Commack Schools

September 5, 2018

Dear Algebra 2 Student,

I am honored that you are enrolled in my Algebra 2 Math class for this 2018/19 school year and encourage you to look forward to this challenging class. In order for the highest level of success, it is imperative that you know how the class works.

• There will be four tests administered each marking period. The marking period grade is calculated by a straight average of the tests followed by the homework adjustment. Any test with a grade less than 65 will result in an immediate home contact. You will have the opportunity to do test corrections on exactly one failing test per marking period which may bring the failing grade up to a 65 if all of the corrections are correct. These corrections must be turned in within 5 days after receiving the test back from me.

• Homework will be assigned every night and checked the following day. Any missing homework will result in an immediate home contact. Homework comprises 10% of the marking period grade.

• The incentive program known as “Marks Money” will be in effect. Every $500 buys 1 point on a test. Money is earned through different ways including putting correct homework on the board and academically enlightening the class.

• Extra help will be given on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30 – 3:10 pm and Thursday mornings from 7 to 7:25 am in room 232.

I am looking forward to a successful and happy school year. You can contact me at if you ever have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Douglas Marks


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