K-4 Committee Meeting - Sitemason, Inc.

|[pic]K-4 Grade Level Committee |October 11, 2005 |

| |8:00 – 9:30 am |

| |Pennington Elementary |

| |2817 Donna Hill Drive |

| |Nashville, TN 37214 |

|Meeting called by: |Flo Kidd |Type of meeting: |Committee |

|Facilitator: |Flo Kidd |Note taker: |Melissa Jaggers |

|Attendees: |Wanda Jordan Cora Howe Family Resource C/Family & Children’s Svcs |

| |Crystal Robinson Family & Children’s Services |

| |Angela Lyles Girls' Scout Council of Cumberland Valley |

| |Pam Greer Jones Paideia Elementary |

| |Evelyn Barbour Jones Paideia Elementary |

| |Robert Bohrer Julia Green Elementary |

| |Jim Hastings Julia Green Elementary |

| |Melanie Baltz Scott Kids on the Block |

| |Barbara Ide Lakeview Design Elementary |

| |Florence Kidd MNPS |

| |Connie Williams PENCIL |

| |Carolyn Wood Pennington Elementary |

| |Janet Skinner Pennington Elementary |

| |Leslie Goodwin Pennington Elementary |

| |Sandra Thomas Senior Citizens, Inc. / FLIP |

| |Melissa Spradlin Tennessean NIE |

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|Minutes |

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|Agenda item: |Introduction of New Committee Members & Guests |Presenter: |Flo Kidd |

|Discussion: |Ms. Kidd introduced the following guests: |

|Conclusions: |--Pam Greer and Evelyn Barbour, Jones Paideia |

| |--Robert Bohrer and Jim Hastings, Julia Green |

| |--Melissa Jaggers, Alignment Nashville Grants Developer |

| | | |

|Agenda item: |Pennington Elementary’s Character Development Plan |Presenter: |Carolyn Wood/Janet Skinner |

|Discussion: |Carolyn Wood (Principal) and Janet Skinner (Guidance Counselor) presented Pennington Elementary’s character development plan |

| |(distributed). |

|Conclusions: |The following non-profits have been engaged at Pennington: |

| |Love in a Big World: assembly scheduled for November 18th @ 9:00 am |

| |PENCIL: Gaylord Entertainment has been secured as a PENCIL Partner |

| |Kids on the Block: performance scheduled for October 20th (Bullying & Alternatives to Violence/School Safety) |

| |FLIP/Senior Citizens, Inc: 8 volunteers are engaged; hosted a welcome meeting on September 30th |

| |The Tennessee NIE program: supplements used in Literacy Centers, grades 3 and 4 |

| |Ms. Woods reported that they have not forged a relationship with Metro Parks yet, but they expect to do so in the near future.|

| |Pennington purchased the Character Counts! agenda, so their trait of the month is not the same as the A.N. trait of the month.|

| |Pennington has developed many ways to embed the character trait of the month into other activities. For example, Pennington |

| |has instituted a new student-led morning announcement program via closed-circuit TV. Each morning, students lead their peers |

| |in the pledge of allegiance, morning announcements and a review of the character trait of the month. |

| |Pennington has established an internal Character Education committee, led by Janet Skinner (guidance counselor), that meets |

| |regularly and designs a monthly service-oriented project for students (e.g., toy and canned goods collection for hurricane |

| |evacuees). |

| |Ms. Kidd then invited the other principals and guidance counselors present to provide an update of activities at their |

| |schools. |

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|Agenda item: |Julia Green Elementary’s Character Traits |Presenter: |Robert Bohrer/Jim Hastings |

|Discussion: |Julia Green Elementary is striving to embed the character traits into the culture of their school, as opposed to teaching the |

| |traits. |

|Conclusions: |They already had the Program of Civility in place, which encourages students and teachers to treat others with respect. The |

| |following non-profits have been engaged so far at Julia Green: PENCIL Partners, Kids on the Block, Love in a Big World, and |

| |The Tennessean Newspaper in Education. |

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|Agenda item: |Jones Paideia Magnet Elementary’s the |Presenter: |Pam Greer/Evelyn Barbour |

| |“I Am Somebody” program | | |

|Discussion: |Jones Paideia Magnet School is continuing the “I Am Somebody” program with Don McGeehee, which encourages students to be the |

| |best they can be, not measuring themselves again others. |

|Conclusions: | Each month they build on the previous character trait of the month, rather than moving on to a new word. Once each month, |

| |they have a school-wide seminar on a piece of literature that deals with the trait of the month. They have made a concerted |

| |effort to integrate the character education activities into the school environment, to avoid fragmentation. So far this year, |

| |The Tennessean Newspaper in Education program is the only non-profit that has been engaged. |

