Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences

Animal Digestion Name

Pearson Square

Pearson’s Square Problems

Directions: Using Pearson’s Square, determine how many pounds of each feed are needed to formulate the feed ration. Show ALL work! Round units following decimals to the nearest tenth.

1. Formulate 500 lbs of a 21% CP ration using Soybean Meal (44% CP) and Corn (9% CP).

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

How many pounds of corn will be used?

Double check your answer:

2. Formulate 450 lbs of a 28% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (49% CP) and Millet (3% CP).

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

How many pounds of millet will be used?

Double check your answer:

3. Formulate 600 lbs of a 13% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (18% CP) and Clover (4% CP).

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

How many pounds of clover will be used?

Double check your answer:

4. Formulate 900 lbs of a 35% CP ration using Soybean Meal (46% CP) and Oats (12% CP).

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

How many pounds of oats will be used?

Double check your answer:

5. Formulate 250 lbs of a 19% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (47% CP) and Molasses (5%


How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

How many pounds of molasses will be used?

Double check your answer:

6. Formulate 775 lbs of a 16% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (22% CP) and Bermuda-grass (3% CP).

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

How many pounds of Bermuda-grass will be used?

Double check your answer:

7. Formulate 1260 lbs of a 25% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (41% CP) and Wheat straw (2% CP).

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

How many pounds of wheat straw will be used?

Double check your answer:

8. Formulate 120 lbs of a 12% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (16% CP) and Millet (3% CP).

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

How many pounds of millet will be used?

Double check your answer:

9. Formulate 585 lbs of a 13% CP ration using Soybean Meal (47% CP) and Sorghum fodder

(7% CP).

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

How many pounds of sorghum fodder will be used?

Double check your answer:

Animal Digestion Name

Pearson Square

Pearson’s Square Problems

Directions: Using Pearson’s Square, determine how many pounds of each feed are needed to formulate the feed ration. Show ALL work! Round units following decimals to the nearest tenth.

1. Formulate 500 lbs of a 21% CP ration using Soybean Meal (44% CP) and Corn (9% CP).

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

How many pounds of corn will be used?

Double check your answer:

2. Formulate 450 lbs of a 28% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (49% CP) and Millet (3% CP).

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

How many pounds of millet will be used?

Double check your answer:

3. Formulate 600 lbs of a 13% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (18% CP) and Clover (4% CP).

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

How many pounds of clover will be used?

Double check your answer:

4. Formulate 900 lbs of a 35% CP ration using Soybean Meal (46% CP) and Oats (12% CP).

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

How many pounds of oats will be used?

Double check your answer:

5. Formulate 250 lbs of a 19% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (47% CP) and Molasses (5%


How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

How many pounds of molasses will be used?

Double check your answer:

6. Formulate 775 lbs of a 16% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (22% CP) and Bermuda-grass (3% CP).

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

How many pounds of Bermuda-grass will be used?

Double check your answer:

7. Formulate 1260 lbs of a 25% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (41% CP) and Wheat straw (2% CP).

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

How many pounds of wheat straw will be used?

Double check your answer:

8. Formulate 120 lbs of a 12% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (16% CP) and Millet (3% CP).

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

How many pounds of millet will be used?

Double check your answer:

9. Formulate 585 lbs of a 13% CP ration using Soybean Meal (47% CP) and Sorghum fodder

(7% CP).

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

How many pounds of sorghum fodder will be used?

Double check your answer:

Animal Digestion Name

Pearson Square

Pearson’s Square Problems

Directions: Using Pearson’s Square, determine how many pounds of each feed are needed to formulate the feed ration. Show ALL work! Round units following decimals to the nearest tenth.

1. Formulate 500 lbs of a 21% CP ration using Soybean Meal (44% CP) and Corn (9% CP).

Soybean Meal 44% 12 parts

Soybean Meal

Corn 9% 23 parts Corn

35 Total Parts

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

12 parts Soybean Meal / 35 Total Parts = .34 parts from soybean meal

.34 parts from soybean meal x 500 lb ration = 170 lbs soybean meal needed

How many pounds of corn will be used?

23 parts Corn / 35 Total Parts = .66 parts from corn

.66 parts from corn x 500 lb ration = 330 lbs corn needed

Double check your answer:

170 lbs of soybean meal + 330 lbs of corn = 500 lb ration

2. Formulate 450 lbs of a 28% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (49% CP) and Millet (3% CP).

Cottonseed Meal 49% 25 parts Cottonseed Meal

Millet 3% 21 parts Millet

46 Total Parts

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

25 parts cottonseed meal / 46 total parts = .54 parts cottonseed meal

.54 parts cottonseed meal x 450 lb ration = 243 lbs cottonseed meal needed

How many pounds of millet will be used?

