Wayman Chapel A

CELEBRATING 185 YEARS OF KINGDOM SERVICE1833 - 2018Sunday, December 02, 2018THE INTROIT“Come Let Us Worship”(by Joseph Pace II)*THE INVOCATION* THE DOXOLOGYPraise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. PraiseFather, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen* THE CALL TO WORSHIPLeader:I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem!PEOPLE:FOR A DAY IN YOUR COURTS IS BETTER THAN A THOUSAND ELSEWHERE, I WOULD RATHERBE A DOORKEEPER IN THE HOUSE OF MY GOD THAN TO DWELL IN THE TENTS OF WICKEDNESSLeader:For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.PEOPLE:THEY ARE PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, THEY FLOURISH IN THE COURTS OF OUR GOD.Leader:Oh Lord, I love the habitation of your house, and the place where your glory dwells.PEOPLE:BUT THE LORD IS IN HIS HOLY TEMPLE; LET ALL THE EARTH KEEP SILENCE BEFORE HIM.Leader:Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.PEOPLE:O SING TO THE LORD A NEW SONG, FOR HE HAS DONE MARVELOUS THINGS! MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO THE LORD, ALL THE EARTH, SING PRAISES.*THE HYMN OF PRAISE“Go Tell It on the Mountain”(John W. Work)THE PRELUDE TO PRAYER“Anointing Fall on Me”(by Don C. Thomas)THE MORNING PRAYER & THE CHORAL RESPONSE“Anointing Fall on Me”(by Don C. Thomas)*THE SCRIPTURE LESSON*THE PRELUDE TO THE DECALOGUEFrom all that dwell below the skiesLet the Creator’s Praise arise;Let the Redeemer’s name be sungThrough every land, by every tongue.*THE DECALOGUELeader:Hear the commandments of God to his people:I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.PEOPLE:LORD, HAVE MERCY UPON US AND INCLINE OUR HEARTS TO KEEP THIS LAW.Leader:You shall not make for yourself any idol.You shall not invoke with malice the name ofthe Lord your God.Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.Honor your father and mother.You shall not commit murder.You shall not commit adultery.You shall not steal.You shall not be a false witness.You shall not covet anything that belongsto your neighbor.PEOPLE:LORD, HAVE MERCY UPON US AND WRITE THESE LAWS UPON OUR HEARTS.HYMN:Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee; even though it be a cross that raiseth me, still all my song shall be, nearer my God to Thee, nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee.*THE SUMMARY OF THE DECALOGUE Leader: Hear what Christ our Savior said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first Commandment. And the secondis like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the Prophets.”*THE GLORIA PATRIGlory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to theHoly Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and evershall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.THE ANNOUNCEMENTSTHE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF VISITORSTHE PRESENTATION OF TITHES & OFFERINGS“Praise Medley”(by Mycal B. Kelly)*THE OFFERTORY CHANTAll things come of Thee, O Lord;And of Thine own, have we given Thee. AmenWORSHIP IN SONG – THE CHOIRTHE MESSAGE*THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP/ALTAR CALL“Wise Men Still Seek Him”(by Joe Pace)THE RECOMMITMENT PLEDGETHE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION*THE DOXOLOGYPraise God, from whom all blessings flow.Praise Him all creatures here below.Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. PraiseFather, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen*THE BENEDICTIONTHE FELLOWSHIP*INDICATES STANDING____________________________________________________________THE APOSTLE’S CREED:I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ his only son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead; and buried. The third day He arose from the dead, He ascended into Heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Church universal, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.RECOMMITMENT PLEDGEAs a member of the Body of Christ and of Wayman ChapelAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church, I recommit myself to the Lord and I reaffirm my faith in God Almighty, in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, and in the power of God’s Holy Spirit, who dwells in me.I