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|World Health Organization |

|Field Office |

|Nazran, Republic of Ingushetia |

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|March 2003 |

Table of Contents

|Organization |Page |

|Agency for Rehabilitation and Development (ARD/Denal) |3 |

|CARE International (Austria) |5 |

|Centre for Peacemaking and Community Development (CPCD) |7 |

|Danish Refugee Council/Danish Peoples Aid (DRC/DPA) |9 |

|Hammer FOrum e.V. |10 |

|Handicap International |11 |

|Human Appeal International |13 |

|International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) |14 |

|International Humanitarian Initiative (IHI) |17 |

| International Medical Corps (IMC) |19 |

| Islamic Relief (IR) |23 |

| Malch |24 |

| Medecins du Monde (MDM) |25 |

| Medecins Sans Frontieres – Belgium (MSF-B) |27 |

| Medecins Sans Frontieres – France (MSF-F) |29 |

| Medecins Sans Frontieres - Holland (MSF – H) |31 |

| Medecins Sans Frontieres - Switzerland (MSF – S) |34 |

| Memorial |36 |

| People in Need Foundation (PINF) |37 |

| Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO) |39 |

| Save the Generation |41 |

| Saudi Red Crescent Society (SRCS) |42 |

| SERLO |43 |

| United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) |44 |

| VESTA |46 |

| World Vision |47 |

| World Health Organization (WHO) |48 |

|[pic] |Agency for Rehabilitation and Development (ARD/Denal) |

|Sector: |Health; Food; Non-Food Items; Education |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To render psychosocial support to people affected by the conflict; to provide specialised medical services for |

| |women and medical aid for the IDP population; to support education and recreational activities; to supply |

| |supplementary food products to vulnerable IDP categories with specific nutritional needs; to provide basic |

| |hygienic items and clothes for newborns; to help the IDP community to establish a support system for its members |

| |making use of available resources. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDP children, youth, women and men in Ingushetia and residents in |

| |Chechnya |

|Partners: |UNICEF, WHO, SDR/SHA |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Karabulak, Evdoshenko St. 56 | |

|Mrs. Luba Archakova, Programme Director | |

|Mrs. Zulikan Nikaeva, Co-ordinator of Psychological Project | |

|Tel: (8734) 44 42 90; 44 49 97; (8732) 24 04 09 (mob) | |

|E-mail: ard_denal@ | |


ARD/DENAL is engaged in medical, psychosocial and educational programmes in 2 IDP tent camps, as well as in 24 spontaneous settlements of Ingushetia and 8 locations in Chechnya. ARD/DENAL is largely involved into community work, mine awareness education and protection of IDP rights and interests.

ARD operates 2 health posts providing gynaecological services in “Bella” and “Sputnik” IDP tent camps. It also operates one mobile medical unit (1 general physician, 1 paediatrician and 1 nurse) in selected settlements of Sunzha and Nazran districts in Ingushetia (see Table N1).

ARD/DENAL counsellor works with the wounded civilians in “Sputnik”, “Alina”, “Bella”, Satsita”, “Bart” IDP tent camps, “Kar’er”, “Neftebaza” settlements in Ingushetia and City Hospital N9 in Grozny. The counsellor provides psychological assistance along with the medical aid. Recommendations are also provided for referring sick Chechen children for out-of-town medical treatment.


• Health post – 1 in “Bella” IDP camp (Gynaecology) - Tuesday, Wednesday

• Health post – 1 in “Sputnik” IDP camp (Gynaecology) - Monday, Thursday, Friday

• Mobile Medical Unit (MMU)– 1 (Physician, Paediatrician, Nurse) (see Table N1)

• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 12 (6 in Ingushetia and 8 in Chechnya) See Table N2

Table N1

|Area covered by MMU |

|Days |Location |Time |Location |Time |

|Monday |MTF-1 (Karabulak) |9:00-12:00 |Yandare, Plievo |13:00-16:30 |

|Tuesday |Barsuki |9:00-12:00 |MTF-2, STF (Troitskaya) |13:00-16:30 |

|Wednesday |RPK, Konservny zavod, Detsky sad |9:00-12:00 |RTP, MRO, Ingushhimservice (Sleptsovsk) |13:00-16:30 |

| |(Sleptsovsk) | | | |

|Thursday |MTF-4, Oksanov garage (Sleptsovsk) |9:00-12:00 |Burploshadka, Neftebaza, Souyzgaz, Detsky dom |13:00-16:30 |

| | | |(Karabulak) | |

|Friday |ZhBI, Kar’er (Karabulak) |9:00-12:00 |“Saturn”, MTF-1, Stroiuchastok (Troiskaya) |13:00-16:30 |

Table N2

|Area covered by ARD Rehabilitation Centres |

|Ingushetia |Chechnya |

|Promzhilbasa |Shali |

|MTF-1 |Shatoi |

|Kar’er |Serzhen-Yurt |

|Sputnik |Chechen Aul |

|Ingushhimservice |Duba-Yurt |

|Satsita |Elistanzhi |

| |Tevzanai |

|[pic] |CARE International (Austria) |

|Sector: |Health |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To provide community-based psychosocial support to vulnerable groups to enhance their psychosocial well being. |

|Beneficiaries: |Affected children and adults |

|Partners: |ARD, CPCD, New Education, Ministry of Education (MoE), UNICEF |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 38 |Moscow, Krasina street 24/1/19 |

|Ms. Jan Field, Head of Office |Ms. Anna Kovtun, Secretary/Administration |

|Mr. Norbert Bieder, Administrator | |

|Ms. Inna Malsagova, Project Manager | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 67 27 |Tel/Fax: (095) 254 59 96 |

|Email: cinorthcaucasus@; jfrh48@ |Email: |


CARE INTERNATIONAL (Austria) developed the Psychosocial Training Programme training modules for Educational and Health Professionals working with war-affected children and their families. CARE is working closely with three local partners, the Agency for Rehabilitation and Development (ARD), the Centre for Peacemaking and Community Development (CPCD), and the Institute for Professional Training of Ingushetia (IPT = part of the Ingush Ministry of Education), as well as key international agencies operational in the psychosocial and education sectors to ensure appropriate and sustainable programming. The emphasis of the programme is on strengthening local manpower and building the capacities of both local partners and individuals in the fields of education and health to continue to provide training and support to the children and families affected by the conflict as well as to provide training to professionals in the field.

CARE achieved the following in the Republics of Ingushetia and Chechnya:

• Over 8,000 school-age children are taught by teachers who participated in Care’s training modules and have increased their psychosocial knowledge;

• 269 education professionals (incl. 15 TOTs) are trained to provide psychosocial assistance to children in schools and kindergartens;

• 83 medical professionals are trained to provide psychosocial assistance to children at medical services in Chechnya and Ingushetia;

• 98 schools and other pedagogical institutions with a total of over 2,700 teachers are provided access to the knowledge and application mechanisms of psychosocial aid to traumatised children;

• 27 medical institutions with a total of over 3,500 medical staff are provided access to the knowledge and application mechanisms of psychosocial aid to traumatised children;

• Three partners agencies – the Ingush Institute for Professional Training, the Agency for Rehabilitation and Development, and the Centre for Peacemaking and Community Development – are able to independently replicate the project training modules;

• Four training supervisors/local specialists working in most difficult conditions have gained increased psychosocial insight and empowerment. They are employed with ARD and CPCD and able to replicate the training modules at any time.

During the overall project duration, a series of training sessions were offered to education and health care professionals. International trainers conducted Training of Trainers seminars during the first part of each visit and, together with local trainers, conducted larger seminars for professionals.

CARE is responsible also for the financial administration and professional supervision of New Education staff, a local partner in the UNICEF Child Mine Victim project, working with parents and children who have sustained psychological and physical trauma from mine injuries.

The Community based psychological project based in four locations (MTF, Aki-Yurt, Satsita and Grozny) supports training for teachers/medical workers, facilitates self-help and focus groups of vulnerable sections in the community as well as a capacity building project in each community to facilitate resilience.

The Alternative Education Project for Youth based in Aki-Yurt provides vocational training, adult learning, and life skills training within a youth club venue. The aim of this project is to provide employment opportunities for youth that have had their education disrupted due to the ongoing conflict.

Participants of the psychosocial training seminars are education and health professionals. Their status is that of IDPs and residents from state institutions (mainly medical facilities and schools) and non-formal institutions (IDP schools and medical facilities of I/NGOs.


• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 3 in Ingushetia (MTF, Aki-Yurt, Satsita) and 1 in Grozny

• Training Coverage area:

|Ingushetia |Chechnya |

|Nazran district |Grozny district |

|Malgobek district |Urus-Martan district |

|Sunzha district |Achkhoy-Martan district |

| |Shali district |

| |Nadterechniy district |

|[pic] |Centre for Peacemaking and Community Development (CPCD) |

|Sector: |Food; Shelter; Health; Education; Mine Action; Economic Recovery and Infrastructure |

|Location: |Chechnya, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Karachai-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria |

|Objectives: |To address food needs of IDPs and vulnerable people; to provide psychosocial support to affected children; to |

| |support education and recreational activities; to help build a network of young people across the North Caucasus |

| |republics who are skilled in conflict resolution; to prevent mine-related incidents; to support local and |

| |community groups and services. |

|Beneficiaries: |Displaced and local populations; vulnerable individuals and groups |

|Partners: |UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Naberezhnaya street 20 |Moscow, Bolshoy Vlasievsky 14 |

| |117331 Моscow B-331, Postbox 71 |

|Ms. Renate Hartman, Programme Co-ordinator |Mr. Jacco Brink, Programme Co-ordinator |

|Shamkhan Adaev, Co-ordinator Little Star |Ms. Marina Baisangurova, Administrator |

|Murad Tangiev, Co-ordinator, Women’s’ Support Centre in Malgobek | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 62 12 |Tel/Fax: (095) 244 03 63 |

|E-mail: |E-mail: |

Programme ActivitY:

CPCD was founded in 1995 in response to the needs of suffering civilians during the 1994-1996 Chechen war. CPCD now works in Chechnya, Ingushetia and across the North Caucasus. The programmes that are implemented include psychosocial assistance to traumatised children in Chechnya and Ingushetia via “Little Star” centres, provision of gynaecological and psychosocial help to pregnant IDP-women in Malgobek, an education programme in IDP camps in Ingushetia, rehabilitation of war-damaged schools in Chechnya, baking of bread and distribution of humanitarian aid, a vocational training programme for IDP youth, mine awareness, and peace building initiatives across the North Caucasus.

Little Star works through group work and individual consultations with young people aged 7-23 who have been traumatised by the war in Chechnya,. At present a total of sixty counsellors are working in pairs at thirty locations: nine in IDP camps in Ingushetia, fourteen in Grozny and seven elsewhere in Chechnya. On average, each point targets 25 children (divided in two groups) over two months, totalling around 750 children every two months.

Additionally, two trips are planned for July and August 2003 for a total of approximately 200 children. The psychosocial rehabilitation/rest periods for children at a sanatorium in Kabardino-Balkaria are an opportunity for consolidation of work conducted in the Little Star centres, offered mainly to children with particularly high levels of stress and trauma. Full medical check-ups can also be conducted there, and treatment can be arranged if required.

War Child and CPCD both conduct two training for the Little Star staff every year. The teams consist of experts with various backgrounds (creative therapists, community arts specialists, psychiatrists, management consultants, etc.). CPCD organises two training/retreats for Little Star staff outside the North Caucasus region, providing both training and a chance for the staff members to recover themselves.

On a monthly basis the Little Star co-ordination group conducts seminars for the Little Star counsellors themselves and for teachers in Chechnya and Ingushetia. The training for teachers aims at increasing their awareness of ways to assist the children in dealing with stress, and to diagnose children with particular needs to be referred to the Little Star centre.

CPCD has published ‘Psychological Rehabilitation for Children Traumatised by War’ (CPCD, 2000), in English and Russian. The organisation is planning to produce a second, more detailed manual, based on the work and experience of Little Star in Chechnya and Ingushetia.

