Science Olympiad

Forensics 2010 C Division This event contains NO WATER QUALITY. Points were redistributed to other areas of the test, as per the NC clarification. Overview: This is a lab based event. Safety protocol must be followed by the teams at all times, anyone found not following safety protocol will be disqualified immediately. Upon entering the room teams will undergo an inspection to make sure they have all necessary safety apparel and have not brought any disallowed materials. Teams will be given a test book and an evidence pack. They will then perform tests, either at their tables or at a shared location, and write a summary of their findings. Setup: You will need to set up on opposite sides of the room ahead of time the chromatography stations (2), hot water baths, and conductivity station as per the directions included with them. You will need to set up ahead of time the hot water baths in safe locations (no tripping over electrical cords) in time for the water to heat to boiling/almost boiling(15 or 20 minutes) Each table will need a wash bottle of distilled water, a cup labeled “solid waste disposal”, and a cup labeled “liquid waste disposal”. Each team will also need a KI dropper bottle (It is kept in a separate container because as you will see it ruins the container. When the event is done, collect the KI separately and put it back in the same container) Each team will need a Tool Kit bag. (candle, matches, popsicle sticks, spotplate, HCl, NaOH, BEN, vinegar, highlighter) Do not pass out the test books or Evidence Kits until just before they begin. Running the event: If teams are lining up outside the door early, I recommend allowing them to enter and doing the material check as they come into the room. Use the enclosed printed material card to verify that they have all the proper safety equipment, confiscate any disallowed materials. When it is time to start the event, take role and check wristbands. Separate teams that are from the same school. Explain that the chromatography and conductivity stations are set up in 2 locations, and point out the hot water baths. Pass out the tests and evidence kits, tell them they have 45 minutes to complete the test, and begin. Keep an eye out for students putting their goggles on top of their head. Warn them once, then disqualify them. If they have fogging problems, designate a safe area they may come to and remove their goggles until the fog subsides. Scoring: Points have been pre-assigned to each question in the answer key. Ties will be broken by the better part 4 (analysis) score. Forensics Case# 123162 School: _____________________________________________ Circle one: V JV1 JV2 JV3 Detectives: _________________________________ , ____________________________________ The Case of the Chaotic Kitchen ======================================================================= Case Details: On the evening of January 27 a loud crase was heard at the Bullers’ residence. Neighbors called the local police and when the police arrived on the scene the found the body of Dr. Bullers lying on the floor of the kitchen. Officers also found: Fingerprint 1 found on the handle of the safe Fingerprint 2 found on the desk A plant was kicked over, spilling soil A partial shoeprint was recovered from the spilled soil Unknown powder P1 recovered from the coffee table An ink residue was lifted from the top of the safe Unknown hair H1 on the victimUnknown hair HS2 on a coat on the floor They also noted the following: One of Dr. Bullers’ medicine sample boxes was turned over on the floor, spilling the cornstarch peanuts everywhere. DO NOT TURN PAGE UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO!! YOUR SAFETY GOGGLES MUST REMAIN ON FROM THIS POINT FORWARD. DO NOT DOUBLE DIP IN THE EVIDENCE SAMPLES! USE A NEW POPSICLE STICK (or whatever scoops you brought) EVERY TIME TO AVOID CONTAMINATION. IF YOU NEED MORE, GET THEM FROM THE FRONT OF THE ROOM.SUSPECTS: Alfred, Age 62. Relationship to victim: Butler -28575022860Motive: After working for Dr. Bullers for 30 years, Alfred was angry when he lost his Christmas bonus so Dr. Bullers could put in a new pool. Alibi: Claims he had been doing laundry all day, using soda ash (sodium carbonate) as a fabric softener. After lunch he fertilized the garden with calcium nitrate, and sprayed around the house with boric acid