1999 Criss, R.E., Principles of Stable Isotope Distribution, Oxford University Press,

New York, 254 p.

2015 Davisson, M.L. and Criss, R.E., Observational Hydrology, in progress, online at:


2009 Finding the Balance between Floods, Flood Protection, and River Navigation, Criss, R.E. and Kusky, T.M., editors, published by Saint Louis University, Available Online, URL: annual report/FloodForum_Book_final.pdf

2003 At the Confluence: Rivers, Floods, and Water Quality in the St. Louis Region, Criss, R.E. and Wilson, D.A., editors, MBG Press, St. Louis, 278 p.

1989 New Frontiers in Stable Isotope Research: Laser Probes, Ion Probes, and Small Sample Analysis, Shanks, W.C. and Criss, R.E., eds, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 1890, 174 p.


Criss, R.E. and Luo, M. (2017) Increasing risk and uncertainty of flooding in the Mississippi River basin. Hydrological Processes, 31 #6, 1283-1292

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2017) The physics of galactic spin. Canadian Journal of Physics,

95, 156-166.

Luo, M. and Criss, R.E. (2017) Base Flood Estimates Compared and Linked to Engineering Modifications of the Missouri River. Natural Hazards, 88, 559-574.

Hasenmueller, E.A., Criss, R.E., Winston, W.E., Shaughnessy, A.R., (2017) Stream hydrology and geochemistry along a rural to urban land use gradient. Applied Geochemistry, 83, 136-149.

Luo M., Chen Z., Criss, R.E., Zhou, H., Jakada, Shi, T. (2017) Method for calibrating a theoretical model in karst springs: an example for a hydropower station in South China. Hydrological Processes, 30 (25), 4815-4825.

Zou, Z., Tang, H., Xiong, C., Su, A., Criss, R.E. (2017) Kinetic characteristics of debris flows as exemplified by field investigations and discrete element simulation of the catastrophic Jiweishan rockslide, China. Geomorpholgy, 295, 1-15.

Criss, R.E. and Luo, M. (2016) Engineering challenges for rivers and creeks in the St. Louis region. AEG News, 59#4, p. 28-31.

Criss, R.E. and Hofmeister, A.M. (2016) Conductive cooling of spherical bodies with emphasis on the Earth. Terra Nova, 28 #2, p. 101-109.

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2016) Spatial and symmetry constraints as the basis of the virial theorem and astrophysical implications. Canadian Journal of Physics, 94 #4, p. 380-388.

Luo M., Chen Z., Criss, R.E., Zhou, H., Huang, H., Han, Z., Shi, T. (2016) Dynamics and anthropogenic impacts of multiple karst flow systems in a mountainous area, South China. Hydrogeology Journal, 24 #8, p. 1993-2002.

Criss, R.E. (2016) Statistics of Evolving Populations and their relevance to flood risk. Journal of Earth Science 27 #1, p. 2-8. DOI:10.1007/s12583-015-0641-9.

Criss, R.E. and Luo, M. (2016) River management and flooding: The lesson of December 2015-January 2016, Central USA, Journal of Earth Science 27 #1, p. 117-122. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-016-0639-y

Winston, W.E. and Criss, R.E. (2016) Dependence of Mean and Peak Streamflow on Basin Area in the Conterminous United States. Journal of Earth Science, 27 #1, p. 83-88.

Criss, R.E. and Hofmeister, A.M. (2015) Analytical representations for simple and composite polytropes and their moments of inertia. New Astronomy, 36, p. 26-31.

Tang, H., Zou, Z., Xiong, C., Wu, Y., Hu, X., Wang, L., Lu, S., Criss, R.E., Li, C. (2015) An evolution model of large consequent bedding rockslides, with particular reference to the Jiweishan rockslide in Southwest China. Engineering Geology, 186, 17-27.

Tang, H., Li, C., Hu, X., Su, A., Wang, L., Wu, Y., Criss, R.E., Xiong, C., Li, Y. (2015) Evolution characteristics of the Huangtupo landslide based on in situ tunneling and monitoring, Landslides, 12, 511-521.

Tang, H., Li, C., Hu, X., Wang, L., Criss, R., Su,A., Wu, Y., Xiong, C., (2015) Deformation response of the Huangtupo landslide to rainfall and the changing levels of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Bull. Eng. Geol. Env., 74#3, 933-942.

Criss, R.E. (2015) Use of Geochemical and Geophysical Techniques to Characterize and Prospect for Geothermal Resources and Hydrothermal Ore Deposits. Journal of Earth Science, 26#1, 73-77

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2015) Evaluation of the heat, entropy, and rotational changes produced by gravitational segregation during core formation. Journal of Earth Science, 26#1, 124-133.

