


we are in dire need of trusted servants
















| |Auditorium |Conference Rm |Conference Rm A |

| | |Auditorium |Cafeteria |

|10am-11am | |Meeting List |H & I | |

|3pm-5pm |Joint Administrative Committee (JAC) |

| |ONLY ON: February, April, June, August, October, December |

|Roxborough Memorial Hospital |

|5800 Ridge Avenue |

|Philadelphia, PA 19128 |

|Saturday, September 7th 2013 |Saturday, September 7th 2013 |

|10:00am – 5:00pm |3:00pm – 5:00pm |

|RSC Subcommittees |BOD Only |

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|Saturday, October 5th 2013 |Sunday, October 6th 2013 |

|10:00am – 5:00pm |10:00am – 5:00pm |

|RSC Subcommittees |RSC Meeting |

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Regional Committee Members in Attendance


|Delco RCM |Jim C | |Pyramid of Freedom RCM |Earl W |

|Delco RCM Alt | | |Pyramid of Freedom RCM Alt | |

|Downtown RCM |Drew K | |Schuylkill Valley RCM | |

|Downtown RCM Alt | | |Schuylkill Valley RCM Alt | |

|Greater Camden RCM | | |South Phila. RCM | |

|Greater Camden RCM Alt | | |South Phila. RCM Alt | |

|Inner City RCM | | |West Southwest RCM |Sid B |

|Inner City RCM Alt | | |West Southwest RCM Alt |Bruce J |

|Northwest RCM |Elijah G | |Clean Acres RCM |Ryan R |

|Northwest RCM Alt | | |Clean Acres RCM Alt. | |

|Phila Area RCM | |

|Phila Area RCM Alt | |

Regional Service Committee

Trusted Servants

|Position |Name | |Position |Name |

|RSC Chair |Mark B | |Mtg. List Chair |OPEN |

|RSC Co-Chair |Debby F | |Mtg. List Co-Chair |OPEN |

|RSC Treasurer |Scott D | |Phoneline Chair |Debbie |

|RSC Secretary | | |Phoneline Co-Chair |OPEN |

|Policy Chair |OPEN | |Unity Chair |Monique |

|ABC Chair |Paula B | |Unity Co-Chair |Maureen |

|ABC Co-Chair |OPEN | |Convention Chair |Arlene C. |

|ABC Secretary |OPEN | |Convention Co-Chair | |

|ABC Treasurer |OPEN | |Convention Treasurer |Tracey A. |

|RD |Zoe | |PR Chair |OPEN |

|RD Alternate |OPEN | |PR Co-Chair |Clarence |

|H&I Chair |Sara | |Lit Review Chair |OPEN |

|H&I Co-Chair |OPEN | |Lit Review Co-Chair |OPEN |

|Regional Webmaster |Brian M | |Clean Sheet Chairperson |OPEN |

|Regional Policy |Sid | |Clean Sheet |OPEN |

|Workgroup | | |Co-Chairperson | |

Regional Service Committee meeting




1. Opening: A moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

2. The reading of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts.

3. Reading of the Minutes.

4. Introductions, introduction of the agenda: changes, additions, corrections, and approval.

5. A trusted servant will be invited to Read a Concept, and a trusted servant will be asked to Share on that Concept. The RSC will entertain a 15 minute discussion on this Concept.


1. Areas Reports are to turned in to the Secretary

2. Subcommittee Reports

|Office Manager |Workgroup Reports |

|ABC Report |Meeting List |

|Regional Delegate |H&I |

|Phoneline |Public Relations |

|Unity |Webmaster |

|Literature Review |Administrative |

|Cleansheet |JAC |

|Policy |RSC Treasurer |

|Convention Chairperson | |

|Convention Treasurer | |

3. Nominations:

4. Old Business

5. New Business

6. Disbursements

7. Open Forum (if time permits)

8. Close the Meeting

RSC Minutes

June 2, 2012


• The meeting opened at 10:30am with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer and reading of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts.

