The government/media approved version of events insists that the fires in the World Trade Center burned so hot that they caused steel supports to melt and buckle, thus triggering a total collapse of the towers and also WTC #7 (which was never even hit by a plane!). This is a strange theory for a number of reasons:

1. The architects who designed the World Trade Center designed it to withstand the direct impact and fuel fire of a commercial airline crash. Aaron Swirsky, one of the architects of the WTC described the collapse as "incredible" and "unbelievable." (96) Lee Robertson, the project's structural engineer said: "I designed it for a 707 to hit it. The Boeing 707 has a fuel capacity comparable to the 767." (97)

2. The history of high-rise building fires provides no case histories of buildings collapsing due to steel beams melting from a fire.

3. The total collapse of WTC 1, WTC 2, AND WTC 7 (which was never even hit by a plane!) were all perfectly symmetrical and methodical. The three straight down collapses were all identical in appearance to well engineered, controlled implosions. (Go here to view the amazing video of the collapse of

WTC 7.…wtc7.html )

A demolition company could not have done it better. Now that we know that all one has to do to bring a tall building straight down is set a fuel fire in it, the well trained experts who work for demolition companies should all be out of a job by now!

Even a layman with no explosives background should be able to see this. But many specialists in the explosives and structural engineering have also made this observation and commented on these inconsistencies. After the WTC collapse, the Vice President of New Mexico Tech, Van Romero, gave an interview to the Albuquerque Journal. He stated plainly that he believed that the WTC collapse was too methodical and that explosive devices must have been placed in key points of both buildings. Romero said:

"It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that. It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points. One of the things that terrorists are noted for is a diversionary attack and a secondary device." (98)

In that same interview, Romero revealed that he was in Washington DC when the attacks took place. He and a colleague were there to discuss defense research programs for New Mexico Tech. A few days after his interview, Romero abruptly changed his opinion and told the Albuquerque Journal that he no longer believed that bombs brought down the towers. (99) Romero, who relies upon the Zionist occupied Pentagon for funding, had suddenly flip-flopped and joined the "melted steel" theorists.

There is more than just my own common sense and Romero's expert opinion to support the belief that the towers were imploded from within. Several witnesses and survivors reported hearing bombs going off inside the World Trade Center. Louie Cacchioli is a firefighter with Engine 47 in Harlem, New York. Cacchioli told People Magazine the following:


"I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there were bombs set in the building." (100)

Now this whole controversy between the "melted steel" scenario and the detonation scenario is one that could be very easily resolved. All we have to do is dig up the steel beams and examine each and everyone of them. If an explosive device caused the steel to fail, there will be tell-tale indications for the engineers to see. But if it was intense heat that caused the steel to "melt" or “buckle“, there will be tell-tale signs of that as well. All we have to do to put an end to this controversy is to closely examine the steel. Right?

Well, don't hold your breath. That's never going to happen. Thanks in large part to Time Magazine's "Person of the Year 2001", New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the steel beams were quickly recycled before investigators even had the chance to look at them! A media darling and lifelong supporter of Israel, Saint Rudy Giuliani made sure that all of the "smoking gun" evidence was destroyed and right quick too. Much of the steel was recycled in America, but an additional seventy thousand tons of WTC steel was sold to Metals Management - a New York company with a jewish (Zionist?) president named Alan Ratner. Ratner then turned around and shipped the WTC’s steel to China and India for recycling! (101)

China Radio International’s English Edition also reported:

“New York's Metals Management is among the firms taking steel from the huge project to clear Ground Zero. The company says it has bought 70,000 tons of scrap from the ruined twin towers. Some of the scrap has been shipped across the Pacific to Asian, including China and India. Among the consignments of scrap are the "very dense" steel girders from Ground Zero, which could finally yield 250,000 to 400,000 tons of scrap for recycling.” (102) (emphasis added)

Imagine that! The largest criminal investigation in history and the investigators weren't even permitted to see the most important evidence of all - the steel! During the whole time that Saint Rudy the Recycler and Ratner the Rat were destroying evidence, many of the most respected engineers in the country openly complained not only about the recycling, but also about the Federal government's suffocating control of their investigation.

