Important Terms to Know

Transaction = any time you have an interaction with the bank, such as withdrawing cash from your account, making a deposit, or transferring/wiring funds.

ATM = Automatic Teller Machine, an unattended machine that can be used to make bank transactions when a personal code is entered.

PIN = Personal Identification Number, a secret code that is unique to your own accounts, it is used to make transactions at an ATM.


A Debit Card is a card that physically resembles a credit card, and, like a credit card, is used as an alternative to cash when making purchases. However, when purchases are made with a debit card, the funds are withdrawn directly from the purchaser's checking or savings account at a bank.

In addition to being used for purchases in stores and restaurants, Debit Cards can be used at ATMs to withdraw or deposit cash. One advantage of a Debit Card is that it can be used to complete a variety of transactions during hours that the bank is not open. This is helpful if you have classes, or cannot get a ride to the bank during normal business hours. You can use your card at your bank’s ATMs to deposit a check, withdraw cash, pay certain bills or move money between linked accounts. If you have more than one type of bank account, ask your banker about linking them so that you can access information for each with your one Debit Card.

Make sure you ask your bank if you will be charged a fee for making purchases at a store with your debit card. Some banks charge a fee, however HSBC does not.

( ATMs

There are two ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) on the Geneseo campus, available for student use. An HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corp.) ATM is located in Letchworth Dining Hall, and the Bank of Castile has an ATM at the lower west door of the Student Union.

In addition, each bank in Geneseo (and every branch office in the U.S.) has an ATM on site. You can use the Debit Card from your Checking Account at any ATM, anywhere, to obtain cash from your account, without writing a check. However, when you get cash from an ATM that is NOT operated by your bank, TWO SETS of fees are charged, one from each bank. It is less expensive to use an ATM operated by YOUR bank because there are no charges. Each bank’s name is displayed prominently on the ATMs it owns and operates. HSBC uses the Cirrus/Maestro symbol to identify their ATMs.

Your Debit Card can also be used in other countries where there are ATMs. The money you withdraw will automatically be changed to the currency of the country you are in. If you have HSBC ATMs in your home country this may be a good way to make your money accessible at home and at school.


If you decide to have a Debit Card with your bank account, the card will arrive by mail a few weeks after your account is opened. When the Debit Card arrives you will need to call a 1-800 phone number (the phone number should be listed in a letter you receive from the bank) before you are able to use the debit card. When you call this number a person will ask for your social security number. You will not have a social security number at this time. You should speak with a customer service representative and explain that you do not have a social security number. You may have to provide additional information, including your mother’s maiden name.


When you insert your Debit Card into the ATM the screen will prompt you to answer a series of questions. If you are using a machine that does not belong to your bank (referred to as a “foreign ATM”), the machine will inform you of the fees you will be charged for carrying out your transaction. At this time you may choose to accept these fees and continue your transaction, or you may stop your transaction and no fees will be charged to your account. If you are using a HSBC ATM there are no fees and you will not see this screen.

The machine will then ask you if you would like a paper receipt of the transaction. It is a good habit to say “yes” because a receipt will help you keep track of the money you have withdrawn from your account.

The machine will then ask you to enter your PIN (Personal Identification Number), you will have received this number in the mail separate from your actual debit card.

Next, the machine will ask you to specify which kind of transaction (cash withdraw, deposit, funds transfer) you wish to make. You must also specify which account you want the transaction to take place from (usually checking or savings account). The machine will then ask you to choose the amount of money you want to use for this transaction ($20, $40, $60, $100, and so on).

After you have completed your transaction the machine will ask if you want to make another transaction. If you do not wish to do any further banking choose “no”, the machine will print your receipt and eject your card from the slot. Remember to remove your card from the machine.

[pic]Remember! [pic]

*** You should ask your banker and understand exactly how your HSBC card works. Your friends may have cards that work differently or which have different usage fees.***


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