Auditory Training Level 5 - Comprehension

Auditory Training Level 5 - Comprehension Text followingIn this exercise you are asked to follow a spoken passage as it is read out. When the reader stops, you must tell them what word they said last, this is a listening exercise so the speaker must not show you the text.Passage 1Two old men who lived in a village deep in the country decided one day to take a trip to London. This meant they had to leave their village, get on a bus to the nearest town, and there catch the train for London. It was all a big adventure for them, as they had never done anything like it before.To eat on the journey, they had bought some bananas. They’d never eaten bananas before either.They got on the train and were marvelling at the speed. One man decided to try his banana, but as he was just taking a bite the train entered a tunnel.“Have you eaten your banana yet?” he called out to his friend.“No”, replied his friend.“Well, don’t”, said the first man. “I took one bite of mine and went blind”.Passage 2A motorist driving through the country stopped for a hitch-hiker who was holding the halter of a cow.“I can give you a lift”, he said, “But I can’t take your cow”.“Don’t worry”, said the hitch-hiker, “She’ll follow us in her own time”.So the hitch-hiker got in and the motorist started up. He drove at 30 miles per hour, and the cow trotted along behind him. He drove at 40 miles per hour and the cow was still trotting along behind him. He drove at 50 miles an hour, yet the cow was somehow still managing to keep pace with him. But he noticed in his mirror that the cow seemed to be tiring, as her tongue was hanging out of her mouth.“I’m worried about your cow”, said the motorist to his passenger, “Her tongue is hanging out of her mouth to the right”.“Oh, that’s all right” said the hitch-hiker, “that means she’s going to overtake”!Passage 3The continent of Australia is about 7000 miles southwest of California. It is both a continent and an island and is almost exactly the same size as the mainland United States. The Nullarbor is the second largest desert in the world and means “no trees” in Latin. Because of this huge desert, most of the population live around the coastal boarders. There are seven states, including the island of Tasmania.One of the most interesting features of this country is the animals. The most well-known is the koala, of course. In fact, the koala lives in a special kind of eucalyptus tree, because the koala will eat only the leaves from this tree.Another animal is the wallaby. This is a miniature kangaroo. It has very big eyes and very long claws and is more friendly than a kangaroo. There are several kinds of kangaroos: grey ones, red ones, and brown ones. They have very large hind feet and a long tapered tail that make it possible for them to leap great distances. They can move faster than fifty miles per hour. In the north of Australia, kangaroos can be found in the wild very easily. However, wild Australian animals are not usually found wandering the streets of any major city.There are many other interesting things in this land called ‘Down Under’.Passage 4Charles Lindberg was the first pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic ocean. He flew from the North American continent to Europe in a plane called ‘The Spirit of St. Louis’. His goal was to win an award called the Orteig Prize which was worth $25,000. His biggest problem was fighting the desire to sleep. But he had a lot to keep him busy. His plane had only a few instruments. He flew through bad weather, was very short on fuel and had to land at night in Paris.Lindberg was the first of many record holders who flew transcontinental as a solo pilot. He made his flight between New York and Paris in 1927. This first non-stop flight to Europe took 33 hours and 30 minutes. Today it can be flown in less than 3 hours, but usually takes 6-8 hours.Context cues for sentencesYou will be given the topic of a set of sentences. You will then hear a sentence and be asked to repeat it. Guesses are encouraged.Set 1Clue: common sentences used everyday1.Hello, (recipient’s name).2.How are you?3.I’m very well thank you.4.What time is it?5.What did you say?6.Good (night/afternoon/morning/evening).7.It’s (hot/cold/raining) outside today.8.The time is (#) o’clock.9.The time is half-past (#).10.The time is quarter past/to (#).Set 2Clue: Common sentences used everyday1.How much is that?2.Would you like a cup of (tea/coffee)?3.When is your (birthday/anniversary)?4.How many (children/brothers/sisters) do you have?5.Do you drive a car?6.How was the traffic today?7.I am leaving now.8.I am going home.9.What would you like for lunch?10.Where are you going?Set 3Clue: At the bus stop1.Hello, how are you?2.Do you have a match?3.I