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Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u NEW WORLD TECHNOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc386525474 \h 1Business Case PAGEREF _Toc386525475 \h 3Project Charter PAGEREF _Toc386525476 \h 8Scope Statement PAGEREF _Toc386525477 \h 10Project Communication Plan PAGEREF _Toc386525478 \h 12Return on Investment (ROI) 3 Year PAGEREF _Toc386525479 \h 14SWOT ANALYSIS PAGEREF _Toc386525480 \h 16Quality Management Plan PAGEREF _Toc386525481 \h 17Deliverables Matrix PAGEREF _Toc386525482 \h 19Closeout: Lessons Learned Report PAGEREF _Toc386525483 \h 21WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE PAGEREF _Toc386525484 \h 22PROJECT SUMMARY PAGEREF _Toc386525485 \h 24TOP LEVEL/CRITICAL TASKS PAGEREF _Toc386525486 \h 26UNSTARTED TASKS PAGEREF _Toc386525487 \h 27COMPLETED TASKS PAGEREF _Toc386525488 \h 29CASH FLOW/BUDGET PAGEREF _Toc386525489 \h 30RESOURCE USAGE PAGEREF _Toc386525490 \h 33NEW WORLD TECHNOLOGYBrian HarrisBrian Harris is 25 years old and the co-founder of New World Technology. Has worked on many projects like On the Spot Courier Services and New Century Health Clinic. Harris is a certified project manager and has been a project manager for 5 years. His drive for perfection and on time services has kept New World Technology one of the top companies in the technological and business world. Harris’ specialties are in business, programing, communications, logistics, and medical. Amanda DuBoisAmanda DuBois has been with New World Technology for three years. She started as the IT director and got promoted to business analyst after her first year with the company. Coming from Rochester Institute of Technology, graduating with her masters in Computer Information Technology, she is certified in four other areas. She earned her certificate in SQL, JAVA, Security plus, and her CBAP. Originally going to school to become an independent security data management consultant, she found that she liked the analyst side more and could not pass up the opportunity to work for New World Technology. She plans to work her way up in the company and possibly even take over more responsibility in the IT department as she continues to take classes to broaden her horizons.Chris DemuseChristopher Demuse is retired military. He is 31 with certifications in network and security. Demuse served in the US Navy for 18 years and worked on radio communication and network for the Navy. He joined NWT right out of the military as a technician. Demuse is on time and is versatile in all technical situations. His specialties are in networking, communications, and programming.Business Case1.0 Introduction/ BackgroundAmerican Sun Star Bank has been in business for over fifty years. They serve over 16,000 clients and business companies. It has been a profitable and highly trusted bank that is highly recommended by business ads. They have had a couple of break-ins recently and are looking for a way to upgrade their security. They do not want word to get out that their bank doesn’t have enough security to watch over their client’s money. By getting updated security plan, American Sun Star Bank can improve their productivity by announcing their secure accounts, assure the clients that their assets are watched round the clock, and the bank can keep a closer eye on their tellers and system more efficiently.2.0 Business ObjectiveAmerican Sun Star Bank goals are to make sure the client’s assets are still safe, all log-ins are secured and watched, and to make sure that the tellers are not the main culprits in the latest break-ins. New World Technology can come in and install new software that monitors all computer access and also keeps the client’s information secure whenever they login to their accounts on their computers and mobile devices. By outsourcing ADT Security. ADT can install cameras, sensors, software, and monitor the bank from a distance. The information gathered at the bank will be sent to a cloud system to keep a permanent document of the clients. Having two outsourced resources can increase the time and speed of the bank.3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity StatementAmerican Sun Star Bank as had 5 break-ins in the last 3 years. These issues can be reduced and the bank can keep track of all employees, client accounts, and any possible breaches with the upgraded security. ADT can monitor the surveillance systems installed and the new software that New World Technology installed can also see who is accessing the computers.4.0 Critical Assumption and ConstraintsADT and New World Technology will need a list of all employees and managers to enter into their systems. Both ADT and NWT will need a conference room with Wi-Fi connection so that they can access their offsite files and can report any added information they found in looking over the banks systems and building blue prints. American Sun Star Bank will need to cooperate in full in order for this