to control insects. Processing Details: The butler was examined, powder P2 was found on his jacket sleeve, and soil S1 was recovered from his shoes which were also confiscated, and he was fingerprinted. Ink pen A was taken from his pocket. Hairs were removed from his sport coat using the tape lift method. Stacey, Age 41. Relationship to victim: Wife -37147549530Motive: The relationship with her husband was strained, saying that he spent more time at the hospital than he did with her ever since she turned 40. Alibi: Claims to have spent most of the day soaking in a bath of Epsom salts, then worked on her ceramics, using calcium carbonate to set the glaze. Processing Details: The wife was found with sodium hydrogen carbonate antacids in her pocket, which she claims she takes for her frequent indigestion. Powder P3 was taken from beneath her fingernails, and soil S2 was recovered from her shoes, which were also confiscated. She was fingerprinted, and ink pen B was found in her purse. Hairs were removed from her sweater sport coat using the tape lift method. Mark, Male, Age 30. Relationship to victim: Brother -25590482893Motive: Is angry at his brother for always upstaging him at family dinners. Alibi: Claims he was rewiring an electrical outlet, soldering the lithium chloride components and cleaning the tip of the soldering iron on an ammonium chloride cleaning block. Processing Details: The brother was found with powder P4 and soil S3 on his shoes, which were also confiscated. He was fingerprinted, and ink pen C was found in his jacket, along with salt and vinegar potato chips, which are flavored with sodium acetate. Hairs were removed from his sport coat using the tape lift method. Mario, Male, Age 56. Relationship to victim: Cook -16192583185Motive: Is angry at Dr. Bullers for having a recent dinner party catered by a local restaurant instead of using the cook’s usual menu. Alibi: Claims to have been working in the kitchen all day, perfecting a new recipe using potassium chloride as a sodium free substitute for salt. He also glazed the top of a cake with icing containing sucrose, then dusted it with glucose. Processing Details: The Cook was found with powder P5 on his hat and soil S4 on his shoes, which were also confiscated. He was fingerprinted, and ink pen D was recovered from his apron. Hairs were removed from his chef’s jacket using the tape lift method.PART A – Qualitative Analysis (20%) ( ____ /24) Unknown Substances- Fill in the chart, use the examples as a guide Substance From What is it? How did you test/observe it and what was the result? Example Pool Limestone Water soluble, Hydrochloric acid fizzed, powder structure, white Example Pool Chlorine very distinct smell, clear P1 Scene P2 Butler P3 Wife P4 Brother P5 Cook PART B – Polymers (20%) ( ____ /24) Substance From What kind of hair is it?How did you test/observe it and what was the result? Example coatDog Thick, medullary index approximately 0.50, continuous medulla Example sweater HumanAbsent medulla, imbricate scale pattern H1 Victim H2 Butler H3 Wife H4 Brother H5 Cook Part C – Paper Chromatography (15%) ( ____ / 16) You have been given filter paper. Identify each ink as A, B, C, or D on the strips in pencil. When you are done, attach the strip(s) that match the ink found at the scene. You may throw the others away. Attach your chromatography sample(s) here: Questions: Which sample matches the ink recovered at the scene? Which suspect does this implicate? Is the sample water soluble? __________ How can you tell? How many separate components can you see in the ink? PART D – Physical Evidence (15%) FINGERPRINTS ( ____ /8) Compare the fingerprints found at the scene to the fingerprints taken from each suspect: Which suspect matches fingerprint 1? ______________ What characteristics did you find in the fingerprint to make you believe it was a match? Use the highlighter to mark the identifying parts of the fingerprint that you discuss. Fingerprint 1 Which suspect matches fingerprint 2? ______________ What characteristics did you find in the fingerprint to make you believe it was a match? Use the highlighter to mark the identifying parts of the fingerprint that you discuss. Fingerprint 2 SOIL ( ____/6) Compare the soil samples taken from each suspect to the sample collected at the scene: Soil found at the scene: Light brown, airy