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Monday, July 6Riches and Regret1 Timothy 6:9 (CSB) But those who want to be rich fall into temptation, a trap, and many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge people into ruin and destruction.Charles Ponzi’s name will be forever associated with the financial fraud scheme he elevated to a way of life. After some minor financial crimes and brief times in jail, in early 1920 he began offering investors a 50 percent return on their money in 45 days and a 100 percent return in 90 days. Although it seemed too good to be true, the money poured in. Ponzi used money from new investors to pay prior investors and fund his lavish lifestyle. By the time his fraud was discovered in August 1920, investors had lost 20 million dollars and five banks had failed. Ponzi spent 3 years in prison, was later deported to Italy, and died penniless in 1949 at the age of 66.This tragic account of Ponzi’s life shows us the reality of Proverbs 22:1: “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.” As Pastor Keith said in the message yesterday, there is nothing wrong with money. It’s our attitude toward money that will make us or break us. When we allow the desire to get rich to become more important than people or having a good name, we are headed toward ruin and destruction. Instead, let’s be wise with money and avoid the traps associated with it.Reflection?Have you ever made unwise decisions related to money? How were you affected by them? What advice would you give yourself about money if you could go back in time and talk to your teenage self??Praise?Praise God for His ownership of everything in the heavens and the earth. Thank Him for His ability to give us what we need when we need it as we trust in Him.???2020 Dogwood Church. A Discipleship Ministry Resource.Tuesday, July 7Money and IntegrityProverbs 10:2 (CSB) Ill-gotten gains do not profit anyone, but righteousness rescues from death.?When a bank teller accidentally deposited $120,000 in the wrong account, the account’s owners went on a shopping spree. State police said a Montoursville, Pa., couple purchased an SUV, a race car, two four-wheelers, and a camper, as well as paying bills and giving $15,000 to friends. Do they get to keep the money? Robert and Tiffany Williams’ bank contacted them after realizing the error and told them they had to return the money. But the Williamses didn’t have the money anymore, and the bank took them to court. Now they face felony theft charges. As they arrived at court, Robert Williams told a TV reporter, “All I’m going to say is we took some bad legal advice from some people, and it probably wasn’t the best thing in the end.”While most of us will not be tempted by a large financial mistake by a bank, most of us must decide about the extra change we receive at the store or the mistaken refund by the IRS. Doing the right thing when it comes to money can be difficult sometimes. We rationalize to ourselves by thinking no one will ever know or that we deserve the money. How about you? Do you have integrity when it comes to money? Remember, “ill-gotten gains do not profit anyone.”?Reflection?Do you think God is pleased with the way you handle money? How can you keep the desire for more money from corrupting your heart? ?Praise?Praise God for His unlimited resources. Thank Him for wealth that you have and ask Him to help you hold onto your integrity in how you manage it.????2020 Dogwood Church. A Discipleship Ministry Resource.???Wednesday, July 8Health over Wealth1 Timothy 6:7-8 (CSB)For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out. If we have food and clothing, we will be content with these.A man named Jack died, so his lawyer is standing before the family and reads out Jack’s Last Will and Testament. “To my dear wife Esther, I leave the house, 50 acres of land, and 1 million dollars. To my son Barry, I leave my Big Lexus and the Jaguar. To my daughter Suzy, I leave my yacht and $250,000. And to my brother-in-law Jeff, who always insisted that health is better than wealth, I leave my treadmill.”Nothing divides families more than arguing over money – especially when it comes to how money is divided when a wealthy loved one dies. Not only can it ruin relationships, the desire for money can overshadow our eternal perspective. It can blind us to what really matters. It is unwise to spend all our time on worldly riches while we neglect storing up treasures in heaven. Reflection?Have you ever lost or strained a relationship over money? How can an eternal perspective about true treasure help you make wise choices in this life??Praise?Praise God for His promise of heavenly reward. Thank Him for storing up treasure in heaven for us as we faithfully serve Him in this life. ???2020 Dogwood Church. A Discipleship Ministry Resource.Thursday, July 9Beware of GreedLuke 12:15 (CSB) He then told them, “Watch out and be on guard against all greed, because one’s life is not in the abundance of his possessions.”In 2012, Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots football team, revealed to the world that Russian president Vladimir Putin stole one of Kraft's $25,000 Super Bowl rings. Don't feel too bad for Kraft—he has three more where that came from! But it's true: back in 2005, when Kraft was visiting Putin at the Kremlin, he made the mistake of showing the Russian leader one of his Super Bowl rings. Kraft took it out and handed it to the Russian leader, who put it on his finger and said, "I could kill someone with this ring"—because it was so massive. Then, according to Kraft, Putin put in in his pocket, his KGB guys surrounded him, and they walked out—with Kraft's ring! It even had Bob Kraft's name engraved on it! Kraft talked to the State Department, and they encouraged him, in the interest of U.S.