Chapter 4: Study Guide

1. What is federalism? Explain the division and what established this principle in our government?

2. What is meant by a division of powers?

3. What amendment gives clarity to the division of powers?

4. The book describes federalism as a “dual system of government.” What is meant by this viewpoint?

5. What are delegated powers and what are the three delegated powers that exist?

6. What are expressed powers? What are two examples of expressed powers and explain where in the Constitution these powers are noted?

7. Are implied powers stated as clearly as expressed powers? If not, then how are implied powers given?

8. The United States is a sovereign state. What power does that grant the U.S.? Why?

9. What are the three ways power is denied to our national government and give an example of each one?

10. What are reserved powers and why do states have a broader realm of powers than the national government?

11. What are the two ways States are denied powers?

12. Who may exercise exclusive powers?

13. What are concurrent powers and what are two examples of concurrent powers?

14. What is the Supremacy Clause?

15. Who is known as the umpire of the federal system? Why?

16. What is another way of saying republican form of government?

17. What were the implications of Luther v. Borden, 1849?

18. What would the other States do in the event one State was attacked? Why would the U.S. react in this manner?

19. Who normally requests the aid of federal troops to a State? Can anyone else request troops and under what circumstances might this be done?

20. Could Phoenix secede from the U.S. and later become a territory and then finally a State? Why or why not?

21. Describe the procedure for a State to be admitted into the U.S.?

22. What are federal grants-in-aid, block grants, and revenue sharing?

23. Why do you think our Constitution prohibits States from entering into any treaty, alliance, or confederation?

24. Why do you think Congress allows interstate compacts? Why might these contracts been growing so rapidly in recent years?

25. What is full faith and credit?

26. Why is full faith and credit so important?

27. What are two exceptions to full faith and credit and explain the importance of each exception?

28. What is the definition of the term extradition?

29. What, until recently, stood in the way of extradition? How was this resolved?

30. How are some ways that the laws of privileges and immunities function in the State of Arizona?


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