project to be fast and efficient. There will be training on these installation and it will take some time to fully understand what is being done to the bank. 5.0 Analysis of Options and RecommendationAmerican Sun Star Bank can keep their security the same and risk break-ins and have their company reviewed by clients and or upgrade the system to make sure their company remains an untarnished safe bank. There are only 2 options that bank can look at in saving their clients from moving to another bank.1. Outsource only ADT for physical security and leave the computers and online access the clients use login to a non-secured site to access their accounts.2. Use both companies expertise to implement a plan to have the bank security up and running in a timely fashion that can keep the bank open so that they don’t lose money during installations.The last option will benefit the bank by having their hours and employees not bothered while working. It covers all blind spots physically and systematically.6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements? Blue print of the bank? Certified team members? Security software? Security cameras? Cables ? List of employees and managers? Meetings with executives and sponsors? Times of business hours and holidays off? Cloud server7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial AnalysisThe estimate of the cost for this project is $29,661. This is to cover the installation of cameras to the building and having an electrician through ADT. ? $19261.64 (ADT install $874, electrician $300, 16 Cameras w/ DVR monitor $16,000, ADT Maintenance and Monitoring 24/7 Service $2,087.64)? $1,600 for project team? $275 a year for a license of life lock. (6 computers = $1650, $4950 3yr license for 6 computers)? $2,000 IBM is giving the bank Trusteer Ramport security monitoring and internal security software. * Fund for incidentals/unforeseen expenses $1,849.36 8.0 Schedule EstimateAmerican Sun Star Bank is expecting this job to be done in 2 days. They are willing to have the bank open on the weekend so that there is no loss of business. The managers are going to schedule employees and themselves to be trained as soon as possible. The amount of days to do the project is 3 days. Friday starting at 6pm. 9.0 Potential RisksThere are a couple risks that are at hand. On the technical side, there might be a storm and the power could go out and that would slow the project down. Another risk might be the internet might go out and slow the project. Weather is a big challenge in these types of projects. Another risk could be meetings with a client that extends past the bank closing hour. The main risk though is time and cost. The time the project needs to be started and finished by the company’s next business day so that clients and the business won’t lose times and needs for the day.10.0 ExhibitsExhibit A: Financial Analysis381002857500??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Category Cost 16 ceiling cameras with 360 degreee HD/ADT DVR+monitor, Installation Fee 3 years of services for monitoring covering cameras and security access with maintenance, intrusion detection, 24/7 customer service $ 19,261.64 Project Team $ 1,600.00 3 years of monitoring for 6 computers $ 4,950.00 IMB provided security monitoring and internal security software $ 2,000.00 Fund for incedentals/unforseen expenses $ 1,849.36 Total $ 29,661.00 Project CharterProject Serial Number:Title of Project:Security Upgrade for American Sun Star BankStart Date: 04/21/2014Finish Date: 04/27/2014Project Manager:Brian HarrisTotal Cost (+/- 10%):$29,661.00ROI (+/- 10%):Payback Point (+/- 10%):Project Purpose or Justification:To upgrade American Sun Star Bank's security systems: Install security cameras, DVR system, life lock support, and monitoring software within the bank and all bank computers.Measurable Project Objective:1) Survey American Sun Star Bank for possible security threats2) Contact ADT for setting up security system in the bank3) Purchase Security Cameras/DVR+monitor4) Purchase Life Lock License for 6 computers5) Purchase IBM's Trusteer Ramport Security Monitoring6) Bank Approval of System7) Install security cameras and software8) Survey Bank for complete installation and all equipment operational9) Test security systemHigh-Level Requirements:1) Blue print of the bank2) ADT Security Contract3) Security Cameras with DVR4) Licensing for Life Lock5) Trusteer Ramport SoftwareSummary of Milestones:DeliverableDeadlineWho is responsibleSecurity CamerasMay 4 2014ADTADT Monitor SoftwareMay 4 2014ADTSecurity SoftwareMay 4 2014NWTCloud SetupMay 4 2014NWTSuccess Criteria (Sponsor Acceptance Criteria):Fully complete project within the allotted time and to have the security software and hardware working efficiently.High-Level Risks:RisksMitigation StrategyBank Business Hours and Completing Installation on TimeEnsure the bank, ADT, and NWT all know when the project will begin andhow long it will take for completion.Weather and/or