Why Study Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Faculty of ...


There is no doubt that really good university education is primarily linked to the quality of the people involved – the teachers and students.

However, the achievement of high-quality university education in fields such as chemistry and biochemistry is impossible without excellent scientific research. On the other hand, research is mainly dependent on whether the school has excellent scientists or not.

In 2007, the Academic Ranking and Rating Agency (ARRA) carried out a survey of scientific excellence in chemistry and biochemistry throughout Slovakia. The ARRA´s report () showed that eight out of the total of 21 distinguished figures in chemistry and biochemistry come from the Faculty of Natural Sciences. This was the highest rating of all institutions.

The departments of chemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences have had 10 full-time professors, all with D.Sc. degrees. Of course, research quality also demands excellent equipment.

The chemical workplaces at the faculty have taken part in six international and 27 national grant programmes, including four centres of excellence which will provide considerable financial resources in the next few years, and this will contribute to dramatic improvement in the entire scientific infrastructure.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences has accredited a number of study courses in biology, environmental science and geology enabling close cooperation within these fields of study.

This is not possible in any other faculty in Slovakia.

Bachelor’s degree

• Biochemistry - Assoc.Prof.Kollárová; kollarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Chemistry -Assoc.Prof. Putala; putala@fns.uniba.sk

• Teacher-education in Biology and Chemistry - Assoc.Prof. Mečiarová, mmeciarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Teacher-education in Chemistry and Geology - Assoc.Prof. Mečiarová, mmeciarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Teacher-education in Chemistry and Environmental science - Assoc.Prof. Mečiarová, mmeciarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Teacher-education in Chemistry and Mathematics - Assoc.Prof. Mečiarová, mmeciarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Teacher-education in Chemistry and Computer science - Assoc.Prof. Mečiarová, mmeciarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Teacher-education in Chemistry and Physics - Assoc.Prof. Mečiarová, mmeciarova@fns.uniba.sk

Master’s degree

• Analytical and Environmental Chemistry - Prof. Ševčík, sevcik@fs.uniba.sk

• Inorganic Chemistry - Prof. Plesch; plesch@fns.uniba.sk

• Biochemistry - Prof. Kollárová; kollarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Physical Chemistry - Prof.Kello; kello@fns.uniba.sk

• Nuclear Chemistry and Radio-ecology - Prof. Rajec; rajec@fns.uniba.sk

• Organic and Bio-organic Chemistry - Prof. Gáplovský; gaplovsky@fns.uniba.sk

• Theoretic and Computational Chemistry - Prof. Černušák; cernusak@fns.uniba.sk

Doctoral degree

• Analytical Chemistry - Prof. Ševčík, sevcik@fs.uniba.sk

• Inorganic Chemistry - Prof. Plesch; plesch@fns.uniba.sk

• Biochemistry - Prof. Kollárová; kollarova@fns.uniba.sk

• Chemical Physics – Prof.Noga; noga@fns.uniba.sk

• Physical Chemistry - Prof.Kello ; kello@fns.uniba.sk

• Nuclear Chemistry - Prof. Rajec; rajec@fns.uniba.sk

• Organic Chemistry - Prof. Gáplovský; gaplovsky@fns.uniba.sk

• Theoretic and Computational Chemistry - Prof. Černušák; cernusak@fns.uniba.sk

Graduate’s Profile

Graduates in the disciplines of Chemistry and Biochemistry are able to competently perform technical work at any chemical, biochemical, environmental or medical workplace. They are capable of analyzing and solving problems that arise in the above-mentioned research and technology oriented fields of science. They have adequate theoretical and practical knowledge of their selected chemical disciplines, and also knowledge of physics, mathematics and biology. Graduates acquire knowledge and skills in the use of computer technology and its applications in chemistry.

The first degree studies pave the way for continuing on to second degree studies in the specialized programmes of inorganic, analytical, physical, nuclear, organic, theoretic and computational chemistry and biochemistry. Master’s degree graduates can introduce their own technical solutions using modern methods of research and resources to solve problems.

Outstanding graduates of the master’s degree may then apply for PhD study.

„Chemistry is not a problem, chemistry is the solution“.

E.M. Pearce, president ACS, 2002


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