On December 25, 2001, the New York Times ran a story about the frustrations of some of the engineers who were called in to study the cause of the collapse:


“Interviews with a handful of members of the team, which includes some of the nation's most respected engineers, also uncovered complaints that they had at various times been shackled with bureaucratic restrictions that prevented them from interviewing witnesses, examining the disaster site and requesting crucial information like recorded distress calls to the police and fire departments..." (103)


They made their concerns known publicly. Bill Manning, editor of the 125 year old Fire Engineering magazine, noticed a strange difference between the WTC investigation and other major fire investigations in New York City’s past. Manning wrote:

Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the happy land social club fire?...That's what they're doing at the World Trade Center. The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately." (104)


One investigator told the New York Times:

This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this, and our hands are tied," said one team member who asked not to be identified. Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press. "FEMA is controlling everything," the team member said. “ (105)

Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer from the Fire Engineering department at the University of Maryland told the New York Times:

"I find the speed with which important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling." (106)

Finally, the Times story made this interesting little revelation about St. Rudy the Recycler:

Officials in the mayor's office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three- day period about who decided to recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation.. (107)

It is a very odd form of science that the government and some of its house scientists practice these days. Without a shred of physical evidence, these modern-day alchemists have been able to "prove" their theory fire caused the towers to collapse. This appears to be yet another monstrous lie. Why else would you destroy the "melted steel"? Ask Rudy.





Eyewitness Reports Persist Of

Bombs At WTC Collapse

By Christopher Bollyn

Exclusive to American Free Press


|Despite reports from numerous eyewitnesses and experts, including news reporters on the scene, who heard or saw |

|explosions immediately before the collapse of the World Trade Center, there has been virtual silence in the mainstream|

|media. |

|  |

|Television viewers watching the horrific events of Sept. 11 saw evidence of explosions before the towers collapsed. |

|Televised images show what appears to be a huge explosion occurring near ground level, in the vicinity of the 47-story|

|Salomon Brothers Building, known as WTC 7, prior to the collapse of the first tower. |

|  |

|Van Romero, an explosives expert and former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center at New |

|Mexico Tech, said on Sept. 11, "My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade |

|Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse." |

|  |

|The collapse of the structures resembled the controlled implosions used to demolish old structures and was "too |

|methodical to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures," Romero told The Albuquerque Journal |

|hours after the attack. |

|  |

|Implosions are violent collapses inwards, which are used to demolish buildings in areas of high density, to prevent |

|damage to surrounding buildings. Precision-timed explosives are placed on strategic load-bearing columns and beams to |

|cause the controlled collapse. |

|  |

|Demolition experts say that towers are the most difficult buildings to bring down in a controlled manner. A tower |

|tends to fall like a tree, unless the direction of its fall is controlled by directional charges. The WTC towers |

|"smokestacked" neatly, falling within the boundaries of their foundations. |

|  |

|Skeptics say this could not have happened coincidentally and it must have been caused by strategically placed and |

|precisely timed internal charges. Videotape images may reveal these internal charges precipitating the controlled |

|demolition of the towers and WTC 7. |

|  |

|Romero is vice president of research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, which studies explosive |

|materials and the effects of explosions on buildings, aircraft and other structures, and often assists in forensic |

|investigations into terrorist attacks, often by setting off similar explosions and studying the effects. |

|  |

|After being hit by the aircraft, the twin towers appeared to be stable. Then without warning, at 9:58 a.m. the south |

|tower imploded vertically downwards, 53 minutes after being hit. At 10:28, 88 minutes after being struck, the north |

|tower collapsed. |

|  |

|"It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that," Romero said. If explosions did |

|cause the towers to collapse, "It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points,"|

|he said. |

|  |

|"One of the things terrorist events are noted for is a diversionary attack and secondary device," Romero said. |

|Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion, in this case the collision of the planes into the towers, which|

|brings emergency personnel to the scene, then detonate a second explosion. |

|  |

|Ten days after the attack, following criticism of his initial remarks, Romero did an about-face in his analysis of the|

|collapse, "Certainly the fire is what caused the building to fail," he told the Journal on Sept. 21. |

|  |

|The twin towers were struck by Boeing 767's carrying approximately 23,000 gallons of fuel. |

|  |

|However, there is other information that lends credence to Romero's controversial scenario. One eyewitness whose |

|office is near the World Trade Center told AFP that he was standing among a crowd of people on Church Street, about |

|two-and-a-half blocks from the South tower, when he saw "a number of brief light sources being emitted from inside the|

|building between floors 10 and 15." He saw about six of these brief flashes, accompanied by "a crackling sound" before|

|the tower collapsed. Each tower had six central support columns. |

|  |

|One of the first firefighters in the stricken second tower, Louie Cacchioli, 51, told People Weekly on Sept. 24: "I |

|was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip |

|up a bomb went off. We think there were bombs set in the building." |

|  |

|Kim White, 32, an employee on the 80th floor, also reported hearing an explosion. "All of a sudden the building shook,|

|then it started to sway. We didn't know what was going on," she told People. "We got all our people on the floor into |