The Women’s Support Centre in Malgobek, established in November 2002, provides gynaecological and psychosocial services to pregnant IDP women living in Malgobek. The Centre is staffed with a gynaecologist, two nurses, a social services consultant and a masseuse. The women coming to the centre receive gynaecological treatment, basic medication, anti-venereal prophylactics and hygienic kits. They are also given an opportunity to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on how to keep themselves and their children in good health. Other fields of activity are social services consultations and massages. CPCD plans to expand the centre’s activities by raising awareness on AIDS and employing a psychologist to provide psychosocial assistance to the IDP-women.


• Health Post - Women’s Support Centre - in Malgobek, (ulitsa Gogolya, 32/38)

• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – in Ingushetia and Chechnya (see Table N1)

Table N1

|Area covered by Little Star points |

|Ingushetia |Chechnya |

|‘Bart’ camp – 3 tents |Sernovodsk |

|‘Alina’ camp – 2 tents |Urus-Martan |

|‘Bela’ camp – 1 tents |Alpatovo |

|Rassvet – 1 tent and Omega school |Komsomolskoye |

|Yandare – 1 tent |Alkhan-Yurt |

| |Valerik |

| |Grozny: |

| |Leninsky rayon (schools NN 15, 56, 60, Chechen State University); Staraya Sunzha |

| |(school N 1); Club Tekhnika; Zavodskoy district (schools NN 50, 57); |

| |Staropromyslovsky rayon (schools NN 49, 54); schools NN 8, 39, Oktyabrski rayon, |

| |Chernoreche (school N 47) |

|[pic] |Danish Refugee Council/Danish Peoples Aid (DRC/DPA) |

|Sector: |Protection; Food; Shelter; Non-Food Items; Mine Action; Economic Recovery. |

|Location: |Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Krasnodar Kray, North Ossetia, and |

| |Stavropol Kray |

|Objectives: |To assist IDPs in the North Caucasus by providing humanitarian assistance within the above areas and sectors, on |

| |the basis of the principle of self-sufficiency and participation. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDPs, refugees, and vulnerable local population |

|Partners: |UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Nuradilova street 14 |Moscow, Granatny per. 9/56 |

|Mr. Peter Sorensen, Programme Manager |Mr. Peter Sorensen, Representative in RF |

|Mr. Kharon Deniev, Deputy Programme Manager |Mr. Dimitry Medlev, Special Assistant |

|Ms. Nellie Drobysheva, Social Sector Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 67 71 |Tel/Fax: (095) 203 35 80 |

|E-mail:;; |E-mail:; |

|; | |

Programme Activity:

In North Caucasus DRC/DPA has been mainly involved in provision of food relief aid, non-food assistance and shelter activities for both Ingushetia and Chechnya.

DRC/DPA is implementing a complex programme of psychosocial rehabilitation of war-affected children and adolescents. DRC/DPA runs one Centre of Psychosocial Rehabilitation in tent camp “Alina” covering population of 3 tent camps of the area – “Alina”, “Bella”, “Satsita”. The target group of the programme is children and adolescents aged 6 to 25 and their parents.

The programme includes the following directions:

a. Psychosocial support of the target group in-groups done by 5 semi-professional local staff members (actually residing in the camp). Each psychosocial counsellor conducts activities for 2 groups (approximately 14 persons each month).

b. Individual counselling has done by semi-professional staff – approximately 60 clients per month.

c. Training for semi-professionals done by qualified staff on the regular basis: art-therapy, self-esteem, NLP, methods of community assessment, project development and management).

d. Psychosocial support of drugs addicts and their family members: training of local human resources, preventive campaigns and programmes, informational activities among youth.

e. Educational and developmental courses for adolescents


• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 1 in “Alina” IDP camp

|[pic] |Hammer FOrum e.V. |

|Sector: |Health |

|Location: |Chechnya |

|Objectives: |To provide basic medical care to Chechen children |

|Beneficiaries: |Chechen civilians, children |

|Partners: |Ministry of Health of Chechnya (MoH) |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Naberezhnaya street 44 | |

|Mr. Matthias van Lohuizen, Project Co-ordinator | |

|Mr. Joerg Henneboehl, Medical Co-ordinator | |

|Ms. Tamara Uzhakhova, Office Manager | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 23 60 | |

|E-mail:;; lohuizen10@ | |

programme activity:

Hammer FOrum was WHO implementing partner from 1 May to 31 October 2002 in realisation of Basic Medical Health Care project in Chechnya. It has become ECHO operational partner since 1 November 2002 covering 5 state medical structures in Grozny. Hammer FOrum provides regular drug/medical equipment assistance to all 5 locations. Additionally it carries out minor building repair works in the covered children polyclinics of Grozny.

In addition, Hammer FOrum is in expectations of funds to support 2 mobile medical units (MMU’s) in Ingushetia. The MMU’s are specially designed and equipped with the necessary drugs and equipment, i.e. one ECG and ultra-sound equipment.

Hammer FOrum also assists individual cases (children only) in need of specialised treatment not available in Ingushetia. The organisation continues to send such selected children under the age of 13 for appropriate medical treatment to Germany and Moscow.


• Hospital Supply – in Chechnya (see Table N1)

• Work with Individual Cases – Ingushetia, Chechnya

Table N1

|Place |Location/Grozny |

|Children Polyclinic N4 including Aldy Branch |Chernoretch’e and Zavodsky district/ |

|City Hospital N3 (Paediatric Ward/department) |Staropromyslovsky district |

|Polyclinic N3 (Paediatric consultation point) |Staropromyslovsky district |

|Policlinic N1 (Paediatric ward/department) |Leninsky district |

|[pic] |Handicap International |

|Sector: |Health; Economic Recovery |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To strengthen health and social services supporting disabled persons in Chechnya; to improve the rehabilitation of|

| |injured persons in surgical departments by providing training and equipment; to assist people with disability with|

| |emergency walking aid devices and hygienic kits for bedridden persons; to help vulnerable families in Chechnya to |

| |become self-sufficient by developing micro-projects with the Chechen branch of the All-Russia Society of Disabled |

| |Persons (VOI); to promote the social integration of people with disability in Chechnya and Ingushetia. |

|Beneficiaries: |People with disability |

|Partners: |VOI, WHO, MoH |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 37 |Moscow, Kostomarovsky 2/206 |

|Ms. Catherine Naughton, Project Manager |Ms. Marianne Coppey Lanzer, Programme Director |

|Ms Gistam , Project Officer | |

|Ms Khava Gadieva, Office Manager, Nazran | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 14 47 |Tel: (095) 787 57 73 |

|E-mail: hi_nazran@,, khava@ |Fax: (095) 787 57 74 |

| |E-mail: |


|Grozny, Leonova Street, 8 | |

|Ms. Zargan Temirkhanova, Project Co-ordinator, Chechnya | |

|Tel/Fax: (8711) 22 34 81 | |

Programme activity:

During 2002 the following activities were developed and are continuing through 2003.

• Training of health professionals and disability workers in rehabilitation of people with injury and disability. During 2002 four training seminars were held, with a total of 62 trainees.

• Support to 7 hospitals and NGOs operating rehabilitation facilities (traumatology equipment, rehabilitation equipment, and structural rehabilitation of facilities)

• Direct distribution of adapted materials to people with disability in their home (total number of beneficiaries to date is 3647)

• Development of income generation projects with the Society of Invalids in Chechnya

• Facilitation of prosthesis fitting for people with amputation (HI assesses people, makes appropriate referrals and arranges for prosthesis fitting at workshops in the region, and provides follow up in Chechnya. 30 beneficiaries so far). It is planned to include support to people with amputation for corrective surgery this year.

• Production of public information material, translation of training material, development of health promotion and awareness material for people with injury/ disability in the North Caucasus.

• Support Grozny Medical College (GMC), which is the main training institute for rehabilitation specialists in Chechnya.

• Lobbying for the equal rights of people with disability for access to services, inclusion in education and acceptance within the community.

These activities were developed with the financial support of ECHO, SV, RIJ, WHO.

The main activities in Ingushetia in 2003 presently were the supply of wheelchairs to people with disability through NGOs, Vesta and MSF, with the support of ECHO. The organisation is currently in the process of ordering materials for distribution in March and April. A video on rehabilitation of amputees has been translated to Russian and will be distributed to health and rehabilitation workers in Ingushetia, and a directory of services for people with amputation in the North Caucasus is in the final stages of production. Upon its publication the copies of the above materials will be provided to the relevant Ingush authorities.


• Work with individual cases - Direct support to individual people with disability in throughout the whole territory of Chechnya, and to IDP in Ingushetia in partnership with NGOs (ARD, VESTA, MSFB), the Society of Invalids, Government Ministries, and health and social institutions.

• Hospital supply - training/traumatology equipment/rehabilitation equipment- Chechnya and Ingushetia

|Place |Location |

|City Hospital N9 |Grozny, Chechnya |

|Urus-Martan District Hospital |Urus-Martan, Chechnya |

|Gudermes District Hospital |Gudermes, Chechnya |

|Argun District Hospital |Argun, Chechnya |

|“Abscess” centre |Grozny, Chechnya |

|Republican Children’s Hospital |Grozny, Chechnya |

|Republican Central Hospital |Nazran, Ingushetia |

| |Human Appeal International |

|Sector: |Food, Non-Food Items, Health |

|Location: |Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To provide basic humanitarian assistance to IDPs |

|Beneficiaries: |IDP population in Ingushetia |

|Partners: |UNHCR, UNICEF |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Nasyr-Kort str. 65/ or Aki-Yurt village | |

|Mr. Ali Ayoub, Director | |

|Ms. Zarema Bersingova, Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 61 75 | |

|E-mail: humappeal67@ | |

Programme activity:

HAI operates a health clinic on the territory of the former “Aki Yurt” IDP camp in Malgobek district, Ingushetia. The policlinic has capacity to provide gynaecological, paediatrics and dental services. The polyclinic is open Monday-Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00.


• Health Post – 1 in Aki-Yurt village (Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Dentistry)

|[pic] |International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|Ingushetia / Chechnya / Nalchik |Moscow |

|Nazran, Nuradilov Street 49 |Moscow, Trohalski pereulok 13/1 |

|Grozny, Yanvarskaya Street 83 | |

| | |

|Mr. Raffaello Mueller, Head of Mission (Nalchik) |Mr. Michel Minnig, Head of Delegation(Moscow) |

|Mr. Paolo Bernasconi, Head of Office, Nazran | |

|Ms. Nancy Chevalier, Head of Office, Khassavyurt (Nalchik) | |

|Ms. Elena Polygalova, Health Assistant (Nalchik) | |

|Ms. Sovdat Dachukaeva, Medical Field Officer (Grozny) | |

|Mr. Liomi Vissurov, Medical Field Officer (Grozny) | |

|Ms. Sveta Kurbanova, Medical Field Officer (Grozny) | |

| | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 84 98, 2-24-15 – in Nazran |Tel: (095) 926 54 26 |

|Tel/Fax: (8712) 22 31 28 – in Grozny |Fax: (095) 564 84 31 |

|Tel: (8662) 95 34 14, 95 45 74 – in Nalchik |E-mail: moscou.mos@ |

|Tel: (8662) 44 23 43, 44 23 41, 44 23 81 – in Nalchik | |

|Fax: (8662) 44 23 07 – in Nalchik | |

|E-mail: nalchik.nat@ | |

|Internet: | |

Programme activity:

In Ingushetia the ICRC renders monthly assistance to trauma and surgical departments of the Ingush Republican Hospital in Nazran. The medical supply usually contains intravenous infusions, antibiotics, miorelaxation drugs, catheters, tubes, suture, injection, dressing and x-ray materials, gloves, antiseptics and the other materials needed for the surgical patients.

In Chechnya the ICRC supplies monthly trauma and surgical departments in 10 hospitals (see Table N1). The additional assistance will be provided to other departments of six of these hospitals.

In Dagestan the ICRC supplies monthly trauma and surgical departments of the central Khassavyurt hospital.

The assistance was provided according to the hospitals’ monthly requests. The monthly supplies mainly contained infusions, antibiotics, miorelaxation drugs, analgetics, catheters, gastric and drainage tubes, x-ray materials, suture materials, gloves, POP bandages, IV sets.

In April and in August some medical equipment was provided to the hospitals: Autoclaves, quartz lamps, portable X-ray machines, Laparoscope, bronchoscope, instrument trolley, IV stands, cystoscope, suction machines, anaesthesia machines, surgical instrument sets, OT table, surgical aspirators wheel stretchers, oxygen concentrators.