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2013) How irreversible heat transport processes drive Earth's interdependent thermal, structural, and chemical evolution. Gondwana Research, Special Pub. on Secular Changes, 24 #2, p. 490-500.

Hasenmueller, E. A. and Criss, R. E. (2013) Water balance estimates of evapotranspiration rates in areas with varying land use. in Evapotranspiration-An Overview, S.G. Alexandris, ed., ISBN 978-953-51-1115-3, Ch. 1, p. 1-21. Avail. at:

Hasenmueller, E. A. and Criss, R. E. (2013) Multiple sources of boron in urban surface waters and groundwaters: Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), 447, p. 235-247.

Hasenmueller, E. A. and Criss, R. E. (2013) Geochemical techniques to discover open cave passage in karst spring systems: Applied Geochemistry, 29, p. 126-134.

Criss, R.E., and Criss, E.M. (2012) Prediction of well levels in the alluvial aquifer along the

lower Missouri River. Ground Water, 50 #4, p. 571-577.

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2012) A thermodynamic and mechanical model for formation of the Solar System via 3-dimensional collapse of the dusty pre-solar nebula. Planetary and Space Science, 62, p. 111-131. DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.12.017

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2012) Origin of HED meteorites from the spalling of Mercury: implications for the formation and composition of the inner planets, in New Achievements in Geoscience, Hwee-San Lim, ed., ISBN 978-953-51-0263-2.

Criss, R.E. (2011) Same Approach, Worse Result. Emergency Management Magazine,

July/August 2011, p. 10.

Criss, R.E. (2010) A Darcian model for the flow of Big Spring and the head in the Ozark aquifer, Missouri USA. Acta Carsologica, Special Issue on Karst Hydrology, 39/2, p. 379-387.

Lippmann, J.L., Criss, R.E. and Osburn, G.R. (2010), Reworked loess and red clays in Missouri caves: a comparative compositional study. Missouri Speleology, 50 #2-3, p. 10-20.

Criss, R.E., Osburn, G.R., and House, R. Scott (2009) The Ozark Plateaus: Missouri, in Caves and Karst of the USA, Palmer, A.N. and Palmer M.V., eds., National Speleological Society, Huntsville AL, p. 156-170.

Criss, R.E. (2009) Increased flooding of large and small watersheds of the central USA and the consequences for flood frequency predictions, in Criss RE and Kusky TM, eds, Finding the Balance between Floods, Flood Protection, and River Navigation Saint Louis University, Center for Environmental Sciences, p. 16-21.

URL: annualreport/FloodForum_Book_final.pdf

Criss, R.E. and Winston, W.E. (2008) Public Safety and faulty flood statistics. Environmental Health Perspectives, 116, #12 p. A516. doi:10.1289/ehp.12042.

Criss, R.E., (2008) Flooding risk calculations dangerously underestimated. Emergency Management Magazine, Issue 4 #3, p. 33.

Criss, R.E. and Winston, W.E. (2008) Discharge predictions of a rainfall-driven theoretical hydrograph compared to common models and observed data. Water Resources Research, vol. 44, W10407, 9 p. (doi:10.1029/2007WR006415).

Criss, E.M., Criss, R.E., and Osburn, G.R. (2008) Effects of stress on cave passage shape in karst terranes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 41(3), p. 499-505 (doi: 10.1007/s00603-006-0106-7).

Criss, R.E., and Winston, W.E., (2008) Do Nash values have value? Discussion and alternate proposals. Hydrologic Processes, 22, p. 2723-2725 (doi:10.1002/hyp.7072).

Criss, R.E., and Winston, W.E. (2008) Properties of a diffusive hydrograph and the interpretation of its single parameter. Mathematical Geoscience, 40, p. 313-325.

Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2008) Model or measurements? A discussion of the key issue in Chapman and Pollack’s critique of Hamza et al’s re-evaluation of oceanic heat flux and the global power. Int. J. of Earth Science (Bykov Special Issue), 97, p. 241-244

Criss, R. E., (2008) Terrestrial oxygen isotope variations and their implications for planetary lithospheres. Rev. Mineral., 68, ch. 18, p. 511-526.

Criss, R. E., and Farquhar, J., (2008) Abundance, notation, and fractionation of light stable isotopes. Rev. Mineral., 68, ch. 3, p. 15-30.

Criss, R.E., and Osburn, G.R. (2008) Urban Karst Field Trip, St. Louis County, Missouri. Proceedings of the 18th National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St Louis, Oct. 8-12, 2007, Elliott, W.R., ed. p. 259-265.

