North Korea on US and AlliesWashington Post: North Korean State Media Hails Trump-Kim Meeting as Victory for PeaceThe North Korean media portrayed Donald Trump as a peacemaker for his efforts made when he met with both the North and South Korean leader in North Korean territory.The Rodong Sinmun (North Korean newspaper of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea ) describe Trump’s actions as bold.The North Korean media has also changed from its old views of seeing the United States as a hostile enemy to now seeing the United States as a future ally and a nation whom they could help and benefit off a relation with. This is largely due to Kim Jong Un’s reflections of his meeting with Trump and the great influence he contains over the North Korean media.?The Hill: North Korean Media: New US Missiles in South Korea Would Trigger 'New Cold?War'North Korean media have changed their perception quite often as they criticize the U.S for their position in giving weapons to South Korea. KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) has argued that the U.S does this to remain dominant is the Asian region rather than to protect South Korea.“pro-Japanese treacherous crimes committed by the Park Geun Hye-led group of traitors in February 2016.” (The Pyongyang Times).In an article about the conviction of South Korean conservatives Korean media refers to people as “pro-Japanese” traitors. The US is one of Japan’s major allies and their media uses words such as “treacherous” and “traitors” which emphasizes the dislike for them.???A Pyongyang Times article titled S. Korean authorities warned against military buildup articulates the North Korean perspective on South Korea’s increase in military weapons. “This reveals the hypocritical and sinister aim sought by the south Korean authorities”.? (The Pyongyang Times).The article is specific about the increase of F-35s and how their increase in weapons is an example of their increasing aggression. They portray South Korea as offensive in terms of military capabilities.The Pyongyang Times increases the perception of threat surrounding the military aid in South Korea through the use of pathos. By painting South Korean military activities as a “sinister” plot planned by the South Korean government they make them seem even more dangerous.UK, France, Germany advised to rid themselves of old thinking, is an article by the Pyongyang Times regarding these countries’ stances on North Korean military activities and demonstrations.“meddling every time in our self-defensive measures for arms modernization. These are preposterous actions which no one will ever understand”? (The Pyongyang Times).They article takes a very defensive stance regarding global opinions of their military choices. They describe it as meddling which makes these countries seem very interventionist and uneducated when they voice their views.A Korean Central News Agency article titled South Koreans Call for Ending South Korea-U.S. Alliance claims the U.S. is planning on using the South Korean army as “cannon fodder” for their war of aggression on the DPRK.“The People's Party, the Confederation of Trade Unions and the Solidarity for Progress of south Korea released statements on Oct. 30 demanding an end to unequal south Korea-U.S. alliance…”Same event is also found on North Korean sponsored news site DPRK Today.Article talks about U.S. as taking advantage of South Korea by using their army and finances to fulfil their goal of dominating the world, portraying the U.S. as an evil regime that holds no feelings for other countries other than their own.North Korea As Portrayed by US & Allied MediaNorth Korea is developing new missiles that can be aimed very far and are powerful enough to take out almost a quarter of the planet.?They have doubled their nuclear and missile testing since 2011.Media is writing that they have to approach North Korea with caution and referring North Korea as a “warhead”?North Korea is portrayed as dangerous; it appears as if they will fire missiles off at any minute, will fire off missiles without new deal; fired ballistic missile off days before talk with US about nuclear missilesAlso portrayed as hostile ; fire off missiles if talk not resumed (stalled by US); hours after agreeing to resume talks fire off ballistic missileUncooperative; always talks about how talks b/w US and NK breaking down, failure of Kim-Trump summit, but Trump relies on U.S.’s “good” relationships with North Korea.?Scary/ Threat; North Korea says patience is running out… possibility of missiles firing; one year deadline to find common ground/ mutual terms for possibility of denuclearization of North KoreaUncooperative; reject Washington’s suggestion? to have negotiators from both sides meet in Stockholm in two weeks (10/06/19) no intent to denuclearize? Using it to levy an advantage; “want mutual terms”Media portrays Kim Jung Un is hated even by his own people and that they are suffering because of his regime and that his grandfather was a better leader .The media is making North Korea seem like they are a ticking bomb that the U.S. needs to focus on right away by sending the military to a base near North KoreaPortrays North Korea as terrible for allying itself with dictator of Uganda and are making this worse for Uganda by giving them weapons and training them to fight their civil wars.?Also portrays their factory in Uganda and their relations with Uganda as suspiciousSeen as sneaky when Egypt smuggles in North Korean weapons and it seems both parties are guilty. North Korea sent alleged threats to the Arab Organization for Industrialization to keep the deal a secret as it violates UN law. Egypt also seems to be portrayed as being blackmailed by N Korea.?Seen as an underworld worldwide arms dealer to many Sub-Saharan African countries.People are also “urged” to donate supplies to Kim Jung Un whenever he comes to a living area to make inspections, disrupting daily life