5A-1 Guided Practice Activities— The Imperfect tense ...

5A-1 Guided Practice Activities— The Imperfect tense: other uses


1. Llovía What the weather was like

It was raining when I woke up.

2. Nevaba What the weather was like

It was snowing when I left the house.

3. Eran Telling what time it was

It was 3 pm when the hurricane began.

4. Había What the weather was like

There was a rainstorm when the flood began

5. Era Telling what time it was

It was 1 pm when I saw the fire.

6. Eran Telling what time it was

It was 9:00 when I went to bed.

7. Hacía What the weather was like

The weather was bad when I arrived at home.


1. Hacía It was very windy when the paramedics arrived.

2. Eran When the announcer began to speak, it was 6 pm.

3. hacía When those 3 cars crashed, the weather was bad.

4. Llovía It was raining a lot when the accident happened (occurred).

5. Eran It was 12:00 when my brother returned home.


1. teníamos We went to eat because we were hungry.

2. quería The reporter spoke with many people because she wanted to know what happened.

3. tenía The paramedics were in a hurry and because

of this they left quickly.

4. querían When they put out the fire, the firemen wanted

to rest.

5. estábamos When we arrived at the building we were nervous.

6. estaba Juanita shouted because she was scared.


1. Los paramédicos estaban cansados

porque subieron las escaleras de prisa.

2. Hacía mucho viento

cuando el huracán llegó a la ciudad.

3. Eran las cinco y media de la tarde

cuando los bomberos apagaron el incendio.


1. Hubo an event took place

There was an earthquake in this city.

2. Había situation

There were few people in the streets.

3. Había situation

There were many injured (people).

4. Hubo an event took place

There was a fire at 6 am.

5. Hubo an event took place

There was a flood in the city

6. Había situation

There were many destroyed houses (homes).


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