Shared Scripts 3 - Fall 05


Give Now


Hi, this is __________________ with an update on our Fall fund-drive.

We’re in our favorite part of it – the quiet part – no phones ringing, no extended breaks in programs. None of that starts until (date).

For now, it’s brief, short announcements like this one, asking you to pledge your support early.

You can help today – and I hope you do – by mailing in your check or pledge card to WXXX today. Or visit our website (WEBSITE) where you can make an electronic pledge or credit card contribution

That’s all there is to it. It doesn’t take a long time… it reduces our fundraising expenses… and it will save us a lot of airtime later this month.


Submitted by:

Floyd Pientka, WMUK


Give Now


This is _________________. The phone-pledging part of the WXXX Fall fund-drive begins (date)… but today we’re asking you to mail-in your pledge or contribution ahead of time, so we can shave some time, and save on some of the expenses, of our phone-pledging week.

Every dollar we raise by mail is one less we have to raise on-air. We hope you understand, and that you’ll help us get the job done easily and economically.

If you’ve already received a mailing from us, please don’t delay. Send it in. Thanks!

Submitted by:

Floyd Pientka, WMUK


Give Now


This is __________________ . For decades WXXX has asked you to call in pledges whenever we have a pledge drive. That’s fine, as far as it goes.

But think about this: Getting on your computer and making a contribution from home, or work, or wherever you are. That’s something you can do right now.

Pledging on-line helps us shorten public radio drives, and saves on our administrative costs too. Here’s our website address: (WEBSITE).

Make your pledge or contribution there today, and you’ll immediately see our on-line pledge ticker update. Who knows, you may even save us a day or two of phone pledging!

Submitted by:

Floyd Pientka, WMUK


Station Value: Substance


What's the difference between People Magazine and the New York Times?

That's easy * substance.

Now there's nothing wrong with People Magazine. It's a pleasant diversion and it tells interesting celebrity stories. But if you want substance, you don't read People.

In this part of the country you may not get the Times delivered to your doorstep, but you do hear terrific, in-depth reporting on WXXX.

Our mix of NPR news and local information focuses on the issues that are truly important. If that's one of the reasons you listen to WXXX, I hope you'll consider making a contribution during this fundraising campaign.

Just call (PHONE NUMBER) and talk to one of our volunteers.

You'll be helping to bring substance to your life, and to our community.

Submitted by:

Tim Emmons, WNIU/WNIJ


Station Value: Learning Something New


What have you learned this week?

If you listen regularly to WXXX, chances are you learned something you didn't know before.

That's because WXXX is a partner with National Public Radio in bringing you stories from all over the world.

In fact, that's probably one of the first things you noticed when you found public radio * that it feeds your desire to keep learning. Where else can you find that in today's media world?

That's one of the reasons we're here asking for your support. So we can keep bringing you new things, and help you learn something new.

If that's valuable to you, I hope you'll call now with a contribution at (PHONE NUMBER).

Submitted by:

Tim Emmons, WNIU/WNIJ


Station Value: Curiosity


Are you a curious person? I don’t mean people look at you funny.

I mean you’re interested in learning new things…and gaining insight and understanding about issues and problems and people in the world.

Curiosity drives you to tune in NPR news. You know that you’ll learn something new every day.

You know that you’ll gain a few new insights.

You know that your time will be well spent.

Now spend some money well, too, by investing in WXXX.

Submitted by:

Tom Duval, WMRA


Station Value: Plasma


You can pay thousands for a plasma TV, but your program choices will stay the same.

You can buy a cheap radio and hear the best broadcast journalism in the country. (And it’s easier to carry around than a 50 inch TV.)

What’s most important to you, I’m guessing, is the content, not the technology.

[STATION] and NPR keep you informed with simple, old-fashioned FM radio.

You can invest in a fancy TV and pretty pictures. And you can invest in public radio.

How about a 10 or 20 dollar a month investment so that you can always stay well-informed?

Only public radio takes you inside the story, with the moments of reflection and analysis that keep you coming back day after day.

Listener support makes it possible.

Submitted by:

Tom Duval, WMRA




WXXX nourishes your appreciation for the arts with locally produced radio music programs:


Whether it is a recorded performance from outstanding home-grown talent, or a story that exposes a new perspective, WXXX brings the arts community together through radio.

Invest in this community by making a contribution. Call (PHONE NUMBER) with your pledge. (PHONE NUMBER) or log on our secure server (WEB SITE) and click on the (describe how to find the pledge link).

And thanks!

Submitted by:

Michelle Walker, West Virginia Public Radio


Station Value: Serious Source


Isn’t it wonderful that there’s a source for serious, unbiased discussion of issues and topics that are important to you?