Power OutagesCheck weather reports for scheduled time of installation of equipment, if weather appears it could be a problem, reschedule installation forwhen the weather is better.Internet Connectivity and/or OutagesCheck with the banks internet provider for scheduled outages or maintenance for the time of the project.Client Meetings Running Past Expected Time (Closing Hours)Have the bank manager(s) ensure there are no scheduled meetings during the last hour of operations.Budget Summary:Budget SummarySourceCostInstallation of CamerasADT$4,601.64Cameras and DVR SystemADT$11,399.00Life Lock License ( 6 Computers for 3 Years)Life Lock (NWT)$4,950.00Trusteer Ramport Security MonitoringIBM$2,000.00Miscellaneous Expenses NWT$1,849.36Project Team CostNWT$1,200.00Key Stakeholder List:NameRolePositionContact InfoMTBI TypeDouglas KeeversChampionPresident(904) 555-9821d.keevers@ENTPRic FrenchFunding SponsorVice President(904) 555-8732r.french@INTJProject Team Members:NameRolePositionContact InfoMTBI TypeBrian HarrisProject ManagerCEO(904) 555-1212b.harris@ENTJAmanda DuboisData AnalysisAnalyst(904) 555-1213a.dubois@ISFJChris DeMeuseData AnalysisAnalyst(904) 555-1214c.demeuse@ESTPFunding Sponsor: (VP accountable for project)Douglas KeeversSponsor SignatureScope StatementProject Serial Number:?Title of Project: American Sun Coast Bank Security UpdateStart Date: 4/21/2014??Finish Date: 4/27/2014?Project Manager: Brian HarrisTotal Cost (+/- 10%)??ROI (+/- 10%)Payback Point (+/- 10%)??Product Description:This project is meant to increase the security of American Sun Star Bank internally and externally. There will be an increase in surveillance that include video, audio, computer log information, and a cloud server assistance. These will give the bank a more secure business and have the company have documentations of all that happens in and outside of their business. The video surveillance will include audio for safety purposes and references if needed. ADT will be monitoring these videos alongside the security on staff. There will be a 24 hour service that ADT supplies for installing and monitoring all their services they provide to American Sun Star Bank. New World Technology (NWT) will have installed security software that helps protect both client and companies information. This will also cover who is logging into the bank computers and accessing personal client files. This cuts down inside risks because the log information and the visual from the cameras to see who is logging in. The cloud server will increase the data recorded for each business day. This helps free up video tapes and paper work that sits in the bank in a room. Documents can be sent to the cloud and obtained at any time by the bank and by the customer. Customers that login into the bank site will have a time limit to access the account from the cloud. The goal for this collaboration of these three companies are to cut cost and make the work place a safe place. We are not only looking out for American Sun Star Bank’s safety, we are looking out for the clients that have been reliable to the bank.Product Characteristics:ADT will be upgrading the security cameras and software so that they can help monitor the bank closely with external issues. New World Technology (NWT) will help install and train managers with the new security software and how the bank can access the cloud to receive any information they saved and logged into their network.Product Scope:Product Milestones:DeliverableDeadlineWho is ResponsibleSecurity Cameras4/27/2014ADTADT Monitor Software 4/27/2014ADTSecurity Software4/27/2014NWT Cloud Setup4/27/2014NWTProject Limits and Exclusions:Factors contributing to possible limits and exclusion can include: inclement weather, power surges/outages, or illness affecting team member(s) from either the NWT or ADT.Approach:NWT will partner with ADT to review the previous installation of security measures at the site. NWT will be responsible for installing licensed security software (Trusteer, Life Lock) and ADT will be responsible for installing their security and software. NWT will follow up with bank employees and managers regarding the new software as well as security details. ADT will test the equipment and further explain how it works to the managers and employees.Success Criteria (Sponsor Acceptance Criteria):Fully complete project within the allotted time and to have the security software and hardware working efficiently.Project Administration Scope:Project Administration Milestones:DeliverableDeadlineWho is responsibleProject approval/decline4/14/2014Douglas KeeversConcept approval4/15/2014Bank managersInterface approval4/16/2014Bank managersADT inspection4/17/2014ADT/BankPresentation 4/18/2014NWT/ADT TeamSign-off4/21/2014Brian HarrisPM:PM SignatureBrian Harris?Funding Sponsor:Sponsor Signature??Project Communication Plan Project Serial Number:Title of Project: American Sun Star Bank Security UpgradeStart Date: April 21, 2014Finish Date: April 27, 2014Project