AP Chemistry Power Point Project

AP Chemistry Final Project

Purpose: Alone, or in groups of two, create a research-based PowerPoint and lesson activity focusing on a famous chemistry figure, chemistry profession, or chemical company. Write a 6-8 page paper to be submitted the day of your presentation. Use the topic list of suggestions as a starting point. This project will help prepare you for projects in college where you will be expected to understand the software involved, as well as engage your peers in topic outside of the AP curriculum. Below is an outline of my expectations:

▪ Comprehensiveness:

o After researching topic ideas, you will submit a proposal stating which topic you chose and why it is fascinating to you. This proposal should be 1-2 paragraphs.

o After choosing your topic and completing more research, you will create an outline which will be handed in and checked. This outline should include subtopics, important dates and people involved, and five or more resources that you are currently using for your research.

o You will be writing a research paper between 6-8 pages long. The paper must be 12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced, with 1 inch margins. The paper will not be accepted if it is not.

o Finally, you will present your research either using a poster board, live presentation via power point (or prezi), or taped presentation.

▪ Accuracy: I will be grading your ability to present accurate information that is at the AP level. Misleading or wrong statements will be detrimental to your grade. Make sure you ask me questions if you need to!

▪ Organization/Clarity: Your presentation should flow. If it is a live presentation, there should be a clear beginning and end. I suggest having some kind of start up activity (do now) and a review activity at the end. Slides shouldn't be cluttered with information (or be mostly empty). If it is a poster board, it should have small sections designated to your subtopics.

▪ Presentation:

o Presentations can be fun! Include appropriate and relevant graphs or charts as well as pictures.

o Try to find ways of getting your classmates involved with the lesson. For example, ask essential questions or give out handouts. Don't let students sleep through the presentation!

o Keep in mind, part of your grade relies on your classmates' involvement and reflections of your work.

▪ Grades: The final project will be broken down into the following categories:

o Teacher Grades:

▪ The proposal will count as one 10 point quiz grade.

▪ The outline will count as one 10 point quiz grade.

▪ The presentation will count as one 100 point lab grade.

▪ The paper will count as one 100 test grade points based on the rubric.

o Peer Grades: Worth 10 quiz grade based on the rubric.

o Group Reflection Grade: Worth 10 point quiz grade based on the rubric.

o Self-Reflection Grades: Worth 10 point quiz grades for each reflection.

Due Dates:

( Topics must be approved by: ________________________

( Outline and References due by: ________________________

( Papers must be submitted: ________________________

( Presentations will be held: ________________________

( Power Point presentations are due 24 hours before you are scheduled to present. Must be sent as an e-mail attachment, shared in google drive, or uploaded directly from a USB.

Topic Ideas

You are not limited to these; however you must clear your topic. No two students in the same class can do the same topic, so apply early!

Famous Scientists

Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, JJ Thompson, Neils Bohr, Robert Millikan, Erwin Schrodinger, James Chadwich, Demetri Mendeleev, Robert Mosley, Amadeo Avagadro, Robert Boyle, Robert Bunsen, Melvin Calvin, Henry Cavendish, Pierre Curie, John Dalton, Emil Erlenmeyer, Richard Ernst, Michael Faraday, Enrico Fermi, Nicholas Flamel, Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac, Josiah Willard Gibbs, Thomas Graham, Fritz Haber, Germain Henri Hess, Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff. Antoine Lavoisier, Henri Louis Le Chatelier, Walther Nernst, Alfred Nobel, Linus Pauling, Louis Pasteur, Joseph Priestley, Alessandro Volta, Johannes Diderik van der Waals.

Chemistry Related Companies

Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, AstraZeneca, Abbott Laboratories, Merck & Co, Bayer Health Care, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Dow, Flinn Scientific, DuPont, Eastman Chemical Company, Eastman Kodak, General Electric, Shell, Exxon Mobil, SmithKline Beechman, Union Carbide, Scott Specialty Gases, Monsanto,

Chemical Professions

patent lawyer, Engineering (Chemical, Process, Environmental) Process operators in Chemical Plants, Lab workers, Electroplaters, Cooks, Pathologists, Research Chemists, Environmental Inspectors, Fuel Formulation Specialists, Biologists, Illegal drug manufacturers, Surface coating developers, Metallurgists. Prospectors, Anti-doping investigators, Assassins, Cheese makers, Wine makers, Yogurt manufacturers, Leather Tanners, Soap makers, Forensic Scientist, Moonshiners, Genetically Modified products,

AP Chemistry Final Project: Proposal Rubric

Partners: ___________& _____ .