am blessed, I am anointed, I am gifted, I am empowered, and I am positioned to be what God wants me to be and to do what God wants me to do.I want to mature as a discipline of Jesus Christ, so I recommit myself to worship, to prayer, and to studying God’s word.I want to be a faithful servant of God, so I recommit myself to serving the Lord through the Kingdom Building work of God’s church. I want to be a good steward of the resources that God has entrusted to me, so I recommit myself to financially supporting the ministry of Jesus Christ through this church.I recommit my time to the Lord.I recommit my talent to the Lord.I recommit my treasure to the Lord.I recommit my life to the Lord and I recommit my service to the Lord’s church.I will worship the Lord with gladness, I will serve the Lord with humility, and I will generously give to the Lord’s storehouse. May God get the glory out of my life and may I be a blessing to God’s people. Amen.ANNOUNCEMENTSAll announcements must be submitted for approval by 12 noon onNEW WAYMAN EMAIL ADDRESS: Our new church email address is office@RESTORATION 2021 Capital Campaign, “Restoring God’s House for Greater Ministry,” is underway! Please submit your pledge card after worship service. If you did not receive a Pledge Card and pen, please contact a?Committee Member. Committee Members will be wearing “Ask Me” buttons. Thank you for your support!The Frances Taylor Missionary Society (FTMS) is sponsoring their Annual Poinsettia Plant(s) sale for the Christmas Holiday Season. The plants are $10.00?and available in red, white, pink, and marble. Orders will be taken through December 2, 2018. Please See Cheryl Steele or Yvonne Wilson to place your orders. We appreciate your support. Marie Woods, President,?FTMSThe Sons of Allen Men's Ministry will hold its tenth annual Holiday Gift Giving Day Event in Flanigan Hall on Saturday, December 15th from 1pm - 3pm. All members and volunteers are asked to be present at noon to assemble gift boxes for approximately 30 families in need of non-perishable items for the home. Due to the recent rapid fires in California and continuing health problems in Puerto Rico several of local vendors are restraint in their donations to local charities this holiday season. Again, we are asking anyone who would like to make a contribution and/or donation for this worthy cause please see Bros. Guy Jones, Vance Gorham, Marvin Grose or any of the Sons of Allen members . For the Bible tells us Hebrews 13:16 "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."A CHARLIE BROWN Christmas:? Today is the last day to sign up for the Church School Christmas activity for all children and youth. We will travel to Sinclair College to see the play, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, followed by lunch at Cassano’s Pizza on Saturday, December 15th. We will leave church at 1:15 pm. The cost is $13.00. Please see Sis. Yvonne Wilson or Sis. Delores Robinson today.CHURCH CONFERENCE, December 12, 6pm. We will elect Trustees for the new conference year at this conference.AME CHRISTIAN RECORDER SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE: If you would like to purchase a subscription to the Christian Recorder at the discounted bulk subscription rate of $33/year, please contact the church office by November 15. The Christian Recorder is the official news publication of the A.M.E. Church and the oldest, continuously published African American periodical.MINISTRY Presidents, please provide a complete list of your officers and members to the Church Office (office@).AFRICAN AMERICAN ARTISTS GUILD CALENDAR: Wayman is featured as one of the Black Historic Churches for their 2019-2020 calendar. The calendar will be available for viewing after morning service and copies can be purchased for $20.00. Please see Delores Hall.CHRISTMAS CARD EXCHANGE: We will not have the Christmas Card Exchange during the 2018 Holiday season. We wish you the very best for this Holiday!! The Christmas Card Exchange Committee: Delores Hall; Eva Lawrence; Rev. Faye Taylor; and Jacqueline Wright.