Page 78 Breckenridge Public Schools Breckenridge, TX 76424 ...

Page 78 Breckenridge Public Schools Breckenridge, TX 76424 July 22, 2013


The Board of Trustees of the Breckenridge Independent School District met in regular session on Monday, July 22, 2013, 6:30 p.m., in the Board Room of the School Administration Building, 212 North Miller, Breckenridge, Texas.

The following Trustees were in attendance: Randy Boaz, Skip Griffith, James Marrs, Koby Killion, Carey Woodward and Sandy Walker. Thomas Tennison was absent.

Mr. Griffith called the meeting to order at 6:30 P. M. and established a quorum.


Paul Lippe, North Elementary Principal, gave the invocation.

Pledge of Allegiances

Mr. Griffith led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag and to the Texas Flag.

Superintendent's Report

Tax CollectionsCollected 97.302% of 2012 taxes through 6/30/13, compared to 97.325% 2011taxes through 6/30/12.

District ADA: Mr. Teel reported that there is no change in enrollment from the figures reported in June for the 2012-2013 school year. Students budgeted for ADA funding were 1464 at 95% attendance, resulting in 1390 ADA. May ADA was 1366 (1431 students at 95.25% ), for a decrease of 24 in ADA. This decrease times $5600 per students results in $134,400 of dollars that the District will not receive, due to the decline in enrollment, which is a result of parents moving for jobs.

BISD payroll comparison was presented by Mr. Teel that compared 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13 for the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June. The estimated 12 month payroll is $9,118,656. The budgeted amount was $9,693,200, making the District $104,544 to the good. The May payroll was up by $50,000, due to 3 retiring employees taking lump sum payments.

Substitute pay for last year compared to this year for the months of September thru June show that the District has spent $5,484 more than last year during

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this same time frame. $120,000 was budgeted for 2012-13 for substitute pay; the District's cost was $97,143, which is $18,664 to the good. The same budget numbers for substitutes will be used next year.

Board goals that were discussed at the Special Board Meeting on June 26, 2013, were recommended by Mr. Teel for board approval, with a few grammatical changes.

Comments from Public

No one signed in for "Audience to Patrons Desiring to Be Heard".

Consent Agenda 6-A Through 6-D #84

Mr. Marrs made the motion, seconded by Ms. Walker to move Consent Agenda Items 6B, 6C and 6D to the Regular Agenda. The motion passed unanimously.

Consent Agenda 6A #85

Ms. Walker made the motion, seconded by Mr. Killion to approve the minutes as listed:

6-A Approval of minutes of 6-4-13 special board meeting, 6-5-13 special board meeting, 6-10-13 regular board meeting and 6-26-13 special board meeting

The motion passed unanimously.

Regular agenda item 15 was moved before item 8 and consent agenda items 6B thru 6D were moved after regular agenda item 10.

Delinquent Tax Report from Tony Fidelie, firm representative, updated the Board on the

Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, delinquent taxes that have been collected since the hiring of

Collins & Matt, LLP

Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Matt, LLP in

November, 2012. When Perdue was hired, delinquent

taxes totaled $664,396. As of today delinquent taxes have

dropped to $543,323, for a collected amount of $121,000

(18%). Today's tax roll is $750,000 with $245,000 new

delinquent taxes (2012 taxes). Taxes for 2012 were

delinquent on February 1, 2013. Mr. Killion asked what

type of properties make up the delinquent figures. As of

July 19, 2013, there were 3208 delinquent properties. Of

this total, 2425 were from 1 cent to $100, and 25 were over

$5,000. There is a statute of limitations to write off

delinquent taxes. Equipment can be written off in 10 years

and real property can be written off in 20 years. Mr.

Consider Transfer of Properties to City of Breckenridge #86

Consider Approval of Donations to District #87 Consider Approval of 2012-2013 Budget Amendment #88

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Fidelie noted that 1100 collection letters were sent out July 1, 2013. A 20% penalty is added on July 1st, and this penalty goes to the attorneys. No action was required.

