Grammarly Usability Report Marcus Williamson Coastal ...

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Grammarly Usability Report Marcus Williamson

Coastal Carolina University

Grammarly Usability Report

Analysis Interviewees

Through my analysis of Grammarly's usability effectiveness I chose to interview two people. These two people I selected are a part of the target audience of this program. They are both college students, Jerod Alexander and Randel Geter. I chose the two because they are who this program is intended for and neither of them is familiar with it. Although the two are unfamiliar with the program they both showed enthusiasm to learn how to use it. They were unaware of this helpful tool and looked forward to using it in the future to assist with their writing. The two interviews were very similar so I only transcribed one of them which can be found in Appendix A. This will be the interview I had with Jerod Alexander. Setting

The two interviewees are employees of mine and I approached them about this usability report while at work. I knew they were both college students and felt their input would be very helpful. Afterwards we chose a time and date where would conduct the interviews. I did both interviews separately at their homes. I felt this would allow them to feel the most comfortable and allow them to speak freely with me about the usability of Grammarly. I gave the both of them a copy of the set of instructions and also the job aid to assist them in getting started with the program. After they got familiar with the program I conducted my interview. I recorded each interview on my phone by using the video recorder.


Grammarly Usability Report


As I stated before the transcribed interview can be found in Appendix A at the end of this usability report. Throughout the interviews I was able to grasp three themes. These themes were: Effectiveness, Advantages, and Suggestions. Below is a table where I included direct thoughts of how the interviewees felt about the program pertaining to these three themes.




"The set of instructions was helpful because it gave exact step by step instructions." ? Jerod Alexander

"I can check for plagiarism and check my grammar/spelling. This thing is amazing!" ? Randel Geter

"I liked using the job aid better because it allowed me to be sure of what I needed to do." ? Jerod Alexander

"Grammarly is very helpful, and I think every student should know about it." ? Jerod Alexander

"They were both easy to understand, so either way there should be no problems signing up and using this product." ? Randel Geter

"I like the fact that this thing is very simple but also very helpful." ? Jerod Alexander

"I wish that Grammarly offered this for free to students. Most students don't have a lot of money and may not be able to afford paying to use it." ? Jerod Alexander

"Grammarly should advertise their product more to students. I had no idea this thing existed." ? Randel Geter

"They could definitely lower the price if they don't wanna offer it for free. I would be willing to pay $20 for the service, but no more than that." ? Jerod Alexander


Grammarly Usability Report I realized these three themes through carefully analyzing the two interviews from Jerod

Alexander and Randel Geter. After my analysis I noticed that the two interviews were very similar and they both shared these three themes. I then took a few quotes from their interviews and posted them into the table above to provide examples of the themes shown.

Results Effectiveness

Through my interviews the overall perspective of effectiveness was positive. The two interviewees were not familiar with Grammarly but they found both the job aid and set of instructions very helpful. The two felt that giving them the aid tools facilitated their process of setting up and using Grammarly. Although the two interviews were similar I found that the two were indifferent on which tool they preferred. Randel liked using the set of instructions whereas Jerod preferred using the job aid. In which he stated, "I liked using the job aid better because it allowed me to be sure of what I needed to do." Through this statement I realized that some people need visuals to help their learning process whereas others such as Randel would rather use step by step instructions. Advantages

Grammarly is a useful tool to help students look for signs of plagiarism and also spelling/grammatical errors within their papers. Before conducting these interviews I acknowledged the two of what Grammarly is and how it can be helpful. As stated before, the


Grammarly Usability Report two were unfamiliar with this product. Although the program was unknown to them they saw the advantages of it before knowing how to set up or use it. Jerod stated, "Wow there's a program for that? I could definitely use it!", when I approached him about the Grammarly usability report. He realized that he could use this product for any class and whatever written document he has to work on. Suggestions

After the two interviewees were familiarized with Grammarly they both offered suggestions on how they could potentially improve the program. They were both satisfied with the program and thought it was very easy to use. Although neither of the two thought they should pay for it. The thought of them paying for the use of the program discouraged them. As shown in the table above Jerod said, "I wish that Grammarly offered this for free to students. Most students don't have a lot of money and may not be able to afford paying to use it." This is a very understandable statement coming from a student that is not yet financially stable. Another suggestion that Randel made is that this product should be advertised more. He was at disbelief that there is such a great program out there to assist him with his papers and he had no idea it existed. He wished that he knew about this program before because at the beginning of his college career he was unsure exactly what plagiarism was.


Grammarly Usability Report

Appendix A Transcript Interview Interviewee: Jerod Alexander Me: Jerod I am about to ask you questions about the job aid and set of instructions I gave you. Also I want your honest feedback about what you think of the product offered by Grammarly...Cool? Jerod: Ok, cool. Let's get started. Me: Prior to this interview were you aware of the plagiarism detector offered at ? Jerod: No, I was not. Me: Do you feel as if this is a useful tool? Jerod: Yes, I could definitely use it with my school work. Me: Would you recommend this to other students? Jerod: Yes. Me: Why do you feel that way? Jerod: Because students can't always catch their mistakes when they write and this gives them another chance to before they turn in their work.


Grammarly Usability Report Me: On a scale of 1-10, how easy was it to sign up and use this product? Jerod: I would say a 9, it was very easy to me. Me: Do you feel the set of instructions and job aid I provided is a big reason why you scaled it the way you did? Jerod: Yea, they were both helpful and made it easier to sign up. Me: Which do you feel was more helpful, the set of instructions or job aid? Jerod: The set of instructions was helpful because it gave exact step by step instructions, but I liked using the job aid better because it allowed me to be sure of what I needed to do. Me: Where there any steps along the process that was unclear? Jerod: No, I thought it was very easily understood. Me: What do you think of the detector offered by Grammarly? Jerod: Grammarly is very helpful, and I think every student should know about it. Me: What do you like most about it? Jerod: I like the fact that this thing is very simple but also very helpful. Me: Is there anything that you don't like about the program, or may suggest to be changed? Jerod: Yes. Me: Could you explain your reasoning behind this?


Grammarly Usability Report Jerod: I wish that Grammarly offered this for free to students. Most students don't have a lot of money and may not be able to afford paying to use it. They could definitely lower the price if they don't wanna offer it for free. I would be willing to pay $20 for the service, but no more than that. Me: Okay, I appreciate your time and input on this matter. Is there anything that you would like to add? Jerod: Thank you for showing me this product and I look forward to using it. Me: No problem. Once again thanks for your time!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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