Criss, R.E. (2008) Human Modification of Karst in the St. Louis area, Missouri. National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St Louis, Oct. 8-12, 2007, Elliott, W.R., ed., p. 252-258.

Fleck, R. J, and Criss, R. E. (2007) Location, Age and Tectonic Significance of the Western Idaho Suture Zone (WISZ), in Geological Studies of the Salmon River Suture Zone and adjoining areas, west-central Idaho and eastern Oregon, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 1738, p. 15-50.

Garlick, G.D. and Criss, R.E., (2007) Geologic Thermometry: Isotopic Methods. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 10th ed., vol. 8, p. 22-33.

Criss, R.E., Davisson, M.L., Surbeck, H. and Winston, W.E. (2007) Isotopic Techniques, in Methods in Karst Hydrogeology, David Drew and Nico Goldscheider, eds., Ch. 7, p. 123-145, Taylor & Francis, London.

Criss, R.E., Lippmann, J.L., Criss, E. M., and Osburn, G.R. (2007) Caves of St. Louis County, Missouri. Missouri Speleology, 45 #1, p. 1-18.

Ehlmann, B. L and Criss, R.E. (2006) Enhanced stage and stage variability on the lower Missouri River benchmarked by Lewis and Clark. Geology, 34 #11, p. 977-981.

Hofmeister, A.M., and Criss, R.E. (2005) Heat flow and mantle convection in the triaxial Earth, in Plates, plumes, and paradigms, G.R. Foulger, J.H. Natland, D.C. Presnall, D.L Anderson, eds., Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 388, p. 289-302 (invited).

Melchiorre, E.B., and Criss, R.E. (2005) Stable oxygen isotope hydrology and slow basin response in an old-growth forested catchment, Wolf River basin, Wisconsin. Journal of Environmental Hydrology, 13, pap. 17, 18 p.

Stueber, A.M., and Criss, R.E. (2005) Origin and transport of dissolved chemicals in a karst watershed, southwestern Illinois. Journal American Water Resources Association; JAWRA Special Issue on Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality, 41 (2) , p. 267-290,

Ehlmann, B. L., R. E. Arvidson, B. L. Jolliff, S. S. Johnson, B. Ebel, N. Lovenduski, J.D. Morris, J. A. Byers, N. O. Snider, R. E. Criss (2005) Hydrologic and isotopic modeling of alpine Lake Waiau, Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Pacific Science,. v. 59 no. 1:1, p. 1-15.

Hofmeister, A.M., and Criss, R.E., (2005) Earth’s heat flux revised and linked to chemistry.

Tectonophysics, 395 #3-4; p. 159-177.

Winston, W.E. and Criss, R.E. (2004) Dynamic hydrologic and geochemical response in a perennial karst spring, Water Resources Research , 40, p. W05106, 11p.

Singleton, M.J. and Criss, R.E. (2004) Symmetry of flow in the Comstock Lode hydrothermal system: Evidence for longitudinal convective rolls in geologic systems Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B03205, 15 p.

Criss, R.E., and Davisson, M.L. (2004) Fertilizers, Water Quality, and Human Health. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112 #10, p. A454.

Criss, R. E. (2003) Mid-continental Magnetic Declination: A 200 Year Record Starting with Lewis and Clark," GSA Today, 13 #10, p. 4-11.

Fernandes, S.A., Singleton, M.J., Winston, W.E. and Criss, R.E. (2003) Bathymetry, water balance, and leak rate of Prairie Lake, Weldon Spring Conservation Area, eastern Missouri; in At the Confluence: Rivers, Floods, and Water Quality in the St. Louis Region. MBG Press, St. Louis, p. 225-232.

Winston, W.E. and Criss, R.E. (2003) Flash flooding in the Meramec Basin, May 2000; in At the Confluence: Rivers, Floods, and Water Quality in the St. Louis Region. MBG Press, St. Louis, p. 88-95.

Criss, R.E. (2003) Character and origin of floodwaters; in At the Confluence: Rivers, Floods, and Water Quality in the St. Louis Region. MBG Press, St. Louis, p. 75-87.

Criss, R.E. and Wilson, D.A.(2003) Rivers of the St. Louis Confluence Region; in At the Confluence: Rivers, Floods, and Water Quality in the St. Louis Region. MBG Press, St. Louis, p. 10-29.

Criss, R.E and Winston, W.E. (2003) Hydrograph for small basins following intense storms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 #6, p. 1314-1318.

Winston, W.E. and Criss, R.E. (2003) Oxygen isotope and geochemical variations in the Missouri River. Environmental Geology, 43, p. 546-556.

Criss, R.E. (2002) Rising flood stages on the lower Missouri River. East-West Gateway Blueprint Paper.