Manager: Brian HarrisTotal Cost (+/- 10%):$29,661.00Project RoleNameInformation DesiredMethod of DeliveryTiming or FrequencyContact InformationSponsorD. KeeversStatus ReportHard copy/EmailWeekly(904)646-2212dkeevers@fscj.eduNotes: Not to be contacted, but by PM only otherwise present documentation weeklyProject RoleNameInformation DesiredMethod of DeliveryTiming or FrequencyContact InformationUpgradePresidentE. DavidsonSummary ReportHard copy/EmailMonthly(904) 620-1568s.davidson@Notes: Not to be contacted, but by PM only otherwise present documentation monthlyProject RoleNameInformation DesiredMethod of DeliveryTiming or FrequencyContact InformationSchedule LeaderB.HarrisDetailed ReportEmailDaily(904)803-3040bharris2@Notes: Should notify PM face-to-face or by email if any problems with scheduling occurs Project RoleNameInformation DesiredMethod of DeliveryTiming or FrequencyContact InformationBudget LeaderC.DeMueseSummary DetailMeeting/EmailBi-weekly(850)683-7783demuese.c@Notes: Should notify PM face-to-face or by email if any problems with budgeting occursProject RoleNameInformation DesiredMethod of DeliveryTiming or FrequencyContact InformationQuality LeaderC.DeMueseFull ReportMeeting/EmailDaily(850)683-7783demuese.c@Notes: Should notify PM face-to-face or by email if any problems with quality occursProject RoleNameInformation DesiredMethod of DeliveryTiming or FrequencyContact InformationProgrammingLeaderB.HarrisDetailed ReportMeeting/EmailTwice a week(904)803-3040bharris2@ProductLeaderA.DuBoisDetailed ReportMeeting/EmailTwice a week(904)403-9823apdubois@InstallationLeaderA.DuBoisDetailed ReportMeeting/EmailTwice a week(904)403-9823apdubois@DevelopmentLeaderJ.JohnsonDetailed ReportMeeting/EmailTwice a week(904)887-9873jjhonson@Project TeamManagerB.HarrisDetailed ReportMeeting/Email/Conference call/face-to-faceDaily(904)803-3040bharris2@Project VP ManagerC.DeMueseDetailed ReportMeeting/Email/Conference call/face-to-faceDaily(850)683-7783demuese.c@Notes: Should notify PM or PMVP face-to-face or by email if any problems with project occursFunding Sponsor: (VP accountable for project)Douglas KeeversSponsor Signature:Douglas KeeversReturn on Investment (ROI) 3 YearMonthsCostsCumulative CostsBenefitsCumulative Benefits1$26,361.00$26,361.00$0.00$0.002$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$2,500.003$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$5,000.004$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$7,500.005$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$10,000.006$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$12,500.007$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$15,000.008$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$17,500.009$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$20,000.0010$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$22,500.0011$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$25,000.0012$0.00$26,361.00$2,500.00$27,500.0013$1,650.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$30,000.0014$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$32,500.0015$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$35,000.0016$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$37,500.0017$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$40,000.0018$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$42,500.0019$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$45,000.0020$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$47,500.0021$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$50,000.0022$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$52,500.0023$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$55,000.0024$0.00$28,011.00$2,500.00$57,500.0025$1,650.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$60,000.0026$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$62,500.0027$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$65,000.0028$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$67,500.0029$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$70,000.0030$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$72,500.0031$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$75,000.0032$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$77,500.0033$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$80,000.0034$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$82,500.0035$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$85,000.0036$0.00$29,661.00$2,500.00$87,500.00$26,361.00$27,500.00ROI:4.3%Benefits are based on bank charging $5.00 per month, per customer for security and based on the bank having exactly 500 customersSWOT ANALYSISQuality Management Plan Project Serial Number:Title of Project:American Sun Star Bank Security UpgradeStart Date: April 21, 2014Finish Date: April 27,2014Project Manager:Brian HarrisQuality Team Leader:Chris DemueseProject Description:New World Technology will install new software that monitors all computer access and also keeps