Several hospitals received the AD HOC assistance in connection with the emergency situations:

• In April-02 – 3 hospitals in Vladikavkaz received an AD HOC medical assistance in connection with the explosion in the market;

• In May-02 – 4 hospitals in Dagestan (3 in Makhachkala and 1 in Kaspysk) were assisted while admitting the victims of the explosion on May 9, 2002;

• In June and in August – Grozny City hospital N 4 Burns department requested some items which were urgently needed to the patients;

• In September – Sunzhensky hospital No. 2 in Galashky was supplied with 1 emergency kit during the clashes at the Chechen-Ingush border;

• In October – Vladikavkaz Military hospital received 1 emergency kit in connection with the events above;

• Grozny City hospital N 9 also received in October some items after the explosion in Oktyabrsky region;

Three Chechen doctors were referred to the 3 weeks training course “Anaesthesiology and resuscitation” in Krasnodar region in May.

The yearly War Surgery seminar took place late in October in Moscow. The ICRC invited about 30 surgeons from the North and South Caucasus to take part in it. Fifteen surgeons from Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan attended it.

Wheelchairs and crutches are also distributed through these hospitals.

The ICRC, in co-operation with the Russian Red Cross, is eventually going to resume its activities in the frame of the Primary Health Care programme. The form of his extension behind the present terms of the agreement with the Chechen Ministry of Health will depend on the results of the evaluation of the programme. This programme covers all medical facilities in Shaly and Urus-Martan regions (Polyclinics, Ambulatory and Feldsher-Obstetrics points - FAP); they get drugs and medical materials according to their order every month. The patients seen in these MoH structures will be given the drugs prescribed by the doctors for the complete treatment. In the villages where only FAPs are available, two Mobile Clinics will be in charge of providing qualified therapeutic and paediatric consultations and necessary drugs. Moreover a limited support will be provided to the FAPs in order to give them the means to deliver daily basic medical cares. Two Mobile Clinics were operating in Shaly and Urus-Martan regions and a fixed medical point was working in Grozny City.

In March-02 the 23 MoH structures of Shaly and Urus-Martan were included into this programme (Polyclinics, Ambulatory, Feldsher-Obstetrics points). They were monthly supplied with the medicines and materials via the Chechen branch of the RRC (CBRRC). The ICRC and the CBRRC regularly performed the monitoring. About 1800 consultation were monthly provided by the qualified medical staff of the Mobile Clinics and the fixed medical point. The PHC structures of Shaly and Urus-Martan regions provided about 25000 consultations a month. The patients received the drugs prescribed by the doctors both in the Clinics and the PHC structures assisted.

In October 2002 a 4 days training course on rational drug use for the medical personnel involved in the PHC programme took place in Vladikavkaz. Twenty-seven doctors and feldshers from Shaly and Urus-Martan regions of Chechnya participated in it.

The ICRC also supports the Grozny Orthopaedic Centre. Two groups of students from Chechnya, 3 and 5 people correspondingly are trained in Sochi Orthopaedic Workshop, supported by the ICRC. The ICRC has provided all the necessary equipment for the Grozny Orthopaedic Centre in 2002. The Centre started producing prosthesis for amputees since February 2003.

In the frame of this programme in April-02 the first group of students from Chechnya started its training course in Sochi orthopaedic centre in order to become prosthesist and to work in Grozny orthopaedic workshop. This group included 3 trainees. In November the second group of 5 students started the training course as well. The full course will last two years. The ortho-equipment was provided to Grozny ortho-workshop in October 2002. Wheelchairs and crutches were also provided to the beneficiaries through the assisted hospitals. The total number of wheelchairs distributed in 2002 is 29; of crutches are 733 pairs.

Rehabilitation of the Urus-Martan Central regional hospital included renovations of the water supply sewage and heating systems, rehabilitation of surgical, trauma and paediatric departments.

Organisation of the tender for rehabilitation of Shaly Central regional hospital. The works started in January 2003. A survey-assessment for rehabilitation of 4 other hospitals in Chechnya was done in 2002.


• Hospital/Drug supply – in Ingushetia and in Chechnya (see Table N1)

• Primary Health Care support – in Chechnya (see Table N2)

Table N1

|Hospitals monthly supplied by ICRC |

|Ingushetia |Chechnya |Dagestan |

|Ingush Republican Hospital in Nazran |City Hospital N3 (Grozny) |Khassavyurt Central Hospital |

| |City Hospital N9 (Grozny) | |

| |Republican Paediatric Hospital (Grozny) | |

| |Gudermes Regional Hospital | |

| |Shaly Regional Hospital | |

| |Achkhoy-Martan Regional Hospital | |

| |Urus-Martan Regional Hospital | |

| |Kurchaloy Regional Hospital | |

| |Argun City Hospital N1 | |

| |Nadterechny Regional hospital | |

Table N2

|Primary Health Care structures covered by the ICRC |

|Shaly District |Urus-Martan District |

|1. Argun polyclinic of City Hospital N1 |Goity ambulatory |

|2. Shaly policlinic of Central Regional Hospital |Roshni -Chu ambulatory |

|3. Chiri-Yurt ambulatory |Guekhi-Chu ambulatory |

|4. Novye Ataghy ambulatory |Shalagy ambulatory |

|5. Mesker-Yurt ambulatory |Guekhi ambulatory |

|6. Avtury ambulatory |Alkhan-Yurt ambulatory |

|7. Duba-Yurt ambulatory |Urus-Martan Polyclinic of Central regional hospital |

|8. Germenchuk ambulatory |Alkhazurovo ambulatory (functioning as FAP) |

|9. Sergen-Yurt ambulatory (functioning as FAP) |Komsomolskoe ambulatory(functioning as FAP) |

|10.Belgatoy ambulatory (functioning as FAP) |Martan -Chu FAP |

|11.Aguishty FAP |Goiskoe FAP |

| |Tanghy FAP |

|NB: Two Mobile Clinics operate in the villages having FAPs or structures functioning as FAPs |

|[pic] |International Humanitarian Initiative (IHI) |

|Sector: |Protection; Food; Shelter; Non-Food Items; Health; Water and Sanitation; Education |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To provide supplementary food; to assist orphans in Chechnya; to provide emergency assistance in critical cases; |

| |to support youth centres in Chechnya and Ingushetia. |

|Beneficiaries: |Depends on the programme |

|Partners: |SDC/SHA |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Gairbek Khadzi, 3 |(In process of establishing) |

|Ms. Maria Gozdecka, Field Co-ordinator |Mrs. Ludmila Proshak, Head of the Office |

|Ms. Taisa Irbaieva, Medical Assistant |Mr. Grigoriy Korolkov, Emergency Co-ordinator |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 14 52 |Tel: 903 6607378 hot line |

|E-mail: ihirus@ | |

|Chechnya |Head Office |

|Grozny, Gudermeskaya 100 |Poland, 02-622 Warsaw, Malczewskiego str. 38/5 |

|Ms. Raisa Elmurzaeva Emergency Assistant |Mrs. Dorota Cholewa |

| |International Department |

|Telephone/Fax/e-mail contact through |Tel: 48 (22) 844 68 46 |

|Nazran Office |Fax:48 (22) 646 20 04 |

| |E-mail:; ihipol@ |

Programme activity:

At present time IHI in co-operation with SPF & the financial support of ECHO runs a programme of improving access to the specialised healthcare and quality treatment for the civilian victims of the conflict in the North Caucasus. In the same time with support of SDC/HA IHI continues the individual assistance to children from Chechnya & IDP children in other territories of North Caucasus, who are in critical situation and in need of immediate medical and emergency intervention. Both programmes are co-ordinated locally through IHI Nazran Emergency Centre at Gairbek Hadzi, 3 (near Central Hospital in Nazran) & IHI Grozny Emergency Centre located at Gudermeskaya str., 100, in Oktyabrsky District (near “Minutka” Square) & cover beneficiaries from all regions of Chechnya & IDPs in Ingushetia. The programme has following components:

• Referral to specialised treatment of civilians who suffered war related trauma, and drastic camp-site accidents in co-operation with the network of hospitals (mostly in Moscow)

• Protection (mediation of documentation to access governmental support for disabled IDPs)

• Financing some aspects of the emergency medical treatment (purchases of medicines)

• Evacuations of sick, elderly with no family support from Chechnya to institutions in safe areas

• Psychological consultation & physical rehabilitation of the war related trauma victims

• Training courses in accident prevention measures, first aid and emergency response for spontaneous settlements, camps & TACs in Ingushetia & Chechnya. Distribution of first aid kits.

As of today, over 110 IDPs (mostly children) with complicated health conditions were forwarded for medical treatment to various towns of Russian Federation and more were assisted in North Caucasus region. In month of January IHI emergency teams were in individual contact with over 1700 beneficiaries.

MEDICAL AID: Outside of these programmes IHI also helps to organise some medical assistance and equipment for: Hospital #1, Hospital #3, Hospital #4, Central Maternity Hospital in Grozny, Children Republican Hospital in Grozny, Hospital #9 in Grozny, Psychiatric Hospital in Darbanhi, Hospital #2 in Gudermes all in the Chechen Republic and Republican Hospital in Nazran. The assistance includes medicines, medical beds & furniture, incubators, wheelchairs, some elements for surgeries/prosthesis.

MEDICAL SURVEYS: IHI to date was also involved in following medical surveys:

• Primary Health Care in 5 Regions in Chechnya (on request of IMC)

• Survey on Tuberculosis and Existing System of Prevention its Epidemic in Chechnya (all Regions of Chechen Republic covered).

IHI is in process of gathering materials for information campaign on access to specialised & emergency healthcare for IDPs in the region & citizens of Chechen Republic. In 2003 IHI also considers to involve in assisting TB patients in Chechen Republic.


• Work with war related trauma cases & some emergency individual cases:

- Chechnya & Ingushetia (most of the regions through mobile emergency teams)

• Psychological consultation & rehabilitation – Ingushetia for IDPs coming to our centre + site visits

• Emergency & First aid training:

- Ingushetia (camps/spontaneous settlements to be decided);

- Chechnya (TACs, locations to be decided)

• Medical deliveries/assistance:

- Chechnya: selected Hospitals in Grozny, Gudermes, Darbanhi, Starye Atagi,

- Stavropolskiy Kray: Pyatigorsk, Inozemtcovo – Old Folks Home

- North Ossetia: Priterechnoy – Old Folks Home

- Ingushetia: Nazran - Central Republican Hospital

- Moscow: selected hospitals/departments IHI co-operates with in 2003

• Information campaign (access to specialised healthcare, emergency prevention) – all regions in Chechen & Ingush Republics


IHI Emergency Centre is located in front of the Central Hospital in Nazran (Gairbek Hadzi, str., 3)

9:30-12:30 reception for adults with war related trauma

12:30-14:00 reception of children in emergencies

14:00-18:00 reception by trauma specialist & rehabilitation

Psychological consultations Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 14:00 - 18:00

Wednesday, Friday Saturday 9:30 - 13:00

The emergency centre is opened Monday through Saturday 9:30-18:00

IHI Emergency & Information Centre in Grozny is located in Oktyabrski Region (Gudermeskaya, 100)

Medical Consultations for war related trauma civilian victims: Wednesday, Fridays 12:00 –15:00

Consultations on access to specialised medical care: Wednesday – Saturday 10:00-12:00

IHI medical/emergency teams have scheduled monitoring trips in Ingushetia 4 times per week & in Chechnya 2 times per week. The regular schedule of camp visits will be provided at later date.