soil with fine particles. Very dull in appearance. No large pieces. Fertilizing with limestone (calcium carbonate) has made it alkaline. Sample From How did you test/observe it and what was the result? S1 Butler S2 Wife S3 Brother S4 Cook Which soil sample matches the one found at the scene? _____________________________ Which suspect does this implicate? __________________________ What factors did you base this decision on? SHOEPRINTS (_____/2) Compare the shoeprint found at the scene of the crime to the shoe taken from each suspect: Crime scene: Compare to: Alfred, the Butler Stacey, the Wife Mark, the Brother Mario, the Cook Questions: Which suspect matches the print found at the scene? ________ PART E – Analysis (30%) ( ____ / 24) Based on the evidence you analyzed, who stole the Steelers memorabilia? ________________________ What evidence found at the scene could have been left by this suspect, and why? ________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What evidence found on the suspect could have come from the scene, and why? ________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How would you explain any evidence found on other suspects? ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you are done, please clean up!! Reseal your evidence containers (do not put used evidence back in them!) and dispose of all waste. Rinse out your spot plates. Solids should go in the trash can, liquids should go in the liquid waste cup and be brought to the front of the room. Safety goggles must remain on until you leave the room. ANSWER KEY PART A – Qualitative Analysis (20%) ( ____ / 24) Unknown Substances- Fill in the chart, use the examples as a guide Substance From What is it? (1.5 points each, any form of answer accepted) How did you test/observe it and what was the result? (1 point per observation, max 3 per substance. The lists are not all-inclusive) Example Pool Limestone Water soluble, Hydrochloric acid fizzed, powder structure, white Example Pool Chlorine very distinct smell, clear P1 Scene Potassium Chloride, KCl, Crystalline, white, odorless, pH= acidic, purple flame, no Benedicts reaction, P2 Butler Sodium Carbonate, Soda Ash, Na2CO3 Crystalline, white (with a hint of yellow), no Benedicts reaction, pH= basic, non-flammable, water soluble, fizzes with HCl, P3 Wife Magnesium Sulfate, MgSO4, Epsom Salt Crystalline, semi-opaque, NaOH forms precipitate, no Benedicts reaction, pH= acidic, water soluble, white flame P4 Brother Sodium Acetate, C2H3NaO2 Crystalline, white, pH=basic, odorless, reaction with NaOH or HCl creates vinegar (smell), no Benedicts reaction, yellow flame P5 Cook Cornstarch Distinct feel when mixed with water (oobleck), iodine reaction, turns clear when mixed with water and heated, powder structure, no Benedicts reaction Add 1 ? more points if all 5 powders were correctly identified.PART B – Polymers (20%) ( ____ /24) Substance From What kind of hair is it?How did you test/observe it and what was the result? Example coatDog Thick, medullary index approximately 0.50, continuous medulla Example sweater HumanAbsent medulla, imbricate scale pattern H1 Victim Human H2 Butler Cat H3 Wife Dog H4 Brother Cat H5 Cook Dog Add 1 ? more points if all 5 hairs were correctly identified.Part C – Paper Chromatography (15%) ( ____ / 16) You have been given filter paper. Identify each ink as A, B, C, or D on the strip in pencil. When you are done, attach the strip(s) that match the ink found at the scene. You may throw the others away. Questions : 1. Which sample matches the ink recovered at the scene? D (2 points) 2. Which suspect does this implicate? Mario, the cook (2 points) 3. Is the sample water soluble? __________ How can you tell? Yes. (1 point). The components separated when placed in water. (2 points) 4. How many separate components can you see in the ink? If they list: 1= 1 point 2= 3 points 3= 5 points 4=3 points or more = 51 points Attach your chromatography sample(s) here: (4 points) If they have attached a sample that approximately matches the one pictured here, give 2 points. If they have attached the same sample both in DI and in ISO, give more2 points. PART 3 – Physical Evidence (15%) FINGERPRINTS ( ____ /8) Compare the fingerprints found at the scene to the fingerprints taken from each suspect: Which suspect matches fingerprint 1? Mario the cook (1 point) What characteristics did you find in the fingerprint to make you believe it was a match? Use the highlighter to mark the identifying parts of the fingerprint that you discuss. 