the client’s information secure whenever they login to their accounts on their computers and mobile devices. The information gathered at the bank will be sent to a cloud system to keep a permanent document of the clients. Having two outsourced resources can increase the time and speed of the bank.Quality Objectives:System runs successfully User friendlyProper installationInstalled after bank hours/no loss in profitCloud implementationProject Quality Team Members:NameRolePositionContact InfoC.DeMueseQuality Control Team LeaderVp Manager (850)683-7783demuese.c@A.DuBoisQuality ImprovementProduct Leader(904)403-9823apdubois@B.HarrisInternalQuality ControlProject Manager(904)803-3040bharris2@J.JohnsonProcess Quality Team LeaderDevelopmentLeader(904)887-9873johnson@Quality Metrics Criteria (Sponsor Acceptance Criteria):ROIProject planningProject analysisQuality team assuranceNew hire re-trainProject Quality Administration Deliverables:DeliverableDeadlineWho is responsibleQuality Plan4/14/2014C.DeMueseProcess Quality Plan4/14/2014D.JohnsonProject Quality Improvements4/14/2014A.DuBoisProduct Quality Assurance 4/14/2014B.HarrisPM:Brian HarrisPM SignatureBrian HarrisFunding Sponsor: (VP accountable for project)Douglas KeeversSponsor SignatureDouglas KeeversDeliverables MatrixProject Serial Number:Title of Project:Security Upgrade for American Sun Star BankStart Date: 04/21/2014Finish Date: 04/27/2014Project Manager:Brian Harris?????Project MilestonesWBS No.Activity NameMilestone DateAssigned ResourceStatus (see notes)Problems (Briefly explain the challenges with this activity)Resolution (Briefly explain proposed corrective action taken)2Project Kickoff Meeting4/14/2014Douglas Keever, Ric French, NWTGreenNoneN/A15Go/No-Go4/15/2014Douglas Keever, Ric FrenchYellowNot sure what goes here, it was in the example of an 'A' paperNot sure19Security Cameras4/23/2014ADTYellowThis step has not been completed yetAwaiting Purchase of Equipment22ADT Monitor Software4/28/2014ADTYellowThis step has not been completed yetADT can begin once the cameras are purchased26Security Software4/25/2014NWTYellowThis step has not been completed yetSoftware has yet to be purchased34Cloud Setup4/28/2014NWTYellowThis step has not been completed yetSoftware has yet to be purchased44Sign-off4/27/2014Douglas Keever, Ric FrenchYellowThis step has not been completed yetProject isn't complete so it can’t be signed off on yet?????????????????????????????????????????????????Project Administration Deliverables:DeliverableDeadlineWho is ResponsibleGo/No-Go4/15/2014Douglas Keever, Ric FrenchSign-off4/27/2014Douglas Keever, Ric French??????PM:Brian HarrisPM Signature Funding Sponsor: (VP accountable for project)Douglas KeeversSponsor SignatureGreen – everything is complete and on scheduleYellow – this step has not yet been completed or there are problemsRed – this step is not yet complete or something has happened to slow or stop further progressCloseout: Lessons Learned ReportProject Serial Number:Title of Project: American Sun Star Bank Start Date: 4/21/2014Finish Date:4/27/2014Project Manager: Brian HarrisFinancial Budgeted and Actual Spending:1. Did the project meet scope, time, and cost goals? Yes2. What was the Success criteria listed in the project scope statement? Fully complete project within the allotted time and to have the security software and hardware working efficiently.3. Reflect on whether or not you met the project success criteria. Our team successfully completed the tasks at hand. We were able to test both security camera system and security software. 4. In terms of managing the project, what were the main lessons your team learned? The team was able to learn about working with other organizations and use their skills to work diligently and agree on any disputes in a timely manner.5. Describe one example of what went right on this project. The security installations and testing went well. No down time and no interference.6. Describe one example of what went wrong on this project One thing that went wrong was the outsourced company was running late during the install process. The electrician came late and did not start working right away so there was a pinch to get this done by the end of the weekend. If we did not have it done, the bank would lose business hours and therefore would also lose money which would have been reimbursed by our company or the sponsor.7. What will you do differently on the next project based on your experience working on this project? Next project we might want to cut out the middle man, that being ADT. It would save the project some money and may cut out any possible issues such as the electrician running late. PM: Brian HarrisPM Signature:Funding Sponsor: Douglas KeeversSponsor Signature:WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTUREPROJECT SUMMARYTOP LEVEL/CRITICAL TASKSUNSTARTED TASKSCOMPLETED TASKSCASH FLOW/BUDGETWBS/WHO DOES WHATRESOURCE USAGE ................

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