The UW School of Nursing has begun using Proctorio, an online proctor tool, to make it easier and more convenient for students to take remotely proctored quizzes and exams. The following are answers to some frequently asked questions.

Q1: What is Proctorio? A: Proctorio is an online proctor tool integrated in Canvas quizzes that is designed to make taking remotely proctored quizzes and exams easier and more convenient for students. No more driving to campus just to take a quiz!

The service was offered as part of a pilot program in Spring 2016 and was well-received by students using the service. As a result, the UW School of Nursing will begin offering this service more broadly.

Q2: How does Proctorio work? A: You will access Proctorio through Canvas. Proctorio uses the Internet, your computer's webcam and microphone to monitor your activity during quizzes. If your computer doesn't have a webcam or microphone or the ability to access the Internet, you will need to use a different computer with these capabilities.

Q3: Does Proctorio comply with the school student conduct policy and accreditation standards? A: Yes. The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities accreditation standards (standard 2D-14) require that online quizzes/exams be completed by students in a manner that complies with the School of Nursing (SoN) Student Conduct Policy.

This service provides a fair testing environment. Proctorio prevents students from opening web pages or copying and pasting during quizzes. Those who ignore the Student Conduct Policy are not rewarded with higher scores than students who comply with the policy.

Q4: How much does Proctorio cost? A: You will pay for Proctorio directly to the company when you open a Canvas quiz. You may choose the plan that is right for you. Fees are:

? $20 per course (includes practice exams) o If you pay for six courses, you will be upgraded automatically to the unlimited lifetime status so you continue to get the best value. o This is a value if you are further along in your program.

? $100 lifetime for all School of Nursing courses (includes practice exams) o This is the best value if six or more of your courses will offer quizzes or exams online or if you are just beginning your academic program.

Prepared by the UW School of Nursing Online Education Team. Janet Lenart and Ashley Bond Revised 10/16.

Q5: Should I buy the lifetime membership? A: It depends on where you are in your academic program and how many of your instructors are offering remotely proctored quizzes and exams. During the pilot program in Spring 2016, Canvas quizzes were used at least once as follows:

? BSN program of study ? in 6 courses ? DNP program of study ? in 6 courses

We expect the number of courses offering remotely proctored exams and quizzes to grow as more students and instructors begin using the new service.

Q6: Will I know at the beginning of the quarter how many Canvas quizzes are required and in how many courses? A: Instructors have been asked to make this information available on the Canvas home page on or before the first day of class. If you do not see this information, please feel free to contact your instructor and ask whether they will offer remotely proctored quizzes and exams and if so, how many.

Q7: I am a Ph.D. in Nursing Science student. Does this apply to me? A: Please check the Canvas course home page or with your instructor. You will use Proctorio if you happen to be taking a course in the School of Nursing in which exams or quizzes are proctored remotely.

Q8: What are the options for paying? A: When a student opens a Canvas quiz, the Proctorio page will appear and request payment or acknowledge that the student has previously paid for the course or a lifetime membership. If prompted to pay, the student may choose which plan to purchase each time they open a Canvas quiz: $20 for the course or $100 for lifetime membership. Students may pay in advance during a practice quiz.

Q9: How can I use my financial aid to pay for Proctorio? A: The $100 lifetime membership is an eligible educational expense. You will need to submit a form, Revision Request Regarding Additional Expenses to the UW Office of Student Financial Aid. Call 206.543.6101 for more information.

Q10: How do I know if my online quiz will require proctoring? A: Beginning Autumn 2016, look in your Canvas course Modules to determine if online quizzes are used. If so, they will be proctored using Proctorio. When a Canvas quiz title includes "Remotely Proctored," this indicates that Proctorio is integrated in the quiz.

Q11: How will I learn how to use Proctorio? A: There is very little to learn to use Proctorio because it is integrated into Canvas quizzes. All Canvas courses that use Canvas quizzes will provide a practice quiz, student instructions and frequently asked questions.

When taking the practice quiz, the student will see system diagnostics that confirm adequate performance of the webcam, microphone and Internet connection. When you are in a Canvas course

Prepared by the UW School of Nursing Online Education Team. Janet Lenart and Ashley Bond Revised 10/16.

with Proctorio enabled, the Proctorio Student Support becomes available (the link does not work outside a Canvas course with Proctorio enabled).

Q12: If my online quiz requires proctoring, what will I need? A: Students will need a webcam and a microphone (internal or USB), their ID (student ID or government issued), the Chrome browser with the Proctorio extension, and a quiet, private location with a reliable Internet connection. If you do not have a laptop, microphone or webcam, please borrow one before your quiz.

Q13: Where can I borrow a laptop? A: The UW STF Technology Loan Program loans laptops for short durations. Be sure to check out a laptop a week before the quiz so you can be sure it will work for you by completing the practice quiz in the course. Most laptops have a webcam and microphone and are able to access the Internet, but check the one you borrowed before your quiz or exam to be sure.

Q14: If I need a quiet space on campus, where should I go? A: Study rooms can be reserved in the Health Science Library and other campus libraries.

Q15: What information does Proctorio collect from students? A: Proctorio will use the web cam to capture the ID the student shows, the student's face, desktop and audio during the quiz. The recording of the quiz experience is available only to the instructor, teaching assistant (TA) and some School of Nursing Canvas administrators. Student privacy and FERPA compliance is assured. Proctorio does not employ external human proctors to monitor the student while taking the quiz.

See FERPA information at . For more information, contact Patrick Tufford, assistant director of Student and Academic Services, at or contact the UW Registrar's office at or 206.543.5378.

Q16: What if I have a technical problem? A: Proctorio offers 24/7 live support via phone, email and chat. Chat can be accessed in the quiz page by clicking the gray shield icon in the top right corner of the screen, next to your URL bar, then click Live Chat.

Support is available by phone at 480.428.4089 and 866.948.9248, and by email at support@. Please have these phone numbers available during a proctored quiz. Students are encouraged to call or chat with Proctorio support if needed. There is no penalty for doing so during the quiz.

Q17: What about accessibility and students with special needs? A: Proctorio is VPAT certified and 508 compliant and fully accessible to students with special needs. Proctorio has a built-in screen reader and works with other screen readers.

Q18: Who ultimately determines if cheating has occurred? A: Just like a traditional in-person quiz, cheating is determined by the instructor or teaching assistant (TA) after reviewing the recording of the quiz experience. The instructor and/or TA will contact the student if there are any concerns.

Prepared by the UW School of Nursing Online Education Team. Janet Lenart and Ashley Bond Revised 10/16.

Q19: I use a Mac. How do I turn off pop-up notifications of email, etc? A: Mac users are advised to turn off pop-up notifications as described by Apple Support. Q20: What is a Chrome browser extension? A: An extension is a small program that modifies the Chrome web browser and not your computer. It enhances the function of the Chrome web browser: for example, allowing the Proctorio Help Icon to operate and for Proctorio to function in Canvas. Nothing is installed on the computer. Q21: Can my instructor or Proctorio see files on my computer or my browsing history? A: Only an instructor can see the recording of what the student views during the Canvas quiz. No other files or web sites are visible to the instructor nor to Proctorio. In addition, all student information collected during an exam is fully encrypted.

Prepared by the UW School of Nursing Online Education Team. Janet Lenart and Ashley Bond Revised 10/16.


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