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe Wade family would like to thank our Wayman family for praying for Malia while she was hospitalized. Malia is doing much better and back to her normal activities.? Thank you for your continued thoughts of love and prayers.? Blessings! Irene Wade and family.Arthur Glover and Isabel, Glover along with the entire Glover family, extend sincere thanks to the Wayman church family, especially those who attended and assisted with the Celebration of Life program.HEALTH CORNERThe holiday season can be particularly stressful. Try these stress reduction tips excerpted from the editors of Prevention Magazine.31 Days of Holiday HealingBelt out "Santa Baby."?Singing is linked to stress reduction.Try a hot toddy: Make friends with hot cocoa. Just holding a warm beverage makes us more generous and friendly.Bask in a Nutcracker ballet performance.? Get tickets to a local community performance (DCDC performance of Littlest Angel). New research shows that people who regularly attend cultural events feel healthier and more vital than those who don't participate.Grin as you greet the cashier.?Having a cheery attitude during the holiday season increases the chances that those around you will feel warm and fuzzy too, according to one study.Make holiday cards gratitude cards.?Instead of signing your cards with a generic "Hope all is well," take time to express to friends and family what they really mean to you. Studies find that showing gratitude increases your own happiness by as much as 25%.Savor your Sunday.?Pick any Sunday this month and make it an errand-free day. Research shows that people have better attitudes, more energy, and fewer aches and pains on the weekends—a benefit that comes from having more control over your schedule and being able to spend time with loved ones.GENERAL INFORMATIONFINANCIALOFFERING ENVELOPES: This is a friendly reminder to please designate on your offering envelope the fund(s) where you want your offering to be allocated. Offerings that are not allocated to a fund will be applied to the general fund.TEXT-TO-GIVE: You can now make donations to Wayman by texting the amount of your donation to 937-240-5089.ONLINE GIVING: Anyone can make a safe and secure donation to our church by accessing our online giving portal through our website, Facebook page, or the direct link: . You can make a one-time donation or set up recurring donations.PAYMENT VOUCHERS: All vouchers must be approved and signed by the Pastor. Reimbursements will not be paid unless the expense has been approved in advance. If you have questions, see Pastor Cooper.PLEASE PAY YOUR CONFERENCE CLAIMS: Each member is asked to contribute $3/week or $156/year annually to the connectional budget fund. These donations support the general AME Church administration, universities, schools, and medical clinics. Thank you. Bro. Nathaniel Scott.AUDIO-VISUALNEW TIMES AND DATE FOR WORSHIP SERVICE BROADCAST Wayman's worship service will air on DSTV Channel 992 each Monday at 7pm and each Thursday at 8am. Invite your family and friends to tune in.LISTENING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED are available during our worship services. Contact: Sis. Delores Hall.CD’S OF THE MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE are available after service. The CD’s are $4.00, DVD’s $7.00. Also, if you need audio help please call 974-6553. Please let us know the day before.TRANSPORTATIONPLEASE COME JOIN US FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL: If you need a ride, call Bro. Damon Woods, 937-304-5575 between?9am and 11am on Saturdays to reserve a seat on the church van.CHURCH VAN PROCEDURES: Van use request forms must be submitted two weeks prior to the date of the event. A minimum of seven people is required in order to use the van/bus and the van can only be used for Wayman Chapel purposes. Donations for use are accepted. All drivers must successfully complete the required Driver Training Program. Anyone interested in being a driver, please contact Bro. Damon Woods at 304-5575.FACILITYKITCHEN REQUEST FORM: Members must fill out a Kitchen Request Form to use the kitchen. The forms are located outside of the treasurer’s office, bottom slot. Turn in the completed form to the church office and a kitchen committee person will call you. If your organization