Aren’t you glad that there is still a radio station that values integrity and thoroughness as much as you do?


WXXX news and information programming covers what matters to you. And it’s done it with intelligence:


·        During the day, Diane Rehm talks with today’s news makers to provide you with a clearer picture of what’s happening in the world and why.

·        Morning Edition and All Things Considered are flagship news magazines that set the standard for all other news reporting.

·        On weekends the Car Guys make you laugh and Garrison Keillor makes reminisce of a town that doesn’t even exist.

What a relief that there’s radio programming that challenges ignorance instead of fostering it.

It’s radio that makes a difference in your life and in our community.


Help keep it on the air by calling with your contribution now. (PHONE NUMBER)… or give online at (WEBSITE).

Submitted by:

Bryan Talbott, WFAE




Most listeners have the radio on while they’re doing something else.

So stop for a minute.

Put down that bowl of cereal. Get your hand off that computer mouse. Just…stop.

Remember the last time you did that with WXXX? There was that story on Morning Edition that stopped you from getting out of the car and into work, because you had to hear the ending. Or that music you heard on (MUSIC PROGRAM) that made you stop and think about the first time you fell in love.

That’s what WXXX brings you – riveting radio. Radio that makes you stop and think. Stop and feel. And start believing again.

You believe in WXXX. So please stop for a minute longer, and start supporting your beliefs by making a donation now at (PHONE NUMBER).

You’ll make a difference.

Submitted by:

Dan Mushalko, WCBE



Station/Any Program

Seems there is a new exercise fad every week…new machines, new celebrity programs, all claiming to change your life.

Well here’s an exercise routine that never goes out of style, and you already do:

You exercise your mind with WXXX.

When you listen to (PROGRAM), you’re stimulating your brain.

And then, when you say to someone, “Did you hear this on (PROGRAM) this week?” you’re working out with a friend!

All this stays available for the low price of your pledge of support.

So give us a call now (PHONE NUMBER). That’s (PHONE NUMBER). And Thanks.

Submitted by:

Alice Ferris, KNAU


Station Value: Your Station #1


Why is WXXX your radio station?

Perhaps it’s because WXXX turns your morning routine into time well-spent.

Or maybe it’s because WXXX is a refuge from a world in which everyone has to shout to be heard.

No matter what the reason… please know that WXXX is only as good as the support it receives from you.

Listener contributions help pay for everything you hear.

Your contributions really do make WXXX a better radio station.

So please call with your pledge now.

The number is (PHONE NUMBER).




Station Value: Your Station #2

News or Talk

Why is WXXX your radio station?

Perhaps it’s because WXXX is a voice of reason in a time when civil discourse is rare commodity.

Or maybe it’s because WXXX sparks your interest in history, music, or science.

No matter what the reason… please know that the quality of what you hear is a direct result of the support we receive from you.

Listener contributions help pay for everything you hear.

Your contributions really do make this a better radio station.

So please call with your pledge now.

The number is (PHONE NUMBER).




Make A Difference: Investment


You work hard for your money and when you make an investment,

it’s only natural to have certain expectations. You want assurance

that your money is being managed responsibly, and expect to see that investment grow into something that will bring long-term benefits to you and your family.

An investment in WXXX yields returns every time you tune in, whether it’s for music, news of the day, to be entertained, or for information about what’s going on right in your community.

The beauty of an investment in public radio is that it’s always

guaranteed to be a great value, because YOU decide what this station is worth to you.

We hope that you’ll be as generous as you can, but it doesn’t take a month’s pay to really make a difference.

Just a two-minute call will pay dividends for you, and for WXXX.

Please renew your membership or make your first contribution right

now with a quick, two-minute call to (PHONE NUMBER). Your membership gift is a sound investment and makes possible everything you hear on WXXX.

Thanks very much.

Submitted by:

Charles Horn, KHSU




One of the definitions of “trust” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.”

One characteristic that defines the relationship between public radio stations such as WXXX and you… our listeners… is trust.

You trust what you hear. We trust that you will support it with a contribution.

The funding model for public radio is and has always been a reliance on the voluntary support of our listeners. You insure the future of WXXX with your pledge of support.

So please join those who have already shown their support for WXXX by calling (PHONE NUMBER).

It keeps the programs you trust… programs such as (PROGRAM NAME) on the radio.


Submitted by:

Alice Ferris, KNAU


MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Hard Cost of Excellence



That’s how much it costs WXXX to broadcast every hour.

From buying CDs for (local show name) to sending the subscription fees for (national show name) – even paying for the electricity to power up our transmitter – there are a lot of hard costs behind every hour of great programming you hear on WXXX.

