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Lesson #1


Vocabulary Game

Objective: Pre-reading introductory vocabulary

Vocab: Chapters 1-3

Stale: Musty

Consumed: to absorb; engross

Ascended: to rise

Devoid: without

Bombarded: attacked

Lurch swaying abruptly

Piercing: gazing intensely


Read Chapters 1-3

Questions for discussion:

1. Where is Thomas at the beginning of the book?

2. What’s a KLUNK?

3. Who is Alby?

4. What’s a Beetle Blade?

5. Who is Chuck and why does Thomas instantly like him?

6. The Maze Runner is often compared to the Hunger Games. What similarities/differences do you note at this point in the reading?

Lesson #2

Writers: Writing a one page essay with formatting, transitions, and a thesis.

Evaluation: Completed Essay

Topic: The boys that live in the Glade have created their own new words that they’ve added into their language. Why did they develop their own way of talking? How did the Gladers’ language affect your reading of the book?

Read Chapters 4-6


1. Why do you think Gally picks on Thomas so much? Do you consider Gally a bully? Why or why not? How does a bully decide who he/she will target?

2. Why do you think the author includes the ‘joke’ in the story? What does it tell you about the characters?

3. What are Grievers?

4. What happens if you get stung by one?

5. What three adjectives would describe a Griever?

6. All of the Gladers have had their memories wiped clean. What would make this necessary?

Lesson #3


Vocabulary Chapters 4-6

1. Wedged: to pack or fit tightly

2. Mammoth: extremely large

3. Splinter: fragment

4. Suppress: to hinder or stop

5. Wincing: flinch

6. Epiphany: sudden understanding

7. Linger: to stay around, loiter

8. Obstructions: obstacles

9. Bulbous: bulb shaped, bulging

10. Creased: a wrinkle


Questions 7-10 (from homework assignment)

1. What is Alby afraid of and why?

2. What do you predict about the note that the girl had?

3. Many have considered that the Glade is a prison for wayward teens. What would seem to indicate that it is? What arguments against this idea can you present?

4. What do you think caused Ben to be sick? Explain.

5. What happens to Ben after he attacks Thomas?

6. Thomas has to work for the slicers. What are they and what do they do?

Read Chapters 11-17


1. What has Minho found in the maze that is very unusual?

2. What do you think this ‘find’ means?

3. Why does Alby treat Thomas the way that he does?

4. In the end, what does Alby decide to do with Ben? Do you think this was justified? Explain.

5. How is the Glader society structured?

6. Who is caught outside in the Maze when the doors close?

7. Discuss each boy’s choices. What does Minho decide to do? Thomas? Alby?

Lesson #4


Read Chapters 18-24


1. How does Thomas outwit the Grievers?

2. Who is watching Thomas as he outmaneuvers the Grievers?

3. What character traits can you assign to Thomas?

4. What is the ethical dilemma that Newt faces in regard to Thomas and the one big rule that he’s broken?

5. What does Thomas begin to suspect about their former lives?

6. What does Gally accuse Thomas of being for the Creators?

Lesson #5


Objective: Students demonstrate mastery of characters and vocabulary for chapters 1-24. Evaluation: Students will complete the given test with 70% accuracy or better.

The Maze Runner

Test One


Match the definition to the vocabulary word

Stale___ A. to rise

Consumed ___ B. swaying abruptly

Ascended ___ C. attacked

Devoid ___ D. fragment

Bombarded ___ E. musty

Lurch___ F. to absorb; engross

Piercing ___ G. extremely large

Wedged___ H. to hinder or stop

Mammoth___ I. gazing intensely

Splinter___ J. obstacles

Suppress___ K. to pack or fit tightly

Wincing___ L. bulb shaped, bulging

Epiphany___ M. sudden understanding

Linger___ N. a wrinkle

Obstructions___ O. without

Bulbous___ P. flinch

Creased___ Q. to stay around, loiter

Answer the following questions about the story, thus far.

!. Where is Thomas at the beginning of the book?



2. Who is Chuck and why does Thomas instantly like him?



3. All of the Gladers have had their memories wiped clean. What would make this necessary?






Pg. 2 Test….continued……….