Winston, W.E. and Criss, R.E. (2002) Geochemical variations during flash flooding, Meramec River basin, May 2000. J. Hydrology, 265, p. 149-163.

Singleton, M.J. and Criss, R.E. (2002) Effects of normal faulting on fluid flow in an ore-producing hydrothermal system, Comstock Lode, Nevada. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 115/3-4, p. 437-450.

Fleck, R. J, and Criss, R. E., Eaton, G.F, Cleland, R.W., Wavra, C.S. and Bond, W.D. (2002) Age and origin of base- and precious-metal veins of the Coeur d'Alene Mining District, Idaho. Econ. Geol., 97, p. 23-42.

Criss, R.E. and Hofmeister, A.M. (2001) Thermodynamic Cosmology, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (Helgeson Vol.), 65 # 21, p. 4077-4085.

Criss, R.E. and Shock, E.L. (2001) Flood enhancement through flood control. Geology, 29, p. 875-878.

Criss, R.E., Fernandes, S.A., and Winston, W.E. (2001) Isotopic, geochemical and biological tracing of the source of an impacted karst spring, Weldon Spring, Missouri. Environmental Forensics, v. 2, p. 99-103.

Criss, R.E., Davisson, M.L., and Kopp, J.W. (2001) Nonpoint sources in the lower Missouri River, Jour. AWWA, 93 #2, p. 112-122.

Melchiorre, E.B., Criss, R.E., and Rose, T.P. (2000) Oxygen and carbon isotope study of natural and synthetic azurite. Econ. Geol., 95, # 3, p. 621-628.

Criss, R.E., Singleton, M.J., and Champion, D.E. (2000) Three-dimensional oxygen isotope imaging of convective fluid flow around the “Big Bonanza”, Comstock Lode Mining District, Nevada . Econ. Geol., 95 # 1, 131-142.

Frederickson, G.C. and Criss, R.E. (1999) Isotope hydrology and time constants of the unimpounded Meramec River basin, Missouri. Chem. Geol., 157, 303-317.

Melchiorre, E.B., Criss, R.E., and Rose, T.P. (1999) Oxygen and carbon isotope study of natural and synthetic malachite. Econ. Geol., 94, 245-259.

Melchiorre, E.B., Criss, R.E., and Davisson, M.L. (1999) Relationship between seismicity and subsurface fluids, central Coast Ranges, California, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 921-939.

Ingraham, N.L., and Criss, R.E. (1998) The effect of vapor pressure on the rate of isotopic exchange between water and water vapor, Chem. Geol., 150, 287-292.

Eaton, G.F., Criss, R. E., and Champion, D. E. (1998) The Becker Collection, Comstock Lode, Nevada: A compilation of historical notes and recent data. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-130195, 108 p.

Kamilli, R.J. and Criss, R.E. (1996) Genesis of the Silsilah tin deposit, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Econ. Geol., 91, 1414-1434.

Davisson, M.L., and Criss, R. E. (1996) Na-Ca-Cl relations in basinal fluids. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 60, 2743-2752.

Rose, T.P., Davisson, M.L., and Criss, R.E.(1996) Isotope hydrology of voluminous cold springs in fractured rock from an active volcanic region, northeastern California. J Hydrol., 179, 207-236.

Davisson, M.L., and Criss, R.E. (1996) Stable isotope and groundwater flow dynamics of agricultural irrigation recharge into groundwater resources of the Central Valley, California. Int. Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA-SM-336/14, March 20-24, 1995, Vienna, Austia, 405-418.

Criss, R.E. and Davisson, M.L. (1996) Isotopic imaging of surface water/groundwater interactions, Sacramento Valley, California. J. Hydrol., 178, 205-222.

Eaton, G.F., Criss, R.E., Fleck, R.J., Bond, W.D., Cleland, R.W., and Wavra, C.S. (1995) Oxygen, carbon, and strontium isotope geochemistry of the Sunshine Mine, Coeur d'Alene mining district, Idaho. Econ. Geol., 90, 2274-2286.

Criss, R.E. (1995) Stable isotope distribution: Variations from temperature, organic and water-rock interactions, in Global Earth Physics: A Handbook of Physical Constants, AGU Reference Shelf 1, T.J. Ahrens, ed., AGU, Washington, D. C., 292-307.

Rose, T.P., Criss, R.E., and Rossman, G.R. (1994) Irradiative coloration of quartz and feldspars with application to preparing high-purity mineral separates. Chem. Geol., 114, 185-189.

