Practice Letterhead - CEDR

Company Letterhead


Via Hand Delivery

[Employee Name]

[Employee Address]

Re: Change in Compensation Structure

Dear [Employee Name]:

As you know, our office has drastically reduced hours in response to the current COVID-19 crisis, in order to stay compliant with industry recommendations. It is our desire to continue to have you perform some work throughout each week, and in order to do that, we need to restructure your pay from a non-exempt, salary basis of pay to hourly. Your hourly rate will be $_______, which is intended to be an equivalent to your current salary rate.

As a gentle reminder of our ongoing requirements for non-exempt employees, you are required to clock in and out as you arrive for your shift and when you are finished. In addition, you must clock in and out for nonworking breaks exceeding 20 minutes. You are also eligible for overtime pay. However, please note that due to our drastically reduced hours, we do not expect you will be clocking any overtime. If you have any questions about our time keeping protocol, please speak with a member of management.

As you know, you are an at-will employee, and thus, we can change the conditions of your employment with the company at any time. Nothing in this letter is intended to alter the status of your at-will employment, nor is to be taken as a guarantee of continued employment.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need further clarification of these changes.



________________________________ Date: ___________________

Employee Signature


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