think the bus is late again.4.Watch out for that puddle.5.The buses are never on time.6.Does this bus go into the city?7.Here comes the bus.8.What time does the bus leave?9.Did I miss the bus to the university?10.Are you saving this seat?Set 4Clue: At the doctor’s office1.Well, what seems to be the problem?2.Let me look at your tongue.3.I’ll give you some medicine.4.How long have you been sick?5.Does that hurt?6.The doctor will see you now.7.How’s your family?8.Take a deep breath.9.See the receptionist for another appointment.10.Take two capsules before each meal.Repeating phrases (no clues)Your partner will say a sentence out loud. You need to repeat back the sentence, guesses are encouraged. Mark the number of words you repeated correctly to show your progress over time.Set ASentence Number of wordsI put my money in the bank.7He’s sick, so call the doctor.6They fought like cats and dogs.7We ate lunch at 12 o’clock.6Put your shoes on your feet.6Sit down in that chair.5If you’re sleepy, go to bed.6Yellow and blue make green.5Put icing on the cake.5Birds fly high in the sky.6Set BSentence Number of wordsTeenagers love to talk on the telephone.7He drove the car into the garage.7I don’t have enough money to buy that.8The kitchen needs a table and some chairs.8Wear a hat and coat when it’s cold.8Listening to instructions gameGive the recipient the blank grid and ask them to listen and follow the instructions. Start in square 6 (the black square). Go up one square. Draw a picture of a sun in this square. Go right two squares. Draw a picture of a house in this square. Go down two squares. In this square write which day it was yesterday. Go left two squares, then down one square. In this square write my name. Go back to the square with the drawing of the sun. Go right three squares. In this square draw a triangle. Go down two squares. Draw a picture of a cup in this square. Go left two squares, then up one square. In this square write today’s date. In the square above this, draw a picture of a horse. Go back to the square with the drawing of a cup. In the square below this write the colour of your eyes. Go left three squares then up one square. In this square draw a picture of a tree. Go to the square below the drawing of the house. In this square draw a large cross. Go right two squares. In this square draw a large circle. Go down two squares. In this square write your name.Exercise 2:Give the recipient instructions one by one on what to draw in the six empty boxes. E.g. “In the top box draw a flower”.Blank grid for recipient’s responses to the Listening to Instructions game. Answer questions related to comprehension tasksIn these tasks you will be read a paragraph. You will then be asked questions about what you have heard. The paragraphs get progressively longer and more difficult.Story 1: The ParkJessica went to the park with her mum. It was a lovely sunny day outside. Jessica played on the roundabout. She did not want to go on the slide because it was too high and she was scared. Jessica got very hot and so her mum bought her an ice-cream to cool down. The afternoon passed quickly, and at 5 o’clock it was time to go home.Questions:1.Who did Jessica go to the park with?2.What was the weather like?3.Why did Jessica not go on the slide?4.What did Mum buy?5.What time did they go home?Story 2: Dinner PartyMary went to Tesco to do her food shopping. She had a long list of food to buy for her dinner party. Mary was going to make a big roast dinner. Mary bought some carrots, peas, and broccoli. She wanted to cook a chicken but the shop had sold out. Mary had to buy lamb instead.Questions:1.Which shop did Mary go to?2.Why was she going shopping?3.What was Mary going to cook?4.What 3 vegetables did she buy?5.Why did Mary buy lamb?Story 3: The Disappointed Cat.One day, a little bird sat in a tree and looked around. He wanted something to eat and saw a piece of bread on the ground. He flew down and began to eat it. An old black cat saw the bird and crept up behind him. She almost caught him, but the little bird heard her and flew back into the tree. The cat was disappointed. She lay down on the steps and went to sleep. Then the little bird flew down again and ate the bread.Questions:1.How big was the bird?2.What did the bird see on the ground?3.Did the cat catch the bird?4.What colour was the cat?5.Where did the cat fall asleep?6.Did the bird get to eat the bread?Story 4: Roller SkatesLast summer, John asked his father for a pair of roller skates. John’s father told him to save his money. He gave John a piggy bank for the coins he saved. For two months, John saved hard. When he opened his piggy bank, he only had ten pounds. He was very disappointed because he needed another twenty pounds. His father told him he