Topic: __________________ .

| | | | | | |

|Category |Excellent |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |Incomplete |Points |

|Topic |5 |4 |3 |1 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Clear, concise, and relevant|Slightly ambiguous, not well |Not clear, the direction of |The content is | |

| |topic. |defined. |the topic needs to be |lacking accuracy and is | |

| | | |addressed. |confusing. | |

|Formatting |5 |4 |3 |1 | |

|and Details | | | | | |

| |2 paragraphs with many |1-2 paragraphs with some |1-2 paragraphs with some |1 paragraph with few details.| |

| |details including interest |details including interest in|details. | | |

| |in topic. |topic. | | | |

|Total Points | | | |Out of 10 points | |

|Outline |5 |4 |3 |1 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Clear, concise, and all |Slightly ambiguous, not well |Not clear, the direction of |The content is | |

| |inclusive outline. |defined. |the topic needs to be |lacking accuracy and is | |

| | | |addressed. |confusing. | |

|References |5 |4 |3 |1 | |

| | | | | | |

| |5+ references are cited in |4+ references are cited in |3-5 references are cited with|0-3 references are cited | |

| |proper formatting |proper formatting |improper formatting. |using improper formatting. | |

|Total Points | | | |Out of 10 points | |

|Content- |25 |15 |10 |5 | |

|Accuracy | | | | | |

| |All content is accurate. |Most of the content is |There are more than 3 factual|The content is | |

| |There are no factual errors.|accurate. There are 1-3 |flaws. |lacking accuracy and is | |

| | |factual errors. | |confusing. | |

|Comprehension |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Includes all subtopics and |Missing one key idea or |Missing two key ideas or |Missing 3+ key ideas or | |

| |key ideas. Stays on the AP |subtopic. May be a little |subtopics. Too advanced or |subtopics. Too advanced or | |

| |level. |more advanced than the AP |too easy for the AP level. |too easy for the AP level. | |

| | |level. | | | |

|Formatting |10 |8 |6 |2 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Font formats (color, bold, |Font formats have been |Font formats may be a little |Font formatting makes it | |

| |italic) have been carefully |planned to enhance |hard to read. Background |extremely difficult to read. | |

| |planned to enhance the |readability in most slides. |distracts from text and |Background distracts from | |

| |readability. Background does|Background does not distract |graphics. Choice of |text and graphics. Choice of | |

| |not distract from text and |from text and graphics on |background and layout is |background and layout is | |

| |graphics. Choice of the |most slides. Choice of |generally appropriate. Most |generally inappropriate. | |

| |background and layout is |background and layout is |graphics are attractive but |Missing graphics or graphics | |

| |generally appropriate. All |generally appropriate. Most |some do not support the |detract from content. | |

| |graphics are attractive |graphics are attractive and |theme. | | |

| |(size, colors) and support |support the theme. | | | |

| |the theme. | | | | |

|Spelling & Grammar |10 |8 |6 |2 | |

| | | | | | |

| |There are no grammatical or |There are 1-3 grammatical or |There are more that 3 |Grammar and spelling detracts| |

| |spelling errors. |spelling errors. |grammatical or spelling |from content. | |

| | | |errors. | | |

|Student Involvement/ |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

|Entertainment Value | | | | | |

| |Most students are actively |Many students are actively |Some students are involved in|Student involvement is low | |

| |involved and participating |listening and most are |the lesson. Some activities |and activities seem | |

| |in discussion or activities.|participating in activities |seem irrelevant. |irrelevant to the topic. | |

| | |related to the topic. | | | |

|Originality |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Shows considerable |Shows some originality and |Shows and attempt at |Presentation is a rehash of | |

| |originality and |inventiveness. Ideas are |originality and |other people's ideas and/or | |

| |inventiveness. Ideas are |expressed in an interesting |inventiveness. Ideas are |graphics. Very little | |

| |expressed in a unique and |way. |general and textbook. |original thought. | |

| |interesting way. | | | | |

|Timing |5 |4 |3 |2 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Reviewed all content without|Reviewed most content with |Video is too long. Didn’t cut|Video is too short. Left out | |

| |long pauses or rushing. |only minor pauses or rushing.|down the information to basic|too much information and | |

| | | |facts enough. |review. | |

|Resources |5 |4 |3 |2 | |

| | | | | | |

| |8-10 resources were cited on|6-7 resources were cited on |4-5 resources were cited on |1-3 resources were cited on | |

| |the last slide. |the last slide. |the last slide. |the last slide. | |

|Total Points | | | |Out of 100 pts | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Length |6-8 pages with no large gaps|6-8 pages with large gaps |5 pages with gaps |Less than 5 pages | |

|Title Page |Title, names, location, sub |Evidence of 4 |Evidence of 3 |Evidence of 1-2 | |

| |titles. Neat and organized. | | | | |

|Introduction and Background |Clearly and concisely states|Clearly and concisely |States paper’s purpose, which is |States paper’s purpose | |

| |paper’s purpose, engaging |states paper’s purpose. |engaging and thought provoking. |only. | |

| |and thought provoking. |Previews the structure of |Previews the structure of the | | |

