
Game Appreciation Activity #1: Warm-upActivity #2: PracticeActivity #3 Discussion BoundariesA square of approximately 12 ft X 12 ft. (Discussion) In this small drill, what did you notice was important in order give a good pass?What was important for a receiver to catch the ball?Player’s will remain in a square, but this time the square will be 14 ft X 14 ft. (Discussion)What are some critical elements for a overhand throw? What did you notice was important in order to successfully execute a side arm throw?4 goals will be set up about 12 feet away from each other along a shape of a square. (Discussion)What were the 3 different types of throws that we focused our lesson on?What were some offensive strategies that were helpful for the team?Players4 players in a group and break up into 2 vs. 2. In this game there will be 1 group of 6 player’s and divided into 3 vs. 3. In this game the class will be divided into half. Equipment 1 tennis ball per group. 1 dodge ball per group. 1 tennis ball per group. 1 dodge ball per group. 1 tennis ball per group. 1 dodge ball per group. Rules In this activity the students’ will partner up in 2 and will position themselves across. One student will be on the same square as their opponent. The point of this game is for students to throw the ball to their teammates across, without the other team intercepting the ball. Any kind of throw is can be done, but for a underhand its 3 points, overhand is 2 points, and sidearm is one point. Player’s cannot step out of bounds when receiving the ball. Student’s can only take 2 steps and then pass the ball. In this activity students will be able to move freely inside the square. Students cannot step out of the square during the activity. Students’ can pass and receive the ball with their teammates for as long as they can. The team to pass the ball 10 times in a row is the winner. Student’s can take no more then 2 steps and pass the ball. Scoring rubric includes the different types of throws. For example, an under hand pass is 3 points, overhand is 2 points, and a sidearm is one point. In this activity students will transfer all the skills practiced. The scoring rubric will change from the previous activities. In order for a team to score a point, the team must give 5 passes so that they practice sending and receiving. Players’ cannot step out of the boundaries. Player’s cannot take more then 2 steps and pass the ball. Game Appreciation Activity #1: Warm-upActivity #2: Practice Activity #3: Game Boundaries(Modifications)If the game get’s too easy for student’s the boundaries can be made much smaller so that students’ have less space to run and catch the ball. If the game get’s to difficult for students’ the boundaries can be made bigger so that students’ have more space to run to receive a pass. If the game get’s too easy for student’s the boundaries can be made much smaller so that students’ have less space to run and catch the ball. If the game get’s to difficult for students’ the boundaries can be made bigger so that students’ have more space to run to receive a pass. If the game get’s too easy for student’s the boundaries can be made much smaller so that students’ have less space to run and catch the ball. Also, the size of the goals and the amount of goals will reduce to 2 instead of 4. If the game get’s to difficult the size of the court will get bigger and the size of the goals will also get bigger, or the amount of goals where they can score will be 6 instead of 4.Players(Modifications)If the game get’s to easy for students’ the number of player will increase and now it will turn into a 2 vs. 1 in one square that way it gets difficult for player’s to receive a pass. If the activity gets too difficult for students’ then the number of students will change to a 1 vs. 1 and just pass the ball to each other, but still making them move. If the game get’s to easy for student’s I can increase the number of student’s in the same area since it’s so small it will be difficult for students to complete a pass. If the activity gets too difficult for students, then the number of players will change to fewer players so that there are less players and more space to pass the ball and complete more passes. If the game get’s to easy for student’s then the number of students’ will remain the same, since the fields will be smaller. If the game gets too difficult for students’ then the number of teams will be broken down into 3 vs. 3 or 2 vs. 2 so that there is more room to move around and fewer players. Equipment (Modifications)If the warm- up get’s to easy for student’s the size of the ball can be changed to a smaller size ball so that it is gets challenging when trying to catch the ball. If the game get’s to difficult for the students’ the size of the ball will change to a bigger size like a basketball so that it is easier for them to catch considering the size of the court.If the practice game gets too easy for students the size of the ball can be changed to a smaller size so that it gets challenging to catch the ball. If the game gets to difficult for the students’ the size of the ball will change to a bigger size like a basketball so that it is easier for them to catch considering the size of the court.If the activity get’s too easy for the students’ then the size of the ball can be changed to tennis balls, that way it’s harder to catch and pass. If the activity get’s to easy for the students’ then the size of the ball can switch to a bigger size ball so that student’s can catch the ball easier. Rules (Modifications)If the activity get’s too easy for students’ the rules will change in the following ways: Students’ will only be able to take one step instead of two steps. Also, if a pass is intercepted the team will lose a point. If the activity get’s to hard for students’ the rules will also change, but with more freedom. For example, there won’t be a limit to the amount of steps one a student should take before passing the ball, therefore there will be an unlimited Also, and the amount of passes won’t have to be to 10, but 3 or 5. If the activity gets too easy for students then the rules will change to make it challenging. For example, students will only be able to hold the ball for 2 seconds and then pass the ball. If the activity gets too hard, students get to hold the ball for a long time without a time clock or the amount of steps needed to take. Also, students don’t need to make a certain amount of passes in order to make a point. If the activity get’s too easy then students will need to pass the ball to everyone in the team in order to score, that way they include everyone in the team. If the activity gets too hard, students can just pass the ball around until they score, that way they can have a lot of freedom and not have a lot of pressure. ................

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