• Four (4) RCMs were present by 10:30. Quorum was not established, opened as an Informational meeting. Introductions followed.

• The previous RSC Minutes were read and accepted.

• Seth shared on Concept 8 with discussion from the floor.

• Quorum was met with six (6) RCM's at 12:10 and lost again, down to five (5) at 4:00

Attendance Record:

Present: Admin... Mark - RSC Chair , Debby - RSC Co-Chair , Scott - RSC Treasurer , Paula - ABC Chair, Aoe - RD, RSC Sub-Committees ……Debbie - Phone line Chair....Clarene - PR Co-Chair....Arlene - Convention Chair… RCM’s …Sid - WSW Area....Jim - Delco Area....Ryan - Clean Acres Area....Drew - Downtown Area ... Earl - Point of Freedom Area.... Elijah - NW Area, Excused Absence: ………………..

Reports: The following reports were NOT given on the Regional floor:

Areas: Schuylkill Valley, Philadelphia Area, Greater Camden Area, Inner City Area & South Philly Area

Sub-committees: Policy, Clean Sheet, Literature Review, Unity

The following reports were NOT submitted in writing to the RSC Secretary:

Areas: Schuylkill Valley, Philadelphia Area, Greater Camden Area, Inner City Area & South Philly Area

Sub-committees: Policy, Clean Sheet, Literature Review, Unity

Nominations: No nominations and/or elections. Open positions: RSC Policy Chairperson, ABC Co-Chairperson, ABC Treasurer, Meeting List Chair, Literature Review Chair, PR Chair

Old Business:

Discussion with Drew (from Downtown Area) in reference to the Adhoc committee whose purpose is to provide information about the feasibility of the RSO. This committee has not yet been established.

New Business Discussion:

➢ RSO will be closed on Saturday, August 30th 2013 due to the WCNA35

➢ How are meeting covered by Insurance - (1) they are listed in the meeting list (2) they should obtain a Certificate of Insurance for their facility. NOTE: if your homegroup needs a Cert, please email your meeting name, facility name and address to Debby @ debbyna0814@

➢ Phila. Meeting List report correction to having 406 weekly meetings. The correct amount is 467 Meetings (but only 370 Groups)

➢ Delco Area would like to go to the RSO instead of Staples and pay to have neighborhood meeting lists printed


Maker: RD

Motion: Contribute $7.50 every 3 years to cover the cost of AZF Website hosting

Intent: Support AZF and its efforts to move towards a service providing body

Financial Impact: $7.50

Disposition: Motion passed. 5-0-1

DATE: 8/4/2013


Maker: RD

Motion: Allow 15 minutes of the beginning of the RSC meeting for RCM Orientation Education

Intent: To improve and maintain communication between RSC and Areas, educate RCM's about their roles, and foster interest in service

Financial Impact: $0

Disposition: 5-0-1

DATE: 8/4/2013


Maker: GPRNA - Public Relations

Motion: The we change policy under Article IV #4 that states "The Quorum of the regional meeting shall be fifty (50%) percent plus one of the active areas within the Region in order to conduct business"

The Change would state "that a minimum of five (5) representatives from active areas be in attendance to conduct Regional business

Intent: To be able to conduct regional business

Financial Impact:

Disposition: 0-0-0 - To Be Sent To Groups




| CLEANSHEET | | | |

|H&I | | | |

|JAC |Rent/Regional Wknd |Rox. Memorial Hospital |75.00 |

|LIT REVIEW | | | |


|PHONELINE | | | |

|PR | | | |

|POLICY | | | |

|RD/RDA | | | |

|UNITY | | | |

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Open Forum: There was not discussion today.

