Hispanic / Latina/Latino Americans

Hispanic / Latino Americans—Lecture Outline

Issues for Consideration during group discussion:

1. Panethnicity & labels & Identity: What groups make-up Hispanics/ Latinos? What label(s) do people prefer? Any differences among groups (foreign born vs, US born)? (Ch.9)

2. What is the Economic Status of Hispanics / Latinos overall? Compared to whites and blacks? (Ch 9)

3. What is the SES of Hispanics sub-groups -- Cuban Americans and South Americans Vs. Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, & Central Americans (Chs. 9 &10)

4.What are Latinos, political tendencies (parties, voter turnout)? (ch 9)

5. Maquiladoras on border, remittances & home town clubs – what are they & how much have they helped Mexicans & related to immigration? (ch. 9)

6. How long does it take for Latinos to lose Spanish language ability (speak English only) -- & compared to other immigrant groups? (ch. 9)

7. Immigration / Migration to US History -- Reasons for & How immigrants were Treated

Compare: Cuban Americans, Central Americans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans (Chs. 9 &10)

• E.g., “dry foot, wet foot” policy for Cuban immigrants (ch 9)

Mexican Americans-ch. 10:

8. How did Mexican Americans become outsiders in the own land? (conquest…)

9. What is the history of Mexican immigration to the US? –laborers, repatriation, braceros, mojados / “Operation Wetback,” illegal immigration – Immig. enforcement affect Mexican Americans?

10. Who is Cesar Chavez & what did he do?

11. Political movements --Chicanismo (what is it?), & what is MALDEF

Puerto Ricans—ch. 10:

12. Puerto Rico Colonial Status & history -- & now commonwealth vs. statehood vs. independence

13. Puerto Rican Racial categories (Color Gradient) – how do they differ from mainland US?

14. What is Ed status of Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans, & what is the role of Family & Religion for these groups?


Size and origin of largest Hispanic sub-groups (Schaefer ch 9)

Key role of contemporary immigration in make-up of Hispanic population

Pan-ethnicity identity of Hispanic / Latino label Vs. Country of Origin & American identity

(Schaefer ch 9)

Hispanic Vs. Latino label….

Socio-Economic Status data (from census) on Hispanics and key sub-groups.

Note patterns in data (not exact #’s) –some of similarities and differences between main sub-groups (Cuban Ams., Mexican Ams., Puerto Ricans, Central Ams., South Ams.)

Video scene from “Faces of America” – on Eva Longoria’s family history – Mexican American, family absorbed into US via conquest (not immigration), long history of conflict of Anglo ranchers and authorities, family survival in spite of it all… (good example of “famlialism” – Schaefer ch. 10) [Her example fits well with Schaefer ch. 10 on Mexican Americans].

How various Hispanic sub-groups came to be part of the US? (drawing together info. from Schaefer)

War/Conquest & Immgration

Mexicans – Conquest , plus later immigration (long, cyclical contradictory history of immgn. & US response) (Schaefer ch. 10)

-- US immigration policy & Mexican immigrants (contradictory – welcoming& hostile) (Schaefer ch. 10)

Puerto Ricans – Conquest / colonial status, plus citizenship & later migration to mainland. (Schaefer ch. 10)

Cubans – More for political reasons – US Response welcoming. (Schaefer ch. 9)

Central Americans -- More for political reasons (US role)– US Response not welcoming generally (Schaefer, ch. 9)

Dominicans (from the Dominican Republic) -- More for political reasons (US role)– US Response not welcoming generally

Key role of US policy in these cases – both foreign policy & immigration policy domestically (how immigrants from different countries treated once here).

Language Issues: 3-Generation Cycle in English language learning for immigrants generally (Schaefer ch. 9)

Immigration – Post 1965 growth & main groups – Latino and Asian;

Undocumented / Illegal immigration as a portion of overall immigration, make-up of undocumented / illegal immigrants

Latino Population and Immigrant portion of it, and undocumented / illegal portion of immigrant pop.

Mixed Status families / Households (Schaefer ch. 10)

Not lecture on, but know from Schaefer:

-- Group Discussion point put on board

-- Cuban Americans – waves of immigrants, experience in US and SES compared to other Hispanic sub-groups, US policy, esp. “wet foot/ dry foot”

Central Americans—El Salvadorans – why come to US and how many (Schaefer ch. 9)

-- Puerto Ricans (Schaefer ch. 10)

-- A little on PR colonial history & acquisition by the US

-- Migration to mainland and SES status & general experience on mainland

-- P.R. Commonwealth vs. Statehood vs. Independence debate

-- Social Construction of race in P.R. (vs. on main land US)

Color Gradient

-- Mexican Americans (Schaefer ch. 10)

Chicano movement

Cesar Chavez—key Mexican American hero & leader. Why? What did he do?

US immigration policy & Mexican immigrants (contradictory – welcoming& hostile) (Schaefer ch. 10)

-- The importance of family life and religion to Hispanics, in general. (Schaefer ch. 10)


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