Sports Marketing Midterm Exam

Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Project & Midterm Exam

(200 Points)

Study a professional league

You will be researching a professional sports league for the next two class periods and will create a multimedia (PowerPoint, Prezi, Movie Maker.) presentation on that league. If you choose PowerPoint. you will submit it as a hard copy using the “Handout” format selecting 6 slides per page.

For your midterm exam, you are going to conduct an oral presentation for the class, which will be a minimum of two minutes and no longer than four minutes. You may use notes during the presentation.

The PowerPoint grading procedure is as follows:

______/5pts Welcome slide

______/20pts League slide(s) – how sport is played, difference from other leagues, league headquarters

______/10pts History of the league

______/5pts Teams and locations

______/5pts Expansion plans, demographics

______/5pts Stadiums, attendance, ticket prices

______/10pts Current Promotions

______/10pts Corporate sponsors

______/10pts Suggestions on how to better market the league

______/10pts Sources Cited (website, interviews, textbooks, etc.)

______/10pts Minimum of 10 slides

______/100 points TOTAL

The Mid-term Exam presentation grading procedure is as follows:

Eye contact with audience, loud, clear voice _____/20 pts

“Handout” Printout turned in _____/20pts

Knowledgeable of material presented _____/20pts

Provided detailed information _____/20pts

Presentation was professional, informative, appropriate _____/20pts

TOTAL _____/100 points TOTAL



|American Football |Independent Off-season |Western Indoor Football Association |

|Major |Colombian Professional Baseball League | |

|National Football League |Nicaraguan Professional Baseball League |Indoor Lacrosse |

|Independent |Veracruz Winter League |Major |

|Hawaii Professional Football League |Basketball |Canadian Lacrosse League |

|Stars Football League |Major |National Lacrosse League |

|United Football League |National Basketball Association |North American Lacrosse League |

|Arena Football |Minor | |

|Major |National Basketball Association Development League |Indoor Soccer |

|Arena Football League |Independent |Major |

|Women's |American Basketball Association |Canadian Major Indoor Soccer League |

|Leather and Lace Football League |Atlantic Coast Professional Basketball League |Major Indoor Soccer League |

|Baseball |Continental Basketball League |Mexican Indoor Football League |

|Major |Eastern Basketball Alliance |Professional Arena Soccer League |

|Major League Baseball |International Basketball League | |

|AAA |National Basketball League of Canada |Lacrosse |

|International League |Premier Basketball League |Major |

|Mexican League |Universal Basketball Association |Major League Lacrosse |

|Pacific Coast League |United Basketball League | |

|AA |West Coast Professional Basketball League |Roller Hockey |

|Eastern League |World Basketball Association Exposure League |Major |

|Southern League |Independent Minor |Major League Roller Hockey |

|Texas League |Universal Basketball Association D-League | |

|Advanced A |Women's |Softball |

|California League |Women's National Basketball Association |Women's |

|Carolina League |Canadian Football |National Pro Fastpitch |

|Florida State League |Major | |

|A |Canadian Football League |Soccer |

|Midwest League |Ice Hockey |Major |

|South Atlantic League |Major |Major League Soccer |

|Short-season A |National Hockey League |Reserve |

|New York-Penn League |AAA |Major League Soccer Reserve League |

|Northwest League |American Hockey League |Division 2 |

|Advanced Rookie |AA |North American Soccer League |

|Appalachian League |Central Hockey League |Division 3 |

|Pioneer League |ECHL |Canadian Soccer League |

|Rookie |A |United Soccer Leagues Professional Division |

|Arizona League |Federal Hockey League |Women's |

|Dominican Summer League |Ligue Nord-Américaine de Hockey |Women's Professional Soccer |

|Gulf Coast League |Southern Professional Hockey League | |

|Venezuelan Summer League |Indoor Football |Team Boxing |

|Affiliated Off-season |Major |Major |

|Arizona Fall League |Indoor Football League |World Series of Boxing |

|Australian Baseball League |Southern Indoor Football League | |

|Dominican Professional Baseball League |Independent |Team Tennis |

|Mexican Pacific League |Continental Indoor Football League |Coed |

|Puerto Rico Baseball League |Ultimate Indoor Football League |World TeamTennis |

|Venezuelan Professional Baseball League | | |

|Independent | | |

|American Association | | |

|Atlantic League | | |

|Canadian American Association | | |

|Frontier League | | |

|Gulf Coast Baseball League | | |

|North American League | | |

Honor Code Acknowledgement


The answers on this paper are my own. I did not receive nor give aid on this exam. I have complied with all aspects of the PFHS Honor Code.

____________________________________ ___________________________

Student Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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