Closed Meetin @ approximately 5:00 PM

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|Area : South Phila. Area |

|RCM: | RCM Alt: |

|Meeting Day: 3rd Sat. of month |

|Location: 8th & Snyder |Time: 1pm |



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|None |

|Area : Clean Acres |

|RCM: Ryan W. | RCM Alt: Vacant |

|Meeting Day: 3rd Sunday |

|Location: Messiah Lutheran Church |Time: 7PM (Subcommittee 5:30PM) |


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|Area : Inner City |

|RCM: | RCM Alt: None |

|Meeting Day: 2nd Saturday of the month |

|Location: 22nd & C B Moore |Time: Sub Com. 9am Area 1pm |




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|Area : Pyramid Of Freedom |

|RCM: Earl | RCM Alt: |

|Meeting Day: 3rd Saturday of the month |

|Location: 11th & Rockland |Time: 2-5pm |



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|Area : Greater Camden Area |

|RCM: Bob R. | RCM Alt: Sandy H. |

|Meeting Day: 3rd Saturday of the month |

|Location: 422 Market St St. Paul Church |Time: 4pm |




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|Area : Philadelphia |

|RCM: | RCM Alt: |

|Meeting Day: 2nd Sunday |

|Location: Hawthorne & Longshore |Time: 7:30 |


|We would like to Thank Diane for all of her service. She has stepped down as Philadelphia Area RCM due to her battle with Cancer at this moment. We all need to send |

|her our prayers during this time to help her through. We Appreciate all her years of service. |

|- RSO is taking applications for a Store Manager. If you are in NA, must have 1 year clean, sponsor and homegroup. Must have a legit source of income and knowledge of|

|QuickBooks. You can email your resumes to debbyna0814@. We will be setting up interviews ASAP. |

|- We are working to pay off our outstanding fright bill with World. In doing so we are having a fundraiser selling Rubber Bracelets, Blue with White lettering for |

|$2.00 each that say "SELF SERVICE SOCIETY GOD". anyone interested can contact me or anyone on the GPRNA Admin Committee. |

|- INSURANCE Donations. Just to have Clarity...We realize that it has been requested in the past that each homegroup donate $50.00 so that we can pay the Insurance |

|bill, but we now request this to change if possible. We appreciate everyone that has donated and understands that this is your insurance policy. We want to make note |

|that our policy is $8067.00 a year in which we make monthly payments of 672.25. Our Convention normally helps to pay this but last year there was barely any profit |

|and this year there is no convention due to World. We are asking that Everyone that can donate whatever they can as often as they can. Please remember that this is a |

|WE Program, there are many struggling homegroups that cannot even purchase literature let alone make Area or Regional donations. WE need to remember that this is |

|about one addict helping another. Some homegroups are now making monthly donations at Area Services or dropping it off directly at the RSO. Remember that if we don't |

|have our insurance so many meeting doors will have to close. |

|- Region meets next August 3rd and 4th 2013 at Roxborough Hospital. Sub-Committees meet on Saturday, Admin / JAC meets Saturday, Regional Meeting on Sunday from |

|10am-5pm. There are several positions open, please come get in service. |

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|For more information, please feel free to contact me via phone or email. |

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|Thank you for allowing me to be in Service, |

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|Debby F |

|267-971-2036 |

|debbyna0814@ |

|Area :West South West |

|RCM: Sid B | RCM Alt: Bruce J |

|Meeting Day: The Third Sat. of Every Month |

|Location: 52nd & Baltimore Ave |Time: 10am – 5pm |


|Area's Junes service attendance was very high, but July's was low, but business was taken care of by the trusted servants. We have one new group who is joining |

|area, they ask for a starter kit. it was approved by the Area. (Note: name of new group will be in the next report). Area needs: we have one position not filled. |

|Our subcommittees are small. We had a Area Celebration that by all reports was successful. We have a Regional Donation and groups insurances of $393.00 |

