Vocabulary –The Things They Carried Vocabulary

Vocabulary –The Things They Carried Vocabulary

Directions: use the definition provided to help you create a grammatically correct sentence for each of the vocabulary words.

1. taut (adj.) tightly drawn; tense; not slack - Keep the string taut while you tie a knot in it.

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2. toiling (v.): laboring continuously; working strenuously – The climbers toiled over the mountain.

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3. volition (n.): a conscious choice or decision – He went to war of his own volition.

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4. ambiguities (n.): doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention – This poem is full of ambiguities.

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5. oppressive (adj.): difficult to bear; burdensome – The heat during July was oppressive at times.

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6. irony (n.): the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning – The irony was he stole the money she planned on giving him.

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7. tangible (adj.): capable of being touched – The teacher provided tangible evidence.

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8. serenity (n.): The state or quality of being calm or peaceful – I love going to the lake because it provides me so much serenity.

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9. laxity (n.): looseness – The laxity of the authorities has made it impossible to feel safe in our neighborhood.

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10. frugal (n.): saving or sparing; not wasteful – You must be more frugal with your money if you want to have enough to buy your new car.

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11. imperative (adj.): absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable – It is imperative that you study for the final exam if you want to get your A.

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12. pacifist (n.): a person who is opposed to war or to violence of any kind – It was ironic that he was at war because he was a complete pacifist.

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13. censure (n.): an expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism – It is unknown whether the group will censure one of its own members.

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14. acquiescence (n.): passive assent or agreement without protest – Purple hair receives complete acquiescence in our school.

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15. nationalism (n.): devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism - On the 4th of July we see wonderful displays of nationalism.

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16. cryptic (adj.): mysterious in meaning; puzzling; ambiguous - Stop being so cryptic and tell me your phone number; I’m not going to use it inappropriately.

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17. reticence (n.): the state or quality of being reluctant; unwillingness – She didn’t mind his reticence; in fact, she always loved a challenge.

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18. platitude (n.): stereotype, cliché – Those politicians are spouting the same old platitudes.

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19. province (n.) an administrative division or unit of a country – There is a province in the land, and we must overcome it to prosper.

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