When do we use an adjective

When do we use an adjective?

• Does every noun need an adjective?

• Do the adjectives tell us something we already know? – the hot flame

• Are there too many adjectives?

• Do the adjectives add something new to the noun that helps the reader to picture what is being written about?

• The swift, shiny, white, sleek car shot down the grey road.

• The jagged pieces of gleaming ice fell into the cold, blue water.

• The new bike shone in the grey, dirty, dingy, dull shop window.

• The big plane took off and hurtled straight towards the hot sun.

• Jenny trailed her weary, tired hand in the wet stream and wondered about her future.

• The two boys stared at the broken, shattered, smashed window pane.

• The white clouds drifted across the sweltering sun.

• Tony picked up the orange orange and sniffed it.

• Sally could feel the cold snow on her cool brow.

• The big giant lumbered down the dark lane towards the frightened children.

Choosing Adjectives

• List some possible adjectives to describe these nouns.

• Choose carefully and write the most effective adjectives, not just the first one that comes into your mind!

tree – tall, leafy, ancient, _____

car – sleek, shiny, ______, ______

bike – wobbly, rusty, _____, ______

cat - _____, _____, _____, _____

dog - _____, _____, _____, _____

house - _____, _____, _____, _____

clouds - _____, _____, _____, _____

street - _____, _____, _____, _____


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