would pay him twenty pounds if he did some jobs. John mowed the lawn, tied up the garden and washed the car. He worked hard and when he had finished, his father gave him the money. John went to the shop the next morning and bought some skates.Questions:1.What did John want to buy?2.How much money was in the piggy bank?3.How much did his father say he would give John for doing some jobs?4.Did John want the roller skates last spring or last summer5.When did John go to the shop to buy the roller skates?6.How did John feel when he realised he didn’t have enough money?7.What three jobs did John do for his father?Story 5: Jungle PicturesNot long ago, some people went far into the jungle in Africa to take pictures of the wild animals that live there. They built a house and covered it with leaves and the branches of trees.When it was finished, they waited patiently for the animals. They succeeded in taking many very interesting photographs of giraffes, zebras, elephants, lions and a great hippopotamus.Questions:1.Where was the jungle?2.What did they do with the leaves and branches?3.What did they do in the house?4.Tell me what they didn’t see – giraffes, flamingos or lions?5.How many hippopotamuses did they see?6.How long ago did they go into the jungle?Story 6: Birthday CakeJack was making a cake. His sister Katie offered to help him. They made a chocolate cake because it was their Grandmother’s 80th birthday and they wanted to surprise her. Jack took the cake out of the oven, and put it on the table. He put 10 candles on top. A few moments later, their dog Hugo ran into the kitchen. The dog knocked the cake off the table, onto the floor and ate it all. Only the candles were left. Jack and Katie were angry. They would have to buy a cake from the shops instead.Questions:1.Who was helping Jack?2.What flavour was the cake?3.Whose birthday was it? 4.How many candles were on the cake?5.What did the dog do?6.What was left of the cake?7.Did they make another cake?Story 7: A Day Off Work. Jenny was enjoying her day off from work. She was usually very busy working as a Nurse. She went to the hairdressers to get her hair dyed. When she arrived, Jenny told the stylist that she wanted her hair to be pink. She had seen on TV that lots of celebrities had pink hair. The stylist washed Jenny’s hair with shampoo that smelt like roses. Jenny had to wait for 2 hours for the colour to be finished and she felt very impatient. Once her hair was dry, Jenny went into town so she could go to the bank, and the supermarket.Questions:1.What was Jenny’s job?2.What colour did she want her hair?3.Why did Jenny want her hair this colour?4.What smelt like roses?5.How long did Jenny have to wait?6.How did Jenny feel?7.Where else was Jenny going on her day off?Story 8: The Train JourneyThe train left the platform at 10:30, 15 minutes later than scheduled. The speaker overhead said the delay was caused by a fallen tree blocking the track. The passengers on-board were getting irritated. The carriages were noisy. Children were crying, people were coughing, and business men were talking loudly on their telephones. The train made its journey through the countryside, passing fields of wheat and barley. The train arrived at Newbury station at 11 o’clock.Questions:1.What time did the train leave?2.Why was there a delay?3.How were the passengers feeling?4.What 3 noises were in the carriages? 5.What did the train pass? 6.Where was the train going? Story 9: The LibraryRichard liked to read books. He went to the library to get a library card. Richard and his mother signed the card so that he could borrow books. He found ten books that he wanted to read. Then he found out he could take only six books on one day. Richard was disappointed because he could not get out his favourite authors new book. He would have to wait until another day.Questions:1.Why did Richard go to the library?2.Who signed the library card?3.How many books did he want to read?4.How many books could he take out on one day?5.Why was Richard disappointed?Story 10: A Boat TripJerry couldn't go on a boat trip on Saturday because there was a storm. He left for his trip on Sunday. The wind moved his yacht quickly towards the island. Jerry could not catch any fish because he had forgotten to take his fishing rod. He went swimming in the warm, clear water. He made a fire to cook some hot dogs for lunch. The parrots on the island made a lot of noise. Jerry left the island about four o'clock so that he could get home before dark.Questions:1.Why couldn’t Jerry go on Saturday?2.What day did Jerry go on his boat trip?3.What happened to the yacht?4.Why could he not catch fish?5.Why did he make a fire?6.What made a lot of noise? ................

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