
Anonymous Peer Evaluation for _ Ameet__

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Aspects that were educationally effective:

• Walk through tour and talk with Burwell caterer.

• The walk through the Burwell facilities because it gave me a new perspective on cafeteria food.

• Letting us know how Burwell operates. How they are not able to provide us things we demand daily. The reason cost factors into a lot of decision. Talking to Sheila.

• Talking to Sheila about the “behind the scenes” of Burwell cooking. The you tube video.

• The you tube videos. Talking to Sheila.

• Learning their thought process of ordering food.

• I thought the speech was effective. I thought he did a really good job dealing with Sam not being here.

• I really enjoyed the videos and the contrasting views within them.

• Videos were cool to watch 2 different perspectives. Visit to Burwell was really educational.

• Eating and touring in Burwell.

• The English lady in Burwell explained a lot of things I didn’t understand.

• I thought the food quiz was fun and very interesting. The videos were interesting and informative, too.

• It was really interesting going down to the kitchen where the food is made for Burwell. The videos were educational as well.

• The Burwell visit. The you tube videos. Talking with the catering manager.

• The tour of Burwell, and speaking with the lady were extremely effective. The fact that the Burwell dish washing machine takes as much energy and water as a new one was king of startling.

• Quiz at the end. Tour of Burwell. Talking with Sheila.

• I found the talk with the woman under Burwell was very educationally effective, because we as students were able to learn the nutrition of the food we are consuming on our meal plans.

• The videos and the talk with the Burwell lady were interesting.

• The video on the Organic food in schools. I did not know they were doing that. The quiz was helpful, too.

What I enjoyed most:

• Getting a tour of Burwell (what we regularly don’t see!)

• The talk with Burwell worker.

• Hearing what the head Burwell employee had to say about food.

• Touring Burwell kitchen.

• Learning how Burwell operates.

• Eating

• I enjoyed the tour of Burwell; I had never seen that side of Burwell.

• I really enjoyed the tour of Burwell.

• Tour of Burwell.

• Touring the Burwell kitchen and hearing about the reasons for everything they do

• The tour of Burwell.

• Behind the scenes of Burwell!

• Going to see where the food is made for Burwell.

• Learning about the food we eat every day. Sleeping later.

• I really enjoyed speaking with the lady from Burwell. I now know they are under certain constraints and what students can do to help lift those constraints.

• Sheila Talking. Tour

• I enjoyed the tour of Burwell the most because I saw how hard the cafeteria staff works to keep us happy.

• I liked the talk with the Burwell lady the most. She gave lots of good info.

• Touring Burwell. It’s nice to get to see where the food we eat on campus comes from and how it is prepared.

Suggestions for improvement:

• Maybe see if we can talk to the other people who worked down in Burwell.

• A better follow-up and pre talk relating the tour to living green.

• Make sure quiz answers are correct.

• Some stuff Sheila talked about wasn’t necessarily about “living green”. Lead with questions.

• More visual aids.

• It was just unfortunate that the scheduled guy didn’t’ show up. They barely talked about “greenness”.

• I don’t understand what the quiz was.

• Overall I thought it was a good presentation.

• Overall really good job.

• Focus more on your project/food/Burwell was related to the “green” aspect of the class instead of just random facts about food.

• Hand out candy to the winners of the quiz.

• Try to make a stronger connection between Food/Eating at Burwell and eating green.

• Maybe to go over the videos and give more information on them.

• None-it was fun.

• I do not really enjoy the quizzes on things we know nothing about.

• None, that stinks those lunch people were sick.

• I would only suggest that we had started the tour a little earlier, so that some people wouldn’t be so hungry when 12:30pm rolled around and we hadn’t eaten yet.

• Maybe a little more organization.

• I was lost on the videos about Fast Food Nutrition. It would have been nice to have an introduction explanation of those video clips.


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