The Moon

The Moon

Based on your observations from this lab answer the following questions.

1. Based on your observations does the Moon give off its own light? How can we see it then?

2. Some people argue that the Moon does not rotate on its axis. Do you agree? Explain.

3. Was there any evidence that the Moon was turning on its axis?

4. What evidence is there that we on Earth always see the same side of the Moon?

5. During a new Moon, does no sunlight reach the Moon? Explain.

6. During a new Moon. How much of the sunlit part of the Moon do we see (on Earth)?

7. How much of the Moon’s surface receives sunlight during the last (third) quarter phase?

8. How much of the sunlit part do we see on Earth at the last (third) quarter phase?

9. How long does it take the Moon to go through all its phases once?

10. What do you think the original meaning of the word “month” was?

11. How would a calendar based on the Moon differ from our present calendar?

12. EXTRA CREDIT: If you are looking at Jupiter’s moon Io, as seen from Jupiter, can there be “First Quarter Io, Full Io…” and all the other familiar phases? Explain


Directions: During the lab, follow the instructions to re-create each of the moon’s eight phases. Then draw each phase in the space below. Note: each moon model has been given reference markings, when they are illuminated, they should be included as part of your drawings. If they are only partially illuminated only include the portions that are illuminated and shade the rest of the moon.

| |New Moon: | | |Full Moon: |

| |Approximate Number of days in this phase: | | |Approximate Number of days in this |

| | | | |phase: |

| |______ | | | |

| | | | |______ |

| |Waxing Crescent: | | |Waning Gibbous: |

| |Approximate Number of days in this phase: | | |Approximate Number of days in this |

| | | | |phase: |

| |______ | | | |

| | | | |______ |

| |First Quarter: | | |Third Quarter: |

| |Approximate Number of days in this phase: | | |Approximate Number of days in this |

| | | | |phase: |

| |______ | | | |

| | | | |______ |

| |Waxing Gibbous: | | |Waning Crescent: |

| |Approximate Number of days in this phase: | | |Approximate Number of days in this |

| | | | |phase: |

| |______ | | | |

| | | | |______ |


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