-Russian relations to lie and say that he gave it to Putin as a gift. But Kraft finally broke his silence in 2012. But the point is this: Kraft did give Putin his ring—temporarily, to borrow for a few moments. He intended for Putin to use it for a few moments, put it on his finger and admire it. But he did not intend for Putin, once he took possession of it, to act as if this ring belonged to him. No doubt greed leads to all kinds of problems – even international incidents! All of us can be susceptible to the insatiable desire for more. Jesus warned us to be on a guard against it. Do you have your guard up?Reflection?When have you struggled with the sin of greed? What has been the result? Why is greed so hard to overcome??Praise?Praise God for being the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).?Thank Him for His generous heart toward His children.??2020 Dogwood Church. A Discipleship Ministry Resource.Friday, July 10Money Can’t Buy HappinessEcclesiastes 5:10 (CSB) The one who loves silver is never satisfied with silver, and whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with income. This too is futile.In 2014, software giant Microsoft paid $2.5 billion to acquire Mojang AB, the Swedish company that created the worldwide gaming sensation Minecraft. The deal made Markus Persson a billionaire, with a personal net worth of about $1.3 billion, according to Forbes. Persson promptly outbid Beyoncé and Jay-Z for a Beverly Hills mega mansion—a $70 million home that's been described as an "overwhelming sensory experience," as the listing read, outfitted with insane amenities like M&M towers, vodka and tequila bars, a movie theater and 15 bathrooms, each equipped, we're told, with toilets that cost $5,600 each. But on August 29, 2015 Persson posted a series of tweets that captured his gnawing sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction:4:48 am: The problem with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying, and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance.4:50 am: Hanging out in Ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I've never felt more isolated.4:52 am: When we sold the company, the biggest effort went into making sure the employees got taken care of, and they all hate me now.4:53 am: Found a great girl, but she's afraid of me and my life-style and went with a normal person instead.?Money can do lots of things, but it can never satisfy our souls. It can never satisfy our deepest longings for love, acceptance, and purpose. That’s why Jesus went to great lengths to warn us about our attitude toward money. Let’s be careful to not buy the lie that money satisfies what lies deep within our souls. Reflection?Have you ever tried to buy happiness by purchasing things? What is the difference between happiness and joy? ?Praise?Praise God for the joy His presence brings. Thank Him for giving us eternal joy in Christ and making us rich beyond measure.???2020 Dogwood Church. A Discipleship Ministry Resource.??Saturday & Sunday, July 11-12Generous Fisherman1 Timothy 6:18 (CSB) Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share.?A missionary in Africa received a knock on the door of his hut one afternoon. Answering, the missionary found a native boy holding a large fish in his hands. The boy said, "Reverend, you taught us what tithing is, so here. I've brought you my tithe." As the missionary gratefully took the fish, he questioned the boy. "If this is your tithe, where are the other nine fish?" At this, the boy beamed and said, "Oh, they're still back in the river. I'm going back to catch them now."This boy learned at an early age what all of us who follow Christ should emulate. He was generous because he realized that God was the source of all his blessings. He knew God would provide even though he gave away the only fish he had. Generosity is the antidote to materialism. When we give, we remind ourselves that what we have is on loan from the Lord. And when we give regularly, we won’t grow attached to things. Giving releases the tentacles of materialism wanting to grow in our hearts. In John 3:16, we know that God so loved the world that He gave His Son. Truly, we are most like our Heavenly Father when we give. If you want to grow in your walk with the Lord, be generous to others with your time, your talents, and your treasure.Reflection?Would you consider yourself a generous person? Can you think of some recent examples? If you can’t think of any, make a plan for being more generous this week.?Praise?Praise God for being a generous God. Thank Him for giving His only Son so you might have life in His name.?2020 Dogwood Church. A Discipleship Ministry Resource. ................

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