In case of Emergencies IHI may be contacted by phone 24 hours/day including Sundays.

|[pic] |International Medical Corps (IMC) |

|Sector: |Shelter; Non-Food Items; Health; Water and Sanitation |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To improve the accessibility and quality of primary and preventative health care for IDPs by provision of medical |

| |care, equipment and supplies, training, and capacity building by mobilising communities. |

|Beneficiaries: |Ingushetia: IDPs in settlements (20,000); IDPs and their host families (30,000) Chechnya: IDPs and general |

| |population (50,000) |

|Partners: |MoH of RI and RC |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Gvardeyskaya Street 1 |Moscow, Starokonyushenny per. 19, # 98 |

|Ms. Lia Tavadze, Medical Director |Ms. Sally Wirsching, Country Director |

|Ms. Aset Batalova, Programme Manager | |

|Ms. Galina Kartasheva, Mobile Teams Leader | |

|Tel: (8732) 22 15 58; 22 10 70 |Tel/Fax: (095) 241-74-49 |

|E-mail: abatru@ |E-mail:; imcrussia@; |

| |sallywirsching@ |


14 medical mobile teams, each of which consists of one doctor, a nurse and a driver, implement IMC programmes in Ingushetia Republic.

1. Provision of PHC:

7 medical mobile teams are engaged into rendering of primary health care to IDPs of all age groups (about 22 000), residing in 47 SS of Nazranovsky and Sunzhensky districts. Patients are being examined (identification of haemoglobin, glucose in blood, urine inspection, oto- and ophthalmoscopy). Patients are provided with essential drugs. If necessary patients are referred to specialists of MoH RI medical facilities.

In case of acute onset of chronic diseases some patients are provided with individual medical aid.

1. Preventive work:

Antenatal aid is rendered to pregnant women in 47 SS and 5 VHCs–Ali-Yurt, Kantyshevo, Plievo, Surkhakhy, Yandare out of the local population and IDPs. All pregnant received iron-containing drugs and vitamins with preventive as well as curative aim; mother and baby kits are being distributed for mothers and newly born babies.

3 mobile medical teams are observing under 5 children in 47 SS and 5 VHCs- Ali-Yurt, Kantyshevo, Plievo, Surkhakhy, Yandare out of the local population and IDPs:

- Monitoring of physical and psychomotor development

- Conducting of work on children’s immunisation.

Vaccination of children is conducted on the base of immunisation rooms of MoH RI medical facilities where children are delivered by IMC transport in accompanied by IMC team members after preliminary paediatric examination.

Organisation of joint activity with volunteers out of IDPs – sanitary teams.

Volunteers are conducting events on observation of sanitary norms and hygiene in SS.

There are twenty-four hour stations of pre-doctoral aid in 12 SS.

Volunteers from IDP population having middle special education have received medical education, tonometers, and pharmaceutical sets for first aid.

2. Construction of health clinics:

IMC has built 19 clinics in SS of Nazranovsky and Sunzhensky districts where IMC doctors accept patients. It is planned to construct 5 more clinics.

3. Educational programme:

• Four IMC medical mobile teams participate in training on medical issues in the sense of provision first medical aid. Medical professionals of 24 VHCs and obstetrical stations of MoH RI of 3 districts – Malgobeksky, Sunzhensky, Nazranovsky participate at the training.

• IMC jointly with Moscow Medical Academy has completed training on speciality “General medical practice (family medicine) “C”, held by Moscow Medical Academy. 12 IMC doctors and 2 MoH RI doctors have completed the course and have received certificates. At present preparation is arranged for the conducting of similar training for IMC doctors, medical professionals of MoH of Republics of Ingushetia and Chechnya.

4. Support of medical facilities of MoH RI:

Assessment of medical equipment and drugs needs is carried out with further necessary delivery to the state medical structures of MoH RI.

5. Resource Centre:

IMC and MoH RI have conducted joint up-to-date information in the sphere of medical care. IMC has provided the Centre with computers and other essential equipment on free basis.

6. IMC activity in Chechnya:

Four mobile medical teams are providing PHC to residents of Naursky, Nadterechny districts. IMC clinics are located on the base of medical facilities of MoH of Chechen Republic.


• Mobile Medical Unit - 10 (7 medical teams - PHC, antenatal aid, 2 mobile teams – rendering of aid to under 5 children in 47 SS. 1 medical teams – rendering of antenatal aid, monitoring of development of under 5 children in 5 VHCs) (see Table N1).

• Mobile Medical Unit - 4 medical teams in 12 settlements of Chechen Republic (see Table N4).

• Health Post in SS – 19 in SS in Ingushetia (see Table N2).

• Medical Training - the staff of VHCs and FAPs (see Table N3).

Table № 1

| |Spontaneous settlement |Settlement |

| |Nazran district: |Nazran district: |

| |Cafe "Druzhba", Barsuky |1. Ali-Yurt-VHC |

| |Milk farm, Nasyr-Kort |2. Kantyshevo-VHC |

| |Farm "Mayak" Surkhakhy |3. Plievo-VHC |

| |Metalshop, (Farfor). Nazran |4. Surkhakhy-VHC |

| |"Erzy", Nazran |5. Yandare-VHC |

| |Centre -"KAMAZ", Nazran | |

| |Avtovaz "Erzy-Lada"(Firm "Terek"), Nazran | |

| |Kindergarten №3, Nazran | |

| |Cafe "Tanzila", Nazran | |

| |«Uchkhoz», Yandare | |

| |Internationalnaya, Nazran | |

| |URS, Nazran | |

| |MTF, Altievo | |

| |«Maslozavod», Altievo | |

| |Karabulak | |

| |MTF, Karabulak | |

| |Finance department, Karabulak | |

| | "Kolos", Karabulak | |

| |"Daymokhk" Karabulak | |

| |"Ingavto", Karabulak | |

| |Promyslovaya №1, Karabulak | |

| |«Karyer», Karabulak | |

| |Promzhilbaza, Karabulak | |

| |Samanny Gorodok, Karabulak | |

| |Maslozavod, Karabulak | |

| |Sunzha district: | |

| |Dom Byta, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |SMU-4, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Marketing Service, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |SMU-5, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |"Bogatyr", Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Kindergarten Red Army, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Restaurant "Sunzha", Sleptsovskaya | |

| |DRSU-14, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |"Polonia", Sleptsovskaya | |

| |MTF-1, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |PMK, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |UMS, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |"Salamov", Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Iman, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Raypishekombinat (Konservny zavod), Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Bread-bakery (JSC «Tigr»), Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Konservny zavod, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |Poultry farm, Sleptsovskaya | |

| |MTF Complex, Nesterovskaya | |

| |Sausage shop, Nesterovskaya | |

| |Leskhoz, Nesterovskaya | |

| |MTF-2, Nesterovskaya | |

| |MTF-4, Nesterovskaya | |

Table № 2 .

|IMC clinics, built in SS in RI |

|Nazran district |Sunzha district |

|Milk farm, Nasyr-Kort |Dom Byta, Sleptsovskaya |

|Farm "Mayak" Surkhakhy |SMU-4, Sleptsovskaya |

|Metalshop, (Farfor). Nazran |Kindergarten Red Army, Sleptsovskaya |

|Centre-"KAMAZ", Nazran |MTF-1, Sleptsovskaya |

|Café "Tanzila", Nazran |Bread-bakery (JSC «Tirg»), Sleptsovskaya |

|«Uchkhoz», Yandare |Poultry farm, Sleptsovskaya |

|MTF, Altievo |Leskhoz, Nesterovskaya |

| |MTF-2, Nesterovskaya |

| |MTF, Karabulak |

| |"Kolos", Karabulak |

| |Maslozavod, Karabulak |

| |Sausage shop, Nesterovskaya |

Table № 3.

|IMC educational teams in rural medical facilities of MoH RI |

|24 VHCs, FAPs |

|Nazran district |Sunzha district |Malgobek district |

|Ali-Yurt |Alkhasty |Verkhniye Achaluky |

|Yandare |Nesterovskaya |Sredniye Achaluky |

|Kantyshevo |Troitskaya |Nizhniye Achaluky |

|Surkhakhy | |Zyazikov-Yurt |

|Dolakovo | |Novy Redant |

|GaziYurt | |Sagopshy |

|Ekazhevo | |Inarky |

|Altievo | |Yuzhny |

|Nasyr-Kort | | 9. Psedakh |

|Gamurzievo | | |

|Barsuky | | |

|Plievo | | |

Table № 4. IMC programmes on provision of medical aid in Chechnya (4 mobile medical teams).

|Catchment area |Settlement |

|Naursky district |Alpatovo, VHC |

| |Isherskaya, VHC |

|Nadterechny district |Znamenskoye (PMK), school |

| |Gvardeyskoye, Central District Hospital |

| |Beno-Yurt, Hospital |

| |Nizhni Naur, Central District Hospital |

| |Verkhny Naur, FAP |

| |Bankin-Yurt (Nizhny Kalsus), FAP |

| |Bratskoye (Nogamirzin – YURT),VHC |

| |Goragorsk, Hospital |

| |Novy Gorodok, FAP |

| |Komarovo, FAP |

|[pic] |Islamic Relief (IR) |

|Sector: |Food; Shelter; Non-food Items; Health; Water and Sanitation |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To address food needs of displaced persons; to ensure that basic health needs of IDPs are met; to improve sanitary|

| |conditions in camps and ensure the provision of water; to send occasional convoys to IDPs in Chechnya. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDPs and vulnerable population |

|Partners: |UNHCR, WFP |

| |

|Contact Information: |


| |Head Office |

|Nazran, Altievo, Stroiservice |KBR, Nalchik, Kuliev street 12 |

|Ms. Amina Bokova, Medical Project |Mr. Mohammad A. Ammar, Country Director |

|Co-ordinator |Mr. Azamat Ulbashev, Officer in Charge |

|Ms. Natasha Malsagova, Assistant | |

|Tel: (873 22) 2 16 81; 6 15 23; 6 09 43 |Tel: (8662) 40 44 22; |

|Fax: (873 22) 2 16 80 |Fax: (8662) 40 64 55 |

| |E-mail: oulbachev@; |

| |mohammadallaa_ammar@ |

Programme activity:

Islamic Relief (IR) is an International British non-Governmental charitable organisation acting to alleviate the sufferings of vulnerable people around the world. In the North Caucasus, Russian Federation, IR has been operating since 1995, delivering humanitarian aid (inside Chechnya) to the victims of the first military conflict. At present the programme runs:

• IR-WFP School Feeding Projects:

- Sweet buns distribution project

- Hot Meal Project

- IR’s Complementary Food Programme

• IR-WFP Joint Projects

- Relief distribution

• Potable Water distribution

• Hygiene parcel distribution

IR Healthcare Programme is implemented in Ingushetia since 2000. Since January 2000 IR has been running two clinics in the camps of “Alina” and “Sputnik”. The two clinics are structurally identical - each has 5 consulting rooms, 1 service room, and 2 emergency ambulances. In December 2001 IR launched a third clinic in the “Bella” camp. All three clinics are open 24 hours.

From January 2002 the Healthcare Programmes in “Sputnik” and “Alina” have been sponsored by CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development), and the “Bella” clinic has been funded by HCI (Human Concern International) – Canada.


• Health Post – 3 (General physician, Gynaecology, Paediatric, Surgery, Pharmacy, Emergency Ambulance) in “Alina”, “Bella”, “Sputnik” IDP camps.

| |Malch |

|Sector: |Health |

|Location: |Chechnya |

|Objectives: |To provide community-based psychosocial prevention and care to children and adolescents suffering from |

| |psychological trauma; to train and thereby strengthen and extend the local and regional network of persons working|

| |in the area of mental health. |

|Beneficiaries: |Affected children and adolescents |

|Partners: |WHO |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Grozny, Olimpisky proezd 3 | |

|Dr. M. Dalsaev, Director | |


In March 2001 WHO started a joint project with the Association of Psychiatrist and Narcologists of Chechnya in the city of Grozny. The children rehabilitation centre “Malch” was formed to counsel and treat children with different mental disorders. The children have been chosen during visits of psychologists and psychiatrists to several schools in and around Grozny.

More than 100 children per month are enrolled into the project since March 2001 and about 420 children have received treatment. Children are enrolled into groups by 10-12 persons per group and subdivided by age groups. Involving children in play, art and crafts, dancing and sport activities attain correction of behaviour. Ergo and psychotherapy are also applied. Those who suffer from of speech disturbances get care from an experienced speech therapist.

Some of the events included a special performance of the children’ dancing group at the UN Children Festivals in Ingushetia and Children concerts in Grozny in 2001 and 2002. WHO sponsored as well as the costumes for the dancing group.

Seminars with parents, relatives and persons interested were held on the basis of the WHO module to assist them in handling the psychological state of the children.

