Tredyffrin/Easttown School District



The Framers of the Constitution had a problem: how to create a new central government that would be strong enough to meet the needs of the day and would, at the same time, preserve the already existing states.

The Framers of the Constitution knew the importance of limiting federal powers. They were convinced that:

1-Governmental power inevitably poses a threat to individual liberty.

2-Therefore the exercise of governmental power must be retrained.

3-That to divide governmental power, as federalism does, is to prevent abuse.

Federalism Defined

A system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government between a central government and states.

Each level of government has its own set of powers.

Each level of government operates through its own agencies and acts directly through its own officials and laws.

The Constitution assigns certain powers to the national government and reserves others to the states. Federalism if spelled out in the 10th Amendment.

Federalism’s major strength: it allows local action in matters of local concern and national action in matters of wider concern. Local traditions, needs and desires vary from state to state and federalism allows for differing circumstances among the states

In 48 states, most gas stations are self-service; in NJ and Oregon, the law forbids motorists to pump their own gas. Some states do not have a general sales tax. Oregon and Washington have legalized physician- assisted suicide, in Colorado and Washington State, recreational marijuana is legal.

Although federalism allows states to handle local matters, it also provides the strength that comes from Union: States are aided by the National government if they come under attack from a foreign or domestic threat. The National government comes to a state’s rescue in the case of a natural disaster.

Read the text on the other side of this page and respond to the following:

1-Explain the problem faced by the Framers of the Constitution.

2-Why did the Framers believe that limiting federal powers was important?

3-Explain: “federalism.”

4-Describe federalism’s major strength.

Read through pages 95-99 of the textbook and respond to the following:

5-What are the three delegated powers of the national government? You should already know the meaning of the first two, explain the third delegated power and provide an example.

6-What are reserved powers?

7-What is the supremacy clause?

8-What are concurrent powers?

9-What powers are denied to the states?

10-Explain how the national government protects the states. Provide examples.

Read “Types of Federal Aid” on page 109 and respond:

11-The main way the federal government provides money to the states are grants. What are grants?

12-Give examples of how states use grants.

13-The last paragraph of this sections begins: “Funds come at a price....” What does this mean?

Division of Federal and State Powers

National Government. National and State State Expressed, implied & inherent Concurrent Powers Reserved Powers [pic]

Fill in this Venn-Diagram. [see page 97 of text; we will add other powers later.


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