All Agencies – Payroll Processing Calendar – July 2005

|Payroll Calendar – October 2020 |

| | | | | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | | 1 |2 |

| | | |PAYDAY |Processing Warrant cancellations for Monthly|

| | | | |(09/01-09/30) and Semi-Monthly (09/16-09/30)|

| | | |Monthly (09/01-09/30) |employees. Due to payroll by 10 am |

| | | | | |

| | | |Semi-Monthly (09/16-09/30) |All overtime for Sep. must be entered and |

| | | | |approved by 8:00 pm in CAPPS |

|5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |

|Processing the supplemental payroll for |Processing Regular Hourly payroll for |Processing the Regular payroll for |Processing Warrant and Direct Deposits |Processing Warrant cancellations for the |

|Monthly employees (09/01-09/30) (Includes |Monthly (09/01-09/30) and Semi-Monthly |Semi-Monthly employees (10/01-10/15) |cancellations for the Semi-Monthly employees|Monthly employees (09/01-09/30) and Warrant |

|Overtime Pay/Comp Time Pay/Lump Sum |(09/16-09/30) employees (Includes Overtime |(Includes Overtime/Comp Time Pay) |to meet Direct Deposits deadline |and Direct Deposits reversals for the |

|Vacation) |Pay/Comp Time Pay) | |(10/01-10/15) Due to payroll by 10 am |Semi-Monthly employees to meet Direct |

| | | | |Deposits deadline (10/01-10/15) Due to |

|Processing the supplemental payroll for | | | |payroll by 10 am |

|Semi-Monthly employees (09/16-09/30) | | | | |

|(Includes Overtime Pay/Comp Time Pay/Lump | | | | |

|Sum Vacation) | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Deadline for all pay impacting | | |Direct Deposit Deadline at Comptroller for |

| |entries/approvals* for Semi-Monthly | | |October Semi-Monthly (10/01-10/15) |

| |employees in CAPPS by 8:00 pm | | | |

|12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |

|Federal Banking |Processing the supplemental payroll for |Direct Deposit Reversal/Callback Deadline is|PAYDAY |Processing Warrant cancellations only for |

|Holiday |Monthly employees (09/01-09/30) (Includes |10:00 am for October Semi-Monthly | |Semi-Monthly employees (10/01-10/15) Due to |

| |Overtime/Comp Time Pay/Lump Sum Vacation) |(10/01-10/15) |Semi-Monthly (10/01-10/15) |payroll by 10 am |

|Columbus Day | | | | |

| |Processing the supplemental payroll for | | | |

| |Semi-Monthly employees (10/01-10/15) | | | |

| |(Excludes Overtime/Comp Time Pay/Lump Sum |(For late terminations, deceased employees &| | |

| |Vacation) |retired employees only) | | |

| | | | | |

| |Processing supplemental payroll for Hourly | | | |

| |Monthly (09/01-09/30) and Hourly | | | |

| |Semi-Monthly (09/16-09/30) employees | | | |

| |(Includes Overtime Pay/Comp Time Pay/Lump | | | |

| |Sum Vacation | | | |

|19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |

|Processing the supplemental payroll for |Processing the Regular payroll for Monthly |Processing the Regular Hourly payroll for | |Processing the Regular payroll for |

|Semi-Monthly employees (10/01-10/15) |employees (10/01-10/31) (Includes Overtime |Semi-Monthly employees (10/01-10/15) | |Semi-Monthly employees (10/16-10/31) |

|(Includes Overtime/Comp Time Pay/Lump Sum |Pay/Comp Time Pay) |(Includes Overtime/Comp Time Pay) | |(Includes Overtime/Comp Time Pay) |

|Vacation) | | | | |

| | | |Deadline for all pay impacting | |

| | | |entries/approvals* for Semi-Monthly | |

|Deadline for all pay impacting | | |employees in CAPPS by 8:00 pm | |

|entries/approvals* for Monthly employees in | | | | |

|CAPPS by 8:00 pm | | | | |

|26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |

|Processing Warrant and Direct Deposits |Processing Warrant and Direct Deposits | |Processing the supplemental payroll for |Direct Deposit Reversal/Callback Deadline is|

|cancellations for Monthly (10/01-10/31) and |cancellations for Monthly (10/01-10/31) and | |Monthly (10/01-10/31) (Excludes |10:00 am for October Monthly (10/01-10/31) &|

|for Semi-Monthly employees to meet Direct |for Semi-Monthly employees to meet Direct | |Overtime/Comp Time Pay /Lump Sum Vacation) |Semi-Monthly (10/16-10/31) |

|Deposits deadline (10/16-10/31) Due to |Deposits deadline (10/16-10/31) Due to | | | |

|payroll by 10 am |payroll by 10 am | |Processing the supplemental payroll for |(For late terminations, deceased employees &|

| | | |Semi-Monthly employees (10/16-10/31) |retired employees only) |

| |Processing the supplemental payroll for | |(Excludes Overtime/Comp Time Pay /Lump Sum | |

| |Monthly (10/01-10/31) (Excludes Overtime | |Vacation) | |

| |Pay/Comp Time Pay) | | | |

| | | |Processing the supplemental Hourly payroll | |

| |Processing the supplemental payroll for | |for Semi-Monthly employees (10/01-10/15) | |

| |Semi-Monthly employees (10/16-10/31) | |(Excludes Overtime Pay/Comp Time Pay /Lump | |

| |(Excludes Overtime Pay/Comp Time Pay) | |Sum Vacation) | |

| | | | | |

| |Direct Deposit Deadline at Comptroller for | | | |

| |October Monthly payroll (10/01-10/31) & | | | |

| |Semi-Monthly (10/16-10/31) | | | |

| | | | | |

| |(Last Supplemental Payroll to meet Direct | | | |

| |Deposit Deadline) | | | |

*Remember that some actions require up to two levels of approval and need to be entered timely for those approvals to take place.

Colors on calendar: Blue – Monthly pay group Green – Semi-Monthly pay group Brown – Hourly Monthly pay group Purple – Hourly Semi-Monthly pay group Red – Cancellations Black – Description Orange – Direct Deposit Reversal/Callback


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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