Each show has its own cost-of-doing-business…but if you average our total budget across every hour of the day, the bill totals $(FULL STATION COST PER HOUR).

So here’s a great way to support the shows you love: buy one! Call us now at (phone number) with a donation of $(FULL STATION COST PER HOUR), and you’ll have paid for an hour of Morning Edition. Can you spare $(HALF STATION COST PER HOUR)?

That’ll buy you a half hour of Car Talk. Or if the household budget’s a little tight today, why not bring (city) the first fifteen minutes of (local show) for just $(1/4 STATION COST PER HOUR)?

It’s easy to buy a little time for public radio! Just pick up the phone and call (PHONE NUMBER)…but hurry: time is of the essence!

(To calculate full station cost per hour, divide your annual budget

by 8,760)

Submitted by:

Dan Mushalko, WCBE


Make A Difference: A Couple Of Dimes

NPR News

It used to be that all a journalist needed for work was a notebook, a pen, and a couple of dimes… so he could call his stories into the office.

Today… NPR reporters such as ___________ still carry around notebooks… but they also need digital audio recorders and satellite phones. It adds up to thousands of dollars.

That’s what it takes to bring you news and analysis of the complex events occurring around the world.

It’s an expensive endeavor… but one that you make possible with a new member contribution of $________.

That’s less than 20 cents a day… which means a dime or two stills plays an important role in bringing you the news.

Call with your contribution now at (PHONE NUMBER).

And thanks.



Make A Difference: Your Station

NPR News

This a good opportunity to remind you that WXXX is your radio station… the one that wakes you up in the morning… makes your commute more bearable… and offers good companionship on the weekend.

Of course… the idea of this being your radio station only goes so far.

If you actually owned this station… you’d find a bill from NPR in your mailbox each October to the tune of $_________.

And that’s just for the news programs.

The beauty of public radio is that you get all of the benefits of that $_______ investment… and all you have to pay is what you see fit.

Your gift… put together with those from your friends and neighbors… adds up to what we need to make WXXX a great radio station.

Support your radio station now with a contribution at (PHONE NUMBER).



Make A Difference: It Shouldn’t Matter

Station/Listener Support

It shouldn’t matter that federal funding continues to shrink as a share of WXXX’s budget.

It shouldn’t matter whether business support for WXXX goes up or down with the economy.

The news you get from WXXX shouldn’t be dependent on the whims on congressional committees or the mood of the markets.

And it won’t be… as long as you make a contribution.

Listeners are our most reliable source of income… making up __% of our annual budget.

The quality of what you hear everyday is a direct reflection of the listener support we receive.

Ensure the quality of the (news/music).

Please call now with your gift.


Or give on-line at (WEBSITE)




Make A Difference: Headline/Bottom line

NPR News

In a world where headlines are affected by bottom-lines... we are glad that we remain non-commercial... and dependent on our listeners… on you… as our most important source of income.

Because we’re accountable to you… not Wall Street or Madison Avenue or Capitol Hill… we can bring you clear, concise, and objective news coverage.

That’s what makes public radio worth your attention. That’s what makes WXXX worth your support.

Please help keep this service strong by calling in with your gift now… and thanks.

The number to call is (PHONE NUMBER).



Give Now

Web Pledging

It’s easy to make your pledge of support to WXXX on-line on our secure website at (WEBSITE).

In a short time you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve done your part to support the quality programming that you rely on.

Whether you listen for news and information on Morning Edition and All Things Considered, classical music or entertaining programs like Car Talk and A Prairie Home Companion, you know that WXXX is here for you whenever you need us.

Now we are asking you to be here for us when we need you. Help fund the programming that you value by making your pledge to WXXX on-line.

Details are available at (WEB SITE).

Thanks for your support.

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Web Pledging

At times you may prefer email to picking up the phone.

Maybe you’d rather order that best seller you’ve been wanting

on-line instead of heading out to a bookstore.

And you might find it more convenient to make your contribution to (STATION) on the web.

It’s quick and easy to do -- and it’s secure. Just go to (WEBSITE).

You’ll be doing your part to support the programming you rely on, and you can do it when and how it works for you.

Details are available at (WEBSITE).

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Web Pledging

When you make your contribution to WXXX on-line at (WEBSITE), you are taking responsibility to keep the news and information, the classical music, the engaging interviews, and the enriching entertainment you demand from WXXX on the air.

And you are helping us put more of your contribution to work.

On-line pledging is more cost effective for the station. You help us save us money in mailing, paper and processing costs.

You get the programming you rely on, the satisfaction of knowing you’re helping to keep it on the air, and the benefit of knowing that more of your dollars are going to work here at WXXX.