|No Probles |

|Area : Downtown Area |

|RCM: Drew | RCM Alt: |

|Meeting Day: |

|Location: Relocating Meeting |Time: |



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|Area : Delco |

|RCM: Jim | RCM Alt: Jim C. |

|Meeting Day: 3rd Wednesday of the month |

|Location: Ridley |Time: 7:00pm |



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|Area : NorthWest Area |

|RCM: Elijah | RCM Alt: |

|Meeting Day: |

|Location: |Time: |

|REPORT: June 2013 / July 2013 |

|Home Groups (20) |

|Transition In Recovery The Power Within Group |

|West Oak Lane Group Mt. Airy Group |

|Life After Death Life is a Terrible Thing to Waste |

|One Solution Open For Recovery |

|Clean and Serene That Was Then, This is Now |

|Recovery In The Morning Stepping Into Serenity |

|Germantown Group Unity Is A Must |

|Thank God It’s Friday Pleasant Afternoon |

|Serenity On Sunday Just Say No |

|Recovery on Hunting Park Wake Up To Recovery |

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|Administrative Committee & Subcommittee Chairpersons |

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|Chairperson-Nate 267.257.9868 Co-Chair- Stephan - 267.973.8138 |

|Secretary- Joyce 267.626.3110 Assistant Secretary - Lynn 267.515.9316 |

|Treasurer - Debbie 267.980.5500 Assistant Treasurer - Pat 215.681.6162 |

|Policy - Jackie 215.888.3572 Literature – Steve 215.391.5791 |

|Steward – Angel 267-588-7154 Meeting List- Ernest 267.600.9754 |

|Phone Line - Open Web Master - Elijah 267.975.5033 |

|Newsletter - Keith 215.758.1517 H & I - Joyce 267.626.3110 |

|Convention Chair – James – 267-228-4538 Unity Chair – Allen 215.873.3830 |

|Convention Co-Chair – Al D. – 215-266-2627 |

|Public Relations – Mike P. 267.872.6367 |

|RCM-Alternate – Open |

|RCM - Elijah 267.975.5033 |

|Summary |

|All service arms are active and continue to serve our area & region. WE thank ALL our members who continue to serve. We elected new trusted servants, Steward |

|(Angel), Convention Chair & Co-Chair (Al D. & James). WE welcome them and appreciate their service. |

|Money allocation(s) to Region (June / July) |

|Region: $62.64 |

|Phone Line: $34.37 |

|Insurance: $120.00 |

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|Area Picnic Dates (September 7th 2013 or September 14th 2013). |

|Transition in Recovery Group 21st Marathon & Anniversary will be held Saturday, August 10th @ 12:30 to 9:30 PM (5722 Greene Street, 19144). |

|The next scheduled area service meeting(s) is 8/17/2013 @ 5725 Sprague St., Philadelphia, PA 19138 |

|Sub-Committee(s) – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM |

|ASC – 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM |

|Humbly submitted: Elijah G. – Northwest Area / R.C.M. |

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Regional Public Relations Meeting

Meeting opened with a Moment of Silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

12 traditions and 12 concepts and the Public Relations Statement of Purpose was read


|Position Name Attended |

|PR Chair | |Open |

|PR co Chair |Clarence A. |Present |

|PR Secretary |. |Open |

|PR Area Chairs in Attendance |

|Clean Acres |Absent |

|Delco |Absent |

|Downtown |Absent |

|Greater Camden |Absent |

|Inner City |Absent |

|Northwest |Absent |

|Philadelphia |Absent |

|Pyramid of Freedom / co Chair (Rep) |Present |

|Schuylkill Valley |Absent |

|South Philly |Present |

|West Southwest / co Chair |Absent |

|Web Master |Present |

MINUTES FROM 7 -13-13were read.

Budget/Chair Report:


Literature Amount on Hand;$45.10.Will be requesting $100.00 in Literature from the Region for upcoming events ,also 100 Meeting Books.