| |Previews structure of |the paper. |paper. | | |

| |paper. | | | | |

|Body/Organization |Demonstrates logical and |Demonstrates logical |Writer demonstrates logical |Writer does not | |

| |subtle idea sequencing |sequencing of ideas through|sequencing of ideas through |demonstrate logical | |

| |through well-developed |well-developed paragraphs; |well-developed paragraphs. |sequencing of ideas. | |

| |paragraphs; transitions |transitions enhance | | | |

| |enhance organization. |organization. | | | |

|Content |All content is accurate. |Most of the content is |There are more than 3 factual |The content is | |

|Accuracy |There are no factual errors.|accurate, 1-3 factual |flaws. |lacking accuracy and is | |

| | |errors. | |confusing. | |

|Comprehension and Relevancy |Includes all subtopics and |Missing 1 key idea or |Missing two key ideas or |Missing 3+ key ideas or | |

| |key ideas. Stays on the AP |subtopic. May be more |subtopics. Too advanced or too |subtopics. Too advanced or| |

| |level. Relevant to |advanced than AP level. |easy for the AP level. Some |easy for the AP level. | |

| |Chemistry. |Relevant to Chemistry. |topics are irrelevant. |Many topics are | |

| | | | |irrelevant. | |

|Formatting |Font formats have been |Font formats have been |Font formats may be a little hard|Font formatting makes it | |

| |carefully planned to enhance|planned to enhance |to read. |extremely difficult to | |

| |the readability. |readability in most pages. | |read. | |

|Spelling & Grammar |There are no grammatical or |There are 1-3 grammatical |There are more than 3 grammatical|Grammar and spelling | |

| |spelling errors. |or spelling errors. |or spelling errors. |detracts from content. | |

|Tables/ Graphs/ Pics |There are no grammatical or |There are no grammatical or|There are no grammatical or |There are minor | |

| |spelling errors. All inserts|spelling errors. Mostly |spelling errors. Moderately |grammatical or spelling | |

| |are relevant and good size. |relevant and good size. |relevant, sizing problems. |errors. Bad sizing, | |

| | | | |irrelevant. | |

|Works Cited |APA formatting: 5+ |APA formatting: 5+ |APA formatting: 5+ citations. |APA formatting: Less than | |

| |citations. Citations at each|citations. Citations at |Citations at a few informational |5 citations. Body | |

| |point. |most points. |points. |citations missing. | |

|Total Points | | | |Out of 100 pts | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Content- |25 |15 |10 |5 | |

|Accuracy | | | | | |

| |All content is accurate. |Most of the content is |There are more than 3 factual|The content is | |

| |There are no factual errors.|accurate. There are 1-3 |flaws. |lacking accuracy and is | |

| | |factual errors. | |confusing. | |

|Comprehension |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Includes all subtopics and |May be a little more advanced|Too advanced or too easy for |Missing key ideas. Too | |

| |key ideas. Stays on the AP |than the AP level. |the AP level. |advanced or too easy for the | |

| |level. | | |AP level. | |

|Formatting |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Font formats (color, bold, |Font formats have been |Font formats may be a little |Font formatting makes it | |

| |italic) have been carefully |planned to enhance |hard to read. Background |extremely difficult to read. | |

| |planned to enhance the |readability in most slides. |distracts from text and |Background distracts from | |

| |readability. Choice of the |Choice of background and |graphics. Choice of |text and graphics. Choice of | |

| |background and layout is |layout is generally |background and layout is |background and layout is | |

| |generally appropriate. All |appropriate. Most graphics |generally appropriate. Most |generally inappropriate. | |

| |graphics are attractive and |are attractive and support |graphics are attractive but |Missing graphics or graphics | |

| |support the theme. |the theme. |some do not support the |detract from content. | |

| | | |theme. | | |

|Spelling & Grammar |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

| | | | | | |

| |There are no grammatical or |There are 1-3 grammatical or |There are more than 3 |Grammar and spelling detracts| |

| |spelling errors. |spelling errors. |grammatical or spelling |from content. | |

| | | |errors. | | |

|Student Involvement/ |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

|Entertainment Value | | | | | |

| |Most students are actively |Many students are actively |Some students are reading and|Student involvement is low | |

| |reading and interested in |reading and interested in the|interested in the content of | | |

| |the content of the poster. |content of the poster. |the poster. | | |

|Originality |15 |10 |5 |0 | |

| | | | | | |

| |Shows considerable |Shows some originality and |Shows and attempt at |Presentation is a rehash of | |

| |originality and |inventiveness. Ideas are |originality and |other people's ideas and/or | |

| |inventiveness. Ideas are |expressed in an interesting |inventiveness. Ideas are |graphics. Very little | |

| |expressed in a unique and |way. |general and textbook. |original thought. | |

| |interesting way. | | | | |

Total Points | | | |Out of 100 pts |

| |


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