Vendor Configuration Guide - AT&T Business

Dialogic® IMG 1004 Integrated Media Gateway/

Dialogic® Brooktrout® SR140 Fax Software

Configuration Guide

For Use with AT&T’s

IP Flexible Reach Service

Version 1.0 /Issue 1

June 2, 2008


1 Introduction 3

2 Special Notes 3

3 Overview 3

4 Configuration Guide 4

5 Troubleshooting 12


This document outlines the solution and configuration expectations necessary to connect Dialogic’s IMG1004/Brooktrout SR140 in a Captaris RightFax solution to AT&T’s Flexible Reach Service.

Special Notes

The Dialogic fax solution is 100% fax only. There is no voice at all assumed in this Guide for the solution. Only fax traffic should flow to and from the solution.


The Dialogic fax solution is used exclusively for fax traffic. Facing the AT&T network is a Dialogic IMG 1004. It is responsible for sending and accepting the calls with the AT&T network over SIP.

In a larger view, the Dialogic fax solution consists of a server containing the Captaris Right Fax solution for which the SR 140 acts as the transport layer. It will communicate fax calls using T.38 to the IMG 1004. The IMG 1004 is the interface of SIP to AT&T.


Configuration Guide

Assumes the following version information:

• SR 140 – SDK 5.1

• IMG 1004 – 10.5.x (where x is any value)

Also assumes the following:

• Assumes that Customer personnel understand their particular network topology to confirm/configure/verify the network settings for the IMG

• All IP Addresses listed in this guide are illustrative only and are not intended to reflect a specific network topology

• The Customer personnel verifying the settings are familiar with the ClientView GUI

The configuration of the IMG is fairly straightforward and can be broken down into the following steps:

1. Setting up the IMG 1004 for the Customer network

2. Setting up profiles for the IMG 1004 communication to/from AT&T and to/from the SR140

3. Configuring Routing to/from the SR140 and the AT&T network

1 Setting up the IMG for the customer network

4.1.1 In a Customer implementation the IMG 1004 has CTRL set to the internal Customer network and DATA set to the public IP network towards AT&T. Set the IMG up when adding the “Physical IMG” with the internal Customer IP Address


4.1.2 When creating Network Interfaces, a “CPU” must be configured for the SIP signaling IP Address to the AT&T network on the DATA interface


4.1.3 Once you have configured the Network Interfaces you need to add the Bearer IP Facility. Its IP Address should also be consistent for the AT&T Network IP Addresses.


2 Setting up profiles for the IMG 1004 communication to/from AT&T and to/from the SR140

4.2.1 The IP Bearer Profile for the AT&T IP Border Elements should be set as follows (Relay/Fallback with G729 listed first followed by G.711).


4.2.2 The IP Bearer Profile for the SR140 should be set as follows T.38 and only G.711 codecs.


4.2.3 You must create a SIP-SGP profile for AT&T. First create the default profile (a). After creating the default profile create one for AT&T that allows remote codec negotiation.





4.2.4 You are now able to create a New External Element → New External Gateway that represents the IP Address for SIP of the AT&T IP Border Elements


4.2.5 Also create an External Gateway for the SR140 using the SIP addresses of it. In the SIP Profile, ensure that you select the “default” profile.

4.2.6 NOTE: AT&T will provide an IP address of a second AT&T IP Border Element. One will need to repeat the steps for setting up the initial IP Border Element

3 Configuring Routing to/from the SR140 and the AT&T network

4.3.1 The first step to routing is creating channel groups. Create a channel group for the SR140 and AT&T side. All defaults that come up during creation for the two channel groups are acceptable. In this step ensure that you tie the appropriate network elements to the right channel group.


4.3.2 The SR 140 may not have a calling party sent in its SIP Invites. Set up a translation table that translates a NULL Calling Party to a DID value that AT&T has established for the Fax Solution.


4.3.3 Routing between the SR140 and the AT&T network is simple. Anything coming from the SR140 goes to AT&T and vice versa. Create a route table with two entries that specify the action of taking calls on one channel group and sending it to the other channel group.

a) AT&T incoming calls to go to SR140. The second route entry will simply have the channel groups involved reversed.


4.3.4 Re-Enter the Channel groups that you created and use the values that you have created throughout configuration.


• Uses the Incoming Translation table created to insert a Calling Party

• Uses the G.711 only profile with T.38

• Uses the route table created


• Uses the G.729/G.711 only profile with Relay/Fallback

• Uses the route table created





4.3.5 NOTE: You must create a Route List for the AT&T IP Border Elements and place both of the created channel groups in that Route list. For distribution to be load balanced, you should house Round-Robin as your hunting pattern. The IMG will send any failed calls based on INVITE timeouts to the other IP Border Element for redundancy purposes.

4 Configuring the SR140

4.4.1 You must setup the SR140 to point to the IMG. This is done within the Brooktrout configuration in the IP Parameters tab


2. You must setup the SR140 in the T.38 parameters tab to have the Media Renegotiate Delay Outbound as -1.



In theory there can be fax failures due to transmission issues between the Captaris Right Fax solution and the IMG 1004. Customer personnel should contact Dialogic support before communicating any problem to AT&T. Dialogic personnel will troubleshoot the issue and communicate what if anything is believed to be the issue to Customer. Should AT&T require further technical clarification on the issue, Customer personnel should bridge Dialogic personnel that they were working with onto the discussion.

In general the IMG 1004 will send its initial INVITEs with G.729 and proceed to either negotiate to T.38 with AT&T’s network as required via Re-INVITEs. If AT&T provides indication via signaling that T.38 is not possible, the IMG 1004 will allow fallback to G.711. In G.711 transport the possibility for errors goes up due to network conditions in conditions where latency, jitter, or packet loss are experienced..

Dialogic support in the Americas can be reached at: +1-781-449-9520

This Customer Configuration Guide ("CCG") is offered as a convenience to AT&T's customers.  The specifications and information regarding the product in this CCG are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this CCG are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this CCG.


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