didn’t receive the Kitchen Guidelines, please see Peggy Wynn. Thank You!DO NOT bring any FOOD or DRINKS into the sanctuary or overflow rooms. Food and beverages damage the carpet, leave unsightly spots, and ultimately ruin the appearance of our sanctuary. We appreciate your cooperation and together we can keep our church looking beautiful. Wayman Board of Trustees.TITHING MADE PLAINAccording to God’s word, one tenth (10%) of our increase belongs to God and is holy to God. God’s people are to bring 10% of their income to the Lord’s house. The chart below will help you calculate your tithe for this week based on your weekly income.INCOME TITHE$200 $20Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that$250 $25there may be food in my house, and thus put$300 $30me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will $350 $35not open the windows of heaven for you and pour$400 $40down for you an overflowing blessing.$500 $50Malachi 3:10 (NRSV)$600 $60$700 $70HAVE YOU BROUGHT THE FULL TITHE$800 $80INTO THE STOREHOUSE?$900 $90Stewardship PrayerAlmighty God, all that I have comes from you and I thank you for your abundant blessings. I cheerfully bring my tithes and offerings as an act of worship, love, and obedience. Bless and consecrate these gifts for the advancement of your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. SERMON NOTESScripture____________________________________Title___________________________________________________________Notes _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Office Hours Tuesday – Thursday, 10am – 4pmSun.12/02/1812/09/1812/16/189amChurch School10am Worship12pmCooper Appreciation9amChurch School10am WorshipBaptism9amChurch School10am WorshipMon.12/03/1812/10/1912/17/18OFFICE CLOSEDOFFICE CLOSEDOFFICE CLOSEDTues.12/04/1812/11/1912/18/186pmTrustee Board Mtg.7:15pmStewards Board Mtg.6pmStewardship & Finance Mtg.Wed.12/05/1812/12/1812/19/1812pm Bible Study6:30pm Bible Study12pm Bible Study6pmChurch Conference12pm Bible Study6:30pm Bible StudyThur.12/06/1812/13/1812/20/186:30pmChoir Rehearsal6:30pmCapital Campaign Mtg.6:30pmChoir Rehearsal6:30pmChoir RehearsalFri.12/07/1812/14/1812/21/18OFFICE CLOSEDOFFICE CLOSED12:30pmSick & Shut-In VisitsOFFICE CLOSEDSat.12/08/1812/15/1812/22/188:30amSons of Allen Mtg.9amYoung AdultMime Rehearsal10:30am Youth Mime Rehearsal9amYoung AdultMime Rehearsal10amBoy & Girl Scouts Mtg.10:30am Youth Mime Rehearsal12pmYouth Choir Rehearsal1pmYPD Mtg.9amYoung AdultMime Rehearsal10:30am Youth Mime RehearsalSICK AND SHUT-INNURSING HOMES Roland Board, Heartland of MiamisburgEileen Calloway, Grafton OaksAlice Montgomery, Friendship VillageDorothy Hamilton, Grafton, OaksEdith Johns, Friendship VillageAT HOMERuby Anderson, 4351 Foxton Ct., 45415Elizabeth Barnes, 7622 Dalmation Dr., 45424Julia Beach, Laurel Wood, 3797 Summitt Glenn Rd., 45497Pearl Bobson, 3500 Trillium Crossing #1024, Columbus, OH 43235Eva Browning, 1414 McArthur Ave., 45417Mattie Buxton, 320 Glenside Ct., 45426Herman & Ruth Coley, 505 McRae Ct., 45427Judy & Jimmy Dixon, 16 Hitching Post Rd., 45322Roosevelt Hankins, 233 Anna Street, 45402Betty Holly, 1749 Academy Pl., 45406Sandra Huggins, 1039 Grand Ave, 45402Edna Reynolds, 2005 Wyoming St., 45410Gladys Swanson, 5715 N. Attleburg Dr., McCordsville, IN 46055Deanna Walton, 4710 Sylvan Oak Dr., 45426Please notify the church office of all sick and shut-in (937) 268-6729142637014826000MISSION STATEMENTWayman A.M.E. Church is dedicated to developing Christian disciples through a ministry that is grounded in the word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, empowered by prayer, and demonstrated through love, holistic ministry, and worship.******************************************************Worship Service: Sunday 10amChurch School: Sun. 9am ● Bible Study: Wed. 12pm & 6:30pmChurch Office Hours: Tues.-Thur. 10am-4pmMonday - Closed - Friday ClosedWAYMAN CHAPEL A.M.E. CHURCH3317 Hoover Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45402-5303Telephone: (937) 268-6729 Fax: (937) 267-9804 Pastor (937) 540-0808Church email: office@Pastor: gacooper40@Website: Pastor Gerald A. Cooper ● The Rev. Mila P. Cooper ................

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