Rose, T.P., Criss, R.E., Mughannam, A.J., and Clynne, M.A. (1994) Oxygen isotope evidence for hydrothermal alteration within a Quaternary stratovolcano, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 21621-21,633.

Schaal, R.B., Criss, R.E., and Davisson, M.L. (1994) Saltwater springs atop the Rumsey Hills, California. California Geology, May/June, 67-75.

Davisson, M.L., Presser, T.S., and Criss, R.E. (1994) Geochemistry of tectonically expelled fluids from the northern Coast Ranges, Rumsey Hills, California. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 1687-1699.

Kamilli, R.J., Cole, J.C., Elliott, J.E., and Criss, R.E. (1993) Geology and genesis of the Baid Al Jimalah tungsten deposit, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Econ. Geol., 88, 1743-1767.

Ingraham, N.L. and Criss, R.E. (1993) The effects of surface area and volume on the rate of isotopic exchange between water and vapor, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 20547-20553.

Davisson, M.L. and Criss, R.E. (1993) Stable isotope imaging of a dynamic groundwater system in the southwestern Sacramento Valley, California (USA), J. Hydrol., 144, 213-246.

Unruh, J.R., Davisson, M.L., Criss, R.E. and Moores, E.M. (1992) Implications of perennial saline springs for abnormally high fluid pressures and active thrusting in western California. Geology, 20, 431-434.

Criss, R.E. (1991) Temperature dependence of isotopic fractionation factors. Geochemical Soc. Spec. Pub., 3, 11-16.

Criss, R.E. and Champion, D.E. (1991) Oxygen isotope study of the fossil hydrothermal system in the Comstock Lode mining district, Nevada. Geochemical Soc. Spec. Pub., 3, 437-447.

Criss, R. E., Fleck, R. J., and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1991) Tertiary meteoric-hydrothermal systems and their relation to ore deposition, northwestern United States and southern British Columbia: J. Geophys Res., 96, 13,335-13,356.

Criss, R.E. and Hofmeister, A.M. (1991) Application of Fluid Dynamics Principles in Tilted Permeable Media to Terrestrial Hydrothermal Systems, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 199-202.

Criss, R.E. and Fleck, R.J. (1990) Oxygen isotope map of the giant metamorphic-hydrothermal system around the northern part of the Idaho batholith, USA. Applied Geochem., 5, 641-655.

Arth, J.G. Zmuda, C.C., Foley, N.K., Criss, R.E., Patton, W.W., and Miller, T.P. (1989) Isotopic and trace-element variations in the Ruby batholith, Alaska, and the nature of the deep crust beneath the Ruby and Angayuchum terranes: J. Geophys Res., 94,15,941-15,955.

Arth, J.G., Criss, R.E., Zmuda, C.C., Foley, N.K., Patton, W.W., and Miller, T.P. (1989) Remarkable isotopic and trace-element trends in potassic through sodic Cretaceous plutons of the Yukon-Koyukuk basin, Alaska, and the nature of the lithosphere beneath the Koyukuk terrane: J. Geophys Res., 94 , 15,957-15,968.

Gregory, R.T., Criss, R.E., and Taylor H.P., Jr. (1989) Oxygen isotope exchange kinetics of mineral pairs in closed and open systems: Applications to problems of hydrothermal alteration of igneous rocks and Precambrian iron formations: Chem. Geol., 75, 1-42.

Klein, T.L., and Criss, R.E. (1988) An oxygen isotope and geochemical study of meteoric-hydrothermal systems at Pilot Mountain and selected other localities, Carolina slate belt: Econ. Geol., 83, 801-821.

Criss, R.E., Champion, D.E. and Horan, M.F. (1988) Oxygen isotope map of the fossil hydrothermal system in the Comstock Lode Mining District, Nevada (invited), U.S. Geological Survey Circular, 1035, 11-13.

Criss, R.E., Cooke, G.A., and Day, S.D.(1988) An organic origin for the carbonate concretions of the Ohio Shale: U.S. Geological Survey Bull., 1836, 21 p.

Ayuso, R.A., Horan, M.F., and Criss, R.E. (1988) Pb and oxygen isotopic geochemistry of granitic plutons in northern Maine: Am. Jour. Sci., 288-A, 421-460.

Criss, R. E., Gregory, R. T., and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1987) Kinetic theory of oxygen isotopic exchange between minerals and water: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 51, 1099-1108.

Criss, R. E., and Fleck, R. J.(1987) Petrogenesis, geochronology and hydrothermal systems of the northern Idaho batholith and adjacent areas based on 180/160, D/H, 87Sr/86Sr, K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar studies, U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, 1436, 95-137.

Gregory, R.T., and Criss, R.E. (1986) Isotopic exchange in open and closed systems, Rev. Mineral., 16, 91-128.

