California ENA - California Emergency Nurses Association

Meeting MinutesThursday/March 17th, 2016Members present: Trez Gutierrez, Brandon Stinnett, Marty Hay Members absent: Flora Tomoyasu, Lynda Gomes, Vicky Dippner-RobertsonGuests: Amanda Webb, Jeremy Elrod, Louela Buell, Linda Gomes, Jennifer Wobis, Judy Cline, Agnes Foria(List all members present, absent and others present or attach sign-in to the back of the document) Identify the organization or affiliation of the guest that are invited to attend the meeting.I apologize for not having all last names.Call to Order by Trez GutierrezEstablish QuorumDiscussion/Summary: Review of minutes from the January 2016 meetingMotion for approval, secondedAction: Motion carried; motion passed unanimously.Welcome/IntroductionsDiscussion/Summary: Members and Guests introduced themselves. Brandon is the rep for north metro area. Linda and Brandon to use trauma map to map there areas out and send instructor names to Trez.Adoption of Consent AgendaDiscussion/Summary: Course Vitals passed outMotion: Approve agendaAction: Motion carried; motion passed unanimously.President’s Report by Trez GutierrezDiscussion/Summary: Discussion of the Stale Chapter Leadership Orientation Meeting5 year Strategic Plan: ENA 2020 Vision 2015 -2019 (copies passed out to all members & guests) Where is the ENA going in the futureGeneration Y: technology innovative (facebook & twitter for local ENA chapters), how to recruit, sign-on bonuses, this is the ME generation and they feel that they need something, they have a strong desire to belong & make a differenceGrowing the ENA: recruitment and retention: promote scholarships, loan forgiveness or partial repayment for retention, ENA Webpage: Email design templates, letterheads, Survey Templates and more…The webpage is due for revamping. ENPC & TNCC site has been updated, there are many resources available on the website: new templates and brandingUnfinished BusinessDiscussion/Summary: Pending Grant requests: CHOC @ Mission has requested $1500 for indirect costs for a first time provider coursePeds Committee sponsors ENPC classes: to grow our instructor course, to offset costs for first time coursesNeed to make a list of ENPC instructors, who teaches whereNew BusinessDiscussion/Summary: ENA Conference 2016 in Los Angeles: CHOC is to have a booth, discussion to raffle off a free registration to an ENPC courseGrow new instructors/Monitors/CoursesBrandon to write grant proposal for free course in Bakersfield, to resched the April classProblems: high costsLetters need to made to go out to Nurse educators & managersPossibility to offer a group discountMemorial Hospital is building a new Peds unit, we need to reach out to their educators for a commitment, possibly offer a reduced or group rateGetting people interested in ENPC: this is the starting block, the foundation for peds knowledge and care, those who are scared of ped pt’s do very well with this course and find it very helpfulNew ENA member discountState reimburses for a free ENPC courseGrowing monitors: hand out designation of State monitors to instructorsForm to be adjusted so that a Ped Committee member can appoint a monitorMeeting Adjourned (1000) Next meeting in Fresno may 12th ................

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