |-1.04 |-0.10 |1.63 |0.749 | |23 | |Nothing seems to interest me very much. |Lt. Green |2.954 |0.03 |0.88 |1.90 |0.852 | |26 | |I almost never enjoy life. |Blue |4.322 |0.50 |1.14 |2.07 |0.922 | |30 |(R) |I'm an energetic person. |Red |1.100 |-1.32 |0.76 |2.63 |0.519 | |124 | |I almost never feel happy about my day-to-day activities. |Lt. Blue |2.949 |-0.03 |0.82 |1.79 |0.852 | |155 |(R) |I really live life to the fullest. |Green |1.480 |-1.08 |0.73 |2.03 |0.632 | |157 | |Nothing seems to make me feel good. |Brown |3.070 |0.22 |1.07 |2.17 |0.861 | |189 | |I rarely get enthusiastic about anything. |Orange |2.061 |-0.11 |1.01 |2.49 |0.751 | |  |  |Anxiousness |  |  |  |  |  |  | |79 | |I worry a lot about terrible things that might happen. |Brown |2.733 |-0.26 |0.54 |1.62 |0.833 | |93 | |I often worry that something bad will happen due to mistakes I made in the past. |Purple |1.965 |-0.15 |0.66 |1.98 |0.735 | |95 | |I get very nervous when I think about the future. |Lt. Blue |1.986 |-0.37 |0.53 |1.79 |0.738 | |96 |(R) |I rarely worry about things. |Orange |1.232 |-2.09 |-0.64 |1.15 |0.562 | |109 | |I’m always worrying about something. |Green |3.925 |-0.36 |0.30 |1.20 |0.908 | |110 | |I worry about almost everything. |Blue |5.031 |0.04 |0.71 |1.49 |0.941 | |130 | |I am a very anxious person. |Red |2.104 |-0.40 |0.50 |1.61 |0.757 | |141 | |I always expect the worst to happen. |Pink |2.324 |0.00 |0.93 |2.24 |0.788 | |174 | |I'm always fearful or on edge about bad things that might happen. |Lt. Green |2.947 |0.03 |0.84 |1.97 |0.852 | |  |  |Attention Seeking |  |  |  |  |  |  | |14 | |I do things to make sure people notice me. |Blue |1.982 |-0.05 |1.08 |2.54 |0.738 | |43 | |I do things so that people just have to admire me. |Orange |1.667 |0.45 |1.44 |3.33 |0.677 | |74 | |I love getting the attention of other people. |Red |2.485 |-0.54 |0.42 |2.06 |0.808 | |111 | |I like standing out in a crowd. |Lt. Green |2.394 |-0.15 |0.77 |2.26 |0.797 | |113 | |My behavior is often bold and grabs peoples' attention. |Brown |1.509 |-0.17 |0.84 |2.43 |0.640 | |173 | |I like being a person who gets noticed. |Purple |3.045 |-0.39 |0.53 |1.94 |0.859 | |191 | |I crave attention. |Lt. Blue |2.421 |0.15 |1.09 |2.53 |0.800 | |211 | |I like to draw attention to myself. |Green |3.697 |0.01 |0.94 |2.14 |0.898 | |  |  |Callousness |  |  |  |  |  |  | |11 | |I often get into physical fights. |Yellow |2.028 |1.71 |2.70 |4.17 |0.745 | |13 | |Being rude and unfriendly is just a part of who I am. |Lt. Orange |2.273 |0.88 |1.65 |2.38 |0.782 | |19 | |I really don't care if I make other people suffer. |Lt. Blue |3.242 |0.98 |1.75 |2.30 |0.873 | |54 | |It doesn't really bother me to see other people get hurt. |Red |2.993 |0.97 |1.65 |2.61 |0.855 | |72 | |I don't care about other people's feelings. |Orange |3.189 |0.89 |1.69 |2.68 |0.869 | |73 | |You need to step on some toes to get what you want in life. |Lt. Green |1.507 |-0.13 |0.76 |2.59 |0.639 | |90 |(R) |I would never harm another person. |Lt. Purple |1.339 |0.57 |1.42 |2.57 |0.594 | |153 | |I don’t care if my actions hurt others. |Green |4.497 |0.90 |1.65 |2.35 |0.927 | |166 | |It's no big deal if I hurt other peoples' feelings. |Purple |3.692 |0.87 |1.72 |2.67 |0.898 | |183 | |I don’t care about other peoples’ problems. |Blue |2.664 |0.23 |1.39 |2.33 |0.827 | |198 | |I sometimes hit people to remind them who's in charge |Grey |2.343 |1.77 |2.26 |2.70 |0.791 | |200 | |I enjoy making people in control look stupid. |Black |1.720 |0.61 |1.66 |2.88 |0.688 | |207 | |I don't see the point in feeling guilty about things I've done that have hurt other people. |Brown |1.903 |0.40 |1.66 |2.86 |0.724 | |208 | |Most of the time I don't see the point in being friendly. |Pink |1.909 |0.52 |1.71 |2.86 |0.725 | |  |  |Deceitfulness |  |  |  |  |  |  | |41 | |I make up stories about things that happened that are totally untrue. |Brown |2.343 |1.03 |1.73 |2.75 |0.791 | |53 | |I often make up things about myself to help me get what I want. |Lt. Blue |2.424 |0.95 |1.68 |2.58 |0.801 | |56 | |People don't realize that I'm flattering them to get something. |Red |1.896 |0.54 |1.64 |3.32 |0.723 | |76 | |I can be sneaky if it means getting what I want. |Blue |1.839 |-0.15 |0.74 |2.31 |0.712 | |126 | |Sometimes you need to exaggerate to get ahead. |Lt. Green |2.220 |-0.11 |0.85 |2.45 |0.774 | |134 | |I don't hesitate to cheat if it gets me ahead. |Lt. Orange |2.526 |0.87 |1.87 |2.77 |0.812 | |142 |(R) |I try to tell the truth even when it's hard. |Orange |0.943 |0.71 |3.00 |4.29 |0.461 | |206 | |I use people to get what I want. |Green |2.234 |0.84 |1.86 |3.17 |0.776 | |214 | |Lying comes easily to me. |Purple |2.341 |0.56 |1.39 |2.27 |0.790 | |218 | |I'll stretch the truth if it's to my advantage. |Pink |2.979 |0.15 |0.91 |2.15 |0.854 | |  |  |Depressivity |  |  |  |  |  |  | |27 | |I often feel like nothing I do really matters. |Grey |2.693 |-0.01 |0.65 |1.65 |0.829 | |61 | |I'm very dissatisfied with myself. |Pink |2.770 |0.11 |0.78 |1.75 |0.837 | |66 | |The future looks really hopeless to me. |Purple |3.071 |0.43 |1.04 |1.83 |0.861 | |81 | |The world would be better off if I were dead. |Green |3.535 |1.09 |1.58 |2.25 |0.890 | |86 | |I'm so ashamed by how I've let people down in lots of little ways. |Lt. Purple |1.773 |-0.11 |0.76 |2.01 |0.699 | |104 | |I often feel like a failure. |Lt. Green |3.932 |0.06 |0.68 |1.47 |0.908 | |119 | |I talk about suicide a lot. |Red |2.517 |1.52 |2.17 |3.45 |0.811 | |148 | |I'm useless as a person. |Lt. Blue |4.446 |0.99 |1.55 |2.21 |0.926 | |151 | |Life looks pretty bleak to me. |Orange |4.130 |0.43 |1.02 |1.78 |0.916 | |163 | |Everything seems pointless to me. |Black |4.013 |0.58 |1.19 |2.07 |0.911 | |168 | |I often feel just miserable. |Yellow |2.993 |0.07 |0.80 |1.73 |0.855 | |169 | |I have no worth as a person. |Brown |4.731 |0.90 |1.40 |2.09 |0.934 | |178 | |I know I'll commit suicide sooner or later. |Blue |2.569 |1.61 |2.38 |2.91 |0.817 | |212 | |I feel guilty much of the time. |Lt. Orange |2.020 |0.34 |1.34 |2.28 |0.744 | |  |  |Distractibility |  |  |  |  |  |  | |6 | |I lose track of conversations because other things catch my attention. |Pink |1.631 |-0.67 |0.47 |2.03 |0.669 | |29 | |I can't concentrate on anything. |Green |2.309 |0.18 |1.02 |2.45 |0.786 | |47 | |I'm not good at planning ahead. |Blue |1.395 |-0.10 |1.02 |2.58 |0.610 | |68 | |I can't achieve goals because other things capture my attention. |Lt. Green |2.392 |0.01 |1.18 |2.43 |0.797 | |88 | |I have trouble pursuing specific goals even for short periods of time. |Lt. Blue |2.545 |0.07 |1.12 |2.11 |0.814 | |118 | |I have trouble keeping my mind focused on what needs to be done. |Orange |3.314 |-0.11 |0.71 |1.74 |0.877 | |132 | |I am easily distracted. |Brown |3.179 |-0.44 |0.53 |1.69 |0.869 | |144 | |I can't focus on things for very long. |Red |3.296 |0.07 |0.94 |2.00 |0.876 | |199 | |I get pulled off-task by even minor distractions. |Purple |2.811 |-0.01 |0.87 |2.08 |0.840 | |  |  |Eccentricity |  |  |  |  |  |  | |5 | |I often have ideas that are too unusual to explain to anyone. |Green |1.977 |-0.29 |0.58 |1.86 |0.737 | |21 | |I often say things that others find odd or strange. |Brown |2.932 |-0.31 |0.41 |1.57 |0.850 | |24 | |Other people seem to think my behavior is weird. |Red |3.029 |-0.08 |0.75 |1.82 |0.858 | |25 | |People have told me that I think about things in a really strange way. |Lt. Orange |3.250 |0.05 |0.74 |1.77 |0.873 | |33 | |My thoughts often go off in odd or unusual directions. |Lt. Purple |2.481 |-0.39 |0.41 |1.77 |0.807 | |52 | |My thoughts often don’t make sense to others. |Yellow |3.577 |-0.03 |0.66 |1.62 |0.892 | |55 | |People often look at me as if I'd said something really weird. |Lt. Blue |3.282 |0.04 |0.75 |1.77 |0.875 | |70 | |Others seem to think I'm quite odd or unusual. |Lt. Green |3.757 |0.10 |0.74 |1.64 |0.901 | |71 | |My thoughts are strange and unpredictable. |Grey |3.588 |0.39 |1.06 |1.86 |0.892 | |152 | |I think about things in odd ways that don't make sense to most people. |Pink |3.371 |0.21 |0.86 |1.77 |0.881 | |172 | |I've been told more than once that I have a number of odd quirks or habits. |Orange |2.344 |0.26 |0.93 |1.94 |0.791 | |185 | |I have several habits that others find eccentric or strange. |Purple |2.717 |0.18 |0.98 |1.94 |0.832 | |205 | |I often have thoughts that make sense to me but that other people say are strange. |Blue |3.045 |0.10 |0.83 |1.82 |0.859 | |  |  |Emotional lability |  |  |  |  |  |  | |18 | |My emotions sometimes change for no good reason. |Red |1.754 |-0.62 |0.31 |1.68 |0.695 | |62 | |I have much stronger emotional reactions than almost everyone else. |Brown |1.961 |-0.40 |0.65 |2.00 |0.734 | |102 | |I am a highly emotional person. |Orange |2.095 |-0.79 |0.15 |1.37 |0.756 | |122 | |I get emotional easily, often for very little reason. |Purple |4.273 |-0.22 |0.55 |1.47 |0.921 | |138 | |I never know where my emotions will go from moment to moment. |Blue |2.571 |0.18 |0.96 |2.08 |0.817 | |165 | |I get emotional over every little thing. |Lt. Blue |4.108 |0.17 |1.00 |1.94 |0.915 | |181 | |My emotions are unpredictable. |Green |2.642 |-0.07 |0.90 |1.78 |0.824 | |  |  |Grandiosity |  |  |  |  |  |  | |40 | |To be honest, I'm just more important than other people. |Purple |1.720 |0.35 |1.39 |2.33 |0.688 | |65 | |I have outstanding qualities that few others possess. |Blue |1.040 |-1.55 |-0.08 |2.42 |0.497 | |114 | |I'm better than almost everyone else. |Green |2.194 |0.30 |1.32 |2.85 |0.771 | |179 | |I've achieved far more than almost anyone I know. |Orange |1.066 |-0.50 |1.13 |3.12 |0.507 | |187 | |I deserve special treatment. |Red |1.548 |0.19 |1.31 |2.65 |0.649 | |197 | |I often have to deal with people who are less important than me. |Brown |1.804 |0.07 |1.29 |2.52 |0.705 | |  |  |Hostility |  |  |  |  |  |  | |28 | |I snap at people when they do little things that irritate me. |Brown |2.422 |-0.23 |0.60 |1.83 |0.800 | |32 | |I can be mean when I need to be. |Lt. Blue |1.520 |-1.25 |-0.25 |1.15 |0.642 | |38 | |I am easily angered. |Blue |2.932 |-0.22 |0.66 |1.56 |0.850 | |85 | |I resent being told what to do, even by people in charge. |Pink |1.247 |-0.67 |0.79 |2.51 |0.567 | |92 | |I have a very short temper. |Red |2.916 |-0.16 |0.58 |1.48 |0.849 | |116 | |I always make sure I get back at people who wrong me. |Lt. Green |1.654 |0.52 |1.50 |2.94 |0.674 | |158 | |I get irritated easily by all sorts of things. |Green |2.868 |-0.31 |0.48 |1.53 |0.845 | |170 | |I am usually pretty hostile. |Lt. Orange |2.715 |0.92 |1.58 |2.67 |0.831 | |188 | |It makes me really angry when people insult me in even a minor way. |Purple |1.418 |-0.98 |0.22 |1.74 |0.616 | |216 | |I'm nasty and short to anybody who deserves it. |Orange |1.967 |0.38 |1.30 |2.20 |0.735 | |  |  |Impulsivity |  |  |  |  |  |  | |4 | |I feel like I act totally on impulse. |Green |1.801 |-0.26 |0.89 |2.58 |0.705 | |16 | |I usually do things on impulse without thinking about what might happen as a result. |Red |3.272 |0.05 |1.13 |2.29 |0.875 | |17 | |Even though I know better, I can't stop making rash decisions. |Brown |2.543 |0.30 |1.37 |2.58 |0.814 | |22 | |I always do things on the spur of the moment. |Blue |1.587 |-0.51 |0.94 |2.91 |0.658 | |58 |(R) |I usually think before I act. |Orange |1.179 |-0.15 |1.86 |3.23 |0.545 | |204 | |I am very impulsive. |Purple |1.374 |-0.37 |1.11 |3.18 |0.604 | |  |  |Intimacy Avoidance |  |  |  |  |  |  | |89 | |I prefer to keep romance out of my life. |Red |3.261 |0.32 |1.17 |2.07 |0.874 | |97 |(R) |I enjoy being in love. |Green |1.798 |0.46 |1.68 |2.55 |0.704 | |108 | |I break off relationships if they start to get close. |Brown |1.308 |0.44 |1.88 |3.54 |0.585 | |120 | |I'm just not very interested in having sexual relationships. |Orange |1.834 |0.21 |0.96 |1.96 |0.711 | |145 | |I steer clear of romantic relationships. |Purple |3.693 |0.17 |0.95 |1.76 |0.898 | |203 | |I prefer being alone to having a close romantic partner. |Blue |2.564 |0.30 |1.15 |2.06 |0.816 | |  |  |Irresponsibility |  |  |  |  |  |  | |31 | |Others see me as irresponsible. |Purple |1.980 |0.65 |1.54 |2.59 |0.737 | |129 | |I'm often pretty careless with my own and others' things. |Lt. Blue |2.074 |0.82 |1.68 |2.55 |0.753 | |156 | |I make promises that I don't really intend to keep. |Orange |1.924 |0.69 |1.78 |3.02 |0.728 | |160 | |I often forget to pay my bills. |Blue |1.883 |0.76 |1.56 |2.67 |0.720 | |171 | |I've skipped town to avoid responsibilities. |Green |2.280 |1.55 |2.07 |3.74 |0.783 | |201 | |I just skip appointments or meetings if I'm not in the mood. |Brown |2.101 |0.85 |1.52 |2.40 |0.757 | |210 |(R) |I follow through on commitments. |Red |1.554 |0.43 |2.04 |2.99 |0.651 | |  |  |Manipulativeness |  |  |  |  |  |  | |107 | |I'm good at making people do what I want them to do. |Blue |1.862 |-0.68 |0.42 |2.10 |0.716 | |125 | |Sweet-talking others helps me get what I want. |Orange |2.782 |-0.01 |0.70 |1.97 |0.838 | |162 | |I'm good at conning people. |Purple |2.231 |0.72 |1.51 |2.59 |0.776 | |180 | |I can certainly turn on the charm if I need to get my way. |Red |2.743 |-0.53 |0.28 |1.48 |0.834 | |219 | |It is easy for me to take advantage of others. |Green |2.175 |0.69 |1.51 |2.38 |0.768 | |  |  |Perceptual Dysregulation |  |  |  |  |  |  | |36 | |I can have trouble telling the difference between dreams and waking life. |Lt. Blue |1.806 |1.26 |2.04 |3.18 |0.706 | |37 | |Sometimes I get this weird feeling that parts of my body feel like they're dead or not really me. |Blue |2.943 |1.02 |1.47 |2.21 |0.851 | |42 | |People often talk about me doing things I don't remember at all. |Lt. Green |1.564 |0.61 |1.44 |2.63 |0.653 | |44 | |It's weird, but sometimes ordinary objects seem to be a different shape than usual. |Green |2.429 |1.37 |1.93 |2.90 |0.801 | |59 | |I often see vivid dream-like images when I’m falling asleep or waking up. |Yellow |1.186 |0.16 |1.10 |2.22 |0.547 | |77 | |Sometimes when I look at a familiar object, it's somehow like I'm seeing it for the first time. |Red |1.657 |0.62 |1.39 |2.75 |0.675 | |83 | |I often can't control what I think about. |Brown |1.543 |-0.11 |0.92 |2.24 |0.648 | |154 | |Sometimes I feel "controlled" by thoughts that belong to someone else. |Orange |2.398 |1.41 |2.09 |2.73 |0.798 | |192 | |Sometimes I think someone else is removing thoughts from my head. |Purple |2.379 |1.85 |2.35 |2.88 |0.795 | |193 | |I have periods in which I feel disconnected from the world or from myself. |Lt. Purple |2.366 |0.50 |1.10 |2.13 |0.794 | |213 | |I often "zone out" and then suddenly come to and realize that a lot of time has passed. |Pink |1.777 |0.77 |1.56 |2.60 |0.700 | |217 | |Things around me often feel unreal, or more real than usual. |Lt. Orange |3.307 |0.81 |1.46 |2.37 |0.877 | |  |  |Perseveration |  |  |  |  |  |  | |46 | |It is hard for me to stop an activity, even when it’s time to do so. |Lt. Green |1.269 |-0.57 |0.53 |2.78 |0.573 | |51 | | I've missed out on things because I was busy trying to get something I was doing exactly right. |Blue |1.554 |-0.26 |0.89 |2.40 |0.651 | |60 | |I keep approaching things the same way, even when it isn’t working. |Pink |1.801 |-0.11 |1.09 |2.50 |0.705 | |78 | |It is hard for me to shift from one activity to another. |Brown |2.215 |-0.01 |1.11 |2.39 |0.774 | |80 | |I have trouble changing how I'm doing something even if what I'm doing isn't going well. |Red |2.622 |-0.19 |0.95 |2.08 |0.822 | |100 | |I get fixated on certain things and can’t stop. |Orange |1.987 |-0.04 |0.88 |2.15 |0.739 | |121 | |I get stuck on things a lot. |Purple |2.251 |0.10 |1.00 |2.43 |0.779 | |128 | |I get stuck on one way of doing things, even when it's clear it won't work. |Green |3.334 |0.10 |1.10 |2.26 |0.878 | |137 | |I feel compelled to go on with things even when it makes little sense to do so. |Lt. Blue |1.880 |-0.05 |1.15 |2.68 |0.720 | |  |  |Restricted affectivity |  |  |  |  |  |  | |8 | |When it comes to my emotions, people tell me I'm a "cold fish". |Brown |1.091 |0.37 |1.70 |3.56 |0.515 | |45 | |I don't have very long-lasting emotional reactions to things. |Orange |0.923 |-0.75 |1.31 |3.68 |0.453 | |84 | |I don't get emotional. |Purple |1.749 |-0.32 |1.07 |2.51 |0.694 | |91 | |I don't show emotions strongly. |Red |2.003 |-0.87 |0.28 |1.94 |0.741 | |101 | |People tell me it's difficult to know what I'm feeling. |Green |0.907 |-1.14 |0.44 |2.84 |0.447 | |167 | |I never show emotions to others. |Blue |1.546 |-0.47 |1.10 |2.62 |0.649 | |184 | |I don't react much to things that seem to make