Criss, R.E., and Taylor, H.P.(1986) Meteoric-hydrothermal systems, Rev. Mineral., 16, 373-424.

Fleck, R. J, and Criss, R. E.(1985) Strontium and oxygen isotopic variations in Mesozoic and Tertiary plutons of central Idaho: Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 90, 291-308.

Criss, R.E., Champion, D.E., and McIntyre, D.H.(1985) δ18O, aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies associated with hydrothermally-altered zones in the Yankee Fork Mining District, Custer County, Idaho: Econ. Geol., 80, 1277-1296.

Criss, R.E., and Champion, D.E. (1984) Magnetic properties of granitic rocks from the southern half of the Idaho batholith: Influences of hydrothermal alteration and implications for aeromagnetic interpretation. J. Geophys. Res., 89, 7061-7076.

Criss, R.E., Ekren, E.B., and Hardyman, R.F. (1984) The Casto ring zone: A 4,500 km2 fossil hydrothermal system in the Challis volcanic field, central Idaho: Geology, 12, 331-334.

Criss, R. E., and Taylor, H. P., Jr. (1983) An 18O/16O and D/H study of Tertiary hydrothermal systems in the southern half of the Idaho batholith: Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 94, 640-663.

Criss, R.E., Lanphere, M.A., and Taylor, H.P., Jr. (1982) Effects of regional uplift, deformation, and meteoric-hydrothermal metamorphism on K-Ar ages of biotites in the southern half of the Idaho batholith: J. Geophys. Res., 87, 7029-7046.


2008 Criss, R. E., and Winston, W.E., Public safety and faulty flood statistics. Environmental Health Perspectives, v. 116 #12, p. A516. doi:10.1289/ehp.12042.

2007 Criss, R. E., and Winston, W.E., Effects of urbanization on watershed hydrology: The scaling of discharge with drainage area: COMMENT, Geology, p. e126-7 doi: 10.1130/G22380C.1

2007 Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E., John Perry’s neglected critique of Kelvin’s age for the Earth: A missed opportunity in geodynamics., by England et al.: Comment. GSA Today, 17 #7, p. 10. (doi_10.1130/GSAT01707C.1

2006 Criss, R. E., and Winston, W.E., Comment on “Characterization of surface and ground water δ18O seasonal variation and its use for estimating groundwater residence times”, by M. Reddy, P. Schuster, C. Kendall and MB Reddy, Hydrologic Processes, 20 #16, 3567-3572.

2006 Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E., Comment on "Estimates of heat flow from Cenozoic seafloor using global depth and age data" by M. Wei and D. Sandwell", Tectonophysics, 426, 95-100.

2005 Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E., Reply to "Comments on Earth's heat flux revised and linked to chemistry" by R. Von Herzen, E.E. Davis, A. Fisher, C.A. Stein and H.N. Pollack, Tectonophysics, 409, 199-203.

2004 Criss, R.E., Rising Flood Levels near Grafton, Illinois. Missouri Coalition for the Environment.

2003 Criss, R.E. and Hofmeister, A.M., Comments on “Anonymous Reviewers”. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 84 (30), 282.

1998 Criss, R.E., and Eaton, G.F, Comment on “Evidence for Proterozoic and Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary ore-forming events in the Coeur d’Alene district, Idaho and Montana”. Econ. Geol., 93, 1103-1105.

1995 Davisson, M.L. and Criss, R.E., Reply to the comment by E. Merino on "Geochemistry of tectonically expelled fluids from the northern Coast Ranges, Rumsey Hills, California, USA". Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 59, 1873.


2015 Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2015) Implications of axial spin, spin attenuation, and orbital energy on the planets and stars on solar system formation. Lunar & Planetary Science Conf., #1212.

2015 Hofmeister, A.M and Criss, R.E. (2015) Relevance of the 2nd law, gravitational potential, rotation, and heat transfer to core formation and differentiation of planets and moons. Lunar & Planetary Science Conf., #1273.

2012 Criss, R.E., Use of Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes to Characterize Hydrothermal Systems and their Geothermal and Mineral Potential, The First International Workshop of Deep Geothermal Systems, China University of Geosciences (CUG) , Wuhan China, 5p., cug60.cug.dgs2012/03%20Robert%20E.%20Criss.pdf

2012 Criss, R.E., A Once and Future River, in Our Future, A Vision for a Land, Water, and Economic Ethic in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Missouri Coalition for the Environment, p. 57-58, .

2008 Criss, R.E., and Osburn, G.R., Urban Karst Field Trip, St. Louis County, Missouri. Proceedings of the 18th National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St Louis, Oct. 8-12, 2007, Elliott, W.R., ed. p. 259-265.