0-149452Identification of loop (1 point) Labeling loop as left slant (1 point) Identification of delta (1 point) Identification of 2 or more minutiae: can be any spot where a ridge line comes together or ends, a few are shown (1 point) Fingerprint 1 Which suspect matches fingerprint 2? Alfred the Butler (1 point) What characteristics did you find in the fingerprint to make you believe it was a match? Use the highlighter to mark the identifying parts of the fingerprint that you discuss. 0-328142Identification of whorl (1 point) Identification of deltas (1 point each) Identification of 2 or more minutiae: can be any spot where a ridge line comes together or ends, a few are shown (1 point) Fingerprint 2SOIL ( ____/6) Compare the soil samples taken from each suspect to the sample collected at the scene: Soil found at the scene: Light brown, airy soil with fine particles. Very dull in appearance. No large pieces. Fertilizing with limestone (calcium carbonate) has made it alkaline. Sample From How did you test/observe it and what was the result? S1 Butler (Potting Soil mixed with sand)- chunky, light color. Any reasonable observations should be accepted (1/2 point) S2 Wife (100% Vermiculite - the sparkly stuff in potting soil). Any reasonable observations should be accepted (1/2 point) S3 Brother (100% potting soil). Dark color. Large chunks. Any reasonable observations should be accepted (1/2 point) S4 Cook Fine soil containing calcium carbonate. Fizzes with HCl. Any reasonable observations should be accepted (1/2 point) Which soil sample matches the one found at the scene? ____S4_________________ (1/2 point) Which suspect does this implicate? ____The Cook__________________(1/2 point) What factors did you base this decision on? Any of the following are acceptable: Dark color, fine particles, reacted with HCl, pH is basic (above 7) (up to 3 points) SHOEPRINTS (_____/2) Compare the shoeprint found at the scene of the crime to the shoe taken from each suspect: Crime scene: Compare to: Alfred, the Butler Stacey, the Wife Mark, the Brother Mario, the Cook Questions: Which suspect matches the print found at the scene? __Mario, the Cook______ (2 points) PART 4 – Analysis (30%) ( ____ / 24) Based on the evidence you analyzed, who stole the Steelers memorabilia? Mario, the Cook (6 points) What evidence found at the scene could have been left by this suspect, and why? (2 points each) ? KCl was identified as powder 1. It had been used by the suspect earlier that day. Fingerprint 1 was identified as the suspects, found on the handle of the safe. It matched on 3 levels of detail (Pattern type, minutiae, and individual ridge detail) ? The shoeprint found at the scene matched the suspect’s shoes The ink found at the scene matched the suspect’s pen, it was water soluble and contained the same number of components as the ink found at the scene. What evidence found on the suspect could have come from the scene, and why? (2 points each) Powder 5 (cornstarch) was found on the suspect. It was transferred to him from the cornstarch packing peanuts that were spilled at the scene. Soil 4 was found on the suspect, which matched the soil from the plant that spilled at the scene. It had similar color, texture, pH, and chemical composition. It likely got on his shoes when he stepped in it, leaving the shoeprint mentioned in #2. How would you explain any evidence linked to other suspects? (1 point each) Fingerprint 2 could have been left by the butler while cleaning Powder 2 on the Butler could be from doing laundry Powder 3 on the wife could be from her bath Powder 4 on the brother could be from his potato chips The other soil samples helped clear them since they did not match The other ink samples helped clear them since they did not match When you are done, please clean up!! Reseal your evidence containers (do not put used evidence back in them!) and dispose of all waste. Rinse out your spot plates. Solids should go in the trash can, liquids should go in the liquid waste cup and be brought to the front of the room. Safety goggles must remain on until you leave the room. ................

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