Please identify the underlined clause as (A) independent ...

Please identify the underlined clause as (A) independent or (B) Subordinate or dependent.

Fill in the appropriate letter on your scantron sheet.

1. Rita Dove, who was born in Akron, Ohio, in 1952, as our nation’s poet laureate from 1993 to 1995.

2. Not until I was twelve years old did my family have a computer.

3. The holiday that I enjoy most is Thanksgiving.

4. The manufacturer’s claim is that the product is completely safe and effective.

5. When a piece of red litmus paper is exposed to a base, the paper turns blue.

For sentences 11-30, please determine whether the subordinate clause is

A) a noun clause

B) an adjective clause or

C) an adverb clause

5. My last class of the day, which is Latin III, is my favorite class.

6. That the deadline for the essay contest is April 15 was announced months ago.

7. Whoever the anonymous donor is certainly has our deepest gratitude.

8 For centuries, his prose has served as a model that aspiring writers have studied.

8. I won’t be able to finish my report on the Iroquois League to night unless I can get to the library this afternoon.

9. Ms. Dorsey who usually teaches our class, is away at a teachers convention.

10. Although Latin III is a hard course in which we usually have homework and at least one quiz or test a week, she somehow makes the class enjoyable.

11. You are exactly three months younger than I am.

For sentences 31-50, please determine whether the sentence is

A) Simple

B) Complex

C) Compound

D) Compound-complex

11. I often listen to music while I clean my room.

12. We can all relax once finals are over, and perhaps we can go on vacation.

13. Be sure to express your appreciation once in a while to whomever you consider your role model

14. This month we are reading selections by Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and Chuck Palahniuk.

15. Cicero was a Roman writer whom Scholars credit with introducing important Greek ideas to Rome, and as a result he is now one of the most important thinkers of Western Civilization.

16. Media coverage of election issues is the magazine’s cover story this week.

17. I will call you if I will be late, and I hope you will do the same.

18. When Ellen Taafe Zwilich won the Pulitzer Prize in 1983, she became the first woman so honored, and she consequently became a feminist icon.

19. She is the best teacher.

20 She is the best teacher I have ever had.

The following sentences are missing commas. Please indicate the necessary comma rule for each sentence by choosing A, B, or C. Please fill in the correct letter on your scantron.

11. I’ll support your candidacy for I think you would make a great class president.

(A) Comma—Interrupter

(B) Comma—Introductory element

(C) Comma—Two or more Independent clauses

12. My understanding Amy is that the assignment is due Friday.

(A) Comma—Nonessential clause

(B) Comma—Interrupter

(C) Comma—Introductory element

13. In any case the deadline is approaching rapidly.

(A) Comma—Two or more adjectives

(B) Comma—Two or more Independent clauses

(C) Comma—Introductory element

14. Drenched the dog shook itself, spraying water all over the kitchen.

(A) Comma—Interrupter

(B) Comma—Introductory element

(C) Comma—Conventional Usage

15. From 1975 to 1977, acclaimed Mexican author Carlos Fuentes served as his country’s ambassador to France.

(A) Comma—Nonessential clause

(B) Comma—Interrupter

(C) Comma—Introductory element

(D) Comma—Conventional Usage

16. How you speak, and how you carry yourself are important when making an impression on others.

(A) Comma—Introductory element

(B) Correct as is

(C) Unnecessary comma

17. Francis Scott Key wrote the words, to the “Star Spangled Banner.”

(A) Comma—Conventional Usage

(B) Correct as is

(C) Unnecessary comma

18. At the end of the interview, please thank the subjects for their time.

(A) Comma—Items in series

(B) Comma—Two or more adjectives

(C) Comma—Introductory element

19. Pat Harris, who received her law degree from U of M, was the first African American woman to serve in the US Cabinet.

(A) Comma—Two or more Independent clauses

(B) Comma—Nonessential clause

(C) Comma—Interrupter

20. Juan’s best subjects are English, Latin, and geometry.

(A) Comma—Items in series

(B) Comma—Two or more adjectives

(C) Comma—Two or more Independent clauses

21. The novel I’m reading is a fast-paced, gripping narrative.

(A) Comma—Items in series

(B) Comma—Two or more adjectives

(C) Comma—Interrupter

50. Mr. Smith, who is our scout leader, asked us what our plans are for the summer.

(A) Comma—Items in series

(B) Comma—Nonessential clause

(C) Comma—Introductory element

For questions 26-35, please mark A or B for the correct choice in the parentheses on your scantron.

26. Bob will be (lying, laying) carpet today.

27. Bob will be (lying, laying) down for a nap this evening.

28. The old Christmas toys (lie, lay) abandoned in the basement.

29. I should have (lain, laid) the toys out so the kids would play with them.

30. Was Freddy (sitting, setting) on top of the barn?

31. A person should not (set, sit) in the sun for too long.

32. When I (set, sets) the table, I make sure to do so with style.

33. Yeast makes bread dough (rise, raise).

34. Fredo would (rise, raise) the blinds at dawn every day.

35. The water had (rose, risen) two feet since yesterday.

Active and Passive Voice

For questions 46-49, please mark the letter for the correct answer on your scantron.

46. A passive construction always includes a linking verb, a past tense verb, and a prepositional phrase.

A. True

B. False

47 The subject in a passive sentence is always the first word of the sentence.

A. True

B. False

48. All sentences with linking verbs like is or was are passive.

A. True

B. False

49. A passive sentence must have at a minimum a linking verb like is or was and a past tense verb.

A. True

B. False

Please choose the option that is the active version of the passive sentences in the following problems.

50. The house was painted by me.

A. Someone painted the house.

B. I painted the house.

C. The house was painted.

D. The painter made sure the house was painted.

51. A gigantic painting was hung in the living room.

A. I hung the painting

B. The living room has a painting in it.

C. A gigantic painting hangs in the living room.

D. Someone hung a gigantic painting in the living room.

52. A vast selection of foods was prepared by my grandma.

A. My Grandma selected lots of food to prepare

B. My Grandma’s food is awesome.

C. My Grandma prepared a vast selection of foods.

D. My Grandma is dead.


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