others emotional. |Lt. Blue |1.329 |-1.03 |0.56 |2.52 |0.591 | |  |  |Rigid Perfectionism |  |  |  |  |  |  | |34 | |I've been told that I spend too much time making sure things are exactly in place. |Brown |2.008 |-0.29 |0.60 |1.81 |0.742 | |49 | |People tell me that I focus too much on minor details. |Lt. Green |1.612 |-0.65 |0.30 |1.91 |0.664 | |105 | |If something I do isn't absolutely perfect, it's simply not acceptable. |Orange |2.082 |-0.45 |0.62 |2.04 |0.754 | |115 | |People complain about my need to have everything all arranged. |Pink |2.177 |0.20 |1.07 |2.23 |0.768 | |123 | |Even though it drives other people crazy, I insist on absolute perfection in everything I do. |Blue |3.956 |0.07 |0.88 |1.81 |0.909 | |135 | |I check things several times to make sure they are perfect. |Red |1.920 |-0.91 |-0.02 |1.62 |0.727 | |140 | |It is important to me that things are done in a certain way. |Lt. Orange |1.768 |-1.38 |-0.30 |1.73 |0.698 | |176 | |I keep trying to make things perfect, even when I've gotten them as good as they're likely to get. |Green |2.181 |-0.29 |0.69 |2.01 |0.769 | |196 | |I simply won't put up with things being out of their proper places. |Lt. Blue |2.239 |-0.19 |0.83 |1.95 |0.777 | |220 | |I have a strict way of doing things. |Purple |1.604 |-0.69 |0.35 |2.08 |0.662 | |  |  |Risk Taking |  |  |  |  |  |  | |3 | |People would describe me as reckless. |Lt. Blue |1.421 |0.63 |1.78 |3.40 |0.617 | |7 |(R) |I avoid risky situations. |Lt. Orange |1.343 |-0.79 |0.93 |2.83 |0.595 | |35 |(R) |I avoid risky sports and activities. |Yellow |1.241 |-0.73 |0.61 |1.81 |0.565 | |39 | |I have no limits when it comes to doing dangerous things. |Orange |1.992 |0.99 |2.06 |2.97 |0.739 | |48 | |I do a lot of things that others consider risky. |Red |2.371 |0.23 |1.13 |2.35 |0.794 | |67 | |I like to take risks. |Green |2.759 |-0.15 |0.77 |2.20 |0.836 | |69 | |When I want to do something, I don't let the possibility that it might be risky stop me. |Blue |1.415 |-1.14 |0.42 |2.46 |0.615 | |87 |(R) |I avoid anything that might be even a little bit dangerous. |Pink |1.190 |-1.70 |-0.31 |1.42 |0.549 | |98 |(R) |I prefer to play it safe rather than take unnecessary chances. |Black |1.492 |-0.79 |1.01 |2.65 |0.635 | |112 | |I don't mind a little risk now and then. |Lt. Purple |1.342 |-2.07 |-0.71 |1.62 |0.595 | |159 | |I do what I want regardless of how unsafe it might be. |Brown |1.742 |0.60 |2.02 |3.32 |0.693 | |164 |(R) |I never take risks. |Lt. Green |1.016 |-2.26 |-0.38 |1.62 |0.489 | |195 | |I don't think about getting hurt when I'm doing things that might be dangerous. |Purple |1.360 |-0.01 |1.28 |2.92 |0.600 | |215 |(R) |I hate to take chances. |Grey |1.332 |-2.16 |-0.27 |1.65 |0.592 | |  |  |Separation insecurity |  |  |  |  |  |  | |12 | |I dread being without someone to love me. |Purple |1.557 |-0.98 |0.03 |1.28 |0.651 | |50 | |I worry a lot about being alone. |Red |3.143 |-0.41 |0.46 |1.35 |0.866 | |57 | |I’d rather be in a bad relationship than be alone. |Green |1.804 |0.95 |1.72 |2.65 |0.705 | |64 | |I can't stand being left alone, even for a few hours. |Orange |2.212 |0.93 |1.75 |2.77 |0.773 | |127 | |I fear being alone in life more than anything else. |Blue |3.398 |0.08 |0.74 |1.45 |0.882 | |149 | |I'll do just about anything to keep someone from