and people’s ability to make money.?Portrayed as standard of living being poor with no electricity and no food.?Very militia nation as all of their resources, including food are diverted to it, while people are starvingSays US is in danger of North Korea due to looming impeachment of Donald Trump and because of their allies in China.?Portrayed as crafty and using their talks about disarmament to influence whether Trump gets re-elected or not.?Examine North Korea's relationship with South Korea and its allies like the USNorth and South Korea experience many conflicts often times because of U.S and South Korean military drills which go against agreements made with the presidents of the two countriesMany nuclear and missile tests in and from the North Korean government have resulted in tense relations with countries worldwideRussia , China, and the US are among it’s largest allies?China has a friendship agreement/treaty with North Korea and is its main trading partnerHalf of food aid to North Korea comes from USRussia supported UN sanctions on North Korea, but did not support force along with China in 2009UN has called various times for food aid from countries to NK despite sanctionsNorth Korea v.s. United State (recent)Both want denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula?United States demands on NK?North Korea beliefs/demands on USDeclare all nuclear weapons and hand them to another country?Destroy nuclear facilities?Let in international team of inspectors to make sure NK doesn’t have a secret stash?survival= nuclear arsenal?Afraid to be like Libya (Libya turned in its nuclear weapons → fall of government)Wants some sanctions to be lifted before the reducement of nuclear activity?U.S. to end its hostile policy?Historical Context:?End of WWII → Japan lost control over Korea Peninsula?38th parallel: split of North and South Korea?*38th parallel: a demilitarized zone, armed and electrified barrier to act as an obstacle between the two countries*United States: South Korea (republic)Soviet Union: North Korea (democratic)South Korea vs United StatesUnited States: maintained Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine personnel in SK?Mutual Defense Treaty: help SK defend itself against external aggressionEconomic: trade and investment → important in U.S.-S.K. relationshipExports → SK: $82.0 billionImports → SK: $87.3 billionTrump Administration officials: possibility of launching a preventive military strike?- risk triggering a North Korean vengeance against South Korea- threat to South Korea’s securityTactics Used to Brainwash NK CitizensChildren are taught subjects like music, history and literature about North Korean leaders and their greatness (a.k.a Kims).?The government tricked/persuaded their people or citizens that North Korea was a ¨paradise¨ by showing them images of youngsters vanishing from extreme scarcity of food in Africa?Children from a very young age ¨...as young as 4¨ were educated about the privilege/glory to be in General Kim?s army?School children often go on field trips to a museum dedicated to American and North Korean relations; the Americans are displayed as cruel, disgusting human beings who are sent out to invade their country in the museum.?Cover up stories like the Great Famine of? 1990 saying it was intentional of the government to prioritize the more important citizens with their rations.Blames famine on US SanctionsThe governing body of the NK nation portraying the U.S. as a rival/enemy?used posters to motivate vigorous support for one? country and the violent efforts is for the prestige of the countryStudents at a young age are taught how to fight dummies that look like “Americans” with wooden grenade throwing or attacking with batons.?Children were encouraged to only draw pictures of Kim Il Sung and pictures to his favor at schoolThe government controls what you see on TV, allowing only certain channels, hiding citizens from any information of the outside world. Also no internet.Americans were captured and were made to act in movies: they were always the “evil” American of these filmsStudents are to be put in brainwashing programs on weekends, once a weekSchool curriculum designed to implement brainwashing-"There are 10 American tanks and the North Korean army destroyed five of them. How many are left?"?North Korea’s use of strict measures of social media and information, provides support to bring out the effectiveness of propaganda.??People are taught to worship the leader of North Korea with literature or television and teachers telling students what good the leader does for the country; to make him seem like a God?Media in North Korea is controlled by a totalitarian gov’t; they only put out information that supports the personality of the North Korean or the regime.??Portraits of the leader hung everywhere and must be cleaned.???North Korean CensorshipMedia is state-ownedNews agency ‘Central Korean News Agency’ is gov. mouthpieceJournalists are professional propagandists?Harsh surveillance measures to keep track of what information citizens accessAccessing uncensored information and sharing news from enemy countries is a crime?Internet is highly restricted?Only the elite have access to it, and even so it is still heavily monitoredAccess to the internet is given to those who have to fulfill a certain task; Ex. MonitorNorth Korea has its own smartphones, tablets, etc.They are made to look like the user has full access to the internet, but they don’tThe devices are made to control and monitor information that’s accessed??They don’t have wifi, Bluetooth, or a search engineThe web pages that can be accessed are mostly propagandasurveillance + informer network used to spy on citizensForeign phone calls aren’t easy; China’s black market + border (isn’t always successful)?Supposed freedom of religion but ppl are meant to worship Kim family?Kenneth Bae sent. 15 yrs 2013-14 for Christian toursPolitical punishments through labor