Details are available at (WEBSITE).

Thanks for your support.

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Web Pledging

You can now pledge your support to WXXX quickly, securely and conveniently on-line at (WEBSITE).

You’ll also find information about WABE’s programming, national and world headlines, and even the local weather forecast.

…you can also see the thank you gifts we’re offering during our membership campaign.

That’s convenient, secure on-line pledging at (WEBSITE).

Thank you.

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Web Pledging and Newsletter

Join the growing group of WXXX listeners who support the station on our website at (WEBSITE).

It’s fast and secure and you can see the thank you gifts we’re offering during this fund drive.

And while you’re making your contribution on our pledge page, we invite you to click “yes” to sign up for (Newsletter name), our free monthly e-newsletter.

You’ll find out about programs you won’t want to miss on WXXX plus interesting articles and audio on our website.

That’s (WEBSITE)… and thanks.

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards

Your contribution to WXXX on a major credit card is a greener way to give -- and assures that more of your dollars will go to work for the station more quickly.

Credit card pledging is more cost efficient and saves us processing time and money. And it’s quick, easy and convenient for you.

And with your pledge of $90 or more on your credit card you can choose to receive a one year’s subscription to Newsweek as an additional thank you gift from WXXX. When you call (PHONE NUMBER)be sure to let the operator know you’d like to receive Newsweek -- or when you pledge $90 or more at (WEBSITE), remember to select the Newsweek option.

We accept your Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover card.

So please join us by making a pledge on your credit card right now at (PHONE NUMBER)or on our secure website at (WEBSITE).

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards

More of your dollars go toward supporting the station when you charge your pledge to WXXX.

Credit card pledges save us time, processing costs, and mailing fees.

So please charge your pledge to WXXX during our membership campaign. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover.

You can call in your pledge to (PHONE NUMBER) or make a secure on-line pledge at (WEBSITE).

And remember to charge it – and make your pledge dollars go further for you and WXXX.

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards

Credit card pledging is quick and easy and you’ll become a WXXX member or renew your membership in just one step.

Charging your pledge will save you the time and postage it takes to mail a check back to the station. And WXXX will save the time, postage and paper it takes to send you a bill.

Your pledge on your Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover becomes an immediate contribution to WXXX.

So charge your pledge today at (PHONE NUMBER) or on our secure website at (WEBSITE).


Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards

Chances are you like to save time and money just as much as we do -- and you can do just that when you charge your pledge to WXXX.

Your credit card pledge saves us all time and mailing costs, and your pledge becomes an immediate contribution to the station.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

So please make your pledge today at (PHONE NUMBER) and charge it!

Or you can charge your pledge on our secure website at (WEBSITE).


Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards

When was the last time you received your credit card statement and felt good about the purchases you made?

You may wish you hadn’t gone out for dinner so frequently. Or maybe you wish you hadn’t indulged in chocolates or gone one that shopping spree.

Consider making your pledge to WXXX on your Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover card. Your support makes public radio possible – and, when you charge your pledge, you help to make an immediate difference.

One of the best things about making your pledge on a credit card is the good feeling you’ll get the next time you receive your credit card statement. It’s a charge you can feel good about all year long.

So please make your pledge to WXXX and have your credit card ready.

You can call us at (PHONE NUMBER) or charge your pledge on our secure website at (WEBSITE).

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards

You can charge your pledge ... and it's a popular way to make a contribution to WXXX. 

First, it's easy. Our volunteer takes your name, address, and credit card information - and that's it. You are automatically a member of the station. 

Then, next month when you get your credit card statement, you see you charged several trips to the gas station, a few shopping trips ...  and, there's your contribution to our station. A reminder in print, right there in black and white, that you did a great thing for public radio.

So, when you make your pledge, please bring your credit card with you to your phone or your computer.

You can call us at (PHONE NUMBER) or charge your pledge on our secure website at (WEBSITE).

Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


Give Now

Credit Cards: Magazine

Your pledge to WXXX on your Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express saves trees, time and postage -- and also greatly reduces the station’s processing costs.

So please make your call to (PHONE NUMBER) and let the operator know you’d like to put your pledge to WXXX on your credit card.

Or if you prefer, you can charge your pledge securely on-line at (WEBSITE).

And with your pledge of $____ or more on your credit card you can receive a one year’s subscription to (MAGAZINE) as an additional thank you gift.

When you call (PHONE NUMBER) be sure to let the operator know you’d like to receive (MAGAZINE) -- or when you pledge $__ or more at (WEBSITE), remember to select the (MAGAZINE) option.


Submitted by:

Pat Marcus, WABE


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