FAS Goal Setting Action Verbs - Harvard University

[Pages:1]FAS Goal Setting ? Action Verbs

Below is a list of action verbs for developing both performance and career development goals

Accomplish Achieve Act as Administer Advise Allocate Analyze Anticipate Approve Arrange Assess Assign Attend Balance Budget Calculate Clarify Coach Communicate Compare Complete Conduct Consult Cooperate Coordinate Counsel Create Define Delegate Demonstrate Design Determine Develop Devise Diagnose Direct Discipline Discover Display Document Draft

Edit Eliminate Employ Enact Encourage Enforce Enhance Establish Estimate Evaluate Examine Expand Explain Express Facilitate Follow-up Formulate Gain Generate Guide Handle Identify Implement Improve Improvise Increase Influence Inform Initiate Integrate Interface Interview Introduce Lead Locate Maintain Manage Mediate Modify Motivate Negotiate

Observe Obtain Operate Oversee Participate Perform Persuade Pinpoint Plan Predict Prepare Present Produce Promote Propose Publish Recognize Recommend Redesign Reinforce Reorganize Report Represent Research Resolve Review Revised Schedule Screen Select Simplify Solve Standardize Strengthen Substitute Teach Test Train Transform Translate



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