The network of volunteers interested in children psychology, which are trained by Prof. Dalsaev team, is expanding which after still some training wish to work in this field not necessarily in Grozny but also in their places of origin in other parts of Chechnya, like Argun or Gudermes.

One of the developments included the beginning of regular letter exchange of children with several schools in Europe. This tool is a helpful mean for the children to get the feeling of being remembered and recognised by people in other countries. The Centre also publishes its monthly newsletter “Malch” focusing in and events around the Centre.

WHO will continue supporting the rehabilitation centre where the children are enrolled for two month of treatment and in more complex cases for another two months. The demand for such kind of centres in all parts of Chechnya is huge and not only for children and adolescents but also for women and other vulnerable groups. At present, the Organisation is staffed with the Director, 2 psychologists, 1 speech therapist, 6 psychologist assistants and office staff members.


• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 1 in Grozny, Chechnya.

|[pic] |Medecins du Monde (MDM) |

|Sector: |Health |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To provide primary health care in Chechnya and Ingushetia; to provide medical and surgical kits to selected |

| |hospitals in Chechnya; to contribute to psychosocial rehabilitation for children and adults in Ingushetia; to |

| |organise training sessions for surgeons and traumatologists from Chechnya |

|Beneficiaries: |Displaced and resident population |

|Partners: |MoH of RC and RI |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 27 |Moscow, Armyanski Pereoulok 9/1/1 kom.375 (metro: Kitay-Gorod) |

|Ms. Zarema Albastova, Co-ordinator |Mr. Samuel Marie-Fanon, General Co-ordinator |

|Mr. Soip Solsaev, Medical Co-ordinator (Ingushetia) |Ms. Cecile Du Colombier, Administrator |

|Mr. Mourat Doudaev, Medical Co-ordinator (Chechnya) | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 23 61 |Tel: +7 095 207 88 83 |

|E-mail: |Fax:+7 095 208 01 93 |

| |E-mail: |

programme activity:

MDM renders its medical assistance in two IDP camps: “Bart”/Karabulak (staffed with: 2 physicians, 2 paediatricians and 2 nurses) and “Sputnik”/Sleptsovskaya (staffed with: 2 physicians, 2 paediatricians and 2 nurses) in Ingushetia. The services are provided on daily basis in the tents.

In addition, MDM also renders daily psychological services in two tents (1 for children and 1 for adults). In “Bart” camp a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist visit on Tuesday and Thursday and in 3 tents in “Sputnik”, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All MDM psychological rehabilitation centres are operational 5 days a week except Saturday and Sunday.

In Chechnya, MDM provides regularly monthly supply of surgical disposable and drugs to hospitals for the surgical and trauma wards (see Table N1). MDM also provides hospitals with equipment, based on needs assessment.

In addition, MDM operates 3 health posts in Chechnya: two in Grozny (Chernoreche district and Mikroraion) and one in Argun each providing medical services (1 GP/ 1 nurse per health post) for the general population and displaced persons.

Eventually MDM organises medical training seminars for surgeons, traumatologists, general physicians and paediatricians from Chechnya.


• Health Post (tent) – 2 (General Physician, Paediatrician) in “Bart” and “Sputnik” camps

• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 2 in “Bart” and “Sputnik” camps

• Hospital Supply – 7 in Chechnya, monthly (see Table N1)

• Health Post – 3 in Chechnya (2 in Grozny: Chernoreche and Leninsky districts and 1 in Argun)

Table N1

|Supported Hospitals in Chechnya |

|City Hospital N9 in Grozny |

|Republican Children Hospital |

|Argun District Hospital |

|Gudermes District Hospital |

|Nozhai-Yurt District Hospital |

|Urus-Martan District Hospital |

|Kurchaloy District Hospital |

|[pic] |Medecins Sans Frontieres – Belgium (MSF-B) |

|Sector: |Shelter; Non-Food Items; Health; Water and Sanitation |

|Location: |Ingushetia (Malgobek District) |

|Objectives: |To ensure and improve the health status of the target population and prevent epidemics by providing access to |

| |primary health care (free consultations and medications) and reproductive health care (gynaecological care, family|

| |planning, prenatal and antenatal care); to improve the living conditions and public health of IDPs by improving |

| |the water and sanitation situation in settlements, and camps, by improving shelter and by providing targeted |

| |relief items. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDP population in Malgobek District, Ingushetia |

|Partners: |MoH of RI, UNICEF |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Gozdiev Street 81 |Moscow, Smirnitsky proezd 3 |

|Dr. Apostol Veizi, Project Medical Co-ordinator |Mr. Nicolas Cantau, Head of Mission |

|Ms. Marina Khachukaeva, Project Co-ordinator | |

|Ms. Loisa Younousmetova, Field Medical Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 87 11 |Tel: (095) 256 66 60 |

|Mob: 8 (902) 613 39 66; 8 (8732) 26 28 26 |Fax: (095) 252 24 47 |

| |E-mail: |

programme activity:

During the year 2002, MSF-Belgium continued assistance to the IDPs from Chechnya, target group (23 623 people) located in Malgobek district, Ingushetia providing PHC and RHC through four mobile teams. Two mobile teams (2 General Practitioners, 2 Obstetric –Gynaecologists, 2 Nurses) worked in the existing medical structures and Aki Yurt camp and the other two mobile teams worked, through mobile clinics (bus) one for PHC (1General Practitioner, 1 Nurse) services and the other one for RHC (1 Obstetric- Gynecologist, 1 Nurse).

The teams visited some places once or twice a week. In total 16 locations were covered. The doctor (GP and Obsteter Gynaecologist) provided consultation to the patients and the nurse assisted with the registration, nurse care and delivery of the drugs and delivery and baby modules. The consultation and drugs are provided for free. The difficult cases further examinations by the concern specialist and deliveries are referred to Malgobek Central District Hospital.

Also the organisation created a medical pool composed of 1 gynaecologist and 1 nurse ready for short delay responses, for I.E.C. (information, education, communication) and replacement.

The Reproductive, Mother Health Care included examinations, gynaecological consultations family planning, Antenatal and Postnatal consultations and treatment of STI’s (syndrome approach). To the pregnant women after the 32nd week at gynaecological consultations a delivery module is given.

The module has been separated in a delivery kit (delivery items only) and a baby kit (baby items only). The first part is given to all pregnant women coming for ANC from the 32nd week of pregnancy. The baby part is given to the mother who comes with her baby for postnatal consultation and who is IDP in Malgobek district. The gynaecologist visited once a week the maternity wards of Malgobek District Hospital and checked the IDP women deliveries and condition. This helps to establish a better contact and collaboration with the doctors of the hospital.

During the year 2002, the programme of Community Health Workers (26 CHWs) have been developed and improved. The teams obtained interesting information regarding IDPs’ living conditions and their most vital needs. They played and continued to play an important role on identifying the vulnerable IDP families, which are included then latter on target distribution of relief items. They received continuously refreshing training on different topics. The distribution of leaflets in parallel with oral messages was well appreciated from the IDP community. Leaflets on: TB, communicable diseases, diarrhoea, Hepatitis A, B, immunisation, mines, scabies, lice were prepared. These leaflets were distributed also in medical structures through our medical teams working there. With the kind support of UNICEF and in co-operation with WHO and SES chlorine was passed to Community Health Workers to use for disinfecting of different IDPs settlements.

For improvement of living conditions in the IDPs camp and settlements target distribution of relief item: hygienic kits, tool kits, beds, bed linen, mattress, blanket, gas and electric stoves, underwear, jerry can, iron and plastic buckets, was implemented during the year 2002. On the other hand the organisation installed latrines and banya and rehabilitated the floors and ceiling in some of the IDPs settlements. MSF-Belgium is co-ordinating its activities with other NGOs and organisations working in Malgobek region and the Republic of Ingushetia.

The official training courses for our Nazran medical staff in Moscow was organised in a very good schedule without creating problems on their medical activities. During the year 2002, three General Practitioners four Obstetric-Gynaecologists doctors, seven nurses completed the professional training required by MoH of Russian Federation. The medical teams participated dynamically in training organised by WHO, other NGOs and international organisation.


• Health Post (tent) – 1 in “Aki-Yurt” (Physician and Gynaecology)

• Mobile Medical Unit – 2 (Physician, Gynaecology) (see Table N1)

• Mobile Medical Unit – 1 (Gynaecological bus) (see Table N1)

• Mobile Medical Unit – 1 (Therapy bus) (see Table N1)

Table N1

|Area covered by MMU |

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|MMU N1 |V. Achaluki |Psedah |Psedah |Aki-Yurt |Zyazikov-Yurt |

|MMU N2 |Vezhari-Yurt |Voznesenskaya |N. Redant |Sagopshi |Inarki |

|MMU N3 (gynaecological) |Aki-Yurt |Voznesenskaya |36 uchastok |6 gorodok |Sr. Achaluki |

|MMU N4 (Therapy) |3 gorodok |6 gorodok |Yukon |Sr. Achaluki |N. Achaluki |

|[pic] |Medecins Sans Frontieres – France (MSF-F) |

|Sector: |Shelter; Non-Food Items; Health; Water and Sanitation |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To improve health assistance to people in Chechnya by providing medicines, medical materials and equipment, and |

| |watsan resources to medical structures in Chechnya; to improve prenatal, gynaecological, paediatric and |

| |psychological care to IDPs in Ingushetia; to improve the living conditions and public health of IDPs in Ingushetia|

| |by improving the watsan situation in settlements and camps, and improving shelter by carrying out winterisation |

| |programmes. |

|Beneficiaries: |Displaced and resident population |

|Partners: |MoH of RI and RC |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 32 |Moscow 10306, 10Ulitsa Pakrovka 28/6 Str. 3 |

|Ms. Manana Anjaparidze |Mr. Gabriel Truhillio, Head of Mission |

|Ms. Zareta Agasieva, Medical Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 52 02 |Tel: (095) 917 44 56; 916 32 54; 959 05 69 |

|E-mail: msff-nazran@paris. |E-mail: msff-moscou@paris. |

programme activity:

MSF-F provides medical assistance in 3 IDP camps in Ingushetia: “Rassvet”, “Bart”, and “Logovaz”.

In “Rassvet” IDP camp the health post provides ante natal and gynaecological services and staffed with gynaecologist and nurse (working days: Monday- Friday). The clinic annually accepts 7140 patients, including 4181 pregnant women. Some statistics: first –time pregnancy – 1179 women; gynaecological character – 2517 women, after delivery – 442, family planning – 1113. The clinic serves population of Sunzha and Sleptsovsk neighbouring districts of Chechnya. Paediatrician sees children 3 days/week (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) in the camp.

In “Bart” IDP camp the health post provides antenatal and gynaecological services, and staffed with a gynaecologist and a nurse (working days: Monday- Friday). The clinic annually accepts 5844 patients, including 2742 pregnant women.

In “Logovaz” IDP camp the health post provides also antenatal and gynaecological (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and antenatal (Tuesday, Thursday) services. The clinic annually accepts 4308 patients, including 2303 pregnant women. Some statistics: gynaecological character – 2848 women, after delivery – 219, family planning – 621. Paediatrician sees children 2 days/week in the camp (Thursday, Friday).

MSF-F supports the maternity department of the Ingush Republican Hospital with drugs and medical supplies (mainly, antibiotics, solutions and dressing material), distributes kits to mothers in the above-mentioned maternity hospitals. It also provided assistance to the maternity department of the District Hospital in Sleptsovskaya village, children intensive care unit of the Ingush Republican Hospital.

In Chechnya MSF-F supplies monthly and/or regularly drugs/medical consumables/equipment to 8 medical facilities of Chechnya (see Table N1). The organisation monitors all covered medical structures with regular visits of the team comprised of the doctor and logistician.


