Unit 13 – Grammar Review (pages 406-410) Answer Key

Unit 13 – Grammar Review (pages 406-410) Answer Key

Review Exercise 1 – Writing Adverbs to Modify Verbs

Answers will vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. always

2. Occasionally

3. once

4. here

5. quite

Review Exercise 2 – Identifying Adverbs That Modify Verbs

1. Soon - when

2. proudly - how

3. rapidly - how

4. there - where

5. often - when

6. Sometimes - when

7. privately - how

8. outside - where

9. together - how

10. firmly - how

Review Exercise 3 – Identifying Adverbs and the Words They Modify

1. carefully – placed (verb)

2. thoroughly – wrote (verb)

3. loudly – cheered (verb)

4. very – pleased (adjective); enthusiastically – reacted (verb)

5. extremely – well (adverb); well – fought (verb)

6. Eventually – would be elected (verb)

7. quite – easily (adverb); easily – triumphed (verb)

8. carefully – organized (verb)

9. unanimously – was renominated (verb)

10. quite – widespread (adjective)

Review Exercise 4 – Writing Adverbs in Sentences

Answers will vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. very

2. extremely

3. finally

4. Eventually

5. determinedly

Review Exercise 5 – Using the Comparative and Superlative Forms

1. more loudly

2. worse

3. farther

4. better

5. less

6. longer

7. more carelessly

8. more deeply

9. most

10. longer

Review Exercise 6 – Using Comparative and Superlative Adverbs

1. most frequently

2. more grandly

3. more carefully

4. least

5. longest

Review Exercise 7 – Telling Adjectives and Adverbs Apart

1. lavish – adjective

2. well – adverb

3. proudly – adverb

4. greatly – adverb

5. almost – adverb

6. elegant – adjective

7. private – adjective

8. extravagantly – adverb

9. really – adverb

10. surprisingly – adverb

Review Exercise 8 – Using Adverbs and Adjectives Correctly

Answers will vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. a great – adjective

2. an easy – adjective

3. a difficult – adjective

4. Very – adverb

5. quite – adverb

6. easily – adverb

7. best – adjective

8. less – adverb

9. eventually – adverb

10. good – adjective

Review Exercise 9 – Avoiding Double Negatives

1. ever

2. anyone

3. anything

4. ever

5. any

6. anywhere

7. anybody

8. any

9. anything

10. anyone

Review Exercise 10 – Expressing Negative Ideas

Answers will vary, but some suggestions are given below.

1. weren’t ever

2. never met anyone

3. hadn’t gone anywhere

4. had known nothing

5. had never seen anything

6. Nobody…had ever seen

7. could never

8. hadn’t ever

9. Never before had

10. no one should

Have a good day!


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