4. What has Minho found in the maze that is very unusual?


5. What do you think this ‘find’ means?



6. Why does Alby treat Thomas the way that he does?



7. In the end, what does Alby decide to do with Ben? Do you think this was justified? Explain.





8. How is the Glader society structured?



9. Who is caught outside in the Maze when the doors close?


10. What is the ethical dilemma that Newt faces in regard to Thomas and the one big rule that he’s broken?




Lesson #6

Read Chapters 25-31


1. What does Minho offer to do that astounds everyone in the meeting?

2. What does the council decide?

3. What punishment do they give Thomas for breaking the rules?

4. What is more important to have, values or rules? Why?

5. What happens when Alby tries to tell Thomas about the ‘outside’?

6. What does Thomas think the girl’s name is?

7. What does Thomas hear in his mind?

8. What does Teresa tell him?

9. What happens to Gally?

10. How does Thomas view Chuck?

Vocabulary - Chapters 25-31

Restored: Make whole, refreshed

Interjected: to interrupt

Defied: to go against the rules

Ruddied: to make red

Gamut: a challenge

Writhing: to twist in pain

Queasy: sick to one’s stomach

Entwined: twisted together

Oblige: to consent or agree

Remnant: a scrap or left over

Contemplative: to think deeply

Lesson #7

Read Chapters 32-36


1. What does Thomas realize about how the Glade is mapped?

2. What does the plaque in the Maze say?

3. What does the plaque’s title suggest about what is happening on the outside?

4. What do Thomas and Minho discover when they drop rocks over the edge?

5. What does Teresa say when she wakes up?

6. What happens to the doors in the Maze?

Read chapters 37-38

1. Since she’s awake, where do they keep Teresa?

2. Where does everyone hole up for safety?

3. What comes through the gates?

4. What do you think about Teresa?

5. Why is Thomas so upset about Teresa arriving?

Lesson #8

Short Response Writing:

1. What could be so bad on the outside that someplace like the Glade was created?

Sample Answer: Something bad has happened on the outside triggering the creation of the Glade. I think that they created this place because the world was not fit to live in anymore for some reason, and the Glade is the only place left. I believe that this is true because of Teresa’s memories and Alby’s memories. They seem to all point to this. That is why the Glade was created…to escape a terrible reality.

2. Should the Gladers attempt to go through the hole that the Grievers go through, or should they continue to stay? Why?

Vocabulary Words Chapters 39-42

Lunacy: insanity

Figment: made up, not real

Comical: humorous

Cusp: the edge

Rebuke: to reprimand

Sabotage: underhanded interference

Gibberish: meaningless talk or writing

Feverishly: in an extreme hurry

Coincidence: two or more events the happen at same time

Piqued: interested

Telepathy: mind to mind communication

Scoured: to search thoroughly, to clean completely

Acrid: bitter

Horde: a group

Interminable: never ending

Composure: calm, cool, collected


Read Chapters 39-42


1. What does Gally tell the group about the Grievers?

2. Who gives himself to the Griever?

3. What do the Gladers realize about their time in the Maze and their own futures?

4. What happens in the map room?

5. Who is injured in the map room?

6. How have the important maps been saved?

7. What do Teresa and Thomas realize about the way the Gladers have been reading the maps?

8. When the maps are layered and compared what do they seem to form?

Lesson #9

The Maze Runner Cause and Effect Chart


Chapters 43-49


1. What are the words that the Gladers find from their analysis of the maps?

2. Why doesn’t Thomas tell the others about his telepathic link to Teresa?

3. What does Thomas realize about the code words?

4. What does Thomas realize that he’s got to do in order to regain his memories?

5. How long did Thomas take to go through the Change?

6. What does Thomas tell the Gladers about themselves?

Lesson #10


The Maze Runner

Test Two


In the following paragraph, circle the vocabulary words that are used improperly. Vocabulary words are italicized.

1. From the minute he saw her, he knew that somehow they were queasy and writhing. Entwined together in a fate that he did not yet understand, he did know one thing: he had to restore the girl to consciousness. Somehow. The remnant of humanity that now sat outside those walls were looking to them for answers; answers he was sure he might have if he could comical them together in some sort of cusp.

Answer the following questions from the story.