• Health Post – 1 in “Bart” IDP camp (ante natal & Gynaecology)

• Health Post – 1 in “Rassvet” IDP camp (ante natal & Gynaecology, Paediatric)

• Health Post – 1 in “Logovaz” IDP camp (ante natal & Gynaecology, Paediatric)

• Hospital Supply – 4 location in Ingushetia and 8 locations in Chechnya

Table N1

|Drugs/medical consumables/equipment supply to hospitals/locations |

|Ingushetia |Chechnya |

|Ingush Republican Hospital (maternity, children intensive care unit) |Central Maternity Hospital,Grozny |

|Sleptsovsk District Hospital (maternity) |Burning Centre, Grozny |

|Blood Transfusion Station, Nazran |Chiri-Yurt District Hospital |

|AIDS Centre, Nazran |Starye Atagi District Hospital |

| |Alhazurovo District Hospital |

| |Shatoi District Hospital |

| |Sharoi District Hospital |

| |Itum-Kale District Hospital |

|[pic] |Medecins Sans Frontieres - Holland (MSF – H) |

|Sector: |Health |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To facilitate free access to basic medical care in Ingushetia and Chechnya by providing essential medicines, dressing|

| |materials, and medical equipment to selected medical facilities; to ensure the correct amount of supply strengthening|

| |the data collection and monitoring; to continuously monitor the humanitarian situation in able to ensure timely |

| |response to critical situations; to respond to the comprehensive need for psychosocial health care, counsellors have |

| |been deployed to work with beneficiaries in Achkhoy-Martan district of Chechnya; to reduce the transmission of TB by |

| |starting up a programme aimed at the treatment of TB patients. |

|Beneficiaries: |Affected population |

|Partners: |MoH of RI and RC |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Kravchuk Street 11 |Moscow, Bolshoy Vlasevsky per. 14 |

|Mr. Jim Lewis, Project Co-ordinator |Mr. Michiel Hofman, Head of Mission |

|Tel/Fax: (87322) 27198; 28013; 22392 |Tel: (095) 250 64 33 |

|Tel/Fax: (8712) 22 25 76 (Grozny) |E-mail: hom@; medco@ |

|E-mail: pc@; | |

programme activity:

A. Drug distribution programme:


MSF-H currently provides monthly drug and medical supply to 25 medical facilities in Ingushetia (Sunzhensky, Nazran and Malgobek districts: see Table N1). Since February 2002, the distribution programme has been changed from kits to a needs based system. There is a monitoring system in place and morbidity data is also collected. The programme includes training on essential drugs and rationalisation of prescriptions. In September 2002, the programme should have been taken over by IMC. As this did not happen, MSFH continued with the programme but plans are to downscale the distribution programme by 31st of March 2003 in most medical facilities.

Plans for 2003 will include distribution to 10 Primary Health Care facilities (details yet to be defined) and a focused comprehensive programme (including PHC, Mental Health, Laboratory, Community Health workers and MCH) in Sunzhenski district focusing on the high concentration of IDP’s and large number of spontaneous collective centres in this region.


MSF-H would normally provide 25 medical institutions of Chechnya (see Table N2) with drug and medical supply in six districts (Grozny, Grozny Sel’sky, Nadterechny, Naursky, Vedensky, Achkhoy Martan, see Table N2). The supply is based on monthly kit distribution adapted to each type of medical facility.

Since 29th of July due to two kidnap incidences of Nina Davidovich and Arjan Erkel these activities have been suspended indefinitely. MSFH still makes on exceptional basis provision of supplies in cases of emergency.

Future Plans are to continue with activities in the same frame for the year 2003. The supply will be changed to needs base system emphasising on monitoring and morbidity data collection. This will be feasible due to permanent presence of staff in Grozny. Training will also be an integral component of the programme.

B. Psychosocial programme:

MSF-H operates counselling consultation centres (12 counsellors and 36 volunteers) in 4 locations (Yandi, Shami Yurt, Katyr Yurt and Achkhoy Martan) in Achkhoy Martan district in Chechnya (see Table N3). The programme assessed the psychosocial status in Chechen population and the needs in term of psychological counselling and social activities. The counselling started in April 2002. Unfortunately the counselling activities have also been indefinitely suspended.

Future Plans are to resume the programme as soon as possible pending the outcome in relation to the release of Arjan Erkel. Following two months of complete resumption of activities an evaluation will be conducted to allow for expansion into a second region in Chechnya. Training is an essential component of this programme for upgrading the quality of services to the affected population.

Tuberculosis Programme

An MSF-H TB programme Ingushetia has been planned to fulfil a needed role for treating TB patients who are inadequately supported by the existing system or are otherwise unable to obtain treatment in this unstable context. MSF-H will enhance access to Chechen patients directly from Chechnya as well as the Chechen non-registered IDPs unable to access TB care under the current health care system. MSF-H intends to provide quality treatment with accurate diagnosis, appropriate medications, treatment and follow-up of patients. Whereas it would have be desirable to start the project inside Chechnya, security concerns do not currently permit this. Hence it is deemed necessary to provide the service in a safer environment, while focusing on the same population.

The programme aims to target an initial group of 60 patients, with in-patient facility for the intensive phase, health education, and critical follow-up for defaulters.

Following the completion of treatment for the first group of patients, an evaluation is planned to analyse the success of the programme after which the programme will be reciprocated in Chechnya pending security allowance.

Ps: All the above mentioned future plans are pending the outcome of the release of Mr. Arjan Erkel who has been abducted since 12th August 2002.


• Hospital Supply – 28 locations in Ingushetia (see Table N1)

• Hospital Supply - 25 locations in Chechnya (see Table N2)

• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 4 locations in Chechnya (see Table N3)

Table N1

|Drugs supply to Hospitals in Ingushetia |

|Locations |

|Nazran District |City Hospital |

| |Nasyr-Kort, Medical Dispensary |

| |Yandare, Medical Dispensary |

| |Ekazhevo, Medical Dispensary |

| |Surkhakhy, Medical Dispensary |

| |Dolakovo, Medical Dispensary |

| |Kantyshevo, Medical Dispensary |

| |Altievo, Medical Dispensary |

| |Gamurzievo, Medical Dispensary |

| |Barsuki, Medical Dispensary |

| |Plievo, Medical Dispensary |

|Sunzha District |Sunzha Central District Hospital |

| |Sunzha Central District Polyclinic |

| |Galashki District Hospital – 2 |

| |Nesterovskaya Ambulatory |

| |Galashki Ambulatory |

| |Troiskaya Ambulatory |

| |Karabulak City Hospital |

| |Karabulak City Polyclinic |

|Malgobek District |Malgobek Central District Hospital |

| |Malgobek Central District Polyclinic |

| |Voznesenovskaya Medical Dispensary |

| |Sr. Achaluki Medical Dispensary |

| |V. Achaluki Medical Dispensary |

| |Inarki Medical Dispensary |

Table N2

|Drugs supply to Hospitals in Chechnya |

|Grozny |Republican Hospital |

| |Republican Polyclinic |

| |City Hospital N9 |

| |City Polyclinic N9 |

| |Polyclinic N7 |

|Grozny-Selsky District |Central District Polyclinic |

| |Pobedinskaya District Hospital |

| |Gikalo District Hospital |

| |Starye Atagi District Hospital |

| |Vinogradnoe Ambulatory |

| |Petropavlovskoe Ambulatory |

|Naursky District |Central District Hospital |

| |Central District Polyclinic |

| |Kalinovskaya Ambulatory |

| |Novo-Solokushino Ambulatory |

|Nadterechny District |Central District Hospital |

| |Central District Polyclinic |

| |Znamenskoe Polyclinic |

| |Nogamirzin Ambulatory |

|Achkhoi-Martan District |Central District Hospital |

| |Central District Polyclinic |

| |Katyr-Yurt Ambulatory |

| |Zakan-Yurt Ambulatory |

|Vedensky District |Central District Hospital |

| |Mahkety District Hospital |

Table N3

|Area of Psychosocial programme in Chechnya |

|Achhoi-Martan District in Chechnya |

|Achhoi-Martan |5 rehabilitation centres |

|Katyr-Yurt |3 rehabilitation centres |

|Shaami-Yurt |1 rehabilitation centre |

|Yandi |1 rehabilitation centre |

|[pic] |Medecins Sans Frontieres - Switzerland (MSF – S) |

|Sector: |Health; Water and Sanitation |

|Location: |Chechnya and Dagestan |

|Objectives: |To ensure primary health care and socio-educational support for IDPs; to provide reference hospitals with |

| |medicines and medical equipment; to provide medical consultations at PHC centres and mobile clinics; to improve |

| |sanitary conditions in hospitals and medical centres; to improve the quality of hospital facilities in affected |

| |areas. |

|Beneficiaries: |Displaced and resident population |

|Partners: |MoH of RC |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|Dagestan |Moscow |

|Makhachkala, Gorky 15A |Moscow, Pokrovka 22-1, 2 entry, #28 |

|Mr. Arjan Erkel, Head of the Mission |Ms. Aida Abdullaeva |

|Tel: (78722) 68 30 19, 68 26 26 |Tel/Fax: (095) 917 48 58 |

| |E-mail: |

programme activity:

MSF-CH Mission in Dagestan has suspended all activities since August 12, 2002, following the abduction of the Head of Mission, Arjan Erkel. No activity will be renewed until his release.

In March 2000, MSF Switzerland undertakes a preliminary mission to Dagestan. Despite the potential risk, in particular that of hostage taking, it appears that no significant operations can be run efficiently without permanent presence of the expatriate staff.

From 2001 up to present day MSF-Swiss is the only foreign humanitarian organisation in Dagestan with permanent presence of 4 expatriates strictly abiding by the tight security regulations.

The programmes includes:

• Medical activities by means of the mobile clinic for the IDP population in the Collective Centres (CC) of Khasavyurt, in close proximity to Chechen border (5 reception centres that embrace the population of 14 centres).

• Medical activities of the same mobile clinic in FAPs (small medical structures with paramedical personnel in villages) of the Khasavyurt and Novolakh regions.

• Medical activities by means of the mobile clinic for the population of the Tsumada region.

• Essential drugs and medical material supply to the medical structures of the four regions (4 regional hospitals, 3 municipal hospitals and 3 outpatient departments).

• Relief activities (blankets, hygienic kits, rehabilitation and security installations in the CC)

• Socio-educational activities for the same population.

• Medical activities in Chechen Republic

• Rehabilitation and sanitation in Dagestan and Chechen Republic

Enhanced access for all vulnerable groups in Collective Centres and FAPs to quality health care and rehabilitation by reinforcing the capacity of the existing health care network, by providing mobile clinic, by supporting community-based programmes. Increase the vaccination targets among young children.

Collecting epidemiological information and analysis for an adequate early warning and disease surveillance system with rapid curative care to main diseases and early warning system response for possible epidemics.



1) Mobile Medical Unit -MMU (estimated number of population)

a) MMU for 4000 IDPs in Collective Centres in Khassavyurt district

The same MMU provides quality health care for the following 4 villages in Novolak and Khassavyurt districts – Sovetskoy (1450), Gamiakh (2650), Chapaevo (1300), Douchy (700), Gagatly (2700).

b) MMU for 15 FAPs

MMU provide quality health care for the population (estimated number in parenthesis) of 15 villages in Tsumada and Botlik districts – Kvanada (1500), Tlondoda (400), Khvarshi (150), Echeda (1000), Gadiry (450), Gigatly (1500), Inkokvary (400), Kvantlada (150), Kedi (500), Sasetly (350), V.Gakvary (400), N.Gakvary (650), Kushtada (1250), Tisi (400), Gagatly (1800).

2) Community health care

Facilitate access to essential drugs by distribution of medical supplies and equipment for Districts Hospitals and Clinics of Khassavyurt, Novolak, Botlik and Tsumada.

Population: Novolak – 20000; Khassavyurt – 115000; Tsumada – 18500; Botlik – 35000.

3) Medical Courses for the medical staff (nurse and midwife) of Health Centres in:

Khassavyurt district – 38 HC

Novolak – 12 HC

Botlik – 22 HC

Tsumada – 26 HC

Chechen Republic

1) Mobile Medical Unit

a) MMU team for 700 IDPs in 2 Collective Centres in Gudermes town.