21 parts millet / 46 total parts = .46 parts millet

.46 parts millet x 450 lb ration = 207 lbs millet needed

Double check your answer:

243 lbs cottonseed meal + 207 lbs millet needed = 450 lb ration

3. Formulate 600 lbs of a 13% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (18% CP) and Clover (4% CP).

Alfalfa Hay 18% 9 parts Alfalfa Hay

Clover 4% 5 parts Clover

14 Total Parts

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

9 parts alfalfa hay / 14 total parts = .64 parts alfalfa hay

.64 parts alfalfa hay x 600 lb ration = 384 lbs alfalfa hay needed

How many pounds of clover will be used?

5 parts clover / 14 total parts = .36 parts clover

.36 parts clover x 600 lb ration = 216 lbs clover

Double check your answer:

384 lbs alfalfa hay + 216 lbs clover = 600 lbs ration

4. Formulate 900 lbs of a 35% CP ration using Soybean Meal (46% CP) and Oats (12% CP).

Soybean Meal 46% 23 parts Soybean Meal

Oats 12% 11 parts Oats

34 Total Parts

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

23 parts soybean meal / 34 total parts = .68 parts soybean meal

.68 parts soybean meal x 900 lb ration = 612 lbs soybean meal needed

How many pounds of oats will be used?

11 parts oats / 34 total parts = .32 parts oats

.32 parts oats x 900 lb ration = 288 lbs oats needed

Double check your answer:

612 lbs soybean meal + 288 lbs oats = 900 lb ration

5. Formulate 250 lbs of a 19% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (47% CP) and Molasses (5%


Cottonseed Meal 47% 14 parts Cottonseed Meal

Molasses 5% 28 parts Molasses

42 Total Parts

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

14 parts cottonseed meal / 42 total parts = .33 parts cottonseed meal

.33 parts cottonseed meal x 250 lb ration = 82.5 lbs cottonseed meal needed

How many pounds of molasses will be used?

28 parts molasses / 42 total parts = .67 parts molasses

.67 parts molasses x 250 lb ration = 167.5 lbs molasses needed

Double check your answer:

82.5 lbs cottonseed meal + 167.5 lbs molasses = 250 lb ration

6. Formulate 775 lbs of 16% CP ration using Alfalfa (22% CP) and Bermuda grass (3% CP).

Alfalfa Hay 22% 13 parts Alfalfa Hay

Bermuda Grass 3% 6 parts Bermuda Grass

19 Total Parts

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

13 parts alfalfa hay / 19 total parts = .68 parts alfalfa

.68 parts alfalfa x 775 lb ration = 527 lbs alfalfa needed

How many pounds of Bermuda-grass will be used?

6 parts Bermuda Grass / 19 total parts = .32 parts Bermuda Grass

.32 parts Bermuda Grass x 775 lb ration = 248 lbs Bermuda Grass needed

Double check your answer:

527 lbs alfalfa + 248 lbs Bermuda Grass = 775 lb ration

7. Formulate 1260 lbs of a 25% CP ration using Cottonseed Meal (41% CP) and Wheat straw (2% CP).

Cottonseed Meal 41% 23 parts Cottonseed Meal

Wheat Straw 2% 16 parts Wheat Straw

39 Total Parts

How many pounds of cottonseed meal will be used?

23 parts cottonseed meal / 39 total parts = .59 parts cottonseed meal

.59 parts cottonseed meal x 1260 lb ration = 743.4 lbs cottonseed meal needed

How many pounds of wheat straw will be used?

16 parts wheat straw / 39 total parts = .41 parts wheat straw

.41 parts wheat straw x 1260 lb ration = 516.6 lbs wheat straw needed

Double check your answer:

743.4 lbs cottonseed meal + 516.6 lbs wheat straw = 1260 lb ration

8. Formulate 120 lbs of a 12% CP ration using Alfalfa Hay (16% CP) and Millet (3% CP).

Alfalfa Hay 16% 9 parts Alfalfa Hay

Millet 3% 4 parts Millet

13 Total Parts

How many pounds of alfalfa will be used?

9 parts alfalfa hay / 13 total parts = .69 parts alfalfa hay

.69 parts alfalfa hay x 120 lb ration = 82.8 lbs alfalfa hay needed

How many pounds of millet will be used?

4 parts millet / 13 total parts = .31 parts millet

.31 parts millet x 120 lb ration = 37.2 lbs millet needed

Double check your answer:

82.8 lbs alfalfa hay + 37.2 lbs millet = 120 lb ration

9. Formulate 585 lbs of a 13% CP ration using Soybean Meal (47% CP) and Sorghum fodder

(7% CP).

Soybean Meal 47% 6 parts Soybean Meal

Sorghum Fodder 7% 34 parts Sorghum Fodder

40 Total Parts

How many pounds of soybean meal will be used?

6 parts soybean meal / 40 total parts = .15 parts soybean meal

.15 parts soybean meal x 585 lb ration = 87.75 lbs soybean meal needed

How many pounds of sorghum fodder will be used?

34 parts sorghum fodder / 40 total parts = .85 parts sorghum fodder

.85 parts sorghum fodder x 585 lb ration = 497.25 lbs sorghum fodder needed

Double check your answer:

87.75 lbs soybean meal + 497.25 lbs sorghum fodder = 585 lb ration












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