Recovery Walk – waiting for person to return my call. Recovery Walk is on Sept.21, 2013.Literature &Meeting Books requested will be used at Recovery Walk.


Pyramid of Freedom Area-All is well. Need more Area members in service.

South Phila. Area- No report.

Webmaster- Will email me his report.

Work Group Reports: No work groups.

Old Business: Neal contacted the World. There is no problem with us making paper printouts of the demographics and adding the Regional contact information.

Reworded our Purpose of the GPRNA PR Sub-Committee.

New Business: RSC Treasurer spoke with the Sub-Committee, and asked that they submit a budget by November.

Passed out information about P.R. & H&I Panels that will be at the World Convention.

Agenda: Volunteers for Recovery Walk & upcoming Health Fair event.

Regional Service Committee Meeting

August 4, 2013



Secretary Paulette L. (Northwest Area)

We have welcomed three new Area reps: Michelle, DELCO; William G., Schuylkill Valley; and James J., Northwest. That leaves only two Areas unrepresented at this time: Clean Acres and Inner City.

The first hour of our meeting yesterday was spent having a general discussion of the current status of our committee. There were concerns about the delay in getting a location and date for next year’s convention and the limiting effect that has had on activities of the subcommittees. It has also had a negative effect on the level of enthusiasm and participation by some of the committee members. The discussion ended on a positive note, and there was a general consensus that we can and will have a successful convention if we all pull together to do the work that is needed. We discussed setting specific financial goals and timelines to help us with planning and to ensure that we are more productive moving forward. Everyone agreed to step up their own efforts as committee members.


I am happy to report that we have voted to move forward with finalizing a contract with the Loews Hotel to hold GPRCNA XXVIII the weekend of August 22-24, 2014. Minor negotiations are necessary to ensure that we have sufficient space for all our meetings and other activities. After that is done, we will need a quick turnaround (1 week) for legal review of the contract.

This entire process should be completed before the World Convention. We will not be able to have a complete convention brochure available there, but do plan to at least have flyers with basic information. We will also check into whether we can register people during WCNA, perhaps on the last day.


Our Fundraising Subcommittee needs support. Anyone interested in serving should attend their subcommittee meetings - second Saturday of the month, 12:00 noon, Kingsessing Recreation Center, 50th & Kingsessing Ave. For more information contact the Chair, Joe A., 215-783-9144, or Co-Chair, Antonio C., 267-577-1493.

Upcoming Fundraisers:


Saturday, September 14, 2013

2 – 10 pm

4110 Haverford Avenue


Saturday, September 28, 2013

12 – 10 pm

Llanerch Hills Chapel

Myrtlewood & Manor Road

Drexel Hill, PA

We are also planning Speaker Jams for the months of October and November. Specific dates and locations to come.

Our final fundraiser for this year will be a New Year’s/Holiday event at the end of December. More information to come.

In loving service,

Arlene C.

Convention Chair



The subcommittee did not meet in July.

Halloo received 463 calls and used 1674 minutes the month of July.

Four volunteers have stepped down from service and will be disconnected from the Phoneline. To date the Phoneline has 34 volunteers.

We have been blessed with a donation of 20 Regional Meeting List Books to be distributed to volunteers who do not have access to computers or smart phones and to be put into the manuals that are given to new volunteers with their orientation.

The WSO contact person for the Convention has asked the GPRCNA Phoneline Subcommittee to answer calls pertaining to the itinerary and information about the World Convention being held in our beautiful city of Philadelphia. It was relayed to us, in good conscious, that there will be no impact to the usual phone calls to our Regional Phoneline.

An agreement has been made to add an additional prompt on the Halloo System to direct Convention calls.

Debbie B.

Phoneline Chair


[pic]The Greater Philadelphia Region of NA

Regional Delegate Report

August 4, 2013

Greetings RSC,

RD request that 15 minutes at the beginning of the RSC meeting be allotted for RCM Orientation.

