Why are there not eclipses every time there is a full or ...

Which hemisphere gets the most sunlight in the month of October?Northern hemisphereSouthern hemisphereHow many days does it take for the earth to revolve around the sun?----------Write the correct letter of the term that best matches each description. One letter will be used twice. All letters will be used.______ 1. Day when one pole is tilted the most towards the sun ______ 2. Spinning of an object around its axis ______ 3. Movement of one object around another ______ 4. Imaginary line that passes through a planet’s center and poles ______ 5. One cause of day and night ______ 6. Day when neither pole is tilted toward or away from the SunequinoxB. solsticeC. revolutionD. axisE. rotationWhen the Northern Hemisphere experiences the season of spring, the Southern Hemisphere experiences the season of A. summer B. autumn C. spring D. winterThe sun, moon and stars appear to rise and set each day due to A.Earth's revolution around the sun. B. Earth's rotation. C. the moon's rotation around Earth. D. the tilt of Earth’s axis.We can find the North Star (Polaris) by A. using the two pointer stars in the Big Dipper B. looking where the sun set C. using Orion’s belt as pointer stars D. looking opposite to the sunWhat causes day and night?A.The Sun goes around the EarthB.The Earth orbits the SunC.The Earth rotates or spins every 24 hoursD.The moon rises causing night timeThe sunlight arrives more directlyAt the equatorNear the polesThe change in seasons is caused by changes in Earth’s distance from the sunTrueFalseDuring an equinox, day and night are each about 12 hours longIn the northern hemisphereIn the southern hemisphereEverywhere on earthWhat is the name of the shortest day of the year (and the beginning of winter)?------------------How many times each year do we have days in which the day and night are of equal duration?------------------Where would you be on the surface of the earth is you were in complete darkness for twenty-four hours on December 21?the South Polethe Equatorthe North Polethe Tropic of CancerThe gradual change in the length of your shadow over the course of the day is caused by_________.the revolution of Earth around the Sunthe rotation of Earth on its axisthe revolution of the Moon around EarthThe rotation of the Moon on its axisWhich of the following occurs when the Sun is directly above Earth’s equator?equinoxsolsticenew mooneclipseIn the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day occurs on the winter solsticevernal equinoxsummer solsticeautumnal equinoxNote the Arctic Circle, Tropic of cancer (above equator), Tropic of Capricorn (below equator)Note the tilt of the axis, and which hemisphere gets more sunlight during each solstice.Which of these occurs during a solar eclipse?The sun’s rays shining toward Earth create a shadow on the moon.The moon blocks the sun’s rays from reaching Earth.The sun blocks the moon’s rays from reaching Earth.d. The moon’s rays shining toward Earth create a shadow on the sun.How much of the moon is always reflecting light from the sun?Half of the moon is reflecting sunlight only during the new moon phase.Half of the moon is reflecting sunlight only during the full moon phase.All of the moon is reflecting sunlight at all times.Half of the moon is reflecting sunlight at all times.Which pattern of changes takes about a month to complete?day and nightthe seasonsthe moon’s phasesoccurrence of eclipsesDavid looks into the sky and sees a new moon. Which phase of the moon will he see in about two weeks?crescent moonfirst quarter moonfull moonnew moonAs the moon revolves around Earth, the moonalways keeps the same side facing Earthdoes not rotate on its axisturns its entire surface toward Earthdoes not reflect lightDraw a diagram that shows the relative positions of Earth, the moon and the sun during a solar eclipse?Which type of eclipse does the following statement describe? When the moon travels between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun's light from the Earth in the middle of the day.----------------------Which type of eclipse does the following statement describe? The moon moves into the shadow of the Earth during the night time hours, this eventually blocks the view of the moon from the Earth----------------------Which type of eclipse occurs when the Sun and the Moon are exactly in line, but the size of the Moon appears to be smaller than the Sun?----------------------------Which type of eclipse occurs when the Sun is completely obscured the by moon?The Sun is replaced by only a dark silhouette of the Moon. The Corona of the sun is still visible, but only faintly.----------------------------When can a solar eclipse occur?anytimeduring a new moonduring a full moon?in the last quarter of a full moon----------------When can a lunar eclipse occur?anytimeduring a new moonduring a full moon?in the last quarter of a full moon----------------Why are there not eclipses every time there is a full or new moon? Explain.Answer:Because the moon and the earth aren't always on the same plane. The moon's orbit has a 5 degree tilt to the earth's orbit so when the moon is usually too low or too high to block the sun.______ 1. This occurs during the New Moon phase, when the Sun is completely covered by the Moon______ 2. This is when the Moon travels completely into the Earth’s umbra (shadow).?