Kenwood Academy High School

African-American History – Mrs. Bedford-CarterThe Autobiography of Malcolm X Discussion Questions – iloveafricanamericanhistory.Chapter 1: Nightmare1.The chapter begins with Malcolm’s mother being terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan riders threatening and warning her to get their family out of town. Why do the riders want them gone?2.Explain the Reverend Little’s connection with Marcus Garvey and his organization. Why would Garvey’s “back to Africa” preachings be a threat to the KKK, especially since one would think the KKK would agree with blacks returning to Africa? How does the Reverend Little’s past explain his dedication to the Garvey movement?3.Describe Malcolm’s family with regard to his step and full siblings. Describe the physical appearances of his parents. How does skin color and hair texture impact their behavior and determine who are favored in Malcolm’s family? What other differences exists between Malcolm’s parents?.4.Describe the socio-economic status of the blacks in Lansing. Although the Little family is poverty stricken, why are they better off than many of the other blacks in town?5.How might you explain that although Malcolm has many memories of attending Garvey meetings with his father and hearing Garvey preachings, he still maintains negative and stereotypical images of Africa? Has taken a class such as African American Studies changed your image of Africa? Why or why not?6.Describe the efforts of Malcolm’s mother and other family members to keep the family going after the Reverend Little’s death. Explain how racism thwarts the mother’s efforts in particular.7.How does the state Welfare humiliate and dehumanize the Little family? Does the state continue to do so today?8.Describe how the Little family’s destitution begins Malcolm’s downward spiral into crime. How does Malcolm’s petty crime lead to his mother being institutionalized?9.What happens to the rest of the family after the mother is placed in the State Mental Hospital at Kalamazoo? Are you surprised or not?10.Why do you think Malcolm X titles this chapter “Nightmare”? Make a list of these “nightmares”.Chapter 2: Mascot1. Explain the significance of June 27, 1937 to African American people then. How does that day’s event influence Malcolm? What is the outcome of Malcolm’s venture into the ring?2. Malcolm eventually is sent to reform school because of his deliberate decision to wear a hat in his classroom. Do you agree with the teacher’s handling of the situation? Do you agree with Malcolm’s revenge on the teacher? Cite instances along this chain of events that could have altered the outcome.3. What is a mascot? Why does Malcolm feel the Swerlins and other whites in his childhood regarded him as a mascot? How does Mason Junior High treat Malcolm as a mascot?4. Malcolm’s favorite subjects are English and history, but he dislikes his history teacher. Why? Why does he dislike mathematics?5. Why does being called “nigger” and other racial epithets not bother Malcolm as you think it would?6. What restrictions do Malcolm’s white classmates have on their acceptance of him?7. How do the white boys use Malcolm to get girls for themselves? Do young men use similar strategies today? Explain.8. Describe the “race mixing” that goes on in Lansing. What is hypocritical about this behavior?9. Why is Malcolm especially impressed by his older stepsister Ella?10.How does Malcolm’s summer visit with Ella in Boston change him upon his return to Lansing?11. Why does his English teacher’s “advice” about his future plans disturb Malcolm? What knowledge about himself causes Malcolm to change inside? How is his behavior different?12. After his graduation from the eighth grade, Malcolm leaves Lansing and goes to live with his sister Ella in Boston. Why is Malcolm glad that Mr. Ostrowski did not encourage him to become a lawyer after all?Read the poem, “We Wear The Mask,” by Paul Laurence Dunbar. Make sure you analyze and know the vocabulary words.How does this poem relate to Malcolm in chapter 2? ................

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