The same MMU provide quality health care for the population of 8 villages in Gudermes district; Nijni Gerzel (2500), Gerzel (2500), Koshgeldy (5200), Ishkoy Urt (3400 people.), Noviy Benoy (1500), Isty Su (2300), Kadi Urt (2800), Verkny Noybera (2800)

2) Community health care

Facilitate access to essential drugs by distribution of medical supplies and equipment for Central Hospital of Gudermes (surgery, obstetrics)

Rehabilitation of surgery and obstetrics departments

| |Memorial |

|Sector: |Protection, Health |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To monitor human rights of the IDP and local population; to provide free legal consultations for IDPs from |

| |Chechnya and North Ossetia; to provide social assistance; to assist in transporting IDPs or vulnerable population |

| |to receive medical treatment. |

|Beneficiaries: |Affected population |

|Partners: |UNHCR |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Moutalieva St. 46 | |

|Ms. Liza Musaeva, Head of Centre | |

|Ms. Satsita Muradova, Lawyer | |

|Ms. Pola Salamova, Medical Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (87322) 2 23 49 | |

|E-mail: | |


Memorial mobile medical unit’ physician visits on own schedule various spontaneous settlements and IDP camps. It also provides medical consulting services to IDPs in Memorial office from 1:00 PM till 5:00 PM on Tuesdays, Wednesdays.

In some cases provides financial, consulting and other types of assistance to individual patients.


• Mobile Medical Unit – 1 (General Physician) in “Logovaz” and “Kamaz” settlements

• Work with Individual Cases – Nazran.

|[pic] |People in Need Foundation (PINF) |

|Sector: |Food; Shelter; Non-Food Items; Health; Education |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To address food needs of IDPs and vulnerable groups in Grozny; to cover shelter needs of the most needy people in |

| |Chechnya by providing construction materials; to provide basic health care and medicine to IDPs in Ingushetia; to |

| |support, rehabilitate and work on prophylactics with children and youth at risk; to support education activities |

| |and school rehabilitation in Chechnya and Ingushetia. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDPs and vulnerable groups |

|Partners: |UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO, MoH, MoE of RI and RC |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 40 |Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st. 11/8 |

|Mr. Petr Kostohryz, Head of Mission | |

|Mr. Radek Cervinka, Convoy and Logistics Manager | |

|Ms. Dagmar Kuzmova, Medical Co-ordinator | |

|Ms. Natalia Bellusova, School and Psychosocial Manager | |

|Ms. Kheda Omarkhadzhieva, Head of Psychosocial Project | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 11 24 |Tel/Fax: (095) 125 36 81 |

|E-mail: kompaktnik@ | |


The People in Need Foundation (PINF) is a Czech non-profit, non-governmental organisation established in 1992. In the Caucasus, PINF was active in 1994-96 and again since 2000. PINF has established an efficient distribution system in Grozny with its own convoys, distributing food, non-food and shelter items, implementing programmes of four UN agencies, mainly on the Chechen territory. PINF has fully rehabilitated several educational and medical facilities in Chechnya.

PINF has been UNICEF partner in running the biggest school alternative network for junior Chechen IDP children in Ingushetia. Since the beginning of 2002, PINF has employed psychologists to serve as counsellors, physicians and supports for pupils, teachers and parents related to PINF network of 23 schools in Nazran, Sunzha and Malgobek districts serving 1700 children.

In Ingushetia PINF provides the services of a general physician who is visiting various locations of residency (see Table N1) totally serving 3600 IDPs in Nazran and Sunzha districts. The medical unit provides special assistance to TBC patients and also assists seriously ill in receiving treatment in other towns in the Russian Federation.

In Chechnya PINF became WHO implementing partner to start Psychosocial Support and Rehabilitation Project for children affected by violence. The project covers several locations in Grozny: Schools N7, 28 and 38 where professional psychologists carry out therapeutic sessions and provide individual consultations to children, parents and teachers.

An important part of the Centres’ work are prophylactic activities on HIV / AIDS and substance abuse issues mainly targeting children and youth. PINF has implemented the very first AIDS / HIV prophylactics campaign in Chechnya, which culminated on the World AIDS Day and continues in the first quarter of 2003. Separate campaign on substance abuse prevention is planned for spring 2003.

PINF has fully rehabilitated Health Clinic in Duba-Yurt and Health Clinic № 4 in Leninsky district of Grozny.

Also in Chechnya, PINF provides on an individual basis medical assistance and home care, complemented with food and non-food distribution, to ca. 950 most vulnerable city inhabitants, so-called “cellar-people”.


• Mobile Medical Unit – 1 in Ingushetia (see Table N1)

• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 5 in Chechnya (Grozny: Schools N7, 14, 16, 28, 38) and in 23 schools in Ingushetia.

Table N1

|Area covered in Ingushetia (general physician) |

|Day |Area |Place |

|Monday |Altievo |1. MTF; |

|Tuesday |Troitskaya |MTF-2; |

|Wednesday |Troitskaya |1. “Saturn”; 2. Kharsiev Office, 3. Agrosnab, Karabulak |

|Thursday |Altievo |1. Maslozavod |

|Friday |Plievo |1. Staraya podstantsiya; 2. Novaya podstantsiya; 3. Magazin 2 |

|Saturday |Plievo |1. Ptitseferma |


In food sector, PINF provides monthly WFP-supplied food assistance to some 45 000 inhabitants of three Grozny districts and runs food for work activities in Grozny and Grozny-Rural districts with some 1 000 participants monthly. As UNHCR implementing partner, PINF has distributed emergency shelter material to approx. 6 300 private households in Chechnya, predominantly in Grozny. Together with UNICEF PINF runs a series of after school activities in selected schools in Chechnya, working closely with WHO-supported psychosocial centres. PINF was the first organisation, national or international agency to have rehabilitated a school in Chechnya. Since then the rehabilitation activities included seven schools, two kindergartens and two health clinics in Grozny and Duba-Yurt, which represents the largest institutional rehabilitation initiative in the republic.

|[pic] |Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO) |

|Sector: |Water and Sanitation; Education |

|Location: |Chechnya (Grozny) |

|Objectives: |To ensure the provision of purified, potable water to the residents of Grozny; to improve sanitary standards by |

| |building latrines and waste incinerators; to remove garbage and sewage from public and private locations in |

| |Grozny; to build schools and reconstruct sports facilities in schools and kindergartens in Grozny. |

|Beneficiaries: |Residents of selected locations in Grozny, schools and hospitals |

|Partners: |UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO, ICRC, MoH of RC |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Oskanov Street 23 | |

|Ms. Alexandra Resunov , a.i. Head of Mission | |

|Mr. Pshemek Mizga, Head of Mission | |

|Mrs. Alexander Siwinski, Programme Assistant | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 16 66 | |

|E-mail: | |

rpogramME Activity:

Production and Distribution of Potable Water in Grozny

Polish Humanitarian Organisation continues its water purification and distribution launched in October 2000. The contaminated water is being sucked from the water pipelines and purified by 4 treatment units. The potable water is being poured into 13 water trucks (7 private, 6 PHO’s), which are distributing the water to 146 service points (58 – public; 88 - private) in all Grozny’s districts (Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Zavodskoy, Staropromyslovsky). The water is free of charge.

Responding to the raising needs of the IDPs repatriated to Temporary Accommodation Centres TAC) in Grozny PHO has installed water bladders at three locations: Yaltinskaya 24 (10m3), Mayakovskogo 140A (10m3). Two more bladders will be provided in the end of April. In March the average volume of potable water supplied daily in both private and public sectors, was 460,00 m3.

The programme is being implemented in collaboration with UNICEF (financing, treatment units, water bladders), ECHO -Humanitarian Aid Office (financing), UNHCR (water trucks, water bladders), ICRC (pumps, storage tankers, hoses), SES, Vodokanal in Grozny and WHO (construction of incinerators)

Sanitation Programme in Grozny

1. Building of latrines

From the 16 selected locations within the framework of Sanitation Project, 11 have been already covered with the construction of new latrines. These locations are: Hospitals No 4, 5 and 9, Republic Children Hospital, Republican Clinical Hospital, House for Elderly People, Veterans and Invalids Hospital, Emergency Station, Sanepid (SES) Station, Tuberculosis Hospital and Abscess Centre in Grozny. On target there are 15 Medical Institutions and one primary school -together 40 double pit latrines to be built.

2. Garbage removal

25 medical sites have been provided with almost 100 garbage containers of the capacity 1 m3 each. The hospitals are also to be supplied with garbage cans, garbage bags, brooms and buckets as well as the basic cleaning agents.

The garbage truck collects garbage from the hospitals on daily basis. The containers are being emptied at each site at least twice a week. Garbage is disposed at the city dump.

The sewage truck has started operating since the beginning of April both in private and public sector.

3. Incinerators construction

Supported by WHO the organisation constructed 10 incinerators on the premises of the following state medical facilities in Grozny:

• Maternity Hospital N1

• City Hospital N1

• City Hospital N3

• City Hospital N4

• City Hospital N5

• City Hospital N9

• Abcess Centre

• Veterans Hospital

• Republican Hospital

• Children Republican Hospital

|[pic] |Save the Generation |

|Sector: |Health; Mine Action |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To organise educational sessions on mine risk; to gather data on mine risk situations; to provide psychosocial |

| |assistance to IDP children. To provide vocational training. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDP children |

|Partners: |UNICEF, WHO, Memorial |

| |

|Contact Information: |


|Nazran, Altievo, Ganiev Street 29 | |

|Ms. Roza Iznaurova, Programme Co-ordinator | |

|Ms. Zarema Sadulaeva, Project Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 12 35, 22 89 57 | |

programme activity:

Save the Generation –- local NGO – which main targets are protection of interests of society through humanitarian assistance to handicapped orphans and children.

The organisation is working under the auspices of UNICEF Mine Awareness Programme. Every Wednesday there is a visit-trip organised for children from spontaneous locations and IDP camps to the drama theatre for a mine awareness play in Vladikavkaz.

In Chechnya the organisation collects information about handicapped children affected by military activities. As part of the programme funded by UNICEF the organisation distributed a number of wheelchairs, crutches, etc. throughout the territory of Chechnya. In addition, the organisation distributed mattresses, bed linens in Chechnya. In co-operation with “Memorial” society the organisation renders various humanitarian assistance in “Bella” IDP camp, Ordzhonikidzevskaya stanitsa, Karabulak.

The organisation operates one children rehabilitation centre in “Bella”. The centre is staffed with psychologist-consultant and 3 monitors and the working days on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Since April 2002 the organisation became WHO implementing partner and opened a psychosocial rehabilitation centre in Grozny for children with mine injuries. At present there are 80 handicapped children enrolled in the Centre in Grozny (staffed with one psychologist, traumatologist, counsellor, and masseuse, co-ordinator). The Centre organises number of performances, concerts and other activities. Traumatised children have access to reveal their talents and interests through Centre’s activities.


• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 1 in “Bella” IDP camp (Psychologist, Monitor)

• Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre – 1 in Grozny, Chechnya

| |Saudi Red Crescent Society (SRCS) |

|Sector: |Health; Food, Non-Food, Water and Sanitation |

|Location: |Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To provide humanitarian assistance |

|Beneficiaries: |Chechen IDPs in “Satsita” IDP camp |

|Partners: |WFP, UNHCR |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|North Ossetia |Moscow |

|Republic of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz, Nikitin street 21 | |

|“Dom Byta” | |

|Dr. Abdullah Al-Ahmary, Representative | |

|Tel/Fax: (8672) 53 23 01; (901) 497 73 14 | |

|E-mail: sjrs2002@ | |

programme activity:

SRCS sponsors and supports Chechen IDPs residing in “Satsita” IDP camp. As part of their support, SRCS constructed and run a polyclinic providing medical services with a gynaecologist, general physician, and 5 nurses.

The data shows that on average, the polyclinic serves up to 500 patients monthly. In emergency cases the polyclinic provides transportation services to the neighbouring state health structures.

The polyclinic practices a 3 day drug prescription system (a maximum of 3 days drug supply is given at a time) teaching the patient for a need of a regular follow up visits and ensuring the proper drug use.


• Health Post – 1 in “Satsita” camp (Gynaecology, Physician, Pharmacy)

|[pic] |SERLO |

|Sector: |Health |

|Location: |Chechnya |

|Objectives: |To provide psychosocial care to children and adolescents. |

|Beneficiaries: |Displaced and local children |

|Partners: |WHO |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|chechnya | |

|Grozny, Mayakovskogo street 144/47 | |

|Ms. Zeinab Batukaeva, Director | |

programme activity:

"Serlo" is a local non-governmental organisation, which was established in December 1995 during the 1st war by a group of psychologist-counsellors and health and education workers in Grozny.

