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Level A

1. Which of these words is a verb?

A) the

B) yellow

C) see

D) sea

2. Which of these words is a verb?

A) horse

B) fast

C) cars

D) made

3. Which of these words is a verb?

A) foot

B) I

C) walked

D) sore

4. Which of these words is a verb?

A) left

B) on

C) Naz

D) later

5. Which of these words is a verb?

A) crowds

B) angry

C) ran

D) quickly

6. Which is the verb in this sentence?

The cat slept on the radiator.

A) The

B) cat

C) slept

D) radiator

7. Which is the verb in this sentence?

At weekends, Maria played rugby.

A) weekends

B) rugby

C) Maria

D) played

8. Which is the verb in this sentence?

Melanie cooked curry for her family.

A) Melanie

B) cooked

C) curry

D) family

9. Which is the verb in this sentence?

Jim drove a car to work.

A) Jim

B) drove

C) cars

D) work

10. Which is the verb in this sentence?

James ate cereal for his breakfast.

A) breakfast

B) James

C) cereal

D) ate

Level B

1. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

Tim likes tea better than coffee.

A) Tim

B) likes

C) better

2. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

We went to the cinema last night.

A) went

B) cinema

C) night

D) last

3. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

We need some milk for the coffee.

A) need

B) milk

C) coffee

4. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

Those strawberries cost far too much!

A) Those

B) cost

C) much

D) strawberries

5. Which of these words is a verb?

A) shelf

B) sit

C) next

D) before

6. Which of these words is a verb?

A) eat

B) carpet

C) van

D) white

7. Which of these words is a verb?

A) magazine

B) write

C) mouse

D) clock

8. Which of these words is a verb?

A) sew

B) sheet

C) shirt

D) shoe

9. Which of these words is a verb?

A) tree

B) dig

C) lawn

D) grass

10. Which of these words is a verb?

A) bread

B) cheese

C) enjoy

D) plate

Level C

1. Which word is a verb in this sentence?

People camped out for days to see the film premiere.

A) camped

B) days

C) film

D) people

2. Which word is a verb in this question?

What do you want for breakfast?

A) What

B) want

C) breakfast

D) you

3. Which word is a verb in this sentence?

I prefer the bus to the tube.

A) prefer

B) tube

C) bus

4. How many verbs are there in this question?

What time is it?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

5. How many verbs are there in this sentence?

Please remember to buy me a newspaper when you go out.

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

6. How many verbs are there in this sentence?

Bill washed, dried and waxed my car for me on Saturday.

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

7. Tractor is a verb

A) True

B) False

8. Beautiful is a verb

A) True

B) False

9. Win is a verb

A) True

B) False

10. Outside is a verb

A) True

B) False


Level A

1. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: C. The word which is a verb is ‘see’.

2. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: D. The word which is a verb is ‘made’. For example; Michelle made herself a cup of tea.

3. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: C. The word which is a verb is ‘walked’. For example; Ziad walked to work.

4. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: A. The word which is a verb is ‘left’. For example; Simon accidently left his house keys at the office.

5. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: C. The word which is a verb is ‘ran’. For example; Colin quickly ran to catch the bus.

6. Which is the verb in this sentence?

The cat slept on the radiator.

The correct answer is: C. Remember, the verb is the 'doing' word in the sentence. The word in the sentence which is a verb is ‘slept’.

7. Which is the verb in this sentence?

At weekends, Maria played rugby.

The correct answer is: D. Remember, the verb is the 'doing' word in the sentence. The word in the sentence which is a verb is ‘played’.

8. Which is the verb in this sentence?

Melanie cooked curry for her family.

The correct answer is: B. The verb is the 'doing' word in the sentence. The word in the sentence which is a verb is ‘cooked’.

9. Which is the verb in this sentence?

Jim drove a car to work.

The correct answer is: B. Remember, the verb is the 'doing' word in the sentence, here it is ‘drove’.

10. Which is the verb in this sentence?

James ate cereal for his breakfast.

The correct answer is: D. You were looking for the verb in the sentence, the 'action' word. The verb is ‘ate’:

Level B

1. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

Tim likes tea better than coffee.

The correct answer is: B. ‘Likes’ is the verb in the sentence

2. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

We went to the cinema last night.

The correct answer is: A. ‘Went’ is the verb in this sentence. It is the past tense of ‘go’.

3. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

We need some milk for the coffee.

The correct answer is: A. ‘Need’ is the verb in this sentence.

4. Which word is the verb in this sentence?

Those strawberries cost far too much!

The correct answer is: B. ‘Cost’ is the verb in this sentence.

5. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: B. ‘Sit’ is the verb.

6. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: A. ‘Eat’ is the verb.

7. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: B. ‘Write’ is the verb.

8. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: A. ‘Sew’ is the verb.

9. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: B. ‘Dig’ is the verb.

10. Which of these words is a verb?

The correct answer is: C. ‘Enjoy’ is the verb.

Level C

1. Which word is a verb in this sentence?

People camped out for days to see the film premiere.

The correct answer is: A. ‘Camped’ is the verb in the sentence.

2. Which word is a verb in this question?

What do you want for breakfast?

The correct answer is: B. ‘Want’ is the verb in the sentence.

3. Which word is a verb in this sentence?

I prefer the bus to the tube.

The correct answer is: A. ‘Prefer’ is the verb in the sentence.

4. How many verbs are there in this question?

What time is it?

The correct answer is: A. There is one verb in the sentence – ‘is’.

5. How many verbs are there in this sentence?

Please remember to buy me a newspaper when you go out.

The correct answer is: C. There are 3 verbs in the sentence – ‘remember’, ‘buy’, ‘go’.

6. How many verbs are there in this sentence?

Bill washed, dried and waxed my car for me on Saturday.

The correct answer is: C. There are 3 verbs in the sentence – ‘washed’, ‘dried, ‘waxed’.

7. Tractor is a verb.

The answer is: B. False. Tractor is not a verb.

8. Beautiful is a verb.

The answer is: B. False. Beautiful is not a verb.

9. Win is a verb.

The answer is: A. True. Win is a verb.

10. Outside is a verb.

The answer is: B. False. Outside is not a verb


Verbs: quiz


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