2008 Criss, R.E., Human Modification of Karst in the St. Louis area, Missouri. National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, St Louis, Oct. 8-12, 2007, Elliott, W.R., ed., p. 252-258.

2004 Criss, R.E. (2004) Terrestrial Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Variations: Primordial Values, Systematics, subsolidus effects, planetary comparisons, and the role of water. Workshop on Oxygen in the Terrestrial Planets, #3037.

2002 Stueber, A.M., Genslinger, J.N., Criss, R.E. and Shock, E.L., Effects of land use and hydrology on water quality in a karst watershed in southwestern Illinois. American Water Resources Association.

2001 Sonnenschein, L., Wilson, D.A., and Criss, R.E., eds. Our Water, Our Rivers, St. Louis as a 21st Century River City. Missouri Botanical Garden, April 27, 2001, 35 p.

2001 Stueber, A.M., Thompson, E.S., Criss, R.E. and Shock, E.L., Land use, hydrology and water quality in a karst watershed: resolution of water quality issues at the local level American Water Resources Association.;

1999 Rose, T.P., Davisson, M.L., Criss, R.E., and Smith, D.K., Isotopic investigation of recharge to a regional groundwater flow system, Great Basin, Nevada, USA. Proc. Int. Symp. Isotope Tech. Water Res. Dev. Mgmt, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, May 1999,10 p.

1994 Criss, R. E., Davisson, M.L., Campbell, K.R., and Graham, M.M., Stable isotope imaging to delineate sources of groundwater contamination (invited). Proc. Calif. Plant & Soils Conf., Jan. 23 & 24, 1994, San Luis Obispo, 26-32.

1992 Mohr, T.K.G., Davisson, M.L., Criss, R.E. and Fogg, G.E., Small scale application of stable isotopes 18O and deuterium to delineate migration pathways at a Class III landfill site. The Sixth Nat. Outdoor Action Conf. on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods, May 9-13, 1992, 231-244.

1988 Criss, R.E., Champion, D.E. and Horan, M.F., Oxygen isotope map of the fossil hydrothermal system in the Comstock Lode Mining District, Nevada (invited), U.S. Geological Survey Circular , 1035, 11-13.

1983 Gillespie, A.R., and Criss, R.E., Correlation of infrared reflectance ratios at 2.35μ m/1.65μm and 1.15μm/1.65μm with δ18O values delineating fossil hydrothermal systems in the Idaho batholith, in Proc.1983 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS' 83), v.1, Sec.TA-4, p.4.1-4.6., IEEE Catalogue #83CH1837-4.


2013 Walker, Brad and Criss, R.E. Expose the hidden costs of river transportation.

St. Louis Beacon, Wednesday, Feb 27, 2013. ;

2013 Walker, Brad and Criss, R.E. Myths of River Transportation Benefits.

St. Louis Beacon, Monday, Feb 5, 2013. ;

2012 Criss, R.E. and Walker, Brad, Free Ride on the Inland Waterway Gravy Train.

St. Louis Beacon, Monday, Dec 31, 2012. ;

2012 Criss, R.E., Flood of money won’t improve rivers. St. Louis Post Dispatch, Thursday, Oct. 4, p. A15.

2011 Criss, R.E., Crandall, L. and Logan-Smith, K. Response to repeated floods: Good cops and bad. St. Louis Beacon, Sunday, May 29, 2011;

2011 Criss, R.E., Bad Combination: Floodplains, Nuclear Materials, and Understated Risk.

St. Louis Beacon, Friday, June 17, 2011.

2011 Criss, R.E., Same Approach, Worse Result. Emergency Management Magazine,

July/August 2011, p. 10.

2009 Criss, R.E., Energy policy and use have no relation to cost. St. Louis Beacon,

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2009.

2009 Criss, R.E., Let’s have some recipes with that pork .St. Louis Beacon,

Friday, Feb. 6, 2009.

2008 Pinter, N., Criss, R.E. and Kusky, Flooding could be disastrous. St. Louis Post Dispatch, Tuesday, March 4, p. B3.

2008 Criss, R.E., Analysis: How high must rivers rise to top out business as usual? St. Louis Beacon, Monday, June 16, 2008.

2008 Criss, R.E., The Flood of 2008: Let’s get it right next time. Google News, June 19, 2008.

2008 Criss, R.E., Future floods can be less destructive. St. Louis Beacon, Thursday, July 3, 2008


2008 Criss, R.E., Magic flood math: A 10-year flood gets 100-year status. St. Louis Beacon, Wednesday, August 20, 2008.

2008 Criss, R.E., Development plus downpours ramped up creek flooding: St. Louis Beacon,

Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008.

