Pediatric Associates

| | Pediatric Associates |

| |Of Richmond, Inc. |

| | |

|William L. Curry, M.D. | |

| |Guidance for Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Rehydration: |

|James M. Wells, Jr., M.D. | |

| |Vomiting |

|John D. Andrako, M.D. |Nothing by mouth until 3 hours since last episode |

| |Slowly try solutions with simple salt and sugar (not plain water) at room temperature such as : |

|Rhoda B. Mahoney, M.D. |Pedialyte |

| |Pedialyte Popsicles |

|J. Mark Shreve, M.D. |Gatorade |

| |Flat Ginger Ale |

|Warren L. Snead, Jr. M.D. |No Juice or Milk today (unless Breast Feeding); no Juice for 5 days |

| |Rehydration: |

|Kathryn B. Russell, M.D. |The 1st hour only 1 teaspoon every 20 minutes. |

| |The 2nd hour only 1 tablespoon every 20 minutes. |

|Matthew E. Weber, M.D. |The 3rd hour only an inch of fluid in a small cup every 20 minutes, then allow the child to drink ad lib and rehydrate |

| |If Vomiting Reoccurs: |

|Grace A. Conley, M.D. |Call Physician |

| |Go to Emergency Room |

|Miriam S. McAtee, M.D. |Tips |

| |Hand Washing to decrease spread in the Family |

|Kristen F. Powell, M.D. | |

| | |

|Melissa B. Nelson, M.D. |Diarrhea |

| |Expect to last 7 to 10 days |

|Jeffrey S. Mapp, M.D. |Should have decrease in frequency with time |

| |Once vomiting ends and fluids have been tolerated for 8 hours, feeding a child with diarrhea nourishes their gut, |

|Jan N. Dalby, C.P.N.P., I.B.C.L.C. |stimulating it to heal. |

| |Foods – Often low fat foods given as small snacks work best. |

|Laura M. Duke, C.P.N.P. I.B.C.L.C |Toast |

| |Saltines |

|Robin W. Allman, C.P.N.P.,I.B.C.L.C. |Graham Crackers |

| |Rice |

|Kristin S. Flohre, C.P.N.P. |Baked Potato |

| |Pasta |

|7113 Three Chopt Road |Applesauce |

|Suite 101 |Bananas |

|Richmond, Virginia 23226 |Jello |

|804.282.4205 |Continue to Breast feed (if applicable) |

|804.673.6432 fax |Lactose free formula or lactose free milk may be tolerated better than regular formula or milk. |

| |Call Back: |

|8266 Atlee Road |Less than three voids per 24 hours |

|Suite 318 |Dry mucous membranes (No Spit) |

|Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116 |Excessive sleepiness |

|804.559.9044 |Not interested in Drinking. |

|804.559.9227 fax |Tips: |

| |Avoid over the counter anti-diarrheal products |

| |Good Hand washing |

| | |

| | |


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