|the stairwell . . . at that time we all thought it was a fire . . .We got down as far as the 74th floor . . . then |

|there was another explosion." |

|  |

|The accepted theory is that as the fires raged in the towers, the steel cores in each building were heated to 2,000 |

|degrees Fahrenheit, causing the support beams to buckle. |

|  |

|A lead engineer who designed the World Trade Center Towers expressed shock that the towers collapsed after being hit |

|by passenger jets. |

|  |

|"I designed it for a 707 to hit it," Lee Robertson, the project's structural engineer said. The Boeing 707 has a fuel |

|capacity of more than 23,000 gallons, comparable to the 767's 23,980-gallon fuel capacity. |

|  |

|Another architect of the WTC, Aaron Swirski, lives in Israel and spoke to Jerusalem Post Radio after the attack: "It |

|was designed around that eventuality to survive this kind of attack," he said. |

|  |

|Hyman Brown, a University of Colorado civil engineering professor and the World Trade Center's construction manager, |

|watched in confusion as the towers came down. "It was over-designed to withstand almost anything including hurricanes,|

|high winds, bombings and an airplane hitting it," he said. |

|  |

|Brown told AFP that although the buildings were designed to withstand "a 150-year storm" and the im pact of a Boeing |

|707, he said the jet fuel burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit weakened the steel. Brown ex plained that the south |

|tower collapsed first as it was struck lower with more weight above the impact area. |

|  |

|Brown told AFP that he "did not buy" the theory that the implosion was caused by the fires sucking the air out of the |

|lower floors, which has been speculated. |

|  |

|The contractor who is reported to have been the first on the WTC collapse scene to cart away the rubble that remains |

|is a company that specializes in the scientific demolition of large buildings, Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) of |

|Baltimore, headed by Mark Loizeaux. |

|  |

|CDI is the same contractor that demolished and hauled away the shell of the bombed Oklahoma City Murrah building, |

|actions that prevented independent investigators from pursuing evidence on leads suggesting that there were bombs set |

|off inside the building. |

|  |

|In February 2000, a federal grand jury indicted Mark Loizeaux, Douglas Loizeaux and Controlled Demolition, Inc. on |

|charges of falsely reporting campaign contributions by asking family members and CDI employees to donate to the |

|campaign of Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.). |

|  |

|The Baltimore Sun reported that the illegal contributions allegedly occurred between 1996 and 1998. The Loizeaux |

|brothers and CDI were acquitted in Sept ember 2000. Cleaning up the estimated 1.2 million tons of rubble will |

|reportedly cost $7 billion and take up to a year. |

|  |

|Removing the debris has also been controversial. The police said that some scrap metal has been diverted to |

|mob-controlled businesses rather than the dump where investigators are examining rubble for clues and human remains. |

|  |

|The second plane nearly missed the South Tower, cutting through a corner. Most of its fuel burned in an outside |

|explosion. However, this building collapsed first, long before the North Tower, into which a similar plane entered |

|completely. |

|  |

World Trade Center Scrap Sails for India, China

By Pete Harrison and Manuela Badawy

LONDON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Steel from the wreckage of the World Trade Center is destined for a new life in India and China, where it has been sent for recycling and is set to end up in new construction projects.

One firm taking steel from the huge project to clear Ground Zero is New York's Metals Management.

Company president Alan Ratner said it had bought 70,000 tons of scrap from the ruined twin towers, some of which had been shipped across the Pacific to Southeast Asia.

Ratner said four or five vessels had already sailed from New York with consignments of scrap. Among them are the ``very dense'' steel girders from Ground Zero, which could finally yield 250,000 to 400,000 tons of scrap for recycling, he said.

The World Trade Center's broken steel outer skeleton comprised of steel beams up to two feet thick. Its guts yielded many tons of steel office furniture and filing cabinets, to be baled into large cubes for shipping.

Mobile shearing machines gnaw through some of the smaller girders, but the beams from the base of the towers are some of the heaviest ever used, and must be seared through with torches. Sources in Chennai port, India said two 33,000 ton consignments had already arrived, a third was on its way and a fourth was soon to arrive at India's West Coast port of Kandla.

The cargo ship Borzna arrived in Chennai at the start of January and its scrap consignment, a third of which came from the twin towers, should be unloaded by Thursday, they said.

A second ship, the Shen Qua Hai, is also being unloaded and should be leaving in 10 days time.

Shipping sources said the beams were so dense that a full load would probably break through the bottom of the ship, so they would have to sail as part cargoes.

The demand for 20 or so crane-fitted ships to do the job could well be enough to boost the freight market, they said. Sources in India said the scrap had been bought at $120 per ton and would be recycled into ingots, which would be sold on to various industries, including construction.