2008 Criss, R.E., New floodplain development is plain wrong. St. Louis Beacon,

Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2008.

2008 Criss, R.E., Flood conference looks at ways to reduce flood risk. St. Louis Beacon,

Friday, Nov. 14, 2008.

2007 Heisel, E.J., and Criss, R.E., Restoring natural flood plain eases flood risks. St. Louis Post Dispatch, Sunday, June 10, p. B3.

2007 Criss, R.E., Mitigation sites blunted ‘07 flood. Columbia Tribune, Sunday, July 3.

2005 Criss, R.E. and Heisel, E.J., Dangerously wrong flood study puts people at risk

Kansas City Star, Special to The Star, May 1, 2005, p. b7; also

2004 Criss, R.E., and Davisson, M.L, Fertilizers, Water Quality, and Human Health. Environmental Health Perspectives, v. 112 #10, p. A454 (invited editorial).


2013 Criss, Bob and Walker, Brad. Articles about low Mississippi River overstate the

problem. St. Louis Post Dispatch, p. A12, Jan 11, 2013

2006 Criss, Bob, Deciphering a bill. St. Louis Post Dispatch, p. B2, Feb. 12, 2006

2006 Criss, Bob, Common Denominator. St. Louis Post Dispatch, Dec. 9, 2006

2015 Criss, Bob, Letter on river flooding was a personal screed, not a commentary. St. Louis Post Dispatch, July 27, 2015

2016 Criss, Bob, More money for Corps of Engineers means more flooding. St. Louis Post Dispatch, Jan. 19, 2016


2011 Osburn, G.R., and Criss, R.E., Map of Oeters Pit (FRA 103), Franklin County, Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open File Map 2005 Osburn, G.R. and Criss, R.E., Map of Mincke Cave (SLO 052), Tyson Research Center, Washington University. Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open File Map.

2008 Osburn, G.R., Criss, R.E., and Leach, M. Map of Blake Mound Cave (SLO 133), St. Louis County. Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open File Map.


2006 Osburn, G.R., Criss, R.E., and Lippmann, J.L. Map of Salia Spring Cave (SLO 049) , St. Louis County. Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open File Map.

2004 Fleck, R. J, and Criss, R. E., Location, Age and Tectonic Significance of the Western Idaho Suture Zone (WISZ), U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Report 2004-10392001 Criss, R.E., Hydrogeology of Tyson Research Center, Lone Elk County Park, and West Tyson County Park, Eastern Missouri. Tyson Valley (ex) Army Powder Storage Farm Site File, EPA Region 7, 58 p.; also at

2003 Osburn, G.R., Criss, R.E., B. Hynek and J. Hanna, Map of Rankin Cave (SLO 010), Beaumont Scout Reservation, St. Louis County, Missouri. Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open File Map.

2002 Osburn, G.R., Criss, R.E., and Winston, W.E., Map of New Rankin Cave (SLO 044), Tyson Research Center, Washington University. Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey, Open File Map.

1999 Rose, T.P., Davisson, M.L., Criss, R.E., and Smith, D.K., Isotopic investigation of recharge to a regional groundwater flow system, Great Basin, Nevada, USA. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-135170, p.45-55.

1998 Eaton, G.F., Criss, R. E., and Champion, D. E. and The Becker Collection, Comstock Lode, Nevada: A compilation of historical notes and recent data. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-130195, 108 p.

1996 Kamilli, R.J. and Criss, R.E., Fluid-inclusion and oxygen-isotope studies of the Silsilah tin deposit, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, U.S. Geol Survey Open-File Rept OF-96-1, 40 p.

1996 Kamilli, R. J. and Criss, R. E., Fluid-inclusion and oxygen isotopic studies of low sulfide gold-quartz veins in the Jabal Habashi Quadrangle (26F), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report OF-96-2, 17 p.

1995 Davisson, M.L., Criss, R.E., and Campbell, K.R., Compilation of data for isotope mapping of groundwater in the Central Valley of California, 1993-1995. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-120321, 12 p.

1993 Davisson, M.L., Criss, R.E., and Campbell, K.R., Preliminary report on the stable isotope imaging and characterization of surface and ground water resources in the southern Sacramento Valley. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-115393, 32 p.


2014 Criss, R.E., Evaluation of the effectiveness of three rain garden projects in the Deer Creek basin, St. Louis, Missouri. Online at: documents/criss.pdf

2013 Criss, R.E., Risk and Character of Radioactive Waste at the West Lake Landfill, Bridgeton, Missouri. Online at:

>120 ABSTRACTS – not included


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