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Alabama Fourth Grade Studies Weekly Teacher Supplement

Week 4 Theme Words: Christopher Columbus, Alonso Pineda, Tristan de Luna, La Salle, Cabeza de Vaca, Hernando De Soto, customs, diseases, conscience, conflict

Objective: To learn why the first European explorers came to Alabama and to understand the results of their explorations

Discussion Questions 1. If Columbus wasn't really the first European to discover the New World, why does he get all the credit? 2. What unintended consequence did Hernando de Soto's expedition in Alabama have? 3. What was Henri de Tonti famous for? 4. What do historians debate about Alonso ?lvarez de Pineda's voyage? 5. What happened to Tristan de Luna's ships and supplies?

Answers: 1. He was the first one to tell anybody about the New World. 2. De Soto's crew introduced new, deadly diseases to the American Indians, killing thousands after the crew left the area. 3. His iron hook and the glove he wore over it. 4. Historians disagree about what the rio del Esp?ritu Santo was, either the Mississippi River or Mobile River. 5. They were destroyed in a hurricane.

Fish-in-Formation, Teacher Supplement Answers will vary.

Lexington? 2. Where did Alabama stand on the issue of American independence from England? 3. Where was the last battle of the Revolutionary War fought? 4. What does it mean to be trustworthy?

Answers: 1. "Stand your ground men. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." 2. Alabama was loyal to Great Britain and did not wish to fight for independence. 3. Yorktown, Virginia. 4. People can trust you.

Week 6 Theme Words: Chief Tecumseh, settlers, massacre, tribe, Andrew Jackson, Creek Indians, Chief Pushmataha

Objective: To understand the events, causes and effects of the war with the Creek Nation and the War of 1812.

Discussion Questions 1. Name two causes of the War of 1812. 2. When and where did the first battle of the Creek War take place? 3. How did the Creek War end? 4. Name two things Andrew Jackson did after helping win the Creek War. 5. Do you think winning battles helped Andrew Jackson become president? 6. Do you think Pushmataha was right not to want to fight the settlers? Why or why not?

Week 5 Theme Words: minutemen, American Revolution, Constitution, independence, loyalty, Declaration of Independence, George Washington

Objective: To understand the events, causes, and effects of the American Revolution.

Discussion Questions 1. What did Captain John Parker say to his minutemen just before the shots were fired at

Answers: 1. French and English War; American settlers were beginning to settle in Canada, which was owned by Britain. 2. July 23, 1813, on Burnt Corn Creek. 3. Andrew Jackson and John Coffee attacked the Creek camp at the Tallapoosa River killing almost one thousand. 4. Built Fort Jackson, made the Treaty of Fort Jackson, invited Red Eagle to live in his home, won the battle of New Orleans, etc.


Name: ______________________________ Alabama Studies Weekly

Fish-in-Formation When we read, we go "fishin'" for information. Let's see what today's catch is! Complete the fish pattern by adding information from an article about explorers. On the "backbone," write the MAIN IDEA of the passage. On the "rib bones," use detailed information. You can use the fishbone chart for other articles, too. Just change the subtitles on each rib!

Alabama Fourth Grade Studies Weekly Teacher Supplement


Date: __________________ Week 4, 1st Quarter


































Alabama Fourth Grade Studies Weekly Teacher Supplement

Week 4 American Civics

The questions we provide for the American Civics articles cover both the cognitive and affective aspects of civics, both the facts and the emotions/application to students' lives. There are several ways to differentiate instruction: limiting the number of questions students are required to answer, using the "pair and share" strategy, allowing verbal rather than written answers, using the questions as a springboard for a class discussion, or any combination of these. The writers and editors of Studies Weekly realize that classroom time for social studies and civics is limited, but we hope that you will be able to make time for discussion of each article. This will help students understand the value of and develop skills in debating with civility, even when they disagree. Clarity of Expression: Henry Hudson 1. What are some of Henry Hudson's accomplishments? 2. How did Hudson's clarity of expression help him? Answer Key 1. landing on Manhattan, exploring the Hudson Bay and River, claiming land for Dutch settlements 2. He persuaded the Dutch to give him another chance, even though he had previously failed.


Alabama Fourth Grade Studies Weekly Teacher Supplement

Name: ______________________________ Alabama Studies Weekly

Date: __________________ Week 4 Quiz, 1st Quarter

TRUE/FALSE 1. ____ Columbus was probably the first European to see America.

2. _____ Cabeza de Vaca wandered across Alabama's coastline on an eight-year journey to reach Mexico and be rescued.

3. _____ Many American Indians in Alabama and Mississippi died because of diseases introduced to them by the Spanish.

4. _____ The American Indians were forced to give up their land.

MULTIPLE CHOICE (Choose all correct answers.) 1. Historians believe that Pineda's rio del Esp?ritu Santo was

A either Mobile Bay or Hudson Bay B Hudson Bay C either the Mississippi River or Mobile River 2. What country was La Salle from? A France B England C Spain 3. What was De Soto looking for in North America? A religious freedom B a place to live C gold 4. Which explorer wandered along the coast for eight years before being rescued? A Hernando de Soto B Cabeza de Vaca C Tuskaloosa 5. Why were French explorers interested in Alabama? A They were looking for gold. B They wanted to trade goods with the American Indians. C They wanted to become more like the American Indians.

FILL IN THE BLANKS (Word Bank: de Soto, Talisi, La Salle, de Luna, the Mississippi River, Pineda) 1. _____________________________ was a French explorer who sailed up the Mississippi River in 1682 and claimed everything he saw for France.

2. The Spanish explorer who sailed to North America in search of gold, was tricked by Chief Tascaluza, and found the Mississippi River, was named Hernando _______________________.

3. Tristan ________________________ was a Spanish explorer who lost his ships and supplies during a hurricane.

4. De Soto and his crew burned the native city called _____________________.



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