Rd visited the Northwest Area last month to get a first-hand view of that areas needs and concerns. As with most levels of service they suffer from lack of participation, but continue to be committed to promoting Unity within their area and maintain their service commitments.

NAWS News: WCNA35 Being of Service—Volunteer Registration

Want to help make our recovery celebration a success? We will be seeking volunteers to help with entertainment and events, merchandise, program, registration, and many other tasks. For more information, please visit wcna and click on the link to sign up to volunteer at the convention

Traditions Book Project We want to remind you to check out the material on the Traditions Project webpage: traditions. We’ve posted a session profile and PowerPoint there for local workshops to help us gather ideas and source material for the book. You can enter your responses online at the webpage or email them to worldboard@. The Traditions Book Project discussion board is now open! Visit the project webpage for more information: traditions.

RD will assist representative from the WSW area in a Traditions Workbook Workshop in November.

Autonomy Zonal Forum

Greater Philadelphia Region

Welcome AZF Members,

This is my first attempt hosting this event. I had many helpers. Thank you.

We are maintaining eleven Areas in our Region. After congratulating new Administrative Trusted Servants, Mark B., RSC Chairperson, Debby F., RSC Co-Chairperson, Paula B., Advisory Board Chairperson, Scott D., RSC Treasurer, and myself, Zoe H., RD we still have positions open and are in dire need to fill them. Despite the widespread apathy and lack of volunteers, our RSC Subcommittees continue to service our region with the dedicated few. We are so grateful for their hard work. Since our last meeting:

• The newly elected GPRSC Admin hosted a rally with RCM’s and Area Chairs to promote Unity within the region henceforth named the “Peanut Butter & Jelly Summit”.

• We attended MARLCNA

• RD shared insight about CBDM at WSW Area.

• RSC collaborated with EPARNA for combined Multi-Regional Meeting List and Phoneline subcommittee events. We need to find a way to improve direct contact and information sharing.

• We suspended the regional convention this year to focus on fundraising and finding a new venue for 2014.

• Each Area has committed to host 3 Marathon Meeting slots for the WCNA35. WCNA 35 is approaching fast and our region is excited. There will be meetings in and around the Center City area.

• The RD has collaborated with Area Literature Reps to host their own Traditions Workbook Brainstormers. We’ve scheduled the next one for September 2013.

• Lack of donations continues to hamper printing meeting list, paying insurance premiums, and ordering literature.

• The regional web site is back home! Here is the link: If you have any events that need to be posted on our web site please forward them to Elijah.Golden@ or


Grateful to Serve,



Review of Beta version of AZF website

• Each region will get back to Merle that they agree to pay $7.50 every 3 years, Merle will get results from individual RDs and then Merle will send results via e-mails to RDs. We need to decide who will be the contact. We need to contact CPRNA to get our information off of their website and place it onto a new website.

• Kim A is going to explore domain names. She will work with others to create a beta version of a new website, and has offered to host it on her existing hosting website.

• Things to determine at January 2014 AZF: Who owns it, transparency as to whose name is on website,

Information with other Zonal forum experience and their process of the inventory

Continuation of Zonal Inventory

• Dragging moving forward

o Personal contact with members from other zones

o more personal mentorship with personal contact

▪ Zones

• Northeast Donnalee

• Southern Rob

• Asia Pacific Merle

• Western States Zoe

• EDM Rob

• Midwestern ?

• RockyMountain ?

• Plains States ?

• Southeast-John

▪ Mountaineer would like zonal participation to do a 3rd tradition workshop

1. We reached consensus and are in agreement that AZF should be moving on to become more than an informational body

Zoe, Merle, Donnalee will attend the Mountaineer Regional Convention to represent AZF. This is on a volunteer basis, but it is a start

Request WB participation at the next zonal?