______ 3. This is when the Moon only partially covers the Sun, making it appear as though a bite was taken out of the Sun______ 4. This is when the Moon covers only the center of the Sun but the Sun’s edges can still be seen______ 5. This is when the Moon only travels partially into the Earth’s umbra______ 6. This is when an eclipse is seen as an annular eclipse at some points on the Earth while at other points it is seen as a partial eclipse______ 7. This is when the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbraPartial Lunar EclipsePenumbral Lunar EclipseHybrid eclipseD. Total Lunar EclipseE. Total solar eclipseF. Partial solar eclipseG. Annular solar eclipse______ 1. A great circle on the celestial sphere 90° from the celestial poles______ 2. Angular distance of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator?______ 3. The great circle on the celestial sphere that passes throughan observer's zenith and the north and south celestial poles.______ 4. An imaginary sphere of very large radius centered on an observer; the apparent sphere of the sky.______ 5. A term describing a star that neither rises nor sets but appears to rotate around one of the celestial poles.______ 6. The apparent annual path of the Sun on the celestial sphere______ 7. The point directly above the Earth's north pole where the Earth's axis of rotation, if extended, would intersect the celestial sphereCelestial SphereDeclinationCelestial EquatorD. MeridianE. North celestial poleF. EclipticG. CircumpolarThe Moon takes approximately ____ to go through a cycle of phases.What is meant by the phrase "angular size"?An object's diameter.The distance around an object.How big an object looks, expressed as an angle.The angle between two circular objects.If you triple your distance from an object, what happens to its angular size?It decreases by one half.It says the same.It reduces to one third what it was.It increases by a factor of nine.Which of the following is a contribution that Eratosthenes made to astronomy?He determined the circumference of the Earth.He discovered epicycles.He discovered his Three Laws (of Planetary Motion).He was the first person known to have pointed a telescope at the sky.Which of the following is a contribution that Kepler made to astronomy?He determined the size of the Earth.He discovered epicycles.He discovered his Three Laws (of Planetary Motion).He discovered four moons (or satellites) of Jupiter.Which of the following is a contribution that Galileo made to astronomy?He determined the size of the Earth.He discovered epicycles.He developed the first successful heliocentric theory.He discovered four moons (or satellites) of Jupiter.Read about Voyager is the point of a planet's orbit that is most distant from the Sun called?aphelionperihelionapogeeperigeeHow long, in years, does it take for Uranus to orbit around the Sun?125384109Answer KeyWhich hemisphere gets the most sunlight in the month of October?Northern hemisphereSouthern hemisphereHow many days does it take for the earth to revolve around the sun?365 ? days----------Write the correct letter of the term that best matches each description. One letter will be used twice. All letters will be used.__B___1. Day when one pole is tilted the most towards the sun __E__ 2. Spinning of an object around its axis __C___3. Movement of one object around another __D__ 4. Imaginary line that passes through a planet’s center and poles __E__ 5. One cause of day and night __A__ 6. Day when neither pole is tilted toward or away from the SunequinoxB. solsticeC. revolutionD. axisE. rotationWhen the Northern Hemisphere experiences the season of spring, the Southern Hemisphere experiences the season of A. summer B. autumn C. spring D. winterThe sun, moon and stars appear to rise and set each day due to A.Earth's revolution around the sun. B. Earth's rotation. (As viewed from north star, Counter clock wise from west to east)C. the moon's rotation around Earth. D. the tilt of Earth’s axis.We can find the North Star (Polaris) by A. using the two pointer stars in the Big Dipper B. looking where the sun set C. using Orion’s belt as pointer stars D. looking opposite to the sunWhat causes day and night?A.The Sun goes around the EarthB.The Earth orbits the SunC.The Earth rotates or spins every 24 hoursD.The moon rises causing night timeThe sunlight arrives more directlyAt the equatorNear the polesThe change in seasons is caused by changes in Earth’s distance from the sunTrueFalseDuring an equinox, day and night are each about 12 hours longIn the northern hemisphereIn the southern hemisphereEverywhere on earthWhat is the name of the shortest day of the year (and the beginning of winter)?Winter Solstice (December 21 or 22)------------------How many times each year do we have days in which the day and night are of equal duration?2 times (but they are not exactly equal) An?equinox?occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the sunThe vernal and autumnal equinoxes are the two times each year when the Sun and the Earth's equator are on the same plane. On this day sunset and sunrise are almost exactly 12 hours apart------------------Where would you be on the surface of the earth if you were in complete darkness for twenty-four hours on December 21?the South Polethe Equatorthe North Polethe Tropic of CancerThe gradual change in the length of your shadow over the course of the day is caused by_________.the revolution of Earth around the Sunthe rotation of Earth on its axisthe revolution of the Moon around EarthThe rotation of the Moon on its axisWhich of the following occurs when the Sun is directly above Earth’s equator?equinoxsolsticenew mooneclipseIn the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day occurs on the winter solsticevernal equinoxsummer solsticeautumnal equinoxNote the Arctic Circle, Tropic of cancer (above equator), Tropic of Capricorn (below equator)Note the tilt of the axis, and which hemisphere