Chapter 16 Worksheet

Chapter 16 Worksheet Key Nomen_____________________________

Part I: Choose the correct form of the third declension adjective and then translate the entire phrase:

|Noun |Adjective |Translation |

|1. aetāte (brief) |Brevī |In/within a brief age |

|2. artium (difficult) |Difficilium |Of difficult arts/skills |

|3. tempestātēs (powerful) |Potentēs |Powerful storms |

|4. audītōrī (every) |Omnēs |Every listener |

Part II: Translate the following sentences and answer the questions:

1. Aetās difficilis, autem, potest esse beāta.

• Translate:

A difficult age, however, is able to be beautiful/happy.

• Parse difficilis: Nom. sg. feminine (with Aetās)

2. Quam brevis erat dulcis vīta eius!

• Translate:

How brief was the sweet life of him (his life)!

• Parse eius: gen. sg. personal pronoun (is, ea, id)

3. In omnī terrā virōs fēmināsque fortēs vidēbitis.

• Translate:

In every land you will see brave men and women.

• Parse fortēs: Acc. pl.

4. Perīcula ingentia paucīs hōrīs superāvimus.

• Translate:

We have overcome huge dangers in a few hours.

• Parse ingentia: Acc. pl. Neuter

• What case is hōrīs and why? Abl. in a time construction: abl. of time when or within which

5. Ille vir fortis animālia ācria ex portā urbis iēcit.

• Translate:

That brave man threw the fierce animals out of the gate of the city.

• Parse ācria: Acc. pl. Neuter

• Parse iēcit: 3rd sg. pf. indicative active


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