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|Agenda item: |Assessment Plan and Tools |Presenter: |Flo Kidd |

|Discussion: |Draft surveys for students, teachers and parents were distributed for review. |

|Conclusions: |Dr. Barbara Ide, who assisted in designing the surveys, shared information about her prior assessment experiences at Lakeview |

| |Design Center. Dr. Ide emphasized the importance of data-supported character education programs, where data is the guiding |

| |force in choosing tactics and topics. She also stressed the importance of listening to the students; she cited an example of |

| |when student surveys reflected a bullying problem, of which teachers and administrators were not aware. Surveys should be |

| |completely anonymous to encourage honest answers. When dealing with large populations, it may be more feasible to administer |

| |surveys randomly rather than trying to distribute them to everyone. An important next step for the committee will be to |

| |determine how to organize the data to make it useful. |

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| |Ms. Kidd commented that money may be available to score the surveys and organize the data; however, volunteers will be needed |

| |to help administer the survey. |

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| |Dr. Ide commented that it would seem that this information would fit well in the School Improvement Plans, which most |

| |principals are currently working on. Ms. Kidd replied that the “Expected Outcomes” of the Alignment Nashville pilot project |

| |fit into Section 1 of the SIP. |

| |The draft surveys need to be approved by each pilot school. |

|Action items |Person responsible |Deadline |

|Email draft surveys to principals at all 13 pilot schools |Connie Williams |ASAP |

|Principals return changes to Connie Williams | |10/18/05 |

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|Agenda item: |Plans for 2005-2006 meetings |Presenter: |Committee |

|Discussion: |The K-4 committee will continue to meet in schools, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 8:00 – 9:30 am. A schedule of |

| |meeting dates and locations was distributed. In addition, two schools will be invited to attend as guests to encourage sharing|

| |of ideas. |

|Conclusions: |Lee Mayberry, who is a new guidance counselor at Cora Howe Elementary, has agreed to serve as a point of contact for guidance |

| |counselors at the 13 pilot schools, since Lee has served on the K-4 committee for 2 years. The guidance counselors may meet |

| |twice per semester. |

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| |The committee may plan a culminating meeting after school is out for the year, bringing the committee and all of the pilot |

| |schools together. |

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|Agenda item: |Committee Reporting Responsibilities |Presenter: |Committee |

|Discussion: |Monthly committee meetings will be for discussion of best practices and hearing from non-profits. |

|Conclusions: |Connie Williams asked each committee member to pick a school to be a liaison with; she distributed a one-page monthly report |

| |that is to be completed and submitted before each monthly committee meeting. These reports will be distributed to the |

| |committee at each meeting to provide a snapshot of each school’s progress. |

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|Agenda item: |Updates from Nonprofits on Alignment Nashville Activity |Presenter: |Committee |

|Discussion: |The K-4 committee has invited all non-profits that submitted proposals to participate and provide a representative to the K-4 |

| |committee; most have done so. Ms. Williams encouraged all organizations to send a representative to committee meetings |

| |whenever possible. |

|Conclusions: |Museum Advocates may be sending Mary Grissom from Cheekwood. |

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| |The committee needs another person from business; Ann Jarvis Pruitt has been suggested, due to her involvement with Character |

| |Counts! and Metro schools. |

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| |In addition, Alignment Nashville's’ Outcomes Committee is assigning Trevor Hutchins from Belmont University to work with the |

| |K-4 Committee. A.N. will also be assigning someone to assist with communications (documentation and marketing). |

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| |Other committee needs include: |

| |--a committee member to interface with Family Resource Centers; suggested Family & Children’s Services |

| |--a committee member to interface with United Way; suggested Joyce Searcy |

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|Meeting Adjourned at (time) |


|Tuesday, November 8, 2005 |

|8:00 – 9:30 a.m. |

|Napier Elementary Enhanced Option School |

|60 Fairfield Avenue |

|Nashville, TN 37210 |

List of Attachments:

Pennington Elementary' character development plan (distributed)


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