


A concrete noun names something that can be recognized through any of the five senses. An abstract noun names something that cannot be recognized through the senses. Concrete nouns name people, places, and things. Abstract nouns name ideas. See the examples below.

Concrete nouns Abstract nouns

Sara, friend, airport, Galveston Bay, desk, taco, highway friendship, kindness, cruelty, suspense, guilt, love

Practice A Identifying Concrete and Abstract Nouns Read each sentence. Then, underline the concrete nouns and circle the abstract nouns.

Example: Jules never forgot the stranger's kindness. Answer: Jules never forgot the stranger's kindness.

1. The cruelty of bullfighting is hard to deny. 2. Rafe felt surprise when Cary spoke up. 3. Jill is known for her bravery. 4. A poet said, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty." 5. My mom doesn't like cats, but she feels

affection for Dot. 6. My dad says rush-hour traffic causes frustration.

7. Gid felt a spark of envy when he saw his friend's new television.

8. Da Vinci, a true artist, could find inspiration anywhere.

9. The truth of Maria's claim was never in doubt.

10. Seeing Yasmin cross the finish line gave Jim a shock.

Practice B Labeling Concrete and Abstract Nouns Read each sentence. Then, on the line provided, identify whether each underlined noun is concrete or abstract. Example: Happiness arrives when you're not looking. Answer: abstract

1. His goal in life is simplicity. 2. Her thoughtfulness to her friends is appreciated. 3. Do you think animals feel regret? 4. Lawrence has a passion for acting. 5. George's stubbornness will get him into trouble someday. 6. When Claude begins to feel anger, he counts to ten. 7. My dad feels compassion toward all small creatures. 8 Living on the river gives excitement to our days. 9. My intention is to become a more outgoing person. 10. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Writing and Speaking Application Write a two-sentence description of someone you know, using at least three abstract nouns. Circle the nouns. Then, take turns reading your sentences with a partner. Your partner should listen for and name the abstract nouns you used. Switch roles with your partner.

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A collective noun names a group of people or things. Examples of collective nouns are audience, crowd, couple, and family.

Practice A Finding Collective Nouns Read each group of nouns. On the line provided, write the word in each group that is a collective noun. Example: herd, animals, deer Answer: herd

1. fans, audience, viewers 2. father, sister, family 3. group, members, friends 4. network, signal, subscribers 5. singer, band, piano player 6. committee, workers, plan 7. point guard, team, rebounder 8. litter, kittens, mother 9. voters, citizens, public 10. vermin, mice, bugs

Practice B Identifying Collective Nouns Read each sentence. Then, underline each collective noun. Example: The audience applauded after the performance. Answer: The audience applauded after the performance. 1. A firefighter spoke to my class about safety. 2. The jury could not agree on a verdict. 3. The chess club meets every Friday in the quad. 4. My sister's team is selling cookies. 5. A flock of sparrows flew over our heads. 6. The board of directors voted to increase salaries. 7. A crowd gathered to watch the puppet show. 8. The committee set a date for the spring dance. 9. A school of fish swam away from the divers. 10. All kinds of vermin were living in the abandoned building.

Writing and Speaking Application Write a two-sentence description of a group of animals, using at least two collective nouns. Circle the nouns. Then, take turns reading your sentences with a partner. Your partner should listen for and name the collective nouns you used.

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