gets more sunlight during each solstice.Which of these occurs during a solar eclipse?The sun’s rays shining toward Earth create a shadow on the moon.The moon blocks the sun’s rays from reaching Earth.The sun blocks the moon’s rays from reaching Earth.d. The moon’s rays shining toward Earth create a shadow on the sun.How much of the moon is always reflecting light from the sun?Half of the moon is reflecting sunlight only during the new moon phase.Half of the moon is reflecting sunlight only during the full moon phase.All of the moon is reflecting sunlight at all times.Half of the moon is reflecting sunlight at all times.Which pattern of changes takes about a month to complete?day and nightthe seasonsthe moon’s phasesoccurrence of eclipsesDavid looks into the sky and sees a new moon. Which phase of the moon will he see in about two weeks?crescent moonfirst quarter moonfull moonnew moonAs the moon revolves around Earth, the moonalways keeps the same side facing Earthdoes not rotate on its axisturns its entire surface toward Earthdoes not reflect lightDraw a diagram that shows the relative positions of Earth, the moon and the sun during a solar eclipse?Which type of eclipse does the following statement describe? When the moon travels between the Sun and the Earth, blocking the Sun's light from the Earth in the middle of the day.Solar Eclipse----------------------Which type of eclipse does the following statement describe? The moon moves into the shadow of the Earth during the night time hours, this eventually blocks the view of the moon from the EarthLunar Eclipse----------------------Which type of eclipse occurs when the Sun and the Moon are exactly in line, but the size of the Moon appears to be smaller than the Sun?Annular Eclipse----------------------------Which type of eclipse occurs when the Sun is completely obscured the by moon?The Sun is replaced by only a dark silhouette of the Moon. The Corona of the sun is still visible, but only faintly.Total Eclipse----------------------------When can a solar eclipse occur?anytimeduring a new moonduring a full moon?in the last quarter of a full moon----------------When can a lunar eclipse occur?anytimeduring a new moonduring a full moon?in the last quarter of a full moon----------------Why are there not eclipses every time there is a full or new moon? Explain.Answer:Because the moon and the earth aren't always on the same plane. The moon's orbit has a 5 degree tilt to the earth's orbit so when the moon is usually too low or too high to block the sun.__E____ 1. This occurs during the New Moon phase, when the Sun is completely covered by the Moon___D___ 2. This is when the Moon travels completely into the Earth’s umbra (shadow).?___A___ 3. This is when the Moon only partially covers the Sun, making it appear as though a bite was taken out of the Sun___G___ 4. This is when the Moon covers only the center of the Sun but the Sun’s edges can still be seen___A__ 5. This is when the Moon only travels partially into the Earth’s umbra___C__ 6. This is when an eclipse is seen as an annular eclipse at some points on the Earth while at other points it is seen as a partial eclipse___B___ 7. This is when the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbraPartial Lunar EclipsePenumbral Lunar EclipseHybrid eclipseD. Total Lunar EclipseE. Total solar eclipseF. Partial solar eclipseG. Annular solar eclipse___C___ 1. A great circle on the celestial sphere 90° from the celestial poles___B__ 2. Angular distance of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator?___D___ 3. The great circle on the celestial sphere that passes throughan observer's zenith and the north and south celestial poles.___A___ 4. An imaginary sphere of very large radius centered on an observer; the apparent sphere of the sky.___G___ 5. A term describing a star that neither rises nor sets but appears to rotate around one of the celestial poles.___F___ 6. The apparent annual path of the Sun on the celestial sphere___E___ 7. The point directly above the Earth's north pole where the Earth's axis of rotation, if extended, would intersect the celestial sphereCelestial SphereDeclinationCelestial EquatorD. MeridianE. North celestial poleF. EclipticG. CircumpolarThe Moon takes approximately __29.5__ to go through a cycle of phases.What is meant by the phrase "angular size"?An object's diameter.The distance around an object.How big an object looks, expressed as an angle.The angle between two circular objects.If you triple your distance from an object, what happens to its angular size?It decreases by one half.It says the same.It reduces to one third what it was.It increases by a factor of nine.Which of the following is a contribution that Eratosthenes made to astronomy?He determined the circumference of the Earth.He discovered epicycles.He discovered his Three Laws (of Planetary Motion).He was the first person known to have pointed a telescope at the sky.Which of the following is a contribution that Kepler made to astronomy?He determined the size of the Earth.He discovered epicycles.He discovered his Three Laws (of Planetary Motion).He discovered four moons (or satellites) of Jupiter.Which of the following is a contribution that Galileo made to astronomy?He determined the size of the Earth.He discovered epicycles.He developed the first successful heliocentric theory.He discovered four moons (or satellites) of Jupiter.Read about Voyager is the point of a planet's orbit that is most distant from the Sun called?aphelionperihelionapogeeperigeeHow long, in years, does it take for Uranus to orbit around the Sun?125384109 ................

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