Not all of the World Trade Center's carcass is sailing for Asia. Metal Management's Ratner said the City of New York will keep some mangled metal for a memorial to those killed on September 11.

Firefighter Mag Raps 9/11 Probe

By Joe Calderone

NY Daily News Chief of Investigations


|"A respected firefighting trade magazine with ties to the city Fire Department is calling for a "full-throttle, fully|

|resourced" investigation into the collapse of the World Trade Center. A signed editorial in the January issue of Fire|

|Engineering magazine says the current investigation is "a half-baked farce." The piece by Bill Manning, editor of the|

|125-year-old monthly that frequently publishes technical studies of major fires, also says the steel from the site |

|should be preserved so investigators can examine what caused the collapse. "Did they throw away the locked doors from|

|the Triangle Shirtwaist fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happy Land social club fire? ... That's |

|what they're doing at the World Trade Center," the editorial says. "The destruction and removal of evidence must stop|

|immediately." Fire Engineering counted FDNY Deputy Chief Raymond Downey, the department's chief structural expert, |

|among its senior advisers. Downey was killed in the Sept. 11 attack. John Jay College's fire engineering expert, |

|Prof. Glenn Corbett, serves as the magazine's technical editor. |

|  |

|A group of engineers from the American Society of Civil Engineers, with backing from the Federal Emergency Management|

|Agency, has been studying some aspects of the collapse. But Manning and others say that probe has not looked at all |

|aspects of the disaster and has had limited access to documents and other evidence. A growing number of fire |

|protection engineers have theorized that "the structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet |

|fuel in themselves were not enough to bring down the towers," the editorial stated. A FEMA spokesman, John |

|Czwartacki, said agency officials had not yet seen the editorial and declined to comment. Norida Torriente, a |

|spokeswoman for the American Society of Civil Engineers, described her group's study as a "beginning" and "not a |

|definitive work." Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has joined a group of relatives of firefighters who died in the attack |

|in calling for a blue-ribbon panel to study the collapse. "We have to learn from incidents through investigation to |

|determine what types of codes should be in place and what are the best practices for high-rise construction," Manning|

|told the Daily News. "The World Trade Center is not the only lightweight, core construction high-rise in the U.S. |

|It's a typical method of construction." |

|  |


|City Had Been Warned of Fuel Tank at 7 World Trade Center-December 20, 2001 |

|  |

|"Fire Department officials warned the city and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in 1998 and 1999 that a |

|giant diesel fuel tank for the mayor's $13 million command bunker in 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story high-rise that |

|burned and collapsed on Sept. 11, posed a hazard and was not consistent with city fire codes. The 6,000-gallon tank |

|was positioned about 15 feet above the ground floor and near several lobby elevators and was meant to fuel generators|

|that would supply electricity to the 23rd-floor bunker in the event of a power failure. Although the city made some |

|design changes to address the concerns - moving a fuel pipe that would have run from the tank up an elevator shaft, |

|for example - it left the tank in place. But the Fire Department repeatedly warned that a tank in that position could|

|spread fumes throughout the building if it leaked, or, if it caught fire, could produce what one Fire Department |

|memorandum called "disaster." |

|  |

|  |

|  |


|December 25, 2001 THE TOWERS |

|  |

|Experts Urging Broader Inquiry in Towers' Fall "In calling for a new investigation, some structural engineers have |

|said that one serious mistake has already been made in the chaotic aftermath of the collapses: the decision to |

|rapidly recycle the steel columns, beams and trusses that held up the buildings. That may have cost investigators |

|some of their most direct physical evidence with which to try to piece together an answer. Officials in the mayor's |

|office declined to reply to written and oral requests for comment over a three- day period about who decided to |

|recycle the steel and the concern that the decision might be handicapping the investigation...Interviews with a |

|handful of members of the team, which includes some of the nation's most respected engineers, also uncovered |

|complaints that they had at various times been shackled with bureaucratic restrictions that prevented them from |

|interviewing witnesses, examining the disaster site and requesting crucial information like recorded distress calls |

|to the police and fire departments..."This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this, and |

|our hands are tied," said one team member who asked not to be identified. Members have been threatened with dismissal|

|for speaking to the press. "FEMA is controlling everything," the team member said...Dr. Frederick W. Mowrer, an |

|associate professor in the fire protection engineering department at the University of Maryland, said he believed the|

|decision could ultimately compromise any investigation of the collapses. "I find the speed with which potentially |

|important evidence has been removed and recycled to be appalling," Dr. Mowrer said. |


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