FirstSwing Price List: 2006


“You can’t shovel water with a pitchfork!”

We began the season with a very nice Memorial Tourney. All 4 teams played well and despite inclement weather, exhibited positive attitudes and hustle! The 9U and 12U teams won their brackets with convincing wins. Kudos to all! KWTP!

The above quote relates to how some of us are not making the adjustments necessary to develop good skill sets. The definition of insanity is doing something over and over the same way, expecting different results. That will not work!

Each of us must learn to adjust and adapt to game situations. In order to do this each player must be willing to play for the team and pay attention to how he/she can best help their team! In terms of baseball that means we must learn to bunt, adjust to two strike counts, pitch to contact, and move to the ball on defense. These are necessities not suggested things to learn and do! Work on each of these so you will be able to be a positive member of your team. The number one thing we need to do is to eliminate the stride with a two(2) strike count! In fact, the stride is not important on any count: if you get the barrel out and fire you hips, with your hands inside the ball(knob to the ball) you will have more power. The stride will develop in later years when your body can adjust to the speed(s) of various pitches. Short, quick swing!! Work on the above items so we can play better as a team!! GAGPTH!

NEWS FLASH: Edgar Martinez has a new book out, Edgar, and it is not a very good read. However, please do read the blurb in the Sunday(June 9) Seattle Times...the last little paragraph is for EVERY one to read!! It is how you switch from negative images to positive ones that makes all the difference in the world. That takes work and practice, and that is what makes great players great!

The FirstSwing store on EBAY. We invite everyone to visit our FirstSwing store on Ebay as it has some very neat and interesting items. The monies go to FirstSwing and can be matched as well as tax deductible. PLEASE do encourage friends and others to visit as this is a key component in our fund raising…Thanks!

First Camp: July 8-12 at Medina Elementary School. It is time to sign up and help us have a great camp. As there is such a huge break form the 1st tourney to the July 19th one it is VERY important for all Klouters to attend. For the 8 and 9U Klouters it is mandatory!! The Klouter fee is $70.00 with family rates available. Do sign up now and we hope you will bring friends and neighbors. Any former players and coaches are welcome to help out, and we are looking forward to a great camp. KWTP!!

The Klouter Kitchen: Irene will be sending out an email regarding the future of our traditional Kitchen. We love having the ability for all Klouters to eat healthy and to mix with older/younger players. Please do sign up.

The FirstSwing Booth: Jen and Todd McKnight are taking over the booth from the very steady hands of Brian and Nancy. We need ALL Klouter families to participate as again, these are the main sources of our budget. These coming tourneys are very important as we will be selling Klouter tee shirts and tourney shirts. Also, we will be having 50-50 sales, and we need you to help us with these as well. We will send out the auction list earlier this coming tourney and will add some large items not listed. We still have the a very cool and customized Ichiro collage, giant Babe Ruth bat, and a number of framed art objects. If interested, please email Coach Phil TY and WNM!

HEROES of the MONTH: Dylan Ludwigsen(12U) received the highly esteemed Sportsmanship award form Issaquah Little League. Coach Jason Innes(9U) and Colby, Tyler, Rowan, Braden, etal for their time/efforts in helping the Challenger League!! Connor(9U) and Griffin McKnight(11U) for their outstanding school work and reading. Jaclyn Metz(Alumni-first Klouter woman)-received her MBA in Business!! The Herzer Boys(alumni)-the Hawaiian trio all had very important impacts on their baseball teams: Kai at Amherst U, Kirk for his All State championship, and Cade for his JV champs. Josh Akiyama(12U) for his no-hit performance in his last Little League game!! Matthew Lico(Alumni) for his outstanding junior year at the University of Michigan) and internship with GE!!

Team Stanfield(11U) for their safe return of their around the world trip..coolest “schooling” ever! Andy Boes(Alumni) for his excellence at Harvard Law!! Colby Innes(9U) for his math SAGE success!! 8-3: Charlie McManus(11U)!!!

TOURNEY Highlights of the MONTH: Pitching: Josh Akiyama and Luke Morris(12U), Rowan Kelly and David Freer(9U). Team Hustle: 8 and 9U Teams

Defense: 9U Team and Shinta(12U) for his 3 DPs in a single game. Evan Ryan(9U) for throwing out 5 runners and oh so close, on two others! Bunting: 9U!! The great family turnout for the FirstSwing booth…despite the rain you were AWESOME!!

BOOK of the MONTH: Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance. A Yale-educated lawyer’s story about his hillbilly background. A MUST read for every parent.

MOVIE Of the MONTH: “Long Time Coming”(Netflix). The story of the first integrated Little League game in 1955. Do watch is more than a game!!

ACRONYM of the MONTH: “T2ITK”…The “T” is the key!! Both for pitching/throwing and for hitting!! REO!

9-3 of the MONTH: Cody Bellinger threw out a runner at first for the Dodgers..just like Klouter ball! It works!!

IRONY Of the MONTH: Robinson Cano(ex-M)-After having to sit for lack of hustle and concern, he really hustled and then pulled a hamstring! You think!

STATS Of the MONTH: Bob Crues(1948) Bob played 140 games and hit 69 HRs, batted .404, scored 185 runs, had a .850 Slug Percentage, hit 8 grand slams, and…drove in 254 runs…now that is a season!

MOMISM of the MONTH: My mom taught me wisdom-“When you get my age, you’ll understand!”

QUOTE of the MONTH: “You cannot shovel water with a pitchfork!”

YOUTH BOOK Of the MONTH: The Hero Two Doors Down, Sharon Robinson. The story of an 8-year old boy living 2 doors down from Jackie Robinson. Je McKnight’s recommendation for all Klouters!

SIX WORDS of ADVICE of the MONTH: Failure sows the seeds of success!!

Best to all…study hard, eat FIVE colors, and GAGPTH! Pls let us know if you will NOT be at the next tourney. .Coach Phil


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