The City of Breckenridge has adopted a 3-phase plan in an effort to clean up the community. Mr. Andy McCuistion, City Manager, was present to explain the City's request for transfer of properties. The State of Texas has provided a more cost effective way to dispose of nuisance or abandoned buildings through a permit rule, which authorizes the City to build a disposal site. Due to state requirements, the City must own the properties prior to disposing of them in the disposal site. According to Mr. McCuistion, a permit has been approved for the landfill, but the hole still must be dug. The City will clean up these properties to get them back on the tax rolls. It will take 3 months to dig the hole and funds are in the City's next year's budget to cover this expense. Digging will start around the first of the year. Mr. Killion asked what will happen to properties once they are cleaned up. Mr. McCuistion stated that the City will work with the Economic Development Corporation to get developers to buy the properties. There are currently 236 substandard houses in Breckenridge. Mr. Marrs made the motion seconded by Mr. Boaz that the Board approve the transfer of ownership of the properties in Exhibit B to the City of Breckenridge to accomplish the above stated purposes. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Becky Seale, Region 14 ESC Financial Services Manager, reviewed donations to the District. Ms. Walker made the motion seconded by Ms. Woodward that the Board accept the donation of $9,000 from the Breckenridge Education Foundation. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Becky Seale, Region 14 ESC Financial Services Manager, reviewed budget amendments with the Board. Ms. Walker made the motion seconded by Mr. Boaz that the Board approve the 2012-2013 budget amendments for revenues and expenditures as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Consider Approval of June 30, 2013 Financial Report #89

Consent Agenda Item 6B Report of Resignations Consent Agenda Item 6C #90

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Ms. Becky Seale of Region 14 Education Service Center reviewed the financials with board members. Revenue is down $1.1 million and expenses are down $1 million, with a surplus of $119,000 expected at year end. Food Service is currently in the black $24,000. A payment has been made in Debt Service and the next payment will be due in January, 2014. The CD will be rolled over next month. The District currently has $4.1 million in liquid assets. State monies to be received in August are estimated at $500,000. Funds will also be received from the State in September, October, and the following August. Mr. Killion made the motion seconded by Ms. Walker that the Board approve the June 30, 2013, financial report as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

The resignation report was discussed by the Board and the report was received. No action was required.

The following items were considered as listed: 6C Consider 2013-2014: a. Student Handbooks b. Coaches Handbook c. Substitute Handbook d. Code of Conduct e. District Improvement Plans

Mr. Marrs referred to Page 12 of the Athletic Handbook and proposed a change in wording on the section regarding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco to read "BISD prohibits". After discussion it was agreed that the District should consult attorneys on wording changes and parallel the wording in all handbooks and code of conduct. Mr. Marrs suggested approving the 2013-2014 handbooks and code of conduct as is for now, but requested that the District contact attorneys and make changes for 2014-2015 as discussed. The changes need to be verified by teachers, coaches and police, and the language be consistent in all handbooks and the code of conduct. Parallels need to be standardized on all handbooks where extracurricular and student code of conduct line up. Mr. Killion made the motion seconded by Ms. Walker that the Board approve the 2013-2014 BISD Student Handbooks, Athletic Handbook, Substitute Handbook, and

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District Improvement Plans. The motion passed unanimously.

Consent Agenda Item 6D Consider 2013-2014 Professional Appraisal Calendar & List of Appraisers #91

Ms. Linda Sims explained the Appraisal Calendar to the Board and stated that one formal appraisal is required yearly. Walk throughs are also performed often during the year. The District must accumulate evidence over time to dismiss a teacher. If there is concern, the teacher is evaluated early and a growth plan is put in place. Documentation is the key. Anyone on the list of appraisers can appraise a teacher. Due to a resignation received from Jerry Overman, it was noted that Mr. Overman will be taken off of the list of appraisers. Mr. Marrs made the motion seconded by Mr. Boaz that the Board approve the 2013-2014 Appraisal Calendar as presented and approve the certified appraisers, noting the deletion of Jerry Overman as an appraiser. The motion passed unanimously.

Consider BISD Board Goals New board goals for the 2013-2014 school year need to

for 2013-2014 School Year be approved with the following grammatical corrections:


Goal 2 should read: Every campus will be highly

competitive by outperforming regional districts, as well as

performing above the state average on accountability

ratings (STAAR). The wording "district wide" should be

hyphenated (district-wide) in both Goals 4 and 6.

Mr. Boaz made the motion seconded by Ms. Walker that

the Board approve the 2013-2014 BISD board goals as

recommended with grammatical corrections. The motion

passed unanimously.

Consider Waiver for Creating a Timeline for Accelerated Instruction #93

Ms. Linda Sims told Board members that the waiver being considered allows teachers to adjust from summer to the first six weeks of the school year. The students test at the end of June, and this waiver will keep the District from paying to hire summer help. Ms. Woodward made the motion seconded by Ms. Walker that the Board approve the Waiver for Creating a Timeline for Accelerated Instruction. The motion passed unanimously.


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