camps; torture, beatings, sexual coercion, abuseNK is known to make public executions; known for the death penaltyForeigners can/will be sent to labour camps EX Otto Warmbier 2016NK has had kidnappings?High rise apartment windows blocked w/ concrete, slats, screens so citizens don’t look @ government buildings below?Low citizen internet usership: ~1,000 to U.S.’s 1.5 billion IP AddressesMarketing of the regime focuses usually on anti-Western ideologyA complete bypass of dealing with media by just not participating in the media ageNorth Korea is one of the most heavily censored countries…?Kim Jun Un has control over the public's information flowHarsh punishment for those who share uncensored information, or information from countries that are seen as enemiesPeople have been conditioned to only receive information from the governmentThe New York Times has named North Korea as “the most oppressed country”“Intranet” is a substitute for internet in North KoreaFor certain elite grade schools, selected research institutions, universities, factories, and privileged individuals.??Although filtered by Korea Computer Center to receive only “acceptable information”Communism in North Korea and its Link to munism began as a movement in the early 1900s in North Korea.At the end of World War 2 in 1945 Japan and the Soviet Union agreed that the Soviet Union would control the north of Korea.Influenced by the Soviets, North Korea enforced communist’s ideals into their society such as public owned property, suppressing religious groups, and government control over economic planning.Founded in 1948 after the United States and Soviet Union agreed to divide the Korean peninsula after WW2Soviets install Kim Il Sung as leader of North Korea (1948-1994)Kim Il Sung followed Marxist and Leninist ideals hoping to apply them in North Korea.?Ruled country with the nationalist ideology of "Juche”, where the people had to rely on the governmentJuche is an ideal that promotes the country as a whole to be completely independent.The government enforced Juche by controlling the economy, farm-lands, and even private property.Silenced other religious and small meetings of other political beliefsAfter Il Sung's death, he is replaced by his son, Kim Jong IlEstablishes "Songun Chong'chi" policy, allowing the Korean People's Army to be the political and economic force of the countryIl Jong dies in December 2011 and is replaced by his son, Kim Jong UnKim Jong Un uses the term Juche as a justification of Korea’s political and economical system?Juche is enforced through the materials teachers use to educate their studentsThey want young children to believe in? Juche at an early age.Any type of media information is also being restricted?The development of a nuclear weapons supposedly represents JucheDictatorship is a totalitarianistic political system where only one leader holds complete power over his/her countryThere is no lenience for different political systems or independent mediaCommunism is an economic system where work and resources are shared equally?Created by Karl MarxAlthough dictatorship is a political system and communism is an economic system, the link between North Korea’s communist enforcements began with Kim Il Sung, but is especially enforced through Kim Jong Un?Kim Jong Un requires all property to be owned by the government and is in control over the means of production having absolute rule using his political power.Kim Jong Un holds complete power over his country when enforcing a communist economy where he uses the government/military power to make sure all resources are shared equally among his citizensNorth Korea AlliesNorth Korea has known relations with China and Russia because of CommunismChina and the Soviet Union supported North Korea during the Korean War so they continued to keep close economic tiesIn addition North Korea also has an alliance with Pakistan, Bulgaria, Benin, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Malaysia, and MadagascarNorth Korea and China have a treaty in which they both assist one another and have co-operationChina is North Korea’s main trading partner which has helped Kim Jong-un’s regimeTheir relationship is becoming unstable because of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal, China wants to denuclearize North KoreaChina also banned imports of coal from North KoreaRussia is also a benefactor of North KoreaIn 2015, Russia and North Korea deepened their political and economic tiesRussia doesn’t have much influence on North Korea as does ChinaNorth Korea is allies with Russia because they can rely on them economically since every other country is placing sanctions on North KoreaRussia also want to denuclearize North Korea that's why they keep close ties with North KoreaAlso Russia is a geographic ally, makes sense as to why they are alliesNorth Korea has been trying to gain relations with other African and Asian countries for a long timeWeapon factories set up in Madagascar, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and UgandaNorth Korean police training is provided in Benin, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and NigeriaNorth Korea’s ballistic missiles manufacturing lines are bought by Libya and EgyptPakistan relationship has gotten as far as the 1970s in diplomatic, security, and economicPakistan is being supplied and also been accused of supplying nuclear weapons as wellPakistan is keep military ties to show loyalty to China and the prevention of international investigation of AQ Khan (pakistanti nuclear physicist)Bulgaria is the only North Korean ally in Europe since Bulgaria’s early communist era dating back in 1948, they had signed an agreement with one another in 1970Recently, Bulgaria has been restricting coal and iron coming from North Korea, and reducing their staff members in their embassy. They want to denuclearise North Korea as well. ................

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