Calhoun County Schools - How to configure Outlook Express ...

Calhoun County Schools - How to configure Outlook Express to read your email

Some users may find it more convenient and efficient to use a POP client to check their email. The instructions below will guide you through configuring Outlook Express to read your email.

1. Start Outlook Express by double-clicking the icon on your desktop. If there is not an icon on your desktop, you may start the program by clicking on the Start button, choosing Programs, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express.

2. If a connection/account wizard starts, click cancel to exit the wizard.

3. From the Outlook Express menu bar, click on the tools menu and select accounts from the drop-down list.

4. From the dialog box that appears, select the mail tab at the top.

5. Click on the add button in the upper right hand corner of the dialog box and then choose mail from the pop-up menu.

6. The Internet Connection Wizard should appear. In the Display Name box, enter your full name (ex: Jenel Travis). Then click the Next button.

7. In the E-mail address box, enter your full email address (ex: Then click the Next button.

8. Ensure that POP3 is showing in the first drop-down box (My incoming mail server is a POP3 server).

9. In the Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server box enter

10. In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server box enter Then click the Next button.

11. Ensure that Log on using is marked. Ensure that your username is entered in the POP account name box. (Please see the note at the bottom of the page before entering your password) Enter your password in the Password box. Then click the Next button.

12. In the Internet mail account name box enter Then click the Next button.

13. Ensure that Connect using my local area network (LAN) is selected. Click the Next button.

14. Click the Finish button.

15. Click the Close button for the dialog box.

16. Select the Tools menu command from the Outlook Express main window. Choose the Options command from the drop-down menu.

17. Select the General tab at the top of the dialog box. Enter 60 in how often to check for new messages. Please do not enter a number lower than 30 for this option – this is how often Outlook will check the mail server for new messages.

18. Check When starting go directly to my Inbox folder on this page.

19. Select the Send tab at the top of the dialog box. Select Plain Text for mail sending format. This will ensure most users can read mail you send.

20. Click OK to save these settings.

21. You may now click on your Inbox. To force Outlook Express to check for new mail, you can click on the Send and Receive button on the toolbar. If you leave Outlook Express open, it will automatically check for new messages every 60 minutes (or however often you told it to). NOTE: This feature will only work if you have allowed Outlook Express to save your password. (see note below).

NOTE: During step 11, if you enter your password, Outlook Express will save it for you. You will not have to enter your password each time you check for new mail. If you do not enter a password here, you will have to enter your password each time you check for new mail.

Please be aware that if you have Outlook Express save your password, anyone with physical access to your computer can check your mail and read existing messages using Outlook Express on your computer. The only way to prevent this is by not entering a password here or when prompted to save one when checking your mail.


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