Chapter 27: Communicable Diseases

Chapter 27: Communicable Diseases

7th Grade Health

A. What Causes Disease?

1. Diseases occur when ______ body functions are disrupted.

2. There are two types of disease.

a. _________ diseases- are NOT spread from one person to another. (ex. Cancer)

b. _________ diseases-are passed from one ______ thing to another by ________.

(germs that can cause diseases).

1. ______ basic kinds of pathogens: Viruses, ______, fungi, and ____ can cause disease.

B. Circle below whether it is a communicable or a non-communicable disease

Common Cold (Communicable/ Non Communicable)

Cancer (Communicable/ Non Communicable)

Drug Addiction (Communicable/ Non Communicable)

Diabetes (Communicable/ Non Communicable)

The Flu (Communicable/ Non Communicable)

Heart Disease (Communicable/ Non Communicable)

C. Ways Pathogens Can Be Passed.

1. Through the ______. (sneezing)

2. ____________ objects. (______/_____ on door)

3. Person to _______. (_____, shaking _____)

4. _______. (ex. Ringworm & Lyme disease)

5. _______ and _______. (bacteria, improper _______ or __________ of foods)

D. Ways to Control Pathogens

1. Pasteurization-use of ______ to kill bacteria. (____)

2. Vaccines & Immunity: ________ are substances that help your body develop to a disease.

a. When injected, they allow your body’s immune system to _____ a _______ against the disease.

1. _______ is resistance to a disease.

3. Antibiotics-substances that can ____ bacteria or _____ its _______.

a. _____ are _____ affected by antibiotics.

E. Your Body’s Defenses

1. _____, ______, ________, ___________ and ____________-pathogens get destroyed quickly by _________ and ________ digestion.

2. _____-Of the many layers of cells that create your skin, the outermost layers are dead, therefore the pathogen cannot find a live cell to infect.

a. Your also secrete oil onto your skin which contains chemicals that kill pathogens.

3. ________ System is an _____ of individual _______, ______ and ______ that work _____ to fight against __________.

4. If skin is _____, cut or ________, _______ may ____ your _____.

a. __________reacts to keep out as many __ __________.

1. _______ blood flow to the ______ area sends ______ that help create _____ to _____ the open _______.

b. ________ System is an _____ of individual _______, ______ and ______ that work _____ to fight against __________.

F. Three Types Of Cells In The Immune System (handout)

1. ____________: These cells _____ microorganisms or viruses that have entered.

2. __ Cells: Help _____ the immune system, helping to gather ______ (the pieces of ______) and _______ _______ T Cells which kill _____ cell _________ with the _________.

3. __ Cells: Make ________. These are _______ that ______ to specific ________ to _________ them.

a. ________ B Cells-it takes __ _______ to make ________ for a new pathogen.

1. This is ____ _____ to prevent _________, therefore the ______ time you are infected, you get _____.

b. Once ______, when that _______ ___________ enters the body _____, the ______ are sent ______ to ______ to it.

G. Fevers

1. When the _________ activate the ______ T Cells, they ____________ send a signal to the ______ to turn up the ______.

2. A _______ fever ______ you get _______ by _______ down the ________ of some _________.

3. Fevers also ____ the T & B Cells ______ faster.

4. ____ fevers can cause ____ and blood _____damage.

H. Challenges to the Immune System

1. ________ occur when the immune system ________ to _____ (ALLERGENS) that are _____ usually dangerous to the body.

a. Causes: Food, medicine, pollen, dust/dust mites, animal hair & dander, mold, grass, etc.

b. Symptoms: runny nose, itchy eyes, asthma,

Swollen _______, rash, hives, _________ and ______________.

2. ____________ ______ is when the _______ system attacks the _____ own ______.

a. The system ________ tell the ________ between _______ and some ____ _____.

b. Ex. Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, Lupus.

3. ________ is ________ cell growth.

a. ___________ destroy this type of cell, however, sometimes the ____ ______ gets out of the ______ of the immune system.

b. Cancer ____ invade nearby _______.

c. Cancer ____ enter into the ___________ or __________ systems allowing it to _______ to _____ parts of the _____.

d. Cancer ______ _____ activities of the ______ invaded, often leading to _____.

1. Certain _______ or ____________ drugs can _____ the cancer ______ or _____ their ______.

4. (AIDS) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

a. ____ affects the _______ system _______.

b. It _____ the _____ T Cells to ______ more ______, _________ the _____ in the process.

1. This means the ______ and ________ _______ be put to work by the T Cells.

c. Without the T Cells doing their job, the _______ system ______ attack _____ or other ________.

d. People with AIDS _______ usually die of AIDS, but from the _____ diseases that they are ______ to _______ off without a _______ working _______ _________.


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