2. What does Thomas realize about how the Glade is mapped?



3. What do Thomas and Minho discover when they drop rocks over the edge?




4. What happens to the doors in the Maze?



5. Since she’s awake, where do they keep Teresa?


6. What does Gally tell the group about the Grievers?


Test continued….

7. What do the Gladers realize about their time in the Maze and their own futures?





8. What do Teresa and Thomas realize about the way the Gladers have been reading the maps?




Using the Short Response formula (ROPE) answer the following question:

9. What could be so bad on the outside that someplace like the Glade was created?










10. What does Thomas tell the Gladers about themselves? How would YOU feel if you were them and were hearing this?









Lesson #11

Objective: Characterization

Evaluation: completed Character Maps

Directions: Discuss the differences between static and dynamic characters. Then, in the appropriate blanks have students list characters accordingly. As an extension to the lesson, hand out magazines and old catalogs. Have students select pictures of people that they think best represent or illustrate those characters and place them on their Character Map.

Dynamic vs. Static Characters

Characters experience varying amounts of change over the course of a story.

Two types of characters are:

• Static characters that do not experience basic character changes during the course of the story.

• Dynamic characters that experience changes throughout the plot of a story. Although the change may be sudden, it is expected based on the story’s events.

A story’s characters fall within a range—from very static characters that experience no change to very dynamic characters that undergo one or more major changes.

Choose two dynamic characters and map their changes, thus far.

Character 1

Current Attitudes and Actions

Changes Attitudes and Actions

Character 2

Current Attitudes and Actions

Changes Attitudes and Actions

Read Chapters 50-56


1. If Thomas is right about the Creators (end of Chapter 50) what do you now know about the Creators?

2. Who is responsible for burning the map room?

3. What is the plan to get to the Griever hole?

4. Based on what we’ve learned so far about WICKED, how can they be good?

5. Some Gladers have decided not to go to the Griever hole. Why did they decide to stay?

6. What is the relationship between Teresa and Thomas? What proof do you have for your answer?


Vocabulary Chapters 50-56

Baffled: confused, puzzled

Variable: changeable, not predictable

Resolve: to come to a decision

Fleeting: brief

Dazed: stunned, overwhelmed

Strategize: to plan

Craggy: rough, rugged

Somber: solemn

Sodden: wet, dampened

Surged: to push ahead

Appendages: a part attached to a larger object

Lesson #12

Read Chapters 57-58


1. What do you notice is different about the word PUSH from the rest of the words?

2. Who finds the button on the floor that says, ‘Kill the Maze’?

3. At the end of the long slides down from the tunnel they arrive in an underground chamber. What is standing behind large windows observing them?

Lesson #13

Read Chapters 59-60


1. Who is the boy in the hoodie?

2. Does what Chuck does seem out of character, or is it believable that he would do what he did for Thomas?

3. How did Chuck’s death affect Thomas?

4. What do you think the woman meant when she said one more variable had to be introduced?

5. What are two very descriptive words for the lady that Thomas encounters as he is about to make it to the door?

Lesson #14

Big Essay Question. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. In a future world turned upside down there are tough decisions that have to be made. If you were faced with the situation that Thomas is in and could only take 3 people with you to safety who would it be, and why?

2. Think about the scene where Chuck dies. What makes one person place themselves in the line of fire for another person? What would you have done, and what makes you think this?


Read Chapters 61-Epilogue


1. What is The Flare?

2. Who are the rebels that rescued the Gladers from WICKED?

3. Who is Ava Paige?

4. What can you make of the experiments? What are they trying to figure out?


Lesson #15

Test #3

The Maze Runner

Test Three


1. Who is responsible for burning the map room?


2. . Some Gladers have decided not to go to the Griever hole. Why did they decide to stay?




3. How did Chuck’s death affect Thomas?



4. What do you think the woman meant when she said one more variable had to be introduced?




5. What is The Flare?







Test, cont….

Fill in the blanks

|Baffled |variable |resolve |fleeting |dazed |strategize |

|Craggy |somber |sodden |surged |appendages | |

| | | | | | |

___________________ confused, puzzled

___________________ changeable, not predictable

___________________ to come to a decision

___________________ brief

___________________stunned, overwhelmed

___________________to plan

___________________ rough, rugged

___________________ solemn

___________________wet, dampened

___________________ to push ahead

___________________a part attached to a larger object


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