In spring 2000 the activities of the NGO were relocated to Nadterechny region (town of Znamenskoe, camp “Yuzhny”). In April 2001, "Serlo" expanded its work also to the camp “Severny” in the north of the town of Znamenskoe.

At present time "Serlo" have become WHO implementing partner and renders psychosocial assistance in several locations in Grozny. The experienced teams consists of the director, 8 psychologists and their 4 assistants. Total of 12 groups consisting of 144 children.

WHO worked in close partnership with "Serlo" since May 2000 (training, co-ordination, material supply, and support of Chechen children festival).


A. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre - 6 in Grozny

• Mayakovskogo street 109, School N44

• Mayakovskogo street 76, School N10

• Mayakovskogo street, School N26

• Khmelnitskogo street, School N133/81

• Obshezhitie imeni Koshevogo, Mayakovskogo street 134

• Mayakovskogo street 144, apt 55

|[pic] |United Nations Children’s Fund |

|Sector: |Education, Health |

|Location: |Ingushetia, Chechnya |

|Objectives: |To improve health care and safe pregnancy amongst women and children in Chechnya. To improve child health and |

| |nutrition awareness amongst IDP women in Ingushetia |

|Beneficiaries: |300,000 children under the age of 17 in Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Partners: |MoH of RI and RC, medical NGOs |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|ingushetia |Moscow |

|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 24 |Moscow, Pereulok Obukha, 6 |

|Ms. Oyunsaihan Dendevnorov, Field Co-ordinator |Ms. Rosemary McCreery, Regional Representative |

|Ms. Fatima Yandieva, National Officer, Health and Nutrition |Mr. Enrico Leonardi, Emergency Programme Co-ordinator |

|Tel/Fax: (87322) 2 21 89 |Tel: (095) 933 88 24; 933 88 17 |

|E-mail: odendevnorov@; fyandiev@ | |

programme activity:

Emergency relief operations aimed at maintaining the capacity of health and health related services by providing essential equipment, UN agencies, ICRC and NGOs have carried out medicines and staff training since 1999. However, people in the region still suffer from a deterioration of chronic health conditions, a lack of sufficient health care for women and children, and an urgent need for mental health rehabilitation. The continuous movement of people to and from Chechnya, particular in the winter increases the risk of communicable diseases, especially infections and TB. For these reasons UNICEF aims to continue its support to the Expanded Programme of Immunisation (EPI) as well as to Mother and Child Health (MCH) services and together with WHO – mental health rehabilitation.

Following the successful introduction of vaccination cards for mothers in the Republics of Ingushetia and Chechnya and the rehabilitation of the national storage facilities for vaccines in Grozny, UNICEF will continue to support the restoration of EPI in both republics in order to sustain the vaccination coverage of children under the age of five.

This support will involve the supply of cold-chain and immunisation equipment as well as co-ordination and monitoring activities. Both Ingushetia and Chechnya have always been characterised by much higher birth rates and infant mortality rates (IMR) than the rest of the country. UNICEF aims to improve maternal health care and the safety of pregnancy in Chechnya and to increase child health and nutrition awareness amongst IDP women in Ingushetia. To this end it will strengthen maternity facilities and paediatric services in Chechnya, focusing on Grozny. Selected infrastructures, identified together with the Chechen Ministry of Health, will be rehabilitated and provided with supplies. Infant starter kits, consisting of basic necessities, for newborn baby care, will be given to vulnerable pregnant women. In Ingushetia UNICEF is launching a “mother empowerment programme” aimed at raising the awareness of IDP mothers on issues such as immunisation, breast feeding, control of diarrhoea diseases and, in general, the role of mothers in improving their children’s health.

UNICEF’s mental health and psychosocial support programmes aim to identify and address the needs of traumatised children, especially those who are no longer in the school system, mine victims (and their caregivers) and others who have been psychologically affected by conflict and displacement. An additional reason for stress is the dramatic contrast between the ordinary lifestyle in Chechnya and the extended period of living in tents experienced by those who have been in the camps for the last three years. In collaboration with CARE International, UNICEF has developed a programme to train teachers and health workers how to identify and cope with the needs of traumatised children. The training of trauma counsellors, as well as a referral system for child mine victims, is also a component of the Mine Action Programme.

In water and sanitation UNICEF began working with the Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO) at the end of 2000 to start a potable water production and distribution system in Grozny, as well as a system of pit latrines for schools and medical waste disposal incinerators and garbage bins for hospitals.

This large two-component programme currently guarantees the production and distribution of 300 to 500 cubic metres of potable water per day – depending on the hours of daylight – and the collection and removal of an average of 250 metric tons of garbage and 12 metric tons sewage per day. It is vital to keep these systems running and to further develop garbage and sewage collection systems in order to keep the risk of disease transmission at bay.

In Ingushetia UNICEF supports environmental sanitation activities in camps and settlements by providing disinfectants for vector control, as well as regular allocations of hygienic supplies including anti-bacterial and anti-parasite products. Access to basic personal hygiene materials is ensured for IDPs living in camps, settlements and host families, and disinfectants are made available both at household and at community level. The provision of basic personal and environmental hygiene products such as disinfectants and soap to health facilities in Chechnya and IDPs in Ingushetia will also continue.

|[pic] |VESTA |

|Sector: |Protection; Non-Food Items; Health; Education |

|Location: |Chechnya, Ingushetia, and North Ossetia |

|Objectives: |To monitor the situation of IDPs in Chechnya and Ingushetia; to provide medical consultations to the IDP |

| |population; to provide IDPs with medicines and medical equipment; to organise vocational training for the IDP |

| |population. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDP and local population |

|Partners: |UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|ingushetia |Moscow |

|Nazran, Bazorkin Street 44 | |

|Мs. Leila Dzeitova, Chairman | |

|Ms. Madina Kodzoeva, Head of Medical Project | |

|Tel/fax: (8732) 22 82 62; 22 76 38 | |

|E-mail: mag71@ | |

programme activity:

Vesta Centre continued its regular WHO supported medical activities in 2002:

• Assistance to IPDs to receive medical assistance in hospitals of the Republic of Ingushetia.

• Assistance in preparation of medical documents for patients receiving assistance in specialised medical institutions in other regions of Russian Federation.

• Financial Assistance to IPDs suffered injuries as a result of military actions for treatment referral in other regions of Russian Federation.

• Provision of Handicapped IPDs with wheelchairs, crutches, etc.

• Assistance in drugs acquisition.

• Assistance for IDPs reference for sanatorium treatment.

• Medical Project Developments.

• Financial aid to children of less than 16 years old that suffered eye trauma due to arm conflicts.


• Work with Individual cases – various monitor locations in Ingushetia and Chechnya (see Table N1)

Table N1

|Area covered by Monitors |

|Monitor |Location |

|N1 |Malgobek, Vezhari-Yurt, Inarki, Sagopshi, Psedakh |

|N2 |Voznesenovskaya, Aki-Yurt, Zayazikov-Yurt, Novy Redant |

|N3 |N. Achaluki, S. Achaluki, V. Achaluki, Kantyshevo, Dalakovo |

|N4 |Nazran, Nasyr-Kort, Gamurzievo |

|N5 |Altievo, Barsuki, Plievo, Gazi-Yurt, Yandare |

|N6 |Ekazhevo, Surkhakhi, Ali-Yurt |

|N7 |Karabulak |

|N8 |Sleptsovskaya, Troitskaya |

|N9 |IDP camps “Alina”, “Bella”, “Sputnik”, “Satsita” |

|N10 |Nesterovskaya, Uzhny, Alkhasty, Galashki, Muzhichi, Alkun, Datykh, Arshty |

|N11 |Check point “Kavkaz” |

|[pic] |World Vision |

|Sector: |Health; Education |

|Location: |Chechnya and Ingushetia |

|Objectives: |To provide primary health and psychosocial care for IDPs and their children through mobile health teams; to |

| |support IDP children schools and kindergartens; to distribute winter clothes for IDP children in schools and |

| |kindergartens; to execute basic repairs to schools, including supplies and materials. |

|Beneficiaries: |IDP children and adults |

|Partners: | |

| |

|Contact Information: |

|ingushetia |Moscow |

|Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya Street 10 |Moscow, Kostomarovski pereulok 3/215 |

|Mr. Perry Mansfield, Programme Manager |Ms. Anastasia Lubkovskaya, Office Manager |

|Ms. Louza Mezhdaeva, Medical Co-ordinator | |

|Tel/Fax: (8732) 22 67 18 |Tel: (095) 363 15 40 |

|E-mail: perry_mansfield@; |E-mail: anastasia_lubkovskaya@ |

programme activity:

World Vision operates 4 mobile brigades each staffed with a General Practitioner, Paediatrician, Gynaecologist and Psychologist regularly visiting selected locations in spontaneous settlements and IDP camps. Two teams are working in Ingushetia at present and two more will start working in Chechnya soon (see Table N1).


• Mobile Medical Unit – 4 (2 in Ingushetia and 2 in Chechnya)

• Psychosocial Assistance – in Ingushetia and Chechnya

Table N1

|Area covered by MMU |

|Ingushetia |Chechnya |

|MMU 1 |MMU 2 |MMU 3 |MMU 4 |

|Sagopshi |“Alina” |Under planning |Under planning |

|Aki-Yurt |“Bella” | | |

|Voznesenovskaya |MTF-1 (Karabulak) | | |

|Vezhari-Yurt |Ingavto | | |

|Psedakh (Vainakh) |Yandare | | |

|[pic] |World Health Organization (WHO) |

|Duty Station |Contact Information |

|Moscow |28 Ostozhenka St. |

| |Moscow,119034 Russian Federation |

| |Mikkо Vienonen |

| |Special Representative of the Director-General in Russia |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 66 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Dilyara Sinyakova |

| |Assistant to Representative |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 17 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Dmitry Pavlenko |

| |Financial Assistant |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 36 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Corinna Reinicke |

| |Emergency Health Co-ordinator for North Caucasus |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 52 |

| |Mobile phone: (095) 764 72 73 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Irina Tarakanova |

| |Assistant to the WHO Emergency Health Co-ordinator |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 12 |

| |Fax: (095) 787 21 19 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Wieslaw Jakubowiak |

| |WHO TB Country Co-ordinator |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 18 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Masood Dara |

| |WHO TB Co-ordinator in the Northern Caucasus |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 80 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Vadim Testov |

| |WHO TB Programme Assistant |

| |E-mail: |

| |Dmitry Pashkevich |

| |WHO TB Project Assistant |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 48 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Nikolai Mashkilleyson |

| |HIV/AIDS Programme Manager |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 57 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Ekaterina Stasii |

| |MCH Programme Manager |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 12 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Vladimir Shoukhov |

| |Rational Drug Use Programme Manager |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 12 |

| |E-mail: |

|Nazran |Nazran, Targim, Naberezhnaya street 3 |

| |Office Phone/Fax: (8732) 22 19 23; 22 62 02 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Jorge Martinez, MD |

| |Field Co-ordinator for the Northern Caucasus |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 70 |

| |Mobile phone: 8 (901) 497 94 69 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Ute Enderlein |

| |Public Health Officer |

| |Tel: (095) 787 21 70 |

| |Mobile phone: 8 (901) 497 94 68 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Azret Kalmykov |

| |Field Programme Assistant |

| |Mobile phone: 8 (901) 497 71 04 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Alla Oleinik |

| |Office Secretary |

| |Khava Gantemirova |

| |Office Secretary |

| |Marietta Zakaeva |

| |Office Secretary (TB unit) |

| |Hadzhibekar Tochiev |

| |WHO TB Case Manager |

| |Ruslan Elmurzaev |

| |Logistician |

| |E-mail: |

| |Khalil Arsanov |

| |Data Entry specialists |

| |Zuhra Kharkimova |

| |Monitor Chechnya |

| |Magomet Toriev |

| |Monitor Ingushetia |

| |Khavazh Ozdoev |

| |Driver |

| |Yuri Ponomarev |

| |Driver |

| |Amerkhan Dakhkilgov |

| |Driver/Monitor |


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