abandoning me. |Brown |1.658 |0.44 |1.51 |2.75 |0.675 | |175 | |I never want to be alone. |Lt. Blue |1.871 |-0.16 |0.73 |1.95 |0.718 | |  |  |Submissiveness |  |  |  |  |  |  | |9 | |I change what I do depending on what others want. |Red |1.504 |-1.05 |0.36 |3.04 |0.638 | |15 | |I usually do what others think I should do. |Blue |2.394 |-0.61 |0.61 |2.32 |0.797 | |63 | |I do what other people tell me to do. |Orange |1.923 |-0.56 |0.62 |2.65 |0.728 | |202 | |I try to do what others want me to do. |Green |2.024 |-1.15 |-0.16 |1.96 |0.745 | |  |  |Suspiciousness |  |  |  |  |  |  | |2 | |Plenty of people are out to get me. |Lt. Blue |1.524 |1.05 |2.07 |3.64 |0.643 | |103 | |Others would take advantage of me if they could. |Green |1.551 |-0.93 |-0.01 |1.51 |0.650 | |117 | |I'm always on my guard for someone trying to trick or harm me. |Red |1.418 |-0.65 |0.45 |1.91 |0.616 | |131 |(R) |People are basically trustworthy. |Blue |1.079 |-1.64 |1.05 |2.70 |0.511 | |133 | |It seems like I'm always getting a “raw deal” from others. |Brown |2.701 |-0.15 |0.77 |1.84 |0.830 | |177 |(R) |I rarely feel that people I know are trying to take advantage of me. |Orange |0.949 |-0.66 |0.99 |2.45 |0.464 | |190 | |I suspect that even my so-called “friends” betray me a lot. |Purple |2.521 |0.33 |1.36 |2.25 |0.812 | |  |  |Unusual Beliefs & Experiences |  |  |  |  |  |  | |94 | |I have some unusual abilities, like sometimes knowing exactly what someone is thinking. |Brown |1.797 |0.05 |0.84 |2.00 |0.704 | |99 | |I sometimes have heard things that others couldn’t hear. |Blue |1.690 |0.66 |1.21 |2.23 |0.682 | |106 | |I often have unusual experiences, such as sensing the presence of someone who isn't actually there. |Green |2.985 |0.61 |1.13 |2.05 |0.855 | |139 | |I have seen things that weren’t really there. |Red |2.411 |0.99 |1.54 |2.41 |0.799 | |143 | |I believe that some people can move things with their minds. |Lt. Blue |1.390 |0.65 |1.34 |2.93 |0.608 | |150 | |Sometimes I can influence other people just by sending my thoughts to them. |Purple |1.672 |1.17 |1.74 |3.08 |0.678 | |194 | |I often see unusual connections between things that most people miss. |Lt. Green |1.661 |-0.35 |0.44 |1.90 |0.675 | |209 | |I've had some really weird experiences that are very difficult to explain. |Orange |2.375 |0.21 |0.84 |1.70 |0.795 | |  |  |Withdrawal |  |  |  |  |  |  | |10 | |I prefer not to get too close to people. |Lt. Orange |2.135 |-0.74 |0.30 |1.62 |0.762 | |20 | |I keep to myself. |Purple |2.308 |-1.11 |-0.27 |1.07 |0.786 | |75 | |I go out of my way to avoid any kind of group activity. |Green |2.254 |-0.29 |0.71 |2.01 |0.779 | |82 | |I keep my distance from people. |Lt. Blue |3.069 |-0.23 |0.49 |1.71 |0.861 | |136 | |I don’t like spending time with others. |Blue |2.610 |-0.07 |0.96 |2.62 |0.821 | |146 | |I'm not interested in making friends. |Brown |2.811 |0.19 |1.11 |2.09 |0.840 | |147 | |I say as little as possible when dealing with people. |Orange |2.345 |-0.50 |0.51 |1.86 |0.791 | |161 | |I don’t like to get too close to people. |Pink |3.111 |-0.20 |0.62 |1.89 |0.864 | |182 | |I don't deal with people unless I have to. |Lt. Green |2.838 |-0.33 |0.55 |1.50 |0.843 | |186 | |I avoid social events. |Red |2.792 |-0.31 |0.46 |1.75 |0.839 | |


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