Agenda for January 25, 2014 Zonal Forum


Upcoming schedule for Autonomy Zonal Forum:

Central Atlantic Region: January 25, 2014

Mountaineer Region: July 26.2014


webservant@ for sending information

Zonal Inventory (from January 2013 minutes)


Some of the regions have feedback since our last zonal forum, which we need to address. A Planning Tool was created to gather information.

• Look at other zonals to educate our own regions about what other zonal forums look like.

• There would be less resistance to changing our structure, if that is our direction; if the groups within the regions understand what other options are available.

• Another point of view is to look at ourselves and determine how we are doing.

• There are 8 U.S. zones

• We are being dragged in to moving forward

• Meeting and forum for RDs to meet

• We have held workshops/meetings with WB members

• CAR/CAT information gathering

• Consensus-based learning training session

• It was intended to not be a legislative body, not to have rules and regulations

• AZF website

Grateful to serve, Zoe H GPRSC RD

GPRSCNA Meeting List Subcommittee Meeting 4 August, 2013

- Opened with Serenity Prayer - Debbie

- Introductions

- Debbie passed out forms

- Read 12 Traditions - Paul B.

- Read 12 Concepts - Chrissie M.

- Read June Minutes - James H.

- Marshall M. read addendum - 326 groups participating in the region, there is a total of 406 in the region. Groups are suggested to pay for insurance in the amount $50.00 annually.

- Chairperson Report

- Discussed Ordered and Sold Meeting Lists Summer was delivered in two batches, second batch was increased by one cent per booklet. In discussion with ABC Chair - Paula.

- Motion to accept minutes - Accepted

- Reports

• Philadelphia - No Report

• Clean Acres - Not Present

• Delco - Not Present

• Schulykill Valley - Present, Report

• Greater Camden - Not Present

• West Southwest - New Meeting; Our Primary Purpose Group at 6150 Cedar Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131 Meets Thursday 6PM - 7:30PM

• Northwest Area - Present, No Report

• EPARNA - Present, there were 8 changes submitted to the Regional Service Office at the direction of the previous Subcommittee Chair Person. I have two changes today.

A)The Jenkintown Morning Meeting has been discontinued.

B)The Freedom Rings group in Southampton has added a Friday meeting, same format and time.

- Nominations

- Voted to waive qualifications for RLSC Secretary to elect Paul B. - Paul B. elected to hold off and run it past EPARNA before accepting nomination.

- Co - Chair none

- Old Business

• Philadelphia Area - asked if there is a need to submit a form to have an event covered by insurance.

• Chair answered with no, events are covered under current insurance.

- New Business

- none

- Meeting closed.

- Next Meeting - 1st Saturday every month, Roxborough Hospital, 10:00 AM.






TIME: 10-12

REPORT: There were seven areas present, Downtown, Philadelphia, Pyramid of Freedom, Delco, Clean Acres, South Philly, and West South West. Four areas were absent, Schuylkill Valley, Inner City, Greater Camden, and Northwest. The subcommittee request that RCMs please remind their area subcommittee chairs to attend our meetings, as their input becomes invaluable if they do not attend. All the areas gave their reports. CEC of Chester is requesting a meeting in their facility but, they are unable to give us a date for an H&I presentation. We still have never heard back from Hoffman Hall on the status of them wanting to bring a meeting into the facility, As written in previous reports, we have already made two presentations at their facility with no final word from them. The subcommittee also began a review of the policy; we went through the basic purpose and functions of our policy and made minimal changes. At our next meeting we will start our budget review and continue working on our policy. Our regional learning day has been planned for November 23,2013 from 12-5, at a facility to be announced next month. It will be held this year in the West Southwest area. We are asking the RCMs of the absent areas H&I chairs to please send an updated facility meeting list to the chair or secretary.

Lastly, we have elected the Delco H&I Chair, Jackie, as our new RSCH&I co-chair, we want to thank Jackie for her willingness to serve and for her commitment!

In